. November 19. 2003 (Elje JJortlanh (0bseruer PageA5 Italian Thanksgiving: Á zá W by J aymkk R. C i ti /I ' he P ortland O bserver W hen holidays kick the kitchen into high gear, my fam ily ditches the cookbooks and relies on oral tradition for nostalgic nourishm ent. Baked /iti is a favorite for its sim ple preparation and versatility as a side for turkey buffs or a main course for vegetar ians. T his cheesy baked pasta dish pleases G randm as and com pany alike. Also co m plem ents C hristm as ham ! INGREDIENTS: 1 pkg. (I lb.) ziti (tube m acaroni); 2-3 jars tom ato sauce (or follow sauce recipe below ); I lb. shredded m ozzarella cheese. DIRECTIONS: • Preheat oven to 325 degrees • C ook ziti al dente (slightly underdone) according to box • C om bine ziti. sauce and cheese in an oven-safe casserole dish o r disposable alum inum tray for easy cleanup Dear Deanna! My ex -b o y frien d 's a drug dealer th at's been in jail for 13 years and getting ready to be re leased. I got m arried shortly after he was put in prison because I had to go on w ith my life. H e 'll be out after T hanksgiving and he called me and said h e's com ing to my house and h e 's going to kick my d o o r dow n and th ro w m y h u sb a n d out. 1 d o n 't know what to d o . --K eyo n a ; —Tonya M.; Norfolk, VA Ask Dear Tonya M: H olidays are for fam ilies even if yours is from a Jerry S pringer movie. If dinner is at your house, p u rc h a s e d w ith y o u r m oney, then you make the rules. Instead o f keeping hirnaway, be firm and let him know he has to com e sober or he can stay at hom e and eat a microwave meal. Real People, Real Advice Patterson, NJ Dear Keyona: D o n 't let this turkey spoil your T hanksgiv ing holiday. Sounds like you d id n 't find closure betw een getting rid o f the jail bird and settling dow n with your husband. Let your husband know w h at's going on so th ere'll be no surprises. D o n 't panic b e cause your ex-boyfriend will be on proba tion when h e ’s released. If he com es to your door with dram a— smile while dialing 911 and his parole violation will send him back to jail ju st in tim e for Christm as. Dear Deanna! I d o n 't want to invite my father to my house for T hanksgiving because he gets drunk and causes a disaster. Last year, w hile drunk, he stuck his hand inside the turkey w hile we w ere praying; he used the b ath room in the closet and then started cursing everybody. It was em barrassing and all the guests left w ithout eating and the food was w asted. How do I tell him to stay hom e? Dear Deanna! Thanksgiving is sad for me because I lost a friend inadrunken driving accident. I have a hard time dealing with the holiday because o f this. I feel guilty because I didn't take his keys and I'm driving m yself crazy thinking o f what I could have done differently or how I could have stopped him. What can I do in his honor so I can have joy w h en th is h o lid a y ro lls a ro u n d ? — Anthony; Tulsa, OK Dear Anthony: Unfortunately, death is alsoa part o f life. You must go on for your sake as well as your friend. Remember the gixxl times and realize that when G od calls, there's nothing we can do about it regardless o f the m anner He removes his people from the earth. The best way to honor your friend is by educating others about the dangers o f drunk driving so lives may be spared and statistics o f alcohol related deaths can be reduced. Ask D eanna is written by D eanna M. W rite A sk D eanna! E m a il: askdeannal@ yahoo.com or P.O. Box 88847, Los Angeles, CA 90009 • C over w ith alum inum foil and bake for 45-50 m inutes, or until cheese is m elted M akes one tray. C om bine w ith salad and bread or T h an k sg iv ing sides for 8 to 10 hearty eaters. Sprinkle w ith crushed red pepper and parm esan cheese to taste. Bonus: Homemade Tomato Sauce 1 1/2 large onion, chopped; 3 cloves garlic, minced; 2 Tbsp. olive oil; I large can crushed tomatoes; 2 small cans tomato paste; 2 paste cans of water; 2 tsp. sweet basil; Vi tsp. salt; *4 tsp. black pepper Heat olive oil over medium heat in a large pot. Sauté garlic and onions. Combine all ingredients and cook to a light boil. Simmer over low heat for one hour, to blend all flavors. Turkey fryers make delicious meals but must also be used carefully to avoid serious injuries. Army Veteran Guilty in Sniper Case Turkey Fryer Safety Urged o f FBI analyst Linda Franklin at a H ome Depot in Falls C hurch He tank at a M anassas gas station. also could get the death penalty. He w as also found guilty o f co n M alvo’s attorneys are pursuing an spiracy tocom m it m urder and use insanity defense, arguing that the o f a firearm in a felony. young man had been "in d o ctri T he v ictim 's brother Robert nated" by M uham m ad. said he believes M uham m ad d e In all. the tw o m en w ere accused serves the death penalty: "I must o f shooting 19 people - killing 13 say that I c a n 't think o f too many and w ounding six - in A labam a. m ore heinous crim es than this G eorgia, Louisiana. M aryland, Vir- o ne.” giniaand W ashington, D.C., in what F e llo w su s p e c t L ee B oyd prosecutors said w as an attem pt to M alvo, 18, is on trial separately in extort $ 10 m illion from the govern nearby C hesapeake for the k i 11 ing ment. c o n tin u e d T hanksgiving is n 't a holiday m ost people associate with burn injuries, apart from m inor burns suffered w hile w restling a ju st-out-of-the-oven B utterball onto a carv ing platter. But the latest turkey-cooking craze using fryers poses fire and burn hazards - heightened by the fact that T hanksgiving often involves houses crow ded with vis iting relatives and active children. A m erican M edical R esponse N orthw est is dedicated to injury prevention and suggests follow ing the tips from the Burn Institute to help you and your loved ones prevent serious injuries during the holidays. N ever leave turkey fryers unattended and alw ays use them outdoors. Keep fryers aw ay from com bustible m aterials and place them on a Hat, stable surface. N ever overfill the fryer or heat the oil above the recom m ended tem perature. A lw ays follow the fryer m an u factu rer's recom m endations and use a therm om eter to gauge food tem perature. A lw ays thaw your turkey com pletely before placing it in the fryer. N ever m ove the fryer once it is in operation and keep children aw ay from the unit at all tim es. M ake sure the oil incom pletely cooled before rem oving it from the fryer. In case o f fire, im m ediately call 9 - 1 - 1. Do not attem pt to-extinguish the fire with w ater! fr o m A 2 Tïipac’s Mom Brings His Dream to Life c o n tin u e d fr o m A 2 her so n ’s life, this is the first to have a m ajor theatrical release. “I think from the tim e it's re leased. it will alw ays be the refer ence m aterial that anybody uses about T upac," his m other says. "A nd that’s because this is a docum entary feature film that has T upac talking about T upac.” Indeed, the m ost rem arkable aspect o f the m ovie is that the slain rapper serves as narrator o f his ow n short life. Film m akers c re ated this eerie effect by poring over more than 40 interviews, then splic ing them together to create one seam less narrative. “It was just very important for the story to be told in his ow n words." says Sue Pelino, re-recording engi neer for the film, w ho spent a year editing the interviews. “The only way it could have been better if he had been sitting there next to us.” NEW S E A S O N S THE Word, Bird ON THE S a m p le o u r fre e - ra n g e D ie s te l tu rk e y a n d T h a n k s g iv in g d e li s id e s th is w e e k e n d 11 a m - 5 p m S a t u r d a y & S u n d a y Don't foroeh.. ...to p re -o rd e r y o u r T h a n k s g iv in g tu rk e y a n d sid e d ish e s. View o u r entire T h a n k s g iv in g m e n u o n lin e Waiff hr Order! O nline: w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a rk e t.c o m 2. Visit o n e o f o u r s to re s 3. Call o n e o f o u r sto re s rfie frtondfash store in town. E A S Y & F U N C O N C O R D IA N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r t h P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 503 288 3838 O p e n 8 a m -1 0 p m I TO S H O P O R E N C O S T A T IO N N E 6 1 s t & C o r n e ll R d H ills b o r o O R 9 7 1 24 5 0 3 .6 4 8 6 9 6 8 O p e n 8 a m -IO p m » R A L E I G H H IL L S SELLW OOD 7 3 0 0 S W B e a v e r t o n H ills d a le H w y . P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 2 5 503 292 6838 O p e n 8 a m -9 p m 12 14 S E T a c o m a P o r tla n d O R 9 7 2 0 2 503 230 4949 O p e n 8 a m -1 0 p m