Page BS October 29, 2003 B ids / C lassifieds D evelopment Internal Auditor TriMet, the region's progressive public transit agency, is seeking External Relations an Internal Auditor. This position College of Liberal Arts and Sciences designs and perform s audit Portland State U niversity is projects to assure that controls seeking an experienced fund protect TriM e t's assets and M E TR O raising professional to serve as support the achievem ent of Director of Development for the objectives. Qualified applicants Event C u stodia n, Oregon College of Liberal Arts and will have the following: Convention Center. $10.21/hour, Sciences. The position's primary Multiple PT Positions, Deadline ■ Bachelor's degree, emphasis focus will be on m ajor gifts 11-06-03. Cleans and maintains in accounting, finance or fundraising for the Sciences and restrooms, lobbies, open floor m anagem ent of business M athem atics. PSU, O regon's spaces and other public/non administration preferred. largest University with more than public areas prior to, during and • Two to four years of audit 23,000 students enrolled, is a after events. experience. nationally acclaimed leader in • Professional certification Tem porary R ecruitm ent & community-based learning. (CIA.CPA.CISA) a plus. S e lection S p e cia list, 1 FT, Responsibilities include: building • Or any equivalent temp position, approx. 4 to 6 and enhancing relationships with combination of experience and months. $36,200/year. Deadline the C o lle g e ’s m ajor training. 11-3-03. Metro is seeking a self­ constituencies, raising funds starter to serve as the key person through major and planned gifts, Excellent benefit package and in coordinating the Recruitment & annual giving, and corporate and hiring range of $3,380 - $4,225 Selection program. Responsible per month foundation gifts. for designing and posting job Apply no later than 5 p.m. announcem ents; advertising; PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES November 7,2003 by submitting skills testing; application/resume • Working with the dean and the a TriMet application with your analysis; providing advice and Vice President for University resume. Application materials assistance with interviewing; relations to establish annual may be obtained from TriMet’s providing advice and counsel, fundraising goals, Human Resources office, 1st and troubleshooting personnel issues related to the Recruitment • Identifying and cultivating the Floor, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, & Selection process and general Portland, OR 97202. Those top 25-50 major prospects for Human Resource issues; residing outside the Portland the college's campaign, Metropolitan area or who are producing various reports, and general • Soliciting major gifts. physically disabled may request docum ents, application materials by calling correspondence related to • W orking with external 503-962-7635. Persons needing program area; representing Metro constituencies to develop an accommodation under the at job fairs and on employer relationships with the college, Americans with Disabilities Act for panels; co-coordinatin g new • Managing assigned aspects of any part of the application employee orientation and tour; the college's campaign, including process should contact TriMet maintaining Metro's applicant Human Resources staff at 503- tracking database; and managing volunteers, arch ivin g and 962-7635. A minimum of two R&S file •Planning and m anaging workdays notice prior to the need destruction. cultivation and stew ardship for accommodation is required. The complete job announcement events. TTY#503-238-5811.Visit our and application materials may be website at for QUALIFICATIONS downloaded from www.metro- more detailed information and to or picked up at Bachelor’s degree with three to download an application. Metro Human Resources, 600 NE five years of fun draising Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon. TriMet is an equal opportunity experience, preferably in higher com m itted to education; an advanced degree em ployer, AA/EEO Employer developing an organization that is wilt make the candidate even Looking For Away Out! more competitive Experience in reflective of and sensitive to the m ajor gifts and annual fund needs of the diverse community Look No Further! we serve, including the elderly development, Good credit. Bad credit. Available and persons with disabilities. Up to $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 . Fast Results. Excellent communication and CALLTOLL FREE interpersonal skills and the ability 1-866-834-6795 to work with diverse groups including alumni, volunteers, See where it takes you. Do you love Sports? fa c ility and staff, excellent Earn up to $1,000 organizational skills with ability to SOCIAL SERVICES Daily while watching manage multiple projects, ability Youth Project Coordinator & Sports on TV. to be self-directed, ability to be Call 1-800-314-1619 ext.17963 Assistant Coordinator creative and flexible. OREGON PARTNERSHIP Direct mall made easy! Earn $ 1 2 0 0 This is a 12 month, 1.0 FTF fixed a Week with your own home-based Enthusiastic, creative, individuals term, unrepresented, unclassified direct M all business. FREE Report. w/bachelor's degree, 3 years position, with a starting salary 1-877-547 3 9 2 3 2 4 hr. rec. msg. experience in social service ranging from $55,000 to environment, excellent public Employment $65,000 depending on speaking sk ills, & 2 years experience and qualifications. experience working with diverse I Review of applications will begin youth. We have two full-tim e October 31, 2003 and continue positions to coordinate film - ’ until finalists are chosen. based clu b-drug prevention project. MS Office Proficient. Director Of Development & For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:> C ity o f P o r tla n d °#FGO+ B u re a u o f P u r c h a s e s WASHINGTON COUNTY B ilingual and non-bilingual positions (Spanish/English) $2,047 - $2,487/ month Closes October 31, 2003 B ilingual and non-bilingual positions (Spanish/English) $2,373- $2,885/ month Closes October 31, 2003 ASSISTANT VETERANS' SERVICES OFFICER (Aging Services Representative) $2,892 - $3,515 / month Closes November 7, 2003 The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST $4,086 - $4,966/ month Closes November 21, 2003 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w ebsite: County application and supplemental application form s required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. CALL FOR NEW Minority Business Owners If you perform Construction Work or Construction Services and if you have a new business or recently formed a business in the last 2 years and are interested in doing future work with the City of Portland. Please contact: Group AGB LLC, Andre Baugh - 503 281-3638 or FM Burch & Assoc., Faye Burch - 503 735-9455 APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Become a sales manager with this C h ristian based US company. $70,000+ average , incom e + grea t ben efits for qualified managers. If you believe you have what it takes for success ...we'd liketo talk with you. Call 1- 888-640-7316. Are you a Sales M anager Material? If you can train, inspire and be a leader, you can earn $100K plus benefits with this American company. Call 1-888- 640-7316 for recorded info. We are working to create a database of new companies that includes the services they can provide. Let us help you take the next step to increase your opportunities and Profits. The City of Portland is an equal opportunity employer “Meeting the affordable housing needs of the community HURRY!!! NOW RENTING 1,2, & 3 Bedroom Houses & Apartments • Newly Remodeled Washer & Dryer hook-ups • Appliances • Section 8 Welcome • HOPE VI Welcome 503-288-2923 4829 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 PCRfl Tualatin, and Gresham for Income Tax Auditors at the Tax Auditor Entry and Tax Auditor 1 levels. As a result of this recruitment effort, we may also have vacancies in our Medford, Bend or Eugene offices. Duties are vaned and include auditing tax returns, communicating with the public, gathenng and analyzing records, and researching federal ano state tax law. Starting salary range for our Tax Auditor Entry positions is generally $2,208 $3,060/m onth. We also offer a comprehensive benefits package, which includes a pension plan, medical, dental, and life insurance plans. Employees who successfully complete a 1 year trial service period will be promoted to a Tax Auditor 1, with a salary range of $2,790 $3,875/m onth To request Job Announcement »LERV0128 or ULERV0136 and an application, call (503) 945-8555 or visit our website at TTY (for bearing and speech Impaired only) (503) 9 4 5 8 6 1 7 or (800) 886-7204. For additional inform ation about the positions, call Salem (503) 731-4638 or (503) 9 4 5 8 5 0 2 Deadline for this recruitment is November 10.2003. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) Fax resume, refs, cover Itr to (503) 244-5506, attention: YouthLink Director or send to Oregon Partnership 6443 SW Beaverton H illsdale Highway Portland, Suite 200 PDX, OR 97221 • Play with “Soul” & “Adlib" I Office Specialist 2 The se are ju s t a fe w o f th e c u rre n t jo b o p e n in g s a v a ila b le w ith th e S ta te of O regon. A m ore c o m p le te a n n o u n c e m e n t lis tin g , a p p lic a tio n fo rm s , and a d d itio n a l jo b in fo rm a tio n are a v a ila b le a t: a) lo c a l E m p lo y m e n t D e p a rtm e n t fie ld o ffic e s , or b) th e O reg on jo b s pag e a t: w w w .o re g o n jo b s .o rg The S ta te o f O reg on and a ll it s d iv is io n s are p ro u d to be e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e rs . MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OREGONIANS hy joinmg the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS). the statewide health and human services agency We help Oregonians be independent, healthy and safe. We are absolutely committed to ongoing innovation in the delivery of services, and we are committed to recruiting, developing and retaining a diverse workforce. MANAGEMENT • Gospel, Blues, R&B, Soul. • Read sheet music and play by ear PUBLIC HEALTH Standards, • Reliability Is a Must, • Rehearse once a week until tight • Pay Is $ 1 0 0 .0 0 per gig Immediate full and part-time open­ Please Call Patrick 5 0 3 2 8 3 -6 2 2 9 Immediate opening Morning Sports Anchor. Broadcasting experience, good communication skills required. Send tape and resume attention AM Program Director - KXL Radio, 0234 SW Bancroft, Portland, OR 97239. No phone calls. Equal opportunity employer. Home Assembly Workers Needed. Pick Your Own Hrs No. EXP 1-800 5 7 6 -5 8 2 9 Explore our variety o f rewarding occupations... ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL • A ccounting Technician 3 Salary $ 2 ,2 0 8 $ 3.060/m onth Announcement #OCDT3274 Salem ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Revenue Agent 3 Collector The Oregon Department of Revenue is recruiting for a Revenue Agent 3 to perform complex field collection and investigations work under the authority of a variety of revenue producing statutes that generate a number of different types of delinquent accounts and tax liabilities due the state Salary $2,320 $3,208 monthly EEO/AAE/ADA To request Job Announcement SLERV0082A and an application, call (503) 945-8555 or vis« our website at www TTY (hearing or speech Impaired only) (503) 9 4 5 0 6 1 7 or (800) 886-7204. Apply now We could stop taking applications at any time. Income Tax Auditors Do you have an accounting or tax background, communicate well with others, and have strong analytical skills? Are you seeking a job that is challenging, flexible, and rewarding in a work environment that is satisfying, educational, and motivational? Then the Oregon Department of Revenue invites you to pursue a career with us. Currently we have openings m Salem. Portland. w ODOT supports a vast range of innovative transportation products and services, touching the life of every Oregonian, every day. • Field Permit Analyst Salary $2,207 - $ 3 .0 6 1 /month Announcement 40CDT3738 Umatilla To obtain a detailed job announcements and application materials, visit the DHS website:; call the DHS job line at (5031945-5742; TTY (503) 9 4 5 6 2 1 4 or contact any local Oregon Employment office. Information is available by referencing the announcement numbefis). w OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) CUSTOMER SERVICE/ENFORCEMENT • Principal Contributor 1 Public Health Preparedness Planning Coordinator Salary range: $3,546 $4,978/m onth Announcement f»LEHS3545 - Portland Close Date: November 3 ,2 0 0 3 w PERS covers nearly 300,000 members and administers retirement, disability benefits, health insurance and deferred compensation plans statewide. This position is responsible for quality control by ensuring validation and verification of all processes within the section, as well as monitoring and measuring section performance against quality control standards. Salary range is $1,863 $2,546/m onth EOE/AA To review the |ob description and m inimum qualification« for Announcement »IE300871, contact your local Employment Deportment field office. PERS Human Resources a t (503) 603-7552. or visit Closing date is November 7, 2003 at 5 p.m. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES.. JOIN OUR TEAM! OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES • Principal Executlve/M anager E Administrator. Office of M ulticultural Health Salary range $4,099 $6,048/m onth Announcement #LEHS3405 Portland Close Date: October 3 1 ,2 0 0 3 • Have good know ledge o f Jazz $8.00 + Starting wage Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 401K avail. Drug test/Background Check New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Apply 12:00-12:30 PM. Tues & Thurs at City Center Parking 130 SW Stark, Portland Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944- 7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­ ing the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. $250 to $500 a week Will train to work at home Helping the US Government file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906 $4,623 - $5,619/ month Closes November 7, 2003 Spanish-speakersand minorities are encouraged to apply. PSU is an AA/EO institution, in keeping with the President’s No Phone Calls Please diversity initiative, welcomes applications from diverse Wanted: candidates and candidates who Piano player for regular Saturday night gigs, candidate must: support diversity. groomed, positive Individuals. C areer O p p o rtu n itie s FACILITIES OPERATIONS MANAGER To Apply ings. Seeking d ep e n d a b le , w ell- PORT OF PORTLAND ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST II T R I© M E T For a com plete position description see Send a letter, resume and the names of three references to: Search Com m ittee, Office of University Development, Portland State University, P.0. Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST I . O r e g j o • Q uality C ontrol Com pliance Specialist Salary $ 2 ,8 6 5 $4,101/m onth Announcement #0CDT3468 Portland • Junior Inspector Salary $2,357 $3.375/m onth Announcement 40CDT3469 Portland ■ Access M anagem ent Specialist Salary $ 2 ,865 $4,101/m onth Announcement »OCDT3762 Salem • Senior Drafter Salary $ 2 ,7 2 8 $3.911/m onth Announcem ent 40CDT3700 Medford • Survey R e search/A nalyst/C ad M ap S pecialist Salary $ 2 ,8 6 5 $4.101/m onth Announcement 40CDT3701 Portland HEALTH/SAFETY • Industrial Hygienist Salary $ 3 ,2 0 8 ■ $4,476/m onth Announcem ent 4OCDT3270 Salem To apply, you must obtain a copy of the appropriate announcement number, which provides full details, qualifications/requirements, and how to apply instructions. Call (503) 9 8 8 4 0 3 0 [TTY (503) 9 8 8 3 8 5 4 for the hearing impaired!, or visit www odot stateor us/jobs As an AA/EEO employer. OOOT is committed to integrating the promotion and management of workforce diversity and affirmative action into every facet of our business n J o b s . o r g J