Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 08, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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    Çortlanô (Dbserucr M E D W eek
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B ids / C lassifieds
Systems Analyst Programmer IV -
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Salary Range: $4778 $5973
per month
TriMet, the region's progressive
public transit agency has the
following immediate opening in
support of Geographic Information
Systems within the Information
Technology Department:
Top-level software developer with
experience in Java, Visual Basic
V is u a l
B a sic
.N ET.
Responsible for program design,
c o d in g , te s tin g , d e b u g g in g ,
d o c u m e n ta tio n , as w e ll as
m aintenance of spatial data.
TriMet's environment consists of
ESRI's Spatial Database Engine
(ArcSDE), running on a UNIX Oracle
d a ta b a s e .
C lie n t-s e rv e r
applications run on Windows NT
and 2000 w ith d eve lo p m e n t
using ArcObjects and MapObjects
in Visual Basic and .NET. Web
applications are developed using
ArcIMS, Java and XSL. Candidates
w ill be e v a lu a te d ba se d on
s p e c ific e xp e rie n ce in th e se
areas. In addition, TriMet is very
te a m -o rie n te d , so q u a lifie d
applicants will be adept at working
in groups and with version control
Im m e d ia te ta s k s
in clu d e
c o n tin u e d d e v e lo p m e n t and
expansion of the in te ra ctive,
o n lin e
s ys te m
m ap
(www.trimet.Qfg/ i nteractivemap).
Will also assist with development
a n d m a in te n a n c e o f s p a tia l
d a ta b a s e s and e x is tin g G IS
a p p lic a tio n s . T riM e t is a lso
currently beta testing ArcGIS 9.0,
including ArcEngine.
Qualified applicants will have the
following background:
• Bachelor's degree in Business,
Computer Science, GIS, or related
technical field.
■ S ix ye a rs o f In fo rm a tio n
te c h n o lo g y
p ro c e s s in g
experience, four of which must
have been in a systems analyst or
equivalent position. Additional
experience may be substituted for
the education requirement.
• Or any equivalent combination
of experience and training.
TriMet offers its employees an
e x c e lle n t
co m p re h e n s ive
b e n e fits p a cka ge , c a re e r
d e v e lo p m e n t o p p o rtu n itie s ,
p e n s io n p la n , e d u c a tio n a l
b e n e fits ,
s ta te -o f-th e -a rt
technology, and much more.
SERVICES, University of Oregon
School of Architecture & Allied Arts
in Eugene. Full-time, 12-month,
professional position, fixed term
appointment subject to renewal.
Position leads the school in the
m a n a g e m e n t o f c o m p u tin g
fa c ilitie s fo r in s tru c tio n a l,
re se a rch , and a d m in istra tive
p u rp o s e s .
D u tie s in clu d e
overseeing support for faculty and
s tu d e n ts w ith in s tru c tio n a l
com puting needs; oversight of
th e lo ca l a re a n e tw o rk s ;
recommending on the purchase
o f c o m p u tin g h a rd w a re and
software; setting up and assisting
fa c u lty in th e o p e ra tio n of
computing laboratories; training
faculty and staff in the use of
system and network software;
providing leadership for technical
s ta ff. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s a lso
include coordination and liaison
with the UO Computing Center and
m a in te n a n c e o f e le c tro n ic
c a le n d a rs and d a ta b a s e s ;
oversight of web sites for the
school and its departments and
programs; and oversight of setup
and o p e ra tio n o f lo ca l area
n e tw o rk s . T h is p o s itio n is
re s p o n s ib le fo r h irin g and
s u p e rv is in g s ta ff, g ra d u a te
teaching fellows, and students.
Q u a lif ic a t io n s : M.A. or M.S.
d e g re e in C o m p u te r S cien ce
p re fe rre d or e q u iva le n t field
experience. Background and
experience with all versions of
A p p le M acO S and M ic ro s o ft
W indow s essential. Requires
extensive experience with a wide
variety of software and hardware
with an em phasis on graphic
w o rk sta tio n s and p rin tin g on
large-format inkjet printers. Also
requires experience with system
a d m in is tra tio n
in c lu d in g
AppleSharelP and Windows 2000
Server. M ust have exce lle n t
communication skills and ability
to discuss highly technical issues
with non-technical people. Strong
tim e
m anagem ent
prioritization skills are essential,
and m u st h a ve a b ility to
a d m in iste r a ffirm a tive action
policies effectively and supervise
in a culturally diverse workforce.
S a la r y : $ 4 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 5 0 ,0 0 0 .
A p p lic a tio n
In fo r m a tio n
M a il:
Hum an
Resources, 5210 University of
Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5210.
Phone: (541) 346-3159, TTY
(541) 346-0852. Web: http;//
hr.uoregon.edu/jobs/ Review of
applications will begin on October
15,2003. In order to receive full
consideration applications should
be received by that date.
a v a ila b le :
O ctober 0 8 . 2 0 0 3
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
Home Assembly Workers
Needed .Pick Your Own Hrs
No. EXP 1 8 0 0 5 7 6 5 8 2 9
C ity o f P o r tla n d
B ureau o f P u rch a ses
Request for Proposal No: P 0 4 -7 9 1 3
Request for Proposal Name: S ch o o l-A g ed P o lic y F ra m e w o rk
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
S e rv ic e D e liv e ry S y s te m
Request for Proposal due by 4:00 PM on N o v e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 0 3
Two OPTIONAL Pre-Proposal Conferences:O ctober 9, 2 00 3 ,
1:30 P.M. Multnomah Building, Room 315, 503 SE Hawthorne
Blvd., Portland. OR or October 20, 2003, 9:00 A.M., Midland
Library, 805 SE 122nd, Portland, Or
Information about career opportunities with the Port
of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503)
944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-
7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port’s website at
www.portportlandor.com or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­
ing the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland.
P ro p o s a ls w ill n o t b e p u b lic ly o p e n e d a n d re a d a lo u d .
P r o p o s a ls m u s t b e s e a le d In t h e i r e n t i r e t y , a n d t h e
p a c k a g in g c le a r ly m a rk e d w ith t h e P r o p o s e r ’s n a m e ,
a d d re s s , a n d RFP n u m b e r. Proposals will be received until, but
not after, 4:00 PM, by Multnomah County Central Procurement
and Contract Administration (CPCA), 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd.,
Suite 400, Portland, OR 97214, for:
The Multnomah County Department of School and Community
Partnerships, is seeking proposals from qualified providers for
School-Age Policy Framework School-Based and School-Linked
services to children and their families. Services are focused on
increased youth school achievement. Through this RFP providers
will be selected for six (6) Regional Service Centers; Culturally
Specific services for African Americans, African Immigrants, Asian
Pacific Islanders, Latinos, Native Am ericans and the Slavic
Community; Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Services; Technical
Assistance for Gender Specific Services for Girls; and Technical
Assistance and Direct Services to Sexual Minority Youth. The period
of performance will be January 1, 2004 to June 30, 2008.
Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals
if not in com pliance with the Request for Proposals (RFP)
procedures and requirements.
Specifications may be obtained from: Multnomah County CPCA,
501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97214. Phone
503-988-5111, Fax 503-988-3252. Bid list and occasional Bid/
RFP downloads are available at web address:
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Minority Business Owners
If you perform Construction Work or Construction Services
and if you have a new business or recently formed a business in
the last 2 years and are interested in doing future work with the
City of Portland.
Please contact:
Group AGB LLC, Andre Baugh - 503 281-3638
FM Burch & Assoc., Faye Burch - 503 735-9455
We are working to create a database of new companies that
includes the services they can provide. Let us help you take the
next step to increase your opportunities and Profits.
The City of Portland is an equal opportunity employer
Direct mail made easy! Earn $ 1 2 0 0
Oregon Legislature
a Week with your own home-based
S l,5 6 9 -$ 2 ,0 9 5
direct M ail business. FREE Report.
( plus $ .5 0 per hour shift differential )
• Two positions available
• Cleaningthe State Capitol
• Must have commercial
• Shift is 5:30 pm - 2:00 am
Career Opportunities
1-877 5 4 7 -3 9 2 3 2 4 hr. rec. msg.
$250 to $500 a week
Will train to work at home
Helping the US Government file
HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
No experience necessary
Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906
O LD V IN Y L 4 5 ’«? Will pay cash
or trade work for your old 7-inch
singles. Not a dealer, just a hard­
working music lover who wants to
help you clean your attic of old
vinyl. Call Dan @ 503-997-7139.
N e x t S to p , O p p o r t u n i t y
TriMet is hiring Bus Operators
A jí A ví V í
For more information contact:
Karen Hupp
Legislative Administration
900 Court St. NE Room 140-B
Salem OR 97301
(503) 986-1373
deadline 10/17/03
S tart part time and drive your career forward to full time employment TriMet offers fully paid medi­
cal, dental and vision benefits after one month of employment and pays $11.14/hour to start, $13.14/hour
after 6 months and $20.25/hour after 3 years.
T l A I. A TiN iSM yA Ll J Y
Requirements • Two years strong customer service • Five years good driving record • Solid work record
Subm it TriMet application with
resume and cover letter no later
EO/AA/ADA institution
than 5 pm on O c to b e r 1 7 ,2 0 0 3 .
to cultural diversity
This position will fill In during staff
Ap p lication m aterials may be
vacations and absences in North,
obtained from TriM et's Human
Executive Director, Oregon M ESA
NE and SE Portland. Responsible
Resources office, I s' floor, 4012
SE 17,n Ave., Portland, OR 97202. Portland State University seeks an for front office clerical, answering
You may fax your application to Executive Director for the Oregon phones, greeting clients and filing.
503-962-7440. Those residing MESA program. Oregon MESA Requires previous front office
outside the Portland Metropolitan in c re a s e s th e s u c c e s s of experience preferably in a medical
a re a o r w ho are p h ys ic a lly underrepresented students in setting. Pay is $8.00-9.00/hr.
disabled may request application pursuing college opportunities
Interested applicants may fax
m aterials by calling 503-962- and ca re e rs in m athem atics,
resum es to 503-690-9605 or
7 63 5 . P e rso n s n e e d in g an e n g in e e rin g , or scie n ce. The
mail to: TVC, 14600 NW Cornell
a c c o m m o d a tio n u n d e r the successful candidate will direct all
Rd, Portland, OR 97229 Attn:
Americans with Disabilities Act for a sp ects of th e Oregon M ESA
Hum an R e s o u rce s.
P lease
a n y p a rt o f th e a p p lic a tio n p rogram , in c lu d in g p rovid in g
include in your cover letter the
process should contact TriMet su p p ort for the M ESA school
p o s itio n fo r w h ich you are
Human Resources staff at (503) c h a p te rs ; d e v e lo p in g and
applying. To learn more about
962-7635. A minim um of two m aintaining partnerships with
Tualatin Valley Centers please
workdays notice prior to the need in d u s try ,
c o m m u n ity
v is it
w e b s ite
for accommodation is required. organizations, government, and
TTY# (503) 238-5811. Visit our school districts; coordlnatinggrant
w e b s ite at h ttf);/ / w w w A ri: w ritin g
a nd
fu n d ra is in g ;
Equal Opportunity Employer
m et.org/jobs for more detailed s u p e rv is in g M ES A s ta ff and
« ¡V .
information and to download an contractors; and managing the
o ffic e
o p e ra tio n s .
Applications consisting of a cover
TriMet is an EOE, committed to
le tte r, re su m e , and th re e
developingan organization that Is
references should be addressed
reflective of and sensitive to the
to : O re go n M ESA S e a rch
needs of the diverse community
C o m m itte e ,
C o lle g e
o f Immediate full and part-time open­
we serve, including the elderly
E n g in e e rin g and C o m p u te r ings. Seeking d ep e n d a b le , w ell-
and persons with disabilities.
Science, Portland State University,
groomed. positive individuals.
P.O. Box 751/CECS, Portland, OR
$8.00 + Starting wage
9 7207-0751. P o rtla n d S ta te
Overtime/advancem ent
University is an AA/EO institution,
See where it takes you
and in k e e p in g w ith th e
Medical & Dental,
President's diversity initiative,
401K avail.
w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s from
Drug test/Background Check
No exp. necessary. Training travel d iv e rs e
c a n d id a te s
New hires must have acceptable
provided at our expense. H.S. candidates who support diversity.
documentation to confirm both
grads ages 17-34. Great benefits Position open until filled.
identity and eligibility to work.
package. Pd relocation. Call M-F
Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues
& Thurs at
City Center Parking
130 SW Stark, Portland
CALL 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -4 4 6 9
To find o u t m ore about this job and other career opportunities at TriMet, you can visit our web site at
trimet.org/jobs, call our job line at 503-962-7640 or stop by TriMet at 4012 SE 17th Avenue.
TriMet is an equal opportunity employer committed to developing an organization that Is reflective o f and sensitive to the needs o f the
diverse community we serve, including the elderly and persons with disabilities
T R I© M E T
See where it takes you.
SO3-238-RIDE ■ tr1met.org
• Budget Technician
Salary $2,109 - $2,790/m onth
Announcement HOCDT3269 Salem
■ Accounting Technician 2
Salary $2.109 $2.790/m onth
Announcement 40CDT3272 Salem
1 /'
• Designer (Job Share)
Salary $3,160 - $4,525/m onth (prorated)
Announcement 40CDT3695 Bend
• Local Agency Construction Pro)ect Ualson
Salary $3.160 - $4,525/m onth
Announcement 4OCOT3572 Roseburg
These are just a few of the current job openings available with
the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing,
application forms, and additional job information are available at:
a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon
jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org The State of Oregon and all its
divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
Data Entry Operators
PERS covers nearly 300,000 members and
adm inisters retirement, disability benefits,
health insurance and deferred compensation
plans statewide. This position captures data
from agency records by entering appropriate
information from electronically stored images
scanned from a variety of handwritten and
typed source documents. Salary range is
$1.582 $2.115/month. EOE/AA. To review
the Job description for. Including minimum
qualifications, obtain Job Announcem ent
«LE300768 from your local Employment
Departm ent field o ffice, th e s ta te Job
website: www.oregonjobt.org. or by calling
PERS Human Resources at (503) 431-8910.
Closing date: October 1 4 ,2 0 0 3 at 5 pm.
Human Resource Services Division
Executive Recruiter and
Community Outreach
Principal Contributor 2
You will develop recruitm ent plans and
processes for executive level positions.
• Assistant District M anager
Salary $3,223 - $4,745/m onth
Announcement 40C0T3546 Bend
• Business Sendees Section M anager
Salary $3,720 - $5,486/m onth
Announcement 40CDT3764
including directing leading and developing
recruitment, selection and appointm ent
processes for nationwide and specialized
recruitments. You will work on a variety of
human resources issues and you will direct and
develop diversity outreach programs to achieve
diversity in the workforce. To qualify, you must
have a Bachelor's degree in HR Management.
Business or related field and 3 years' full cycle
recruitm ent
experience sourcing senior and executive level
candidates. Salary is $3.903 $5.486/m onth,
with a benefit program contribution toward
fam ily health and dental insurance, life
insurance. Other benefits include a retirement
program, short and longterm disability
insurance, paid holiday, vacation, and sick
For detailed Job Announcem ent
4LEDA3108. go to our website at
• Alternative Delivery Program Coordinators
2 Lim ited Duration Positions
Salary $3,160 $4,525/m onth
Announcement P0CDT3697 Salem
• Consultant Protect M anager
Salary $3.720 - $5,486/m onth
Announcement 40CDT3464 Portland
• Transportation System Planner
Salary $2,865 - $4,101/m onth
Announcement 4OCDT3574 Roseburg
• Purchasing Analyst
Salary $2,430 • $3,370/m onth‘
‘ See Announcement for details
Announcement 4OCDT3759 Salem
• Grants, Contracts Coordinator
Salary $ 2,790- $ 3 8 7 5 /m o n th *
•See Announcement for details
Announcement 40CDT3761 Salem
w w w.oregonjobs.org or call (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 3 6 2 2 .
This position will close on October 14, 2003.
ODOT supports a vast range of innovative
transportation products and services, touching
the life of every Oregonian, every day.
Explore our variety of renaming occupations...
e g o n
To apply, you must obtain a copy of the
appropriate announcement number, which
provides full details, qualifications/ requirements,
and bow to apply instructions. Call (503)
9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing
Impelredl. or visit www.odol.state.or us/)obs
As an AA/EEO employer. ODOT is committed to
integrating the promotion and management of
workforce diversity end affirmative action into
every facet of our business.