Page B6 C lassifieds Next Stop, Opportunity TriMet is hiring Bus Operators and Maintenance Helpers MAINTENANCE HELPER. Full tim e bus and fa c ility maintenance helper positions starting at $11.55 / hour with fully paid medical, dental and vision benefits after one m onth of employment. Requirements: One yea r e xperien ce in m aintenance, m echanical, automotive, diesel, electrical, janitorial or related field Five years good driving record Solid work record Maintenance Helpers have the opportu nity to enter an apprenticeship program in one of the following areas: R eligion R ecreatio n C oordinator for residential treatm ent facility serving emotionally disturbed youth. Responsible for planning and implementing agency wide recreation services and special events. Must have Bachelor's degree in recreation, human services, education or related fields and two years experience working with youth. Ability to supervise department employees and coordinate planning with program m angers. Forward resum e to Recruitm ent C oordinator PO Box 368 Marylhurst, Oregon 97036 or to ¡Q bs@ The C hristie School is an equal opportunity employer who values diversity in the work place. R e s id e n t ia l T r e a tm e n t C o u n s e lo r /O n -C a ll - in a residential treatment center for em otionally disturbed youth. Needed are enthusiastic and • Light Rail Fare Technician positive in dividu als with • Plant Maintenance Mechanic residential care experience ■ Light Rail Overhead Technician wishing to continue to accept the ■ Light Rail Signal Technician challenge in helping kids build ■ Light Rail Substation Technician self-esteem in a therapeutic, Maintenance Helper application supportive and active deadline: November 14, 2003 atmosphere. A college degree in the Human S ervices field BUS OPERATOR: Start part time and drive your required. Please submit a resume career forw ard to full tim e to Human Services Director, PO employment. TriMet offers fully Box 368 M arylhurst, Oregon paid medical, dental and vision 97036. The Christie School is an benefits after one m onth of equal opportunity employer who employment and pays $11.14 / values diversity in the workplace. hour to start, $13.14 /hour after Wanted: 6 months and $20.35 /hour after Piano player for regular Saturday 3 years. night gigs, candidate must: ■ Bus Mechanic ■ Light Rail Vehicle Mechanic Requirements: Two years stro ng custom er service Five years good driving record Solid work record For application details, visit our web site at trlm, call our job line at 503-962-7640 or stop by TriMet at 4012 SE 17th Avenue. • Play with “Soul" & “Adlib” • Have good know ledge of Jazz Standards, • Gospel, Blues, R&B, Soul. • Read sheet music and play by ear • Reliability is a Must, • Rehearse once a week until tight • Pay is $ 1 0 0 .0 0 per gig Please Call Patrick 5 0 3 -2 8 3 -6 2 2 9 A re y o u a S a le s M a n a g e r M aterial? If you can train, Inspire TriMet is an equal opportunity em ployer, com m itted to developing an organization that is reflective of and sensitive to the needs of the diverse community we serve, including the elderly and persons with disabilities. Cook in a psychiatric residential TR l© M E T treatment facility for children and youth. See where it takes you. VV asi iing ion S i \i i U nix i rsi i y Q \ '\ N < IX VI It CAMPUS DIVERSITY COORDINATOR Student Services Plan, develop, and evaluate programs to support diversity efforts through student recruitm ent and retention. Organize special events and programs to improve campus aw areness of d ive rsity issues. Coordinate the diversity efforts of Student S ervices, Diversity Task Force and others. Assist with budget and grants. Some after-h ou rs events. M inim um : Bachelor's degree and two years related experience, for exam ple. In studen t adm issions, m ulticultu ral advising, or mentoring programs. Experience working with diverse populations. E xcellent com m unication sk ills. Competence with com puters. Preferred: Experience designing and/or implementing diversity program s or in itia tive s. Experience working in academic environment. Independent worker and self-starter. Experience in w orking one-on-one with students, coordin ating team efforts, and organizing events. S ta rt d a te : January 5, 2004. Salary range: S 3 1 k -3 3 k . US citizen or legally authorized non- US citizen. and be a leader, you can earn $100K plus benefits with this American company. Call 1-888- 640-7316 for recorded info. Comfortable institutional setting. Mon-Fri work week. Full benefits. Menu planning and purchasing skills preferred. Experience with children a plus. Interested applicants send resume to the Recruitment Coordinator, PO Box 368 Marylhurst, Oregon 97036. The Christie School is an equal opportunity employer who values diversity in the work place. M ove In Now. Cash down, no banks needed. Two Locations to choose from: Vancouver, WA or Portland, OR, 3bd/2ba or 3bd/ 1.5, sunk-in living room, large fenced backyard, new carpet, paint, and tile. Appliances included. Fireplace or wood stove. Single or double car garage, 1200 SF or 1400 SF on large lots, close to 1-205, schools, shopping, bus line. Must See. Call for appointment - 503-288-4407. Becom e a sales m anager with t h is C h r is tia n b a s e d US co m p any. $70,000+ average incom e + great benefits for qualified managers. If you believe you have what it takes for success ...we’d liketo talk with you. Call 1- 888 640-7316. We buy or lease bouses, any area, any condition, any price. All Cash. 503-2884407. Home Assembly Workers No. EXP 1 8 0 0 -5 7 6 5829 and resume, and have two letters of recom m endation sent to: Diversity Search Committee, c/o HR, SS126, WSU Vancouver, 14202 Salm on Creek Ave., Vancouver. WA 98686, or see “Jo b s ” at w w w .hrs.w D e a d lin e SPM Friday, a Week with your own home based opportunity employer. by J aymee R. Curi T he P ortland O bserver M any say the soul food diet som e African A m ericans em brace has little in com m on with that o f their leaner and heart-healthier A f­ rican ancestors. African-Am erican healers say the original diet co n ­ sisted o f roots, raw vegetables, w hole grains and very little meat. And while the vegetarian trend has sp read th ro u g h th e W est C oast, A frican-A m ericans’ health is suffering because o f a focus on anim al-based nutrients, according to tw o international health educa­ tors and Seventh D ay A dventists. T hom as and L aV em e Jackson are sharing their health philoso­ phy in P ortland this w eek. They preach about a diet that th ey ’re not attributing to th eir A frican ancestors, but one that dates back 6,(XX)years earlier. “W e teach health strictly from the B ible,” ' said T hom as Jack- s o n , q u o tin g a v e rs e fro m C orinthians, “W hatever you do, eat or drink, do all to the glory o f God.” Jackson and his w ife, w ho are vegans, m eaning they eat no an i­ mal products, have traveled to four continents and every state in the union, sp read in g the g o s p e l’s m essage about good health. ‘The European com m unity was a little more accepting o f the m es­ sage, but recently we have seen interest increase greatly am ong all r photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Thomas Jackson demonstrates natural remedies at a health seminar at the Stone Tower Church in northeast Portland on Sunday. races o f p eople,” said Jackson. "D isease know s no culture and the m e s sa g e h as c ro s s e d c u ltu ra l b o u n d aries.” The Jacksons advocate what they call G od’s plan, with a focus on fresh air, sunshine, daily exercise, proper rest and plenty o f water. A c c o rd in g to L aV ern e, this lifestyle and eating plan is consis­ tent with the findings from the Phy­ sicians for R esponsible M edicine. “W e study from a Biblical per­ spective and see true science is v a lid a tin g the w o rd o f G o d ,” L aV erne said. “W e travel around the world teaching people to live in harm ony with these laws so they can enjoy good health— physically, m entally and spiritually,” said Jackson. A natural food dem onstration begins at 10 a.m . on Sunday, Nov. 9 at S tonetow er S.D .A . C hurch on 30lh A venue at Sandy Boulevard. Form ore information, call 503-232- 6018orvisitww w .m eetm Guidance in Battle Against AIDS More than I (X) A frican-A m eri­ can pastors, deacons and other church leaders gathered in A t­ lanta, G a. recently to attend a unique pilot program to helpguide religious leaders in the ongoing battle against H IV /A ID S. T he w orkshop, "S u ccessfu l M inistry in the A ge o f A ID S," certified participants in preven­ tion and outreach techniques to m ore effectively address the co n ­ tinuing im pact o f H IV /A ID S on the African-American community. “The church has the pow er, prestige and position to get the jo b done,” said form er Surgeon G eneral. Dr. M. Joycelyn Elders during the keynote address. El­ ders also urged the church “to step m oralizing to the pulpit and preach, ing to the choir, but instead go out to the streets and act with m oun­ tain-m oving faith to m ake signifi­ can t h e ad w ay in sto p p in g the spread o f this disease.” M edical professionals w ere o n ­ site to ensure that w orkshop co n ­ tent was grounded in science and inform ed by the latest theories and research. A ccording to the C enters for Disease Control and Prevention, H IV /A ID S is strik in g A frican- A m ericans at such frightening pro­ portions that it m ay very well be­ com e their leading cause o f death w ithin a generation. Donna Tartt Dream Comes True at PCC Cascade 1 4 Nr w . Author Revives Old South Portland A rts and L ec­ tures hosts an ev en in g with author D onna Tartt at 7:30 p.m. W ednesday, Nov. 19, at the First C o n ­ gregational C hurch, 1137 S.W . Broadw ay. Tartt was bom in G reen­ wood, Miss, and spent a year at the U niversity o f M ississippi, before trans­ ferring to Bennington C ol­ lege in Vermont. H er first novel, “The Secret History,” becam e a best seller. H er second novel, "The Little Friend,” confirm ed her talent for illu s tr a tin g th e d a rk , gothic character o f the Old South. For m ore inform ation, call 503-227-2583. hi < r-| C hurch o f the L iving G od Christian workers fo r fellow ­ ship 6401 N.E. 10,h Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 UB Pastor and First Lady Roy G. M o xie continued from Front M em ber Harold W illiam s said the panded student center and a public expansion w as needed for a long service education building at the tim e to serve the A frican A m erican form er R enaissance M arket. and “The College Board had the cour­ Services Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Weds Bible Study 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. "Where there is no vision, The People perish. ” African American Col lege Board hum anity and arts building, an ex­ d iv e r s e p o p u la tio n s direct M all business. FREE Report. For more information please call (503) 284-5171 age and w isdom to m ake an invest Wi 11 iams said he would now push in C ascade. It's som ething we can PCC to make better partnerships be proud of," said PCC Interim Presi­ with Jefferson High Sch»x>l to serve dent Jerry Berger. “ local populations. Von arc Invited to ,4 Season oi Refreshing “Spiritual Warfare ” Rev. Roland Cooper New Covenant Christian Center, Boston, MA Everyone\s Welcome..... 1 877 5 4 7 -3 9 2 3 24 hr. rec. msg. Sunday, November 9th, 10:30 A.M. & 6:00 P.M. Monday & Tuesday, November 10th & 11th, 7:00 P.M. Advertise with diversity in Maranatha Church Îlî‘' 'jlînriiatth (P li server ( .ill 5O 3-288-O O 3I email ads@portlandobserve of P ortland’s inner city. "The weapons we fig h t with are not weapons of the world". 1 Cor. 10:4 Direct mall made easy! Earn $ 1 200 WSU Is an affirmative a c tio n / equal Religious leaders promote an animal-free palette Needed. Pick YourOwn Hrs To apply: Mail letter of interest N ovem ber 2 1 , 2 0 0 3 . November 05. 2003 (The “JÍÍortlanh © bseruer 4222 NE 12th at Skidmore Portland, Oregon 503-288-7241 Dr. T. Allen Bethel, Pastor