Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 29, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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(Elje ‘P ortlanb ©bsertur
Changing Ih m
Helpline (Make The Call): 800-923 -HEIP
l inea de Ayuda (Spanish): 877-515-7848
Youthline (Teen Helpline): 8 77-553-TLEN
Where Healing, Teaching and Diseavery C ame Together
October 29. 2003
H ealth
We are recruiting healthy volunteers and people
with Parkinson's disease (PD) of all ages to
participate in a study involving a non-invasive
brain stimulation technique. This study may
contribute to improving the quality of life of
those who are suffering from Parkinson's disease.
We are trying to assess the therapeutic value of
this stimulation technique in PD patients as
compared to healthy volunteers. Initial
participation in this study requires volunteers to
attend four visits over the course of a month.
You may also be selected to participate in
additional experiments (up to 12 visits).
Each visit lasts no longer than 3 hours. You will
receive $30.00 in compensation for each visit that
you attend. Complete initial participation in the
first four visits pays $120.00.
If you are interested in helping us with this study,
please contact Ryan Eaton or Brian Coakley at
Oregon Health & Science University.
Department of Neurology
Principal Investigator:
Jau-Shln Lou, MO, PhD (50 3 ) 494-1769
Phone (503) 494-4987
Fax (503)494-1653
Email: eatonr@ohsu.edu orcoakleyb@ohsu.edu
Collette Hunt (left), Sam Schuberg and Jewel Ford, students
from Grant High School, observe open heart surgery at St.
Vincent Medical Center. Heartwatch is a program that helps
raise awareness about what it takes to save a life, encourages
a healthy lifestyle and shows the teamwork involved in surgery.
D octor and author
to discuss inequity
in psychology
by J aymee R. C uti
T he P ortland O bserver
A prestigious and pioneering
A frican-A m erican psychologist
brings to light the experiences of
minorities in a field touted as being
one of the last disciplines to em ­
brace diversity.
Dr. Robert V. Guthrie, author of
“Even the Rat was White: A His­
torical Vie w of Psychology,” is vis­
iting Portland this week to speak
about the historical contributions
o f African-American psycholo­
gists. He says there's a need for
more African American research in
the field.
“Psychology was very reluctant
toembrace a lot of the issues affect­
ing people of color,” said Fred
Miller, principal investigatorof the
Alzheimer’s Disease Center.
A ccording to M iller, the re ­
search about A frican A m ericans
frequently com pares people of
color to C aucasians, and does
not explore differences betw een
more traditional African A m eri­
cans and those assim ilated into
white culture. Scientific research
often perpetuates cultural stereo-’
“If we make the argument that all
blacks fit a certain category, then
can create a problem because we
are pigeonholing people,” said
Guthrie will speak at the Cascade
Dr. Robert V. Guthrie will visit
Campus o f Portland Community
Portland to speak about his
College in Terrell Hall, Room 122,
book “Even the Rat was White "
from noon to 2 p.m. on Thursday,
and the history o f African
Oct. 30; at O H SU ’s Old Library
Americans ' contributions to
Auditorium from 9:30to 11 a.m.on
Friday, Oct. 31; and at Portland
African American Dementia and State University’s Smith Memorial
Aging Project at Oregon Health & Union, Room 328, from noon to 2
Sciences University’s Aging and p.m. on Friday, Oct. 31.
Multicultural Health Fair
Public invited to celebrate with natural and organic food samples,
grocery giveaways, health information and fitness screenings
Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health
A program of the African American Health Coalition, Inc
Sponsored by the C0C (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Wellness Within REACH Activity CaWvwkr
All classes are free o f charge!
Matt Dishman
77 NE Knoll
Salvation Array
5325 N WiBams.
Stret chine Body
Stret chine Body
7 -ta |« ,
I m
Water Aerobics
In On
Contact AAHC
6:30 7:30pm
f «tact AAHC
3535 NE 15ft
7- t a
W3d Oats Martel
African Dance
The Wild Oats Natural Market­
place at 3535 NE 1 S'11 Ave., a leading
national natural and organic foods
retailer, will host a Multicultural
Health Fair to celebrate good health
from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8.
Free health screenings will be
offered, including cardiovision,
cholesterol testing, blood sugar
Both Conditionine
73 0 8:30pm
9:30 10:30am
Ask Deanna! is an advice
column known for it’s fear­
less approach to reality-
based subjects.
Walking Group
Walking Groupe
Walking Groap
Dear Deanna!
700 N Portland
6:00 7:00pm
6:00-7:00 pm
Wt. Management
W'l Management
Wt Management
Cnmbtinnint II
I ju st so happen to be fat, chunky
and overw eight but I have a cute
face and I dress according to my
size. My best friend is alw ays
dogging me because she’s slim
and tries to make me feel bad
becauseof my weight. I'm happy,
I can pull the men and 1 d o n ’t
have any health problem s so I'm
not dieting. How do I get her off
my back about being skinny?
T h at's not on my agenda.
9:00 10 (Man
6:00 7:00am
9:00 10:00am
Keisha; Orlando, FL
H umu
5:30 6:20pm
630 7:30pm
6:30-7 30pm
Gr aroille
126 NE Alerta
H«U«d United
CbreknfGhm t
6:Ü0 7:0«>»
4635 NE 9th Ave.
Whiaker Track
Klimts worth
Walk Io Run
6:30pm fboioe
r -■ .
Nu ket son
Dear Keisha:
Walk to Run
6:30pm (burne
Covenant Cknrtfc
7:30 • 8:30pm
8:00 9 00am
4008 NE MIK BW
D aaeTt Meanrial
(ia rrii
1 2 9 llilfa |m rih
• ’ ’ • a
S i
7:15 ■ 8:15pm
C f f l . W J l or o ld e r to (I II’ ' i;
Gram die
~ ■' ----- srr— --------
In addition, Wild Oats will host
children's activities that include
singing and dancing in Spanish,
coloring and crafts.
For more information, call a t503-
T o d as las fa m ilia s se ra n
bien venidas! Para mas informacion
Water Aerobics
Pemnsula Park.
Mallory Avenue
Christian Church
evaluation, bone density, body fat,
vision screenings and possibly lead
testing. Thestore will also offer 10-
minute back massages, acupunc­
ture treatments and spa salon treat­
ments at the event. Guests also
may enter to win a free bag of gro­
ceries, a manicure or pedicure or a
$20 gift certificate to Wild Oats.
with AAHC
sh.iwmc, up to ihe first class
503-413-1850 Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class
♦ Walking group meets inside Lloyd Center in front of Sears
African American Health Coalition, Inc.
2800 N. Vancouver Ave Suite 100 • Portland OR 97227 • Phone 503-413-1850
E-mail kdempsey@aahc-portland org • Web www aahc-portland org
by w r itin g a l e tte r t o ’ th e
so ro rity ’s h ea d q u arte rs, can cel
your dues and burn y o u r G reek
stuff. N ext tim e, stay in the
right g ro u p — Me Phi Me.
Dear Deanna!
Real People, Real Advice
ing to get you in the group then
the story changes. Now that I'm
in the sorority, I see a lot o f loose
sex, hack stabbing, drinking and
phony people. I’m asham ed and
want out o f the sisterhood but
d o n 't know how to get out. --
I ’m a fem ale th at has a pro b lem
w ith the g irly stuff. I'm n ot gay
or an y th in g like that, 1 ju s t p re ­
fer to w ear m e n ’s c lo th in g and
sp o rts gear. People ju d g e me,
call me a lesb ian and h u rt my
feelin g s b ecau se I w ant to be
co m fo rtab le and ju st be m yself.
I c a n ’t take it anym ore and w ant
it to s to p . --A n d rea W .;
Leesville, LA
Dear Andrea:
Just like wearing hoochie clothes,
you set yourself up for unw anted
attention through your wardrobe.
If your feelings are hurt, o bvi­
ously this m istreatm ent bothers
you. Y o u 're not as com fortable
being in boys underw ear as you
pretend to be. Stop trying to be
a J a c k a n d g o b a c k to b e in g Jill. If
you want the harassm ent to stop,
toss out the boxers, buy a thong
and be the fem ale you were born
to be.
Go on Big Girl with your bad self!
If y o u ’re happy and healthy, keep
towing your w eight and w ear it
well. As for your friend, sounds
as if sh e’s ugly with issues and is
jealous of your looks. Next tim e Pam; Spartanburg, SC
she gets on the w eight kick, tell
her your problem can be solved
with a diet and hers c a n ’t be Dear Pam:
helped. If you really w ant her o ff You w ould be su rp rised at the
your back, sprinkle some ketchup n u m b er o f g irls w ho pled g e so ­
ro rities ju s t for popularity. Then
on her and sw allow her whole.
o v er h a lf o f them d o n ’t finish
Dear Deanna!
co lle g e and if th ey do, they Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
Recently I pledged a sorority and d o n 't do an y th in g in the co m ­ M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
I feel it's the biggest m istake o f m unity or m ain tain th e ir m em ­ askdeanna I @yahoo. com or
my life. These girls perpetrate as b ersh ip or rep rese n t the so ro r­ P.O. Box 88847, Los Angeles, CA
if they promote unity and bond- ity. R evoke y o u r m em b ersh ip 90009