Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 29, 2003, Page 2, Image 2

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    October 29.2003
Page A2
Working to
Resolve Conflicts
c o n tin u e d
fr o m F ront
variety o f diverse backgrounds, with 20.1
percent African A m erican, 9.3 Hispanic,
65 C aucasian and 2 percent A sian/Na-
ti ve A m erican or other. The organization
is recruiting new volunteers this fall.
In celebration of M ediation M onth,
the agency is participating in tw o m ajor
conferences, the Peacem akers Sum m it
for m iddle and high school students on
Nov. 18 at the O regon C onvention C en ­
te r a n d th e O re g o n M e d ia tio n
A ssociation’s Fall C onference W eekend
at the G reenw ood Inn in Beaverton on
Nov. 7 and 8.
The sum m it is for students, faculty,
peer m ediators and "all school personnel
interested in m aking peace and lasting
change, and resolving conflicts nonvio-
lently,” said Bell.
O rganizers expect about 800 partici­
pants from all over the state.
R esolutions N orthw est is also partici­
pating in an O ffice o f N eighborhood In­
volvem ent N eighborhood Sum m it from 8
a.m. to 3 p.m . Nov. 15 at the Portland
C onference Center, 3(X)N.E. M ultnomah
For m ore inform ation or to volunteer,
visit w w w .resolutionsnorthw est.org or
call 503-823-3486.
Wal-Mart Illegal
c o n tin u e d
fr o m F ro n t
no crim inal record w ere released with
instructions to appear before im m igra­
tion judges.
M any o f the w orkers said they were
Eastern E uropean and a few were o f
other ethnicities, C ourtney said.
T op W al-M art officials learned o f the
sw eep when store m anagers began call­
ing headquarters for guidance in dealing
with the raids.
The arrests w ere m ade at stores in
A labam a, A rkansas, A rizona, C onnecti­
cut, D elaw are, K entucky, M assachu­
setts, M aryland, M ichigan, North C aro­
lina, New H am pshire, New Jersey, New
Y ork, O hio, O klahom a, Pennsylvania,
South C arolina, Tennessee, T exas, V ir­
ginia and W est V irginia.
Davis Shows Schwarzenegger ‘the Ropes’
Leaders work
together during
changing of the guard
(A P )— C alifom iaG ov.-elect A rnold
S chw arzenegger met with the man h e ’ll
be replacing and both said they had
started a "great relationship" and w ould
w ork closely before S chw arzenegger
becom es governor next month.
T he Republican actor said there were
no hard feelings betw een him self and
D em ocratic G ov. G ray D avis lingering
from the state’s historic recall election.
‘‘H e
h is
p r o m is e ,”
Schw arzenegger said. "E very day we
are w orking with his office, and they
have been really fantastic to w ork with.
So, I think we can continue on having a
great relationship here and a w orking
S ch w arzen eg g er also w as m eetin g
w ith each o f the statew ide o ffic e h o ld ­
ers — in clu d in g recall e le c tio n o p p o ­
nent Lt. G ov. C ruz B u stam an te. H e
paid perso n al v isits to to p D em o crats
and R ep u b lican s in the L eg islatu re,
d escrib in g the talks as " re la tio n sh ip
b u ild in g ” sessions.
After a brief meeting in the governor’s
C abinet room , Davis said his m ain ad ­
vice to Schw arzenegger was som ething
his wife had told him: "Just enjoy every
m om ent. This is the best jo b y o u ’ll ever
have. Even on the bad days, enjoy it.”
D avis said it was “not fun" to lose the
recall election, but prom ised to "do my
v e ry b e s t to h e lp G o v .- e le c t
Schw arzenegger be a success, because
I love this state."
He said that once he leaves office, he
will try to find w ays to cham pion som e
o f the sam e causes he cham pioned in
Sacram ento, though he did not elabo­
No date has been announced for
Schw arzenegger to be sw orn in. but he
is widely expected to take office shortly
after Nov. 15, the last day for the secre­
tary o f state to certify results o f the Oct. California Gov. Gray Davis and incoming Gov
7 election in w hich Davis was ousted Arnold Schwarzenegger have buried their
and S chw arzenegger was chosen as his differences to make a smooth transition in
power. (AP photo)
su ccesso r.
Deadly Fires Destroy Hundreds of Homes
A helicopter drops water over a fire
o ff o f state highway 118 in Simi
Valley, Calif. (AP photo)
(A P ) — W ildfires d riv en by hot Santa
A na w in d flash ed in to g ig a n tic w aves
o f flam e that d ev o u red en tire n e ig h b o r­
h o o d s, ch o k in g the sky o v e r S o u thern
C a lifo rn ia w ith sm oke an d ash an d k ill­
ing at least 15 people in C a lifo rn ia 's
d ea d lie st c o n flag ratio n s in m o re than a
decade. An estim ated 30,(XX) hom es were
en d an g ered and m ore than 1,550 already
had been destro y ed .
From the M exican b o rd er to the sub­
urbs north o f Los A ngeles, large sections
o f the region were under siege by six m ajor
fires and several sm aller ones. The death
toll w as the state’s w orst since the 1991
firein th eO ak lan d h illso f A lam edaCounty
that killed 25 and destroyed m ore than
3,2(X) hom es and apartm ents. All o f the
fatalities happened since Saturday.
Airline travel w asdisrupted, major high­
w ays were blocked and som e schools
were closed. M onday night’s pro football
gam e betw een the C hargers and D olphins
w as shifted from San D iego to A rizona.
At least one o f the fires was believed to
be a result o f arson.
G ov. Gray Davis asked President Bush
to declare Los A ngeles, San Bernardino,
San D iego and V entura counties disaster
areas to qualify them for federal aid. Bush
pledged Tuesday to help "in any way we
can .”
The blazes triggered a harrow ing flight
to safety for thousands o f residents, many
o f w hom had little tim e to collect cherished
possessions before escaping, along with
hospital patients and prison inmates.
The Santa A na w ind season usually
stretches from S eptem ber through F ebru­
ary, with O ctober often the strongest. The
rainy season could start any tim e but
heavier rainfall is not likely until January.
T he b lazes had ch arred m ore than
33O,(XX) acres, or 500 square miles - alm ost
half the size o f the state o f Rhode Island -
o f dense, dry brush and trees. M ore than
7,000 firefighters battled the spreading
San Francisco Mayor Outraged by Coup
Furious Willie
Brown cuts trip short
to protect his office
(A P) — An outraged M ayor W illie
Brow n decided to cut short a trip to A sia
to contend with a coup by a city supervi­
sor w ho m ade tw o key appointm ents in the
14 hours he acted as mayor.
“It’s like a father having to return hom e
to deal with unruly children,” B row n’s
spokesm an, P.J. Johnston, said o f the
m ayor’s efforts to book a flight back to San
Francisco before his scheduled return.
As mayor-for-the-day, SupervisorC hris
Daly secretly appointed and sw ore in tw o
environm entalists to th ecity 's Public Utili­
ties C om m ission, then announced the
appointm ents on official letterhead he had
draw n up for the occasion.
Less than 20 minutes later, a Brown aide
told Daly, 28, that his m ayoral pow ers had
been revoked. A Brown ally. Supervisor
Bevan D ufty, stepped in and im m ediately
tried to undo D aly’s appointm ents by
nam ing tw o com m ission m em bers sup­
ported by Brown.
But city attorneys said it looks like
D aly’s pow er play will be successful un­
less Brow n can persuade at least eight o f
San F rancisco’s 11 supervisors to reject
D aly's appointees: Adam W erbach, former
president o f the national Sierra Club, and
R obin C hiang, w hose architecture firm
has w orked on num erous public transit
D aly d e fle c te d q u estio n s ab o u t w hy
he ch o se to slip in his p ick s fo r the
co m m issio n w hile B row n w as gone, but
he in sisted the ap p o in tm en ts w ere good
o n e s.
“T h at’s the way it went down and som e­
tim es it w orks like that,” he said. “The
good new s is that when the dust settles we
have tw o incredibly qualified, intelligent
and com petent com m issioners sitting on
Bryant Gets Rousing Welcome
(A P ) —
K obe
B ryant, w elcom ed
by a thunderous roar
w hen he w as intro­
duced, played in a
game for the first time
since being charged
in July w ith sexual
a s s a u lt.
B ry a n t
played 32 m inutes as
he joined Shaquille
O ’ Neal and new Los
A n g e le s
L a k e rs
Kobe Bryant
team m ates Karl M alone and G ary Payton in a
loss to the Los A ngeles C lippers on T hursday
night. W orking his way back from knee surgery,
Bryant, w ho started the gam e, finished with 15
th eP U C .”
M ayor Brow n w as said to be particu­
larly livid because the m ayor-for-the-day
honors had been intended as an olive
branch to D aly, w ith w hom Brow n has
never gotten along.
A ccording to federal prosecutors, Foster pre­
pared returns for several people claim ing m ore
than $3.6 m illion in reparations, m ost for about
$5(X),(XX) each In an interview at the N orthern
N eck Regional Jail in Va. before his sentencing,
R obert Foster m aintained he did the right thing.
“ Black people are not treated as hum ans, but as
things by the U.S. governm ent," he said. “W e
w ere used as resources to enrich this country
and we get no inheritance from the w ealth we
b ro u g h t.”
Congress Easing Cuba Travel Ban
(A P) — C ongress is taking steps to open
C uba to A m erican travelers, a m ove that goes
against both W hite H ouse efforts to enforce the
travel ban and the four-decade-old U.S. policy o f
A tax preparer was sentenced to 13 years in
isolating the com m unist cou n try . “T o d ay 's vote
prison and his daughter received ju st over three
is a clear and undeniable sign that the end is near
years for defrauding the IRS by claiming $5(X),(XX)
for the C uba travel ban,” said Sen. Max Baucus,
in slavery reparations. Robert L. Foster, 5 1, and
D -M ont.. after a 59-36 Senate vote to bar the use
C rystal Foster, 25, also were ordered by a federal
o f governm ent m oney to enforce current travel
ju d ge to repay the Internal Revenue Service
restrictions. The H ouse last m onth also voted to
about h alf o f the incom e tax refund, w hich
ease travel restrictions as part o f its version o f
a $90 billion bill to fund T ransportation and
C rystal Foster received in O ctober 2 0 0 1. Robert
Foster prepared his dau g h ter's tax form s and
Treasury departm ent program s in the budget
w as convicted with hisdaughter in July o f fraud.
year that started O ct. I. T h e W hite H ouse,
w hich recen tly m oved
to step up en fo rcem en t
o f the trav el ban, has
th re a te n e d a p re sid e n ­
tial v eto o f the sp e n d ­
ing bill - w hich c o n ­
tain s m oney for h ig h ­
w ay. law en fo rcem en t
and an ti-terro rism p ro ­
g ram s - if it co n ta in s
th e C u b a la n g u a g e .
H o u s e a n d S e n a te
lead e rs m ust still m eet
to iron o u t d iffe re n c e s
betw een th e irtw o bills,
and in th e past have
u sed th is o p p o rtu n ity
to strip o u t p ro v isio n s
in c lu d e d by e ith e r
c h a m b e r to ease C u b a
s a n c t i o n s . T o u r is m
o ff ic ia ls h av e e s ti­
m ated that as m any as
De La Salle North Catholic High School
I m illio n A m erican s
7654 North Delaware Avenue
m ig h t visit C u b a in the
Portland, OR 97217
first y e a r a fte r the lift­
ing o f the em bargo.
(503) 285-9385
Father, Daughter Sentenced for
Slave Reparations Fraud
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Sunday, November 2, 2003