N ove m b e r 12. 2 0 0 3 (Lije J l o r t l a n ò 0 f)b se ru e r Page B3 Focus Lz/e A swallow discovers that a great golden statue is crying because he is unable to help the needy people o f his town. Precious holiday theater The Happy Prince O sc a r W ild e ’s "T h e H appy Prince” is adopted to the stage for a story about charity and friend­ ship for children and their parents. The story begins when a sw al­ low discovers that a price is crying because he is unable to help the needy people o f his village. “The H appy Price" prom ises to fill the heart with m usic and heal a spiritual hunger this D ecem ber as we explore the question o f w hat is precious in life and how d o we decide how m uch to give in any situation,” said Joseph Byran, c o ­ designer and perform er for the Tears o f Joy T heatre production. > - as Beautifully sculpted puppets and veteran puppeteers star in Tears o f Joy Theatre's Rumpelstiltskin The play runs from Dec. 12 to Dec. 28 at the Portland C enter for th e P e rfo rm in g A r ts ’ D o lo res W inningstad Theatre, 1111 S.W. Broadway. Rumpelstiltskin W hat does a girl do w hen told she must spin straw into gold? Find out in this sparkling adaptation of R um pelstiltskin by the brothers Grimm A tear o f Joy Theatre’s family senes brings this classic Ciemtan fai ry tale to the stage on Friday, Nov. 14 through Nov. 30. Both children and adults will enjoy the imaginative dia­ logue and charm ing musical lyrics. T ickets range from $ 10 - $ 16.50. For more information, call 503-248- 0557. ‘Actually’ a Multicultural Look at Love Romantic comedy brings refreshing look to big screen “The appeal o f the story is that it is a joy o u s celebration o f love,” describes A frican actor C hiw etel Ejiofor, who plays Peter, the groom to the beautiful blond bride K eira K nightley. “The way the stories are interlocked gives a very detailed description o f various kinds o f love, "Love A ctually" is a new rom an­ giving you a universal idea o f what tic com edy with a diverse cast that that em otion is and m eans to so realistically portrays the many faces many different people. It’s quite o f people in love. cleverly put together so you get a A cclaim ed screenw riter Richard larger picture o f this m assive thing C urtis steps behind the cam era for that everybody on som e level, ex ­ his directorial debut in this ultim ate periences in their life.” rom antic com edy that w eaves to ­ C urtis said h e 'd had an idea for gether a spectacular num ber o f love som ething that w ould touch on lots Kiera Knightley and Chiwetel Ejiofor are bride and groom in "Love Actually. " affairs into one am azing script. o f people’s lives. Star Jones Launches Shoe Line (A P )— Y ou’11 soon be able to walk in S tar Jo n es’ shoes. The Starlet by S tar Jones line w ill be a v a ila b le at P ay less $ ta r Jo n es ShoeSource stores starting this m onth, the com pany announced recently. Jones, a co-host o f A B C ’s “The V iew ," was nam ed ch ief o f consum er style and spokesw om an for the footw ear retailer in 2002. She is a self- proclaim ed shoe ju n k ie w ho claim s to have 500 pairs o f shoes in her closet. "W e played with the latest trends, colors and styles to create a collection that delivers designer flair at affordable prices," Jones said in a statem ent. The line, w hich ranges from $ 15.99 to $21.99, includes a strappy dress sandal, a T -strap style, a mule with brocade velvet, a tw o-piece silhouette with an ankle strap and a strappy slide. The styles will be offered in wine, chocolate brow n, forest green, cham pagne and deep black. Yuletide Diva A ris ta r e c o r d in g d iv a W hitney H ouston will add an ­ other landmark accomplishment Whitney Houston to her extraordinary career— O ne W ish, the holiday album . O ne W ish, w hich h its sto res o n T u esd ay . N ov. 18, is co m p rised o f a jo y o u s m ix o f y u letid e fav o rite s from trad itio n al and c o n te m p o ­ rary so n g b o o k s an d sev eral new co m p o sitio n s. "I w an ted to d o an alb u m o f h o lid ay so n g s fo r som e tim e,” said H ouston. "I think th ese are som e o f the m ost b eau tifu l so n g s e v e r w ritten about such a w o n d erfu l tim e o f y ear and I h ope they ap p eal to e v e ry o n e .” Behind the Scenes Encounter Visitors at the Oregon Zoo can feed giraffes and learn about conservation efforts to preserve the African habitat during the zoo's Behind the Scenes Encounters from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 15. “Having the chance to hand-feed a giraffe is an incredible moment; something people will never forget," said Tony Vecchio, zoo director. featuring CANNON'S Tosha T. 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