Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 08, 2003, Page 7, Image 7

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®JjeÇortlanb (fihaeruer MED Week_______________
Cedric Goes Undercover
C edric T he E ntertainer stars as a
hard charging private investigator
G us Petch, in Intolerable C ruelty
produced by U niversal Pictures and
opening in theaters nationw ide on
F riday,O ct. 10.
A mix ofB everly Hills high glam ­
o u r and m aliciously com petitive
fun, it brings togeth er a cast o f
unusual pedigree, includingG eorge
C looney, A cadem y A w ard w inner
C atherine Z eta-Jones, O scar w in ­
n e r G e o ffre y R u sh , E d w ard
H erm ann, Richard Jenkins and O s­
car w inner B illy B ob Thornton.
The picture is the story o fa prom i­
nent Los A ngeles divorce attorney
M iles M assey (C looney) w ho has
reached a career plateau and begins
to look for new challenges. He finds
his greatest challenge when he meets
the m uch-divorced M arilyn Rexroth
(Zeta-Jones), a hard-headed w om an
pursuing financial independence
through serial m atrim ony. U nder­
handed tactics, deceptions and an
undeniable attraction escalate as
M arilyn and M iles square o ff per­
sonally and professionally in this
classic battle o f the sexes.
“G us Petch is a little overly seri­
o u s," says C edric about his ch arac­
ter. “ He is a little ex-m ilitary - m ore
m erchant m arine or probably a gen­
eral in the Salvation A rm y. A nd he
expects people to give him a lot o f
respect fo rh isjo b . H e w a sh ire d b y
M arilyn R exroth to gather incrim i-
(A P)— Ray C harles cel­
eb rated his 73rd birthday
w ith a cake shaped like a
p ia n o a n d v is its fro m
Q uincy Jones and W illie
N elson.
” 1’ve been lucky to have
done so m any things these
73 years, but th ere’s a lot
m ore I w ant to do in life,
especially w ith longtim e
frie n d s lik e W illie an d
Q u in c y ,” the leg en d a ry
m usician said at his private Ray C harles
H e’s recorded classic songs
A t th e festivities. C harles also
Limit 10 per family • Coupon Expires 10/20/03
an n o u n ced a b lu es songw riting including "W h a t’d 1 S ay” and
contest, w hich h e ’ II ju d g e with help “G eorgia on M y M ind.”
from Flea from the R ed Hot Chili
P eppers, A licia K eys and Roger
C om e c e le b ra te o u r c o n n e c tio n to salm o n an d n a tu re
W aters o f Pink Floyd.
T eenagers can subm it the lyrics
e 20th annual
to a blues song and five w inners
w ill be flow n to L os A ngeles to
w ork w ith C harles in producing the
so n g .
C h a rle s has b een re stin g b e ­
c a u se o f a hip ailm e n t, but has
sta rte d w o rk on a d u e ts alb u m to
fe a tu re B .B . K in g an d o thers.
• Metro
C h a rle s , w h o w as 7 w h en he lost
• Oregon Trout
his ey esig h t, has w on 13 G ram m y
• Mt. Hood National Forest
A w a rd s , in c lu d in g a L ifetim e
• Portland Water Bureau
10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• Columbia River Inter-Tribal
A ch iev em en t A w ard. H e also was
Fish Commission
and Sunday,
o n e o f th e o rig in a l in d u ctees to
• Ecotrust
th e R ock and Roll H all o f Fam e in
Oct. 11 and 12
• Portland General Electric
• Bureau of Land Management
D on't be afraid
Located at 722 N Summer
503-460-3830 • Open 7 days a w eek
Fresh Local Grown Blackeye Peas Now In!
Great Local Produce Every day
Fresh Local Grown
Collard or Mustard Greens
5 bunches for $1.00
“Intolerable C ruelty."
n a tin g e v id e n c e a g a in s t h e r
w ealthy, philandering real estate
d eveloper husband Rex Rexroth
( H erm ann), but ultim ately figures
prom inently in her undoing.
C edric is best know n as one o f
the headlining stars o f the hit film
T he O riginal K ings o f C om edy,
M T V ’s acclaim ed docum entary
feature d irected by Spike Lee.
M o st re c e n tly , th e fu n n y m an
starred in the box office sm ash
B arbershop, w hich opened in first
place during the S um m er o f 2002.
Last fall, he debuted his new
sk etch /v ariety telev isio n series
Cedric The Entertainer P resents...
on the Fox netw ork, g am ering a
P eo p le’s C hoice nom ination for
Best New C om edy Series.
Salmon °1
Metro's Oxbow
Regional Park
Myriad of Talent
R oseland T heater w elcom es Pe­
ter Fram pton w ith Joe B onam ass at 8
p.m . O ct. 29; T w iztid w ith W olfpac,
R .O .C . and S ociety O ne at 8 p.m . N ov. 5; Less Than
Jake with Fall O ut Boy at 8 p.m. Nov. 12; and B.B. King
a t7 :3 0 p .m .N o v .2 3 .T ickets are on sale now by cal ling
Spooky Season
Portland Parks and R ees sponsors a H allow een D ive-
In M ovie at C olum bia Pool, 7701, N. C hautauqua BI vd
at 6 p.m . Oct. 24. T ickets are $2 for kids and $3.50 for
adults; an all ages M onster M ash costum e party is at
the M att D ishm an C om m unity C enter, 77 N.E. K nott,
from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 24; a not so spooky Boo To You
exhibit isd esig n ed fo ry o u n g er kids from 1 1:45a.m . to
12:30 p.m. at the M att D ishm an C om m unity C enter on
O ct. 25; Little O n e ’s H allow een D elights gives kids a
chance to m ake th eir ow n decorations at the D ishm an
C enter from 12:45 p.m . to 1:30 p.m. O ct. 25.
Blues Sensation
Jonny Lang perform s w ith special guests at 8 p.m . Oct.
30 at Chiles C enter. For tickets, call 503-244-8499.
88 Years of Stories To Tell
M cM enam ins K ennedy School celebrates 88 years o f
stories at a party w ith carnival gam es from 3 to 9 p.m.
O ct. 18 in h o n o ro f its opening in 1915. The w alls w ill
talk at 5736 N .E. 33rd A ve. For m ore inform ation, call
Rock Legend
S antana w ill perform w ith special guests at the Rose
G arden Arena, T heater o f the C louds at 7:30 p. m. Nov.
16. Tickets are $55.50. For tickets, call 503-224-4400.
Roll In the Hay
Rol 1 in the hay at a hay ride at K ruger’s Farm on Sauvie
Island in O ctober. D elight in the autum n w ith a day o f
hay rides, pum pkin picking an a com m aze w ith carm el
Book Renews
Interest in
Oregon Racism
from A t 0
Initially w hen the charge o f a
rac ial ly-m otivated ki 11 ing w as p ro ­
posed, the killer den ied it. It w as a
street braw l, plain and sim ple. But
the prosecutor insisted and finally
a plea-bargain deal w as reached.
G radually a street braw l w as co n ­
verted by the public m ind into a
hunting party and its prey. A t­
tem pts to correct this m yth w ere
m et w ith disbelief.
O nce the racial m otivation b e ­
cam e official doctrine, the path w as
open to reach out for national lead­
ers o f the neo-N azi m ovem ent. The
im pact on M etzger w as severe at
first, but w as insigni ficant over the
longer term. A fter m eetings w ith
M etzger, L anger concludes that he
is probably not significantly w orse
o ff(o r less influential) today than if
he had never been charged.
More important, Langer feels that
P ortland and O regon w ere let o ff
the hook.
Roger Eiss is a reporter fo r the
City Club o f Portland
’ '
apples, p um kin pie and hot
cider. $3. F o rm o re inform ation,
Festival admission:
$7 per vehicle
o f a cloudy day -
that's perfect
for salmon viewing.
For more inform ation,
call Metro at (503) 797-1850
or visit www.metro-region.org
call 503-621-3489.
Cirque Extravaganza
C irqye Du Soleil presents acclaim ed A legría under the
w hite G rand C hapiteau on S outhw est M oody A v­
enue through O ct. 26. T ickets start at $45. For more
in f o r m a tio n , c a ll 8 0 0 - 6 7 8 - 5 4 4 0 o r v is it
w w w .cirquedusoleil.com .
• Portland Family Magazine
• Columbia Sportswear
• 105.91 M I h<- RfoH
Help protect wildlife
by leaving your pets at home.
N ative A m erican v illa g e
G uided s a lm o n -view in g
Take a Trip
Take a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip
hop and soul influencing Portland W ednesdays at
the Ohm . $7 cover. 31 N .W . First Ave.
Wild Party
Excite your child w ith a birthday party in the woods,
m eadow or near a pond, hosted by Portland Parks and
Recreation staff. Them es include forest fairies, Indian
legends, Lewis and Clark exploration, anim al tracking,
ca; nouflage critters and “w hat ' s in a waterdrop.” Parties
begin at $ 100 for 10 children, including gam es, activities
.and favors. Form ore information, call 503-823-3601.
Heading Out
B ookies Sports Bar and L ounge offers entertainm ent
T hursdays through S aturdays in O ctober. O cean 503
perform s Friday and S aturday, Oct. 10 and 11.
A Living Classic
The W est End Players perform H arper L ee’s “To Kill
a M ockingbird” w eekends from Oct. 19 through Nov.
2 at the W est End Theater, 1220 S W T aylor St. Tickets
are $ 10. For more inform ation, call 503-288-7465.
Get Involved!
The P ortland G ay M en ’s C horus is currently accept­
ing new m em bers. T his energetic group needs people
w illing to m ake a co m m itm ent to the organization,
w hether on or o ff the stage. For m ore inform ation, cal 1
503-226-2588ore-m ailjoin(qipdxgm c.org.
çffiga _
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fc .
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Can you dig it?
Maybe, but you should call first.
E ager a s y o u m ig h t be to d ig in to y o u r n ex t la n d s c a p e
project, a w o rd o f cau tio n : p la y it safe. H ere a re so m e
o u td o o r safety tip s to k eep in m in d th is fall.
■ C all b e fo re you dig. A sh o v el h ittin g a n u n d e rg ro u n d
p o w e r line c an be v e ry d a n g e ro u s . C all y o u r u tility
lo catin g serv ice a t least 48 h o u rs b efo re y o u sta rt a job
th a t re q u ire s d ig g in g . C all u s a t 1-888-221-7070 a n d
w e ’ll give y o u th e n u m b e r o f t h e fr e e u tility line
lo c a tin g s e r v ic e in y o u r a r e a .
■ Follow th e 10 fo o t ru le . L ook u p befo re y o u g o u p
a n d k eep y o u rs e lf a n d a n y th in g y o u a re in c o n ta c t w ith
a t least 10 feet a w a y from o v e rh e a d p o w e r lines.
■ U se e le c tr ic p o w e r to o ls o n ly in d ry w e a th e r.
■ N e v e r to u c h a d o w n e d lin e o r a n y th in g it's to u ch in g .
If y o u see a d o w n e d line, call u s im m e d ia te ly a n d
w e 'll tak e c a re of it. O r call 911.
Your safety m atters to us.
For a co p y o f o u r safety b o o k let. Electricity 101, call
1-800-791-6093 o r visit w w w .p a c iflc p o w e r.n e t.
Making it happen.