Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 05, 2003, Page 11, Image 11

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    November 05. 2003
Page B5
(Elie Jlortlanh ® bserucr
B ids / C lassifieds
Proposals are requested from
qualified hom ebuilders for the
purchase and developm ent of
re sid e n tia l
lo ts
fo r
redevelopment of Columbia Villa.
The Housing Authority of Portland
("HAP") will accept proposals until
4:00 PM, January 15.2004 at the
HAP New Columbia Project Office
at 135 SW Ash Street, 5th Floor,
P o rtla n d , O re go n
9 72 0 4.
P rop o sa ls sh o u ld be c le a rly
marked with the respondent’s
name and address and the RFP
HAP is redeveloping the 80-acre
north Portland Columbia Villa site
as a liv a b le , m ixe d -in c o m e
community that will enhance the
quality of life of Columbia Villa's
re sid e n ts and th e a d ja c e n t
Portsmouth neighborhood. When
co m p leted in 2 00 6 , New
C o lu m b ia w ill fe a tu re new
infrastructure, a comprehensive
park system, 620 rental units,
230 homeownership units and
35,000 square feet of community
and commercial space.
HAP is seeking homebuilders to
p u rc h a s e fin is h e d lo ts and
develop 230 homes for sale as
p a rt o f th e New C o lu m b ia
Community over a three-phase,
3 -ye a r
h o m e o w n e rs h ip
development. The subject of this
RFP is Phase 1, which includes 76
Notice of TriM et Public Hearings
Office Assistant duties vary by
department and location, but may
include reception or front counter
check-in, word processing, filing,
answering telephones, data entry,
p ro ce s s in g in fo rm a tio n on a
computer and cash handling.
Applicants must have training and
e x p e rie n c e
e q u iv a le n t to
completion of the twelfth grade:
tw o ye a rs of general cle rica l
e x p e rie n c e in v o lv in g p u b lic
contact or customer service and
computer experience.
S a la ry is $ 12 .49 per hour.
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty o ffe rs a
comprehensive benefit program.
A p p lic a tio n
a v a ila b le
m a te ria ls
o n - lin e
information on how to apply may
be obtained by calling our Job
Hotline at (503) 988-5035. This
jo b d o e s n o t h a v e a c lo s in g
d a te .
Multnomah County is an equal
o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r and
welcomes people from various
backgrounds to enhance service
delivery to our diverse community.
Proposed Service
$3,354-$4,075 / month
Closes November 17, 2003
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b site :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
application and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
TnMet proposes to increase and
revise bus service in North and
Northeast Portland when Interstate
MAX Yellow Line opens on May 1.
2004 MAX will replace bus Line
5 Interstate, and those service hours
will be redirected Into the area
Lines proposed for increased service
are 4-Fessenden. 6-Martln Luther
King Jr Blvd 8 NE 15th Ave. 16-Front
Ave St Johns, 40-Mocks Crest
72-Killlngsworth 82nd Ave, 75 -39th
Ave I ombard and 85-Swan Island.
Lines proposed for tevlsion are
I Greeley. 6 Martin Luther King Jr
Blvd. 8-NE 15th Ave. 16-Front Ave
St Johns and 3 3 Fremont
Public Hearing
Monday, Nov. 17, 2 0 0 3
6 p.m.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Kaiser Town Hal
3 704 N Interstate Avenue in
Served by Line 5-lnterstate
Public comment will also be accepted
until 5 p.m on Nov 17. 7003. as
Sales Manager
Nationally recognized distributor
of building materials is looking for
a Sales Manager for our Oregon
TriMet Interstate Access Plan
4012 SE 17th Ave
Portland. OR 97202
Email: inrm tatc acccssplanQtrimet org
TTY 503-238-58,1
T h is p o sitio n w ill d ire c t and
co ordin ate the a ctivitie s of a
specific area, consisting of 2 to 3
branch locations, to optimize the
e ffe c tiv e n e s s o f th e s a le s
To request an Interpreter for
the hearing Impaired or other
accommodations for persons
with disabilities, please
call 503-962-2455 or TTY
503 238 5811 (7 30a m to 5:30
p.m weekdaysl by November 13.
Considered candidates will have
5-10 years Building Products/
TR l © M E T
M illw o rk
D is trib u tio n
See where it takes you.
Management/Sales experience:
4 ye a r d e g re e re q u ire d : Or
e q u iv a le n t co m b in a tio n of
education and experience. Must
have th e a b ility to d e fin e
problems, collect data, establish
facts and draw valid conclusions.
S tro n g m ath a p titu d e plus
d e m o n s tra te d m a n a gem en t, The position of District President
com m unication, organizational at Portland Community College is
«torn \
and in te rp e rs o n a l s k ills a r ë 1 now open.
For application information and
$13.14-$17.08/hr DOQ. The City
o f W e st Linn is a c c e p tin g
a p p lic a tio n s fo r an O ffic e
S pecialist in the Public W orks
Department. Position will work a
minimum of 20 hours per week
on a set schedule. This position
is eligible for pro-rated benefits.
successful candidate will
Attendance is encouraged at a
one year of progressively
p re -p ro p o s a l c o n fe re n c e fo r
h o m e b u ild e rs
o th e r responsible office experience
interested parties that will be held including com puterized record
on November 17,2003,9:00 AM keeping and other secretarial
to 11:00 AM at the Hall of Fame work. Work activities include, but
H R S p e c ia lis t - for employee profile,goto: www.pcc.edu/ores
Room in the Chiles Center located are not lim ited to: a nsw ering
re c ru itm e n t, re te n tio n and or contact Presidential Search
on the U n ive rsity of Portland telephone and walk-in inquiries,
training. Applicants must have Chair, c/o Neal Naigus, PO Box
Campus. The Chiles Center is re q u e s tin g loca tes, o rd e rin g
Associates degree, PHR or SPHR 6119, B eaverton, OR 97007-
located at the intersection of s u p p lie s , data e n try and
with preferred two years in HR pr 9911. For additional information,
N orth P o rtsm o u th A ve. and formatting/typing of handwritten
related personnel services. Ability call Neal N aigus at 503-977-
V\fillamette Blvd.
to work effectively with employees 4122 or email nnaigus@pcc.edu.
A Gold Hill Associates assisted
RFP Contact: Elaine Holt, 503- Qualified candidate must pass and m a n a gers. P ro fic ie n t
computer, database and above search.
and drug screen.
average com m unication skills.
PCC is an Equal Opportunity/
Forward resume to HR Director PO
Affirmative Action Employer
Application packets are available
Box 368 M a rylh u rst, O regon
at W est Linn City Hall, 22500
9 7036
Do yo u lo v e S p o rts?
S alam o Road, W est Linn, OR
io b s @ C h is tie S c h o o l.o rg . The
Earn up to $1,000
97068 or by calling (503) 722-
C h ris tie S ch ool is an equal
while watching
P re vio u s
k n o w le d g e
and 3427 (Voice Mail) or (503) 657- opportunity employer who values
on TV.
experience with youth gangs in the 7845 (TDD). A Letter of Interest diversity in the workplace.
Portland Metropolitan area. Salary and City of West Linn application
range, $15.00 hourly. Resumes must be received at West Linn City
are not accepted in lieu of a H a ll, D e p a rtm e n t o f Hum an
completed Northeast Coalition Resources, no later than 4:00 pm,
Career Opportunities
application. Apply in person to Monday, November 17, 2003.
Information about career opportunities with the Port
N o rth e a st
C o a litio n
of EEO
Hard copies of this RFP will be
a v a ila b le b e g in n in g M on d a y
N ovem b er 3, 2003 betw een
8:30 AM and 4:30 PM at HAP’s
New Columbia offices at 135 SW
Ash Street, 5th Floor, Portland,
Oregon 97204.
Neighborhoods, Inc., 4815 N.E. 7th
Avenue, Portland, Oregon on or
before November 14, 2003
5:00 p.m. No Phone Calls!! Equal
Opportunity Employer
$250 to $500 a week
Will train to work at home
Helping the US Government file
HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
No experience necessary
Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906
Looking For Away Out!
Look No Further!
Good credit. Bad credit. Available
Up to $500,000. Fast Results.
of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503)
944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-
7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at
www.portportlandor.com or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­
ing the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland.
Advertise with diversity in
The Portland Observer
call 503.288.0033 or email:
For contracting opportunities w ith the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
C it y o f P o r 11 a n d
B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
Minority Business Owners
If you perforin Construction Work or Construction Services
and if you have a new business or recently formed a business in
the last 2 years and are interested in doing future work with the
City of Portland.
Please contact:
Group AGB LLC, Andre Baugh - 503 281-3638
FM Burch & Assoc., Faye Burch - 503 735-9455
We are working to create a database of new companies that
includes the services they can provide. Let us help you take the
next step to increase your opportunities and Profits.
S E » U ,
The City of Portland
is an equal
opportunity employer
Request for Proposal for
Parking Management Services for
Metro Regional Center’s Parking Structure
RFP 04-1087 OP
Metro is soliciting written Proposals from qualified operators to
provide Parking Management Services for its Grand & Irving
Parking Structure (Garage). Metro requires parking management
services that are of the highest quality. A Contractor is sought
who can reliably provide consistent and effective services which
meet standards that are beneficial to Metro, its employees, visitors
and customers. The tasks necessary to perform the work are
described in the RFP 04-1087-0P. To obtain a copy of the RFP,
contact Brian Phillips, Metro’s Operations Department at (503)
797-1815 or by visiting Metro's website, www.metro-region.org
under “Contracts: Requests for Bids and Proposals.”.
Responses to the RFP are due to be received no later than 3 :0 0
p .m . Thursday, N o v e m b e r IS**1, 2 0 0 3 at the Metro Operations
Department, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232 to the
attention of Brian Phillips.
Proposals must conform to the RFP format and be complete
including the use of any forms. Metro may accept or reject any or
all proposals, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting
substantial right if such action is deemed in the public interest.
Metro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any
person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation,
or marital status.
Ï* “ v
M etro
Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and
specifically encourages m inority and w om en-
owned businesses to access and participate in this
and all Metro projects, programs, and services.
The Port of Portland is an
Equal O pportunity Employer
These are just a few of the current job openings available with
the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing,
application forms, and additional job information are available
at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the
Oregon jobs page at. www.oregonjobs.org
The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud
to be equal opportunity employers.
A Better Career
could be vours!
Immediate full and part-time open­
ings. Seeking dependable, well-
groomed, positive Individuals.
$8.00 + Starting wage
Medical & Dental,
401K avail.
Drug test/Background Check
New hires must have acceptable
documentation to confirm both
identity and eligibility to work.
Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues
& Thurs at
City Center Parking
130 SW Stark, Portland
Learn about job openings
available now.
030T supports a vast range of innovative transportation products ano services, touching the life
of every Oregonian, every day.
Explore our vanety ol rnwtmling occupations. .
• Principal Contract Auditor
Salary $3.060 »4,265/inonth
Announcement »OCDT3275 Saiem
• Financial Processor
Salary $1.863 $?.546/uw ntn
Announcement »OCDT37O2 Saiem
View current job openings and apply online: www.providence.org
• Junior Surveyor
Or visit the Providence Employment Center at 1235 NE 47th Avenue,
Suite 200 (Just off Halsey)
Salary $2.357 $3.3Z5/monh
Announcement HOC0T3-I70 Tigard
• Specification W riter
Salary $3.208 - $4,476/month
Announcement #OCDT3767 Salem
P ro v id e n te | H ealth System
Providence Health System is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer Pre employment drug and health screens are required
A c a r in g d i f f e r e n c e y o u c a n f e e l
To aopy, you must obtain a copy of tue a p p ro d in e a-rxxjnoam ent number, which jm vw e s full
details, dual ficatfons -equi'ements, and now to apply ms’ r chons Cali (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 [TTY
(503) 9 8 6 3854 fur tlie Ima-ng Impaired or v sii www odot.slAfeor.usy’johs. As an AA/FFO
employer. ODOT s committed Io integrating the nrninction and n vn a fle rre -it of workforce
dhe'Sity and affirmative action into even facet of ou’ husmess
w w w . 0 r
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