Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 03, 2003, Page 2, Image 2

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December 03. 2003
M em bers o f W illam ette Federal
C red it U nion have v oted o v e r­
w helm ingly to m erge with A dvan­
tage N W Federal C redit U nion at a
special m eeting o f the m em bers.
Both credit unions serve people
w ho live, w ork, attend school or
w orship in the north and northeast
P o rtlan d area. W illam ette also
serves those w ho live o r w ork in
industrial northw est Portland and
dow ntow n from its office on Front
A venue at N.W . 17th A venue.
A dvantage's m ain office is on
K illingsw orth Street at N orth Inter­
state A venue. T hey also have a
branch in H erm iston.
Accordi ng to Wi 1 lam ette’ s Presi-
dent and C EO , W endy W hittaker,
the m erger will make a num ber o f
additional services av ailab le to
m em bers o f W illam ette including
on-line banking, and credit cards.
T he com bined credit union will
have assets in ex cesso f $.35 million,
photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ori land O bserver
m ore than a 50 percent grow th for Credit union executives Joellen Chamberlain (left) and Wendy Whittaker shake hands on a merger deal outside the Advantage NW
A dvantage.
Credit Union on North Killingsworth Street and Interstate Avenue. Advantage is merging with Willamette Federal Credit Union.
Judge Robinson Scholarship Established
Judge Roosevelt Robinson
Dear Deannal
M y te e n a g e d a u g h te r is go in g
th ro u g h a self-esteem crisis. She
has fu ll-lip s and feels u g ly and
a sh am ed b ecau se o th e r ch ild ren
icase h e r about h av in g b ig lips.
As a p aren t, w hat can I can do to
mttke h e r feel b e tte r ab o u t h e r­
self? —A n o n y m o u s in D C
Dear Anonymous in DC
T each y o u r d a u g h te r ab o u t the
b eau ty o f full lips. A s a m a tte r o f
fact, you can do that by b rin g in g
h er atte n tio n to the m any H o lly ­
w oo d ty p es th at pay th o u san d s
o f d o lla rs to m ake th e ir lips b ig ­
ger. L et y o u r d a u g h ter know that
her lips are b eautiful, fash io n ab le
and a d o m in an t part o f h er h e ri­
tage. N ow , fo r the teasin g kids,
y o u r d a u g h te r sh o u ld en jo y be-
Friends and colleagues o f re­ and has lived his life as a sterling
tired M ultnom ah C ounty C ircuit exam ple o f the value o f earning a
Judge Roosevelt R obinson have legal education," said college dean
established a scholarship fund in Jim Huffman.
his honor at Lew is and C lark Law
The scholarship fund will assist
School. The fund will provide schol­ students w ho have experienced
arships to m inority students w ork­ sim ilar circum stances as Robinson,
ing to earn a law degree at the a background he describes as “aca­
southw est Portland law school.
dem ically sound, but econom ically
‘‘R o o s e v e lt R o b in s o n h as d ep ressed ."
touched the lives o f many people
“Roosevelt has alw ays rem ained
true to the ideals o f public service
w h ile h elp in g m in o rities m ake
progress w ithin the legal profes­
sion,” said H uffm an. "T he scholar­
ship will be his legacy to future
generations o f law yers.”
B om in V aldosta, G a., R obinson
endured hardships including the
m urder o f his m other. R aised by his
g reat-grandm other, he w as high
school valedictorian. R obinson at-
ing c h ild ish fo r a m o m en t as she
tells th em , ‘‘stick s an d sto n es w ill
b reak m y b o n es, bu t w o rd s w ill
n ev er h u rt m e.”
eye contact while taking a big Iick or
bite o f som ething and then proceed
to hand it over. I guarantee she will
turn on her heel and say no thank-
you and will definitely think tw ice
before asking fo rso m eth in g else. -
Dear Deanna!
One of my co-worker* n greedy
-My Friends Use the N-Word
and alw ays asjts for tflyjooijyvhen
la m e n tin g . I d o n 't m in d sh arin g
but th ere are tim es I h av e a sm all
p o rtio n and I d o n 't h av e en o u g h
to share. I tell h er no, b u t she
reaches for my food anyw ay. How
d o I p o litely turn h er aw ay ? --
Dear Deanna!
Need to Eat; Decatur, GA
Dear Need to Eat
O bviously telling her no like an
adult d o esn ’t work. T ake drastic
m easures. The next tim e she asks
for som ething, cough all o v er your
food. If that d o esn ’t w ork, m ake
Real People, Real Advice
Ask Deanna! lx an advice
column known fur it'x
fearless approach Io
reality laixed subjects!
I have friends w ho use the N -w ord
in public. T his is very em barrass­
ing when they purposely blurt it
out loud in front o f people o f a
different race. I try w alking aw ay
from them w hen they get started so
it do esn ’t appear as if I am with
them . T his w orks until they notice
w hat I’m doing and then they start
calling m e the N -w ord. H ow can I
m ake them see this is w rong and the
negativity needs to be stopped? -
-N o M ore N -W ord; Jackson, MS
te n d ed S o u th w e ste rn C h ristian
C ollege and then m oved to O regon
w here he w orked for N abisco in
northeast Portland. He earned a
bachelor o f arts degree in sociol­
ogy from the U niversity o f Portland
and his law degree from Lewis and
Clark Law School.
F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , c a ll
5 0 3 -7 6 8 -6 6 4 1 o r v is it h ttp ://
Dear No More
I can im agine your discom fort be­
cause the N -word is associated with
negativity and is m ade w orse when
used by the race in a dem eaning
fashion. Each tim e a step o f
progress goes forw ard, this type
behavior causes tw o steps back­
w ards. E ducate your friends on the
m eaning o f the N -w ord and help
them see how it affects those o f all
races. Let them know they are act­
ing ignorant and are m ade m ore so
when they publicly do this. This
type m entality and behavior like
the slave days are over.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@ yahoo.com or
write: Deanna M. P.O. Box
88847, Los Angeles, CA 90009
Center would
become part
of the
(AP) — Congress has ap­
proved the creation of a na­
tional museum of black history
and culture, where visitors
from around the world can
learn about 400 years o f
struggle and progress.
"America will finally have a
museum worthy of the gen­
eration of men and women
who have sacrificed so much
and given so deeply to the
cause of freedom ,” Senate
Majority Leader Bill Frist of
Tennessee said.
The measure now goes to
President Bush.
Georgia Rep. John Lewis, a
former civil rights leader, in­
troduced legislation to create
the museum in each Congress
since 1988. Every time, for
one reason or another, the mea­
sure failed in the House or
But if Bush signs the bill into
law, it would clear the way for
fund raisin g and for the
Smithsonian Board of Regents
to choose a site for it within a
“John Lewis, when he came
to Washington this became a
personal crusade,” said Sen.
Harry Reid, D-Nev. “This is
the culmination of a dream he
started years ago.”
The estimated $400 million
initial price tag would be split
evenly between the federal
g o v ern m e n t and p riv ate
sources. The bill authorizes
$ 17 million in the first year to
start the project.
Proposed sites are the
Smithsonian’s Arts and Indus­
tries Building; an area near the
Washington Monument; an area
closer to the Jefferson Memo­
rial; and a waterfront site a few
blocks south of the Mall.