50/ Midwives Share Healing Health advocates connect at PSU conference Dancing Through Struggle Sickle cell doesn’t stop teen from achieving dreams See story. Page A5 See M etro , page A 10 J art lañó ‘City of Roses’ Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXIII • Number 42 T,Week¡n TheReview Hussein Could Be In Hometown Saddam H ussein is b elieved to have been hiding out recently in T ik rit, in flu e n c in g th e a n ti- A m erican insurgency, the U.S. m ilitary said. Fresh attack s by resistance forces across central I raq w ere reported to ha ve k i I led three A m erican so ld iers and w ounded five others. "W e have clear indication he has been here recently,” Maj. T roy Sm ith, a deputy brigade com m ander, told reporters in T ikrit, the fugitive form er p resid en t’s hom etow n. ‘DC Sniper’ premiers on the TV Shortly after form er Portland P olice C h ie f C harles M oose and his sta ff at the M ontgom ery C ounty. M aryland, Police D epartm ent caught sniper suspects John Allen M uham m ad and John Lee M alvo, M oose caught the jo k es, “ W h o ’s going to play you in the m ovie?” O ne year later, the answ er is C harles D utton, in a m ade-for-TV film for the U SA N etw ork that prem iers at 9 p.m . on Friday. “ D.C. Sniper: 23 D ays o f Fear” follow s the three w eeks that D.C.- area residents lived in fear during an apparently random shooting spree from the perspectives o f the killers, investigators and the comm unity. The subject is particularly close to D u tto n ’s heart as he lives on Palestinian leader Y asser A rafat delivered yet an o th er blow to his new prem ier, appointing an acting security chiefo v er interim Prim e M inister A hm ed Q u reia's opposition. Q u reia, in office about a w eek, already has threat­ ened to resign several tim es b e­ cause o f disputes w ith A rafat. The latest threat cam e Sunday, w hen Q ureia said he w ill not be part o f a new governm ent. a M aryland farm only 20 m iles from w here the suspects w ere cap ­ T w o-year-old E gyptian tw ins w hose fused heads w ere surgi­ cally separated over the w eekend w ere doing rem arkably well but w ere still not out o f the danger zone, a d o cto r said. D octors w arned that the risks include stroke and infection, and said there are also concerns about how the w ounds heal and long-term ques­ tions about brain damage. Low-Carb Diets Working The dietary establishm ent has long argued it’s im possible, but a new study offers intriguing evidence that people on low- carbohydrate diets can actually eat m ore than folks on standard lo w -fa t p la n s an d still lose w eight. Perhaps no idea is m ore controversial in the diet w orld than the contention - long e s­ poused by the late Dr. R obert A tkins - that people on low -car­ bohydrate diets can consum e m ore calories w ithout paying a price on the scales. Sniper Defense Nears $1 Million With the first trial in the W ashing­ ton sniper case set to begin on T uesday, the court-ap p o in ted lawyers for the tw o defendants, have subm itted nearly $900,000 in bills so far for reim bursem ent by V irginia taxpayers. Tiger to Remain at Mirage T he tiger that m auled m agician Roy H om o f the "S iegfried and R oy” duo w ill be released from q uarantine T uesday and w ill continue to live at an anim al habitat at the M irage hotel-ca­ sino, officials said. Wednesday • October 15. 2003 Dutton Plays Moose in Movie Palestinian PM May Resign Twins still in ‘Danger Zone’ www.portlandobserver.com Established in 1970 tured. He said he studied M o o se’s com plex ch aracter durin g press conferences and tried to capture his tem per, alo n g w ith his concern as he led w hat is now called the largest m anhunt in law enforcem ent history. Actor Charles Dutton portrays former Portland Police Chief Charles Moose in the docudrama “D.C. Sniper: 23 Days o f Fear. " The movie airs on the USA Network at 9 p.m. on Friday. Wellness Village Saturday at Blazer Club T h e A frican A m erican H ealth C o a li­ tio n is h o ld in g s its 8 lh A n n u al A frican A m erican W elln ess V illage fro m 9 a .m . to 4 p.m . S a tu rd ay , O ct. 18 at th e B lazers B oys an d G irls C lu b , 5 2 5 0 N .E . M artin L u th er K in g Jr. B lvd. T h e sp ecial d ay o f ac tiv itie s a n d free h ealth sc re e n in g s m ark s the c lo se o f A f­ rican A m erican W elln ess W eek. Festivities begin with an o p ening drum cerem ony at 10 a m ., follow ed by a talk by keynote speaker Joyce D ougherty, Ph D., a gourm et cooking dem onstration. Salsa d an c­ ing, a gospel ch o ir and a w ellness w alk. T h e free h ealth ch e c k s in clu d e tests fo r a rterial stiffn e ss, high b lo o d p re s­ sure, p ro sta te ca n c e r, bone d e n sity , d ia ­ b e te s, c h o le ste ro l, body fat an d H IV. Im m u n izatio n s an d T B and lead sc re e n ­ ings w ill also be o ffered . For m ore information, all 503-413-1850. No Excuse for Abuse Survivor brings down walls hiding domestic violence M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver photo bv Meek Elementary School, 4039 N.E. Alberta Court, sits vacant after i t ’s closure last spring, but may become the future home o f Vocational Village High School or a charter school. Bv M aki ha R ave A s a second-generation survivor o f dom estic violence, I know oh so well the effects o f physical pain and anguish suffered from the assaults o f a m ale batterer. From m y earl iest recol lections as a very young girl, unti I ju st seven years ago, I w as a victim o f dom estic vio­ lence. O ften th e term is u sed in te r­ changeably w ith spousal abuse and battered w o m en ’s syndrom e. Re­ gardless o f w hich term is used, the m eaning is the sam e. V arious form s o f battering and abuse w ere the norm o f m y daily ex istence, ju st as it w as for m y surviv­ ing, now 7 1-year -old m other, w ho still suffers today w ith great m ental anguish. I obtained my m o th er’s perm is­ sion to publicly recount this portion o f o ur lives in recognition o f “ D o­ m estic V iolence A w areness" w eek. photo bv M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver M y m ention o f her suffering is done Martha Raye o f Vancouver joins Troy Steele, the manager o f the Safeway Food and w ith tender sensitivity due to the Drug on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, to promote domestic violence nature o f this topic. G raphic descrip ­ awareness week. The grocery chain has printed domestic violence awareness informa­ tio n s o f th e a ssa u lts c o m m itte d tion on its grocery bags at 120 stores in Oregon and Washington. against both o ( us w ill not be dis­ closed. A nd 57 percent o f hom eless w om en and A fter suffering through silence for nearly Further still, m any w ill never stand before children identify dom estic violence as p ri­ a ju ry in a court o f law in order to convict 53 years, I now speak for m y m other and o thers w ho are si lent victim s and survivors. their abuser. It’s not unusual for acts o f m ary cause o f th eir hom elessness. W e jo in the thousands o f other battered M any v ictim s w ill never show th eir v io le n c e a g a in stw o m e n a n d c h ild re n to g o w om en and children w ho m ust be heard! unreported and un-prosecuted because During the Vietnam era, as many as 58,000 fam ily and friends d o n ’t w ant to get in­ m ale soldiers w ere killed in battle w hile on volved. T h ere’s the erroneous b e lie f that foreign soil. C om pare that to the 54,000 “w om en and children" are the property o f w om en killed in dom estic situations on their m ale counterparts and therefore can A m erican soil during the sam e period. N ow, be handled, (for lack o ff a better term ) in any do you fell my passion for social reform ? form or fashion deem ed necessary to their S tatistics further state that one in three assaulter. adult w om en are regularly beaten by their The physical, psychological and em o­ m ale partners. A dd to those proportions, tional repercussions are long-standing and the estim ated 3.3 m illion children w ho w it­ often irreversible for the victim s. O ften ness their m others and fem ale caretakers they becom e abusers o f others, open them ­ being assaulted at som e point in th eir life­ w ounds to a m edical exam iner; often they go selves to prom iscuity and such, or w orse. time. m issing and b ecom e all but forgotten. H ow do you recognize a batterer or It’s estim ated that 40 to 60 percent o f men M any victim s will never filea police report continued " y f on page .44 w ho abuse w om en, also abuse children. out o f fear o f retribution from their abuser. The physical, psychological and emotional repercussions are long-standing and often irreversible for the victims. | I I Suitors Romance Meek Closed school may open as alternative education site bv J avmee R. C iiti T he P orti . and O bserver T w odifferent educational institutions have descended on the recently closed M eek E l­ em entary School property to solve their loca­ tion troubles. The Portland School B oard m ay announce as early as this w eek, w hat it plans to do w ith M eek, the quaint building that sits em pty on N ortheast A lberta Court. D istrict officials are pushing to m ove V o­ cational V illage High School from its current G len Haven location at 8020 N.E. T illam ook because the building needs seism ic upgrades and other repairs that contractors say a re n ’t w orth the investm ent. O ne relocation option is M eek, w hich closed last June because o f budget cuts. M eek w ould need extensive renovations to accom m odate V ocational V illage, includ­ ing building an autom otive and m etal shop that com e at a $ 1.5 m illion price tag T he cost o f upgrades could be covered by the sale o f G len H aven property, according to a district spokesm an. V ocational V illage serves about 180 stu ­ dents, m any w ho have dropped out o f larger high schools The school offers eight jo b - training program s designed to keep students in school and transition them easily to jo b s upon graduation. S tudents, teac h ers and V ocational V illage faculty are to u n n g M eek to determ ine how well it w ill suit their needs. T he V ocational V illage site m ay already continued on page A4 a