Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 29, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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October 29. 2003
f a s f i a f .
Stylist/'/lair ( "ansultant
o il 503-381-7095
Walk-Ins Welcome
Stylé Solutions:
sh o p :
& barber
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Immigrant Art at Alberta Gallery
Tribe of the Winds, a gallery at 2217
N.E. Alberta St. that specializes in immi­
grant art and imported gifts and goods, will
feature Sri Lankan and Egyptian painter
Shajahan Sheriff during an artist's opening
reception on Thursday, Oct. 30 from 6 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Sheriff is a self-taught artist who came
to the U.S. in 1978. His work has taken off
since he began painting in public to music at
Last Thursday Art Walks on Alberta Street.
He owns a framing shop and gallery on
Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boule­
The choreographic nature of his work
evokes a flowing color-rich tapestry of
female forms and poetic reflections of the
women who have woven patterns in his
Also showing through April is Saffron
and Fire: Impressionistic Photography of
Thailand, Nepal and California by Sandy
Shunt, aChinese-American woman living
on the Thailand-Myanmar border.
Sri Lankan and Egyptian painter
Shajahan Sheriff uses pastels, acrylics
and watercolors to create his pieces.
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B ecom e a community
radio hero!
Donate some o f your
valuable tim e
The level o f
commitment is up
to you.
Volunteers are
needed to
answer phones
O ctober 23—28
Singer’s Friend
Williams Steps in for
Attacked in Paris Braxton on Broadway
(A P) — R&B star
B lu C a n tr e ll s a y s
s h e ’s in " c o m p le te
shock" after w itness­
ing her friend’s stab­
bing outside a Paris
nightclub w here she
w as celeb ratin g her
latest album release.
C antrell and party
h o s t T o n y D in e ro
were leaving L eC ab a­
ret M i 11 i ardai re on O ct.
16 w hen a disgruntled
c lu b e m p lo y e e a t­
ta c k e d th e m , th e
singer said in a state­
ment. Cantrell was u n ­
harm ed, but D inero
suffered stab w ounds
to the back o f his head
and eye.
D inero was h ospi­
talized after the inci­
d en t, th e statem en t
Blu Cantrell
said, w ithout elaborat­
“ I am in co m plete shock by w hat happened," C antrell said in the
statem ent, released by her publicist W ednesday. "I cannot believe that
anything like this can happen, especially in a city like this.”
C antrell said she hoped for a “speedy and full recovery" for D inero.
She w as in the French capital to celebrate the release o f "B ittersw eet.”
T he m otive o f the attack by the em ployee, w ho w asn’t identified, was
not im m ediately clear.
Bosko Releases New Album
\J \iT iis e w ith < S W lM l\
Call 503-491-7607
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Commercial and Residencial Services
“The Next Files” is a new album from Portland’s own
super-producer Bosko. The CD is just a taste of what
Bosko is capable of. His portfolio boasts production work
with the likes of Limp Bizkit, Master P, Too Short, Truth
Hurts, E-40, Tyrese and more.
The new album will be celebrated with a listening party
featuring Bosko, Cool Nutz, BrothaLuv, Bleek, Phranchise,
Paul Guacamole and DJ Chill on Saturday night, Nov. 1 at
Berbati’s Pan, 231 S.W. Ankeny. Fans need to RSVP in
order to be added to the guest list.
G ill
50,3 288-003 <
The Next Files is that latest CD from
Portland's own super-producer Bosko.
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Fred ‘R eru n ’ B erry D ies at Age 52
We Deliver!
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Swan Island, The Pearl, NW,
and Downtown...
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(A P ) — B roadw ay
h a s fo u n d its new
“A ida” to replace Toni
B rax to n - M ich elle
W illiam so f D estiny's
Child. She will join the
cast o f the long-run­
ning D isney m usical
N ov. 18. B raxton de­
parts N ov. 16 after a
four-m onth run.
“A ida is a w om an
w ith such strength,”
W illiam s said T ues­
day in a statem ent. "I
love this character and
c a n ’t w ait to truly find
her w ithin m yself.”
T h e 2 3 -y e a r -o ld
W illia m s
jo i n e d
D e s tin y ’s C h ild in
2 0 0 0 , sin g in g w ith
them on the g ro u p ’s
third album , the best­
se llin g “ S u rv iv o r.”
Michelle Williams
The sin g er's solo d e­
but album , the gospel-flavored "H eart to Y ours,” cam e out last year. A
second solo recording, “ Do You K now ?” will be released in January.
“A ida,” the star-crossed story o f a N ubian princess in love w ith an
E gyptian soldier, opened at the Palace T heatre in M arch 2000. The
m usical, w ith a score by Elton John and Tim Rice, also stars W ill C hase
and M andy G onzalez.
W illiam s will appear in "A ida" for 10 weeks, ending herengagem ent
Jan. 25.
3240 N. Williams Ave
@ Cook Street
(AP) — Fred Berry, the
squeaky-voiced actor famous
for playing red-beret-wearing
Rerun on the 1970s TV sitcom
"What’s Happening!", has died
at age 52.
Berry died Oct. 21 at his
home in Los Angeles appar­
ently of natural causes. Friends
said Berry had been ill because
of a recent stroke.
He wore his red beret and
suspenders in real life, and it
was unclear whether he origi­
nally brought his own style to
the ch a rac te r o f R erun or
whether he was forever mim­
icking the goofball character
that made him famous.
“What's Happening!”, which
ran from 1976-1979, focused
on three teenage friends - Re­
run, Raj and Dwayne - who
The name Rerun, according
to B erry, re ferred to the
character’s brainlessness: In
the summer, he had to rerun all
the classes he failed during the
school year.
Among the more famous epi­
sodes was one in which Rerun
joined a bizarre cult and an­
other in which he was busted
for making bootlegged tapes of
a Doobie Brothers concert.
Berry's success on the show
was clouded by his heavy use
o f m ariju an a and cocaine.
“There were dealers right there
in the stu d io , people that
worked there," he said in 1996.
By the time “W hat's Hap­
Fred Berry
pening!” ended. Berry said he
learn about life, women and had blown more than a million
trouble while growing up in dollars on drugs, cars, homes
Los Angeles.
and an airplane.