(Tl|c ^Jortlanb (ßbseruer October 29. 2003 Page B3 ö R E G O N Focus P A f^”F | \ | E R S H I P Prcwnf'nç iutntarxe Abcttd. (Ranging U m HelPline (Make The ta ll) SOO-923-HEl P ' Ayuda (Spanish): 877-515-7848 Youthline (Teen Helpline): 877-553-TEEN G ooding Stars in M ovin g D ram a ‘R a d io ’ Hr. Susan Taylor's Prescription for Flawless Skin, llair, and \in ls Dr. Susan Taylor's book Brown Skin is a \ prescription for flawless skin, hair and nails. Cuba Gooding Jr. hands o ff a football to one o f his players in new film Radio. H a ir, S kin and N ails Author offers seasonal tips on looking good by D r . S usan T aylor A utum n is here and w inter is closing in fast. Instead o f looking crisp, bright and radiant, you find that your skin, hair and nails are a w reck like the W icked W itch o f the W est. Instead o f having shiny hair like Jennifer Lopez, even-toned skin like Halle Berry, and healthy nails like Queen Lati fah, you look like you got lost in K ansas. A dd to the mix, the autum n w inds w hich have already descended upon us, and you have a recipe for additional dam age. So now is the tim e to pay attention to your skin, hair and nails to prevent further dam age from the cold w eather and the dry heat. Beginning o f winter beauty blahs are not unusual. As a derm atologist specializing in skin o f color, I have some tips for Hispanics and African Americans. To heal your hair, I recom m end washing it once or twice a week with a sham poo for dam aged hair and then applying a deep conditioner to the hair fo r20-30 minutes while Mitting under a hood dryer. Try to avoid excessive heat from blow dryers, flat irons or curling irons. Try w rap­ ping your hair and sit under a hood dryer once a week and roll your hair on rollers during the week. O r consider wearing your hair pulled back in a neat chignon or bun for 4-6 w eeks to give it a rest. With these tips, your tresses will regain their shine ju st in A cadem y Award w innerC ubaG ooding Jr. stars in the dram a Radio, a Revolution Studios film , aT ollin/R obbins production and a C olum bia Pictures release now play­ ing in local theaters. It’s a dram atic and m oving story in­ spired by events in the life o f "R adio," a man w ho m ade an enduring im pact on the lives o f all those around him . R adio fo­ cuses on the m entoring relationship be­ tw een a high school football coach (Ed H arris) and Radio (C uba G ooding, Jr.), know n as "the sam e as everybody else, ju st a little slow er than m ost," and how their unique friendship ultim ately trans­ form s the conservative attitudes o f a small South C arolina town. These tw o very different men are united by their hum anity and love o f football and in so doing enrich the lives o f countless others. Radio do esn ’t focus on the sport as much as on the title character, a man o f childlike purity w ho brought joy to this time for the holidays. To com bat an uneven com plexion, 1 suggest the daily use o f sunscreens— yes, women o f color, both Hispanic and African ! American need sunscreen— even in the fall and w inter seasons. Also consider cleansing and moisturizing with products containing an alpha hydroxy acid such as glycolic acid. This will help rem ove the dead skin cells that contain extra pigment. If these solutions d o n 't work, first try an over-the-counter hydroquinone bleaching cream (containing 2 percent hydroquinone) j twice a day for 8 weeks. Also consider asking your derm atologist for a series of chem ical peels o r m icrodermabrasion to j restore that radiant glow. Finally, you may have noticed that your nails are becom ing increasingly dry ’ and brittle with the onset o f the colder w eather. W hat probably happened d ur­ ing the sum m er m onths was that m oisture collected behind your acrylic nails. T his provided the perfect environm ent for fun­ gus and bacteria to grow. If you have indeed noticed these changes in your nails, it is time to take the acrylic nails off. Then clip your nails dow n as far as you can (d o n ’t w orry, they will grow back). The nails are m ore likely to grow in healthy, though it may take a few m onths. Robert Johnson sports-m inded com m unity, according to Gooding. "I have tw o boys, six and eight. A nd w henever they do anything and get into trouble, their reactions are so innocent and so genuine. That is the quality that Radio has. W henever he encounters an obstacle, he never has any anim osity. He doesn’t hold a grudge. H e’s all about unconditional love,” G ooding said. Court Settles Bluesman’s Estate Judge decides who gets musician’s royalties (A P )— The M ississippi Suprem e Court has ended a legal battle over the photo­ graphs and songs o f bluesm an Robert Johnson, saying his son is the sole heir to the royalties. Johnson, a traveling m usician w ho re­ corded “C ross R oad B lues,” "R am bling on My M ind" and "H ellhound on My T rail,” is considered the first m odern bluesm an, linking the country blues o f the M ississippi D elta with the city blues o f post-W orld W ar II. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall o f Fam e in 1986. Johnson died in Leflore C ounty in 1938 at age 27 w ithout leaving a will. He died nearly penniless, but his m usic now en ­ jo y s international acclaim and has stacked up royalties. A ccounts o f his death include that he was poisoned by a jealous husband or that he w as stabbed. H e’s buried in G reenw ood's T hree-Forks C em etery. The m usician's illegitimate son, 71 -year- old retired gravel truck driv er C laud Johnson, said he w as unsure what the latest court ruling will m ean to him. Johnson said he had benefited from royalties, but declined to give specific am ounts. At the tim e o f Robert Jo h n so n 's death, C arrie Harris T hom pson, his half-sister, said she was his sole living heir and took possession o f his photographs. (O nly two photographs are known to exist.) BUSINESS OFF.: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 REGGIE'S BARBER SHOP STATE FARM Shop: Mr. Reggie Brown 5O3 2SOO222 Cell: Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday ■ 10am to 7pm E xecutive T ravel ’ "ACCOMMODATING YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS’ " S hirlene C arson ’ R ail ’ H otel ’ C ruise ’ C ar ’ G roup ’ P ayment P lans are A vailable ’ P O Box 30791 I ■frÇooî Kunnin^ Cafe P ortland , OR 9 7 2 9 4 O f f « and F ax (5 0 3 )2 8 9 4 0 5 0 Ton F ro 1 (8 0 0 )4 2 2 -7 8 6 0 E-M ail execlrov® ool com Nationwide Lifetime Guarantee* meineke Exhaust • Brakes Shocks • Diagnostics R i g h t S e r v ic e s , R i g h t P r ic e ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent Heed a good Technician We employ www.meineke.com ASE CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS Portland Location: 206 N. 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