Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 19, 2003, Page 10, Image 10

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November 19, 2003
(Elje ÿlortlanb (Observer
R eligion
Social Justice Forum Planned
Church of the Living God
C h ris tia n w orkers f o r fe llo w ­
C atholic social teaching and
the law, the media, the parish,
education and health care will be
d iscu ssed during a lecture in
h o n o r o f M onsignor T hom as
Tobin, whose life’s work was
dedicated to social justice and
sh ip
6401 N.E. 10,h Avenue
Portland, O regon 9 7 2 1 1
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Evening Worship
Weds Bible Study
Pastor and First
Lady Rox G. Moxie
9:45 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
liturgical reform. Tobin served as
Pastor at All Saints Parish in
northeast Portland for 28 years,
from 1942 to 1979.
The lecture is from 8:39to 11 a.m.
Saturday, Dec. 13 at All Saints
The program includes a panel
discussion with Robert Castagna,
executive director o f the Oregon
C a th o lic C o n fe re n c e , R obert
Pfohman, editor o f the Catholic
Sentinel, Father Patrick Walsh,
pastor for the St. M ichael the Arch-
lor Gospel
"Where there is no vision, The People perish. ”
For more information please call
(503) 284-5171
A new face in Gospel music, Smokie Norful
is saying "thank you” with his album Limited
Edition, which will be distributed by the EMI
Christian Music Group, a member of EMI
Norful comes live from his Chicago-based
home church with beloved and breathtaking
renditions of “O Holy Night,” and live ar­
rangements such as “Still Say Thank You”
and "Praise Him.”
Having experienced overwhelming suc­
cess as a new artist, the release of Limited
Edition is an extension of Norful’s “thank
you" campaign whereby he conveys his grati­
tude to everyone who has been instrumental
in his success.
Everyone 's Welcome.....
431 NE Jarrett Street
Portland, OR 97211
(503) 4 9 3 -6 0 2 7
angel Parish in Sandy, S ister
M aria Ciriello, the dean o f the
School o f Education at the U ni­
versity o f Portland and Father
John Touhey, chair o f Applied
H ealth care Ethics at Providence-
St. Vincent M edical Center.
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Smokie Norful has a breathtaking rendition
o f the Christmas classic ‘0 Holy Night' in ,
his Limited Edition CD.
Rich Flavors from th e C aribbean
C onch Fritters • Crab C allaloo • G ro u p e r Fish
Jerk Chicken • Roti • and much more!
L unch • D inner • C atering • B anquets
Lunch 11:3O-2pm
Dinner 5:30pm-9:30pm
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F ormfriv C ouch S trfft F ish i l o u s t • P arking A vauauhf
503 274-2510
M o rtg a g e
S e r v ic e s
Augustana Hosts Kids Peace Fair
The 8'h annual C hildren’s
Peace Fair reminds the com ­
munity that war toys and vio­
lence toward children are in­
com patible with the holiday
spirit, "peace on earth and
goodwill to all."
The fair, from I to 4 p.m.
Wally Tesfa
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M u lti-M illio n
$ Service
al" fdorthntb (Obstruer
peace and ju stic e groups and T h eatre, the “ No K idding
other activist org an izatio n s Choir” fr<im Fern wood Middle .
will lead ch ild ren ’s activities School and local m usician
in c lu d in g a rt a n d c r a f t Dave Cole-Hall.
This event is organized by
p ro je c ts, n o n -c o m p e titiv e
gam es and face painting.
the War Resisters League of
Performances include The Portland. For more inform a­
W orld o f W onders Puppet tion, call 503-287-9891.
Praise Extravaganza Saturday
A rea resid en ts are invited to Jr. Blvd.
a praise and w orship e x tra v a ­
“C om e jo in us as we lift up
g a n z a on S a tu r d a y at th e th e n a m e o f J e s u s C h r is t
Irv in g to n C o v e n a n t C h u rch , th ro u g h p ra ise and w o rsh ip
4946 N .E. M artin L u th er King so n g s, d a n c e an d s o lo is ts ,”
church leaders said.
T he praise fest is sch ed u led
to begin pro m p tly at 6 p.m . For
more inform ation, call A rrianna
M oody at 593-287-5919.
M orthw nt Pneperltw
Valedictorian, Loving Father Remembered
Northwest Properties
1730 NE 19th Ave.
Portland, OR 97212
Paul A. Marshall
CELL 503 267-7586
Advertise with diversity in
Saturday, Nov. 22 in the so ­
c ia l h a ll at A u g u s ta n a
Lutheran C hurch, 2710 N.E.
14th Ave, will provide p o si­
tive play e x p e rie n c e s for
children in a co o p erativ e,
co n stru ctiv e, peaceful and
playful environm ent. Local
£sJ An Independently owned and
operated member of The Prudential
Real Estate Affiliates. Inc.
H. & B. Too
Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop
4709 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd.
A homecoming service was held Saturday,
Nov. 15,2903 at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 8725
Chautauqua Blvd., for Paul A. Marshall who
died Nov. 7 at the age o f 47.
He was bon in Portland on Dec. 5, 1955, the
fourth son of Dr. John D. and Viola Marshall. He
was the 1974 valedictorian graduate of John
Adams High School in northeast Portland and
received his BachelorofScience degree in biol­
ogy and black studies from Portland State University.
He worked for IBM for more than 17 years and was a member of
Emmanuel Temple Church where he served faithfully for 23 years.
He leaves to cherish his memories, his wife of 22 years, Arlene;
daughters. Stacy Marie, Charlotte Anne, and Lindsay Itnani; a son
Paul Andrew Jr.; four brothers, John, Robert, Steven, and Michael;
and a sister Marjorie, all of Portland; a mother-in-law, Mrs. Cleo
Steward; three brothers-in-law, Joseph Steward. Johnny Steward, and
Marion Stewart; twosisters-in-law, Dorothy Brown and Gloria Kimble;
nieces, nephews and a host family and friends.
In Loving Memory
2 blocks south of Alberta
Vernon Levell Johnson
Weekdays til 6 p.m. - Saturdays til 4 p.m.
Free Parking - State Controlled Rates - Se Habla Espanol
Oregon Family Business for over 50 years
Lie. #306
Family and friends are remembering Vernon Ixvell
Johnson, a lifelong Portland resident who died on
Nov. 19,2993. He was 43.
He was born May 25, I960. He attended Martin
Luther King Elementary School and was a 1978
graduate of Jefferson High School. He attended
Clark College in Vancouver and was an outstanding athlete.
He started a musical career at an early age and was multi-talented,
gifted musician. He played keyboard and drums, but was best known for
his skillfulness on the saxophone.
Survivors include his parents, Harold and Nadine Joyce Johnson;
brothers Vincent and Gregory Johnson, daughter Malila Loomthong and
a host of uncles, aunts and cousins. He was preceded in death by
maternal and paternal grandparents and a cousin. Shannon Tillman.
R e tire d S teel
Worker Dies at 95 T 3
Raphiel James Sr.
A memorial service was held Satur­
day, Nov. 8 at Killingsworth Little
Chapelofthe Chimes for Raphiel Janies
Sr. of Portland, whodied Nov. 3,2903.
He was 95.
He was born April 3 , 1998. He mar­
ried Audrey Pryce in 1958. She died in
June of this year.
He was a former steel worker, em ­
ployed at Pacific Steel.
Survivors include a sister, Suzy
Johnson; a daughter, Doris Hall; and
three sons, Raphiel James Jr., Ken­
neth Earl James and Kevin Allen
Jam es; I 1 g ran d ch ild ren and 3
L ifelong R esident
R em em ered
R ichard M. P rovost
A funeral Mass was held on
Nov. 14 in St. Stanislaus‘Polish
Catholic Church in north Portland
for Richard M. Provost, who died
Nov. 19 at age 89.
Mr. Provost was bom May 22,
1923, in Portland, where he li vedall
his life. He served in the Navy and
was a self-employed television re­
pairman. In 1989. he married
Darlene Beckius.
Survivors include his wife.