November 26, 2003 Page A4 O pinion Portland Observer USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 ___________ Established 1970 4 7 4 7 NE M a rtin L u th e r King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer E d i t o » - i n -C m i t t , P c b l i s h f » ] C i i i m t D i » » c T o » Paul Neufeldt Charles H. Washington E d it o » O D is r iu ir io s M a n Mark Washington f f I C t M A N A G K » Kathy Linder Michael Leighton a c t » H e r o K T K » Jaymee R. Cuti PosTMAsttti: Send address changes to P o rtla n d O bserver P 0 Box 3 1 3 7 , P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 8 ___________ P e r io d ic a l P o s ta g e p a id In P o r t la n d , OR ■ S u b s c r ip t io n s a r e $ 6 0 . 0 0 p e r y e a r____________ 5 0 3 -2 8 8 0 0 3 3 • FAX5 0 3 -2 8 8 0 0 1 5 • EMAIL: subscriDtion&DortlandobseryerjxiHJ Reservoir Alternatives Offered continued The Portland O bserver-Oregon's Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Repre­ sentative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. Death Warrant for Medicare Backroom deals give nod to special interests from Front The often-cited EPA Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Protec­ tion Rule, currently in the 9()-day comment period, does not mandate the covering or burying of our res­ ervoirs. For Portland, the new rule is all about Cryptosporidium, a mi­ croscopic parasite. For unfiltered water supplies like Portland, crypto levels are on aver­ age 10 times lower than the average level in filtered systems, but the proposed rule would require every unfiltered system to provide addi­ tional treatment, no matter how pure its source of water. This rule should be challenged. Portland, like New York City, holds a waiver to an earlier EPA requirement to filter its source wa­ ter. New York performs twice- monthly monitoring. We are cer­ tain that, if monitored, our source water would be found to have lower crypto levels than New York’s. Monitoring would be cheaper than the treatment plant at Bull Run and its corollary, burial o f Portland’s open reservoirs. The options to burying the reser­ voirs include treatment at the outlet, temporarily bypassing the reservoirs, refurbishing the existing reservoirs, and real-time monitoring. A small treatment plant could be The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property ot the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART W ITHOUT PERM ISSION IS PROHIBITED. photo bv M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver An expensive plan for put the historic Mt. Tabor reservoirs underground is drawing fire from area residents. built at the outlet of one or more reservoirs, sized for average daily Bow. Outlet treatment includes ul­ traviolet light, a cheap technology that can defeat Cryptosporidium, viruses and anthrax. Other outlet treatment options include ozone and reverse osmo­ sis, which is used by the U.S. mili­ tary to purify water for troops in the field. The city expects to spend more than $2(X) million on the reservoirs proposal, including $ 16.8 million to move the maintenance yard near Southeast 64lh and Division and construct a new road into the park to accommodate the heavy equip­ ment needed to demolish the old reservoirs and construct the new buried tanks. W e feel that Portland should independently evaluate alterna­ tives to this project. Reservoir replacem ent as planned, will irre­ vocably dam age significant his- toric resources, including the cultural fabric o f a m ajor park and com m unity. Portland should apply for an extension to its source water treat­ ment waiver, it should fight the arbitrary proposals to require un­ filtered and uncovered systems to be treated no matter ho w pure the i r source of water is, and if the rule is not changed, consider treatment at the outlet. Please contact the mayor, city council members. Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Senators Ron Wyden and Gordon Smith, as well as those who may fill these posi­ tions in the upcoming elections. Let them know that you want the city to pursue a more acceptable option for our reservoirs. Floy Jones is a member o f Friends o f the Reservoirs. The group invites area residents to learn more on their website at friendsofreservoirs. org. “I fear that the House has signed the death Early Saturday morning, Democrats voted warrant for M edicare,” said Charles B. Rangel, against the Republicans’ M edicare prescription D-NY, ranking Democrat on the Com m ittee on drug bill because it does not control the rising costs o f prescription drugs, privatizes M edicare W ays and Means. One A merican out o f every eight is 65 years and will result in nearly three million retirees or older. In addition, more than 3.6 million A fri­ losing their existing health care coverage. At approximately 3 a.m. Saturday, House can A m ericans are enrolled in Medicare. The bill passed by House Republicans would Republicans brought their M edicare bill to the House floor. For a record three hours. D em o­ take effect in 2006. It prohibits M edicare from crats won the vote by a count of 218-216, but negotiating lower drug prices and blocks re­ Republicans refused to officially end the vote. importation o f U.S. drugs from other countries at Republican leaders twisted arms, made back low er prices. In addition, up to 6.4 m illion o f the room deals for special interests and got several of their m em ­ Wc bers to change their votes. The bill was approved by a vote of 220 to 215. “For three hours tonight, the seniors o f A merica won the vote on M edicare prescription drug coverage. But then this vote was stolen from us by the Re­ publicans," House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said. “But - Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, D-Md, A m erica’s seniors will not be chalrof the Congressional Black Caucus fooled. They know this is not the beginning o f a real prescription drug benefit under M edicare. They know this is poorest M edicare beneficiaries will get less drug the beginning of the end o f Medicare, as we coverage than they have now. M illions o f seniors know it. Democrats and seniors will not stop will see their M edicare prem ium s rise if they fighting for a defined, affordable prescription refuse to give up their doctor and join an HMO. “The A merican people will see what C on­ drug benefit that is guaranteed under M edicare.” “I am saddened that on an issue which both gress has done and they’re confused,” Rep. parties agreed was a top priority, we continue to Rangel said. “They see M edicare as one o f the remain so di vided,” said Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, greatest successes ever, and they are right. It has D-Md, chair o f the Congressional Black Caucus. allow ed seniors to live longer and better. So if it “We had an opportunity, a golden opportunity, to a in ’t broken, w hy are we enacting radical deliver to A m erica’s seniors a com prehensive changes?” More than 210 organizations opposed the bill prescription drug benefit through Medicare. “Un­ fortunately, what the Republicans want us to saying that it would dism antle the program se­ niors have know and trusted for nearly 40 years. deliver to seniors is a bad bill o f goods.” had an opportunity, a golden opportunity, to deliver to America's seniors a comprehensive prescription drug benefit through Medicare. Unfortunately, what the Republicans want us to deliver to seniors is a bad bill o f goods. Michael Deserves Due Process R ev . J esse L. J ackson S r . The allegations of child mo­ le sta tio n ch a rg es b ro u g h t against Michael Jackson are very serious and regardless of the outcome, there will be no winners in this case. In times such as this it is important that we allow the ju ­ dicial system to take its course tried in acourt of law, not in the court of public opinion. Pundits will spin, newspapers will run banner head­ lines; but the bottom line is, we cannot know what really took place and speculation serves no purpose. I am pleased that M ichael and his attorney ap ­ pear to be cooperating with law enforcem ent offi­ cials as any dram a or delay only feeds the frenzy. However, already we have grave concerns about how the Santa Barbara District A ttorney’s Office is bv DRUG TEST Did you know... • Alcohol is the number-one drug problem amongyouth? • More youth drink alcohol than smoke cigarettes or use illegal drugs? • Alcohol use contributes to the three leading causes of death among Oregon teens? Alcohol use among youth is a serious health problem that can lead to addiction, poor performance in school and sports, violence, other drug use and other risky behaviors. But help is available... Oregon Partnership HouthLine provides free and confidential services for individual seeking assistance with alcohol or other drug problems. Call 503-244-1312 today OREGON PARTNERSHIP Preventing Substance Abuse. Changing Lives www. copartnership. org o handling this case. Over the course of 12 hours, the S heriff s Depart­ ment served a search warrant on Jackson’s Santa Barbara residence involving over 70 law enforcement officers - some in flak jackets - accompanied by doc­ tors and an ambulance. This is overkill. Furthermore, at a press conference to announce that charges would be filed, District Attorney Thomas W. Sneddon Jr. proceeded to make several jokes which were completely inappropriate. There is noth­ ing funny about this case. Law enforcement must do their job in a manner befitting the serious allegations in this case. In closing, Michael deserves due process; the newsrooms should remain objective and the global community must not hasten to judgment. Rev. Jesse L. Jackson is a long time civil rights advocate and founder and president o f the Rainbow/ PUSH Coalition. J o s f .M e n I n R e c o v e r y Presents? I lie 7fh Annual All Alale .Fashion Show! ! Miracles Club 4069 N.E. M.L.K. & Mason Saturday December 6th, 2003 6pm-10pm. Food, Raffle and Entertainment Featuring: Black Notes Also Staring Da Final Chapter Featuring Clothing From: A Step Above, Steppin Out Mens Wear For More Information Contact: Michael B. @ 503-267-3192 Ticket Prices: $ 12.00 At The Door • $ 10.00 General Admission $7.00 Treatment Facilities • $100.00 V.I.P. Tables i