^"tJortianh (Oiismwr MED Week Page BIO O ctober 0 8 . 2003 Health Care Professionals Wanted continued from Hh T h is p ro g ram , acco rd in g to M ack ay , is m o d eled a fte r su c ­ c essfu l p ro g ra m s o ffered by the N ational In stitu tes o f H ealth and the R obert W ood Jo h n so n F o u n ­ d atio n . T h e m en to rin g p ro g ram s w ill p a rtn e r V A m edical cen te rs w ith h isto ric a lly black c o lleg es and u n iv e rs itie s , llis p a n ic -s e rv in g in stitu tio n s, trib al c o lle g e s and u n iv e rsitie s, an d o th e r in s titu ­ tio n s w ith siz e a b le c o n c e n tra ­ tio n s o f A sian A m erican s, Pa­ cific Islan d ers, n ativ e H aw ai- ian s an d A lask a n ativ es. T h e pro g ram , c o stin g $6 m il­ lion annually, w ill begin in April 2004. F o r m ore in fo rm atio n about the p ro g ram , v isit th e W eb site at w w w .v a .g o v /re s d e v . DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO EARN THE GREEN BERET? It your answer is yes. then the United States Army has a unique opportunity for you - to become a Special Forces Soldier - a Green Beret You'll learn from some of the ♦ best Soldiers anywhere, and put your new skills to work in duty stations around the world. It takes plenty o, hard work to earn the green beret, but the pride you'll feel when you wear it for the first time will make it all worthwhile. County Honors Minority Enterprises} > > So if you're a high school graduate, between 18 and 30. interested in finding out how you can become part ot an elite group of proud protessionals. call Rose City recruiting station at 503-284-4005 or stop by Rose City recruiting station at 1317 NE Broadway Street. And check out over 200 ways you can become AN ARMY OF ONE Members o f the Minority Business Opportunity Committee gathered with the Multnomah County Board o f Commissioners and County, sta ff after the board proclaimed the week o f Oct. 1 3 -1 7 Minority Enterprise Development Week. County Chair Diane Linn (center left) presented Committee Vice Chair Mary Jo Whitey with the proclamation. MED Week events will include a conference on Oct. 15 at th& Double Tree at Jantzen Beach. ’» U.S.ARMY AN ARMY OF ONE goarmy.com 02001. Paid for by the U S »tm» Ml rights reserve!) M H N M H M M M M M N I Minority Enterprise Development Week MINORITY BUSINESS: TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL! Minorities Lead Nation in Entrepreneurship i continued from B7 O f all businesses in the United States, 5.8 percent are ow ned by H ispanic A m ericans, 4.4 percent by A sian A m ericans, 4 percent for A frican A m ericans and 0.9 percent by A m erican Indians. O f m inority-ow ned businesses, 39.5 percent are Hispanic-owned, 30 percent A sian-owned, 27.1 percent African A m erican-ow ned and 6.5 percent A m erican Indian-owned. Almost 4 in 10 black- owned businesses (38 percent) were owned by women. O fth e4,514,699jobs in minority- owned businesses. 48.8 percent were in A sian-ow ned firms, 30.8 percent in H ispanic-ow ned firms, 15.9 per­ cent in A frican-A m erican-ow ned firm s and 6.6 percent in American N ative-owned firms. M inority-owned firms had about' $96 billion in payroll. A lm ost four in I0blaek-ow ned< » b u s in e s s e s (3 8 p e rc e n t) w ere< ow ned by w om en. ». A sia n -a n d P acific Islander-»; ow ned businesses in the U.S. to-«. taledabout913,000. employed more . than 2.2 million people and g en er-, ated $306.9 billion in revenues. •; For inform ation about success-., ful m inority business ow ners, visit»; http://www.seore.org/minorty.html..; Safe. Reliable Affordable. The Minority Business Opportunity Committee wants you to participate in an exciting day of Training Institute workshops examining: ■ Sustainability ■ Global Business Opportunity Pacific Power employees (from left) Troy Malos and Dylan Shulda ■ Payroll and Tax Issues ■ Networking ■ Managing Risk For nearly a century, Pacific Power has provided safe, reliable, affordable power to businesses and homes in North and Northeast Portland. And we back our service with Customer Guarantees Join Us October 15,2003 Doubletree Hotel Jantzen Beach For more information: www.oregon.feb.gov/mboc Attend the awards luncheon showcasing outstanding minority-owned businesses in Oregon and Southwest Washington. This year’s keynote speaker is Russ Danielson, Vice President and Chief Executive, Providence Health Systems, and Chairperson, Portland Workplace Diversity Task Force. For information about our eight Customer Service Guarantees, electric safety and energy efficiency, please visit www.pacificpower.net. Thank you to our sponsors It Providence | Health System A c a rin g d iffe re n c e y o u can fe e l IK THF, DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE Qf FO R T VANCOUVCRBI j SINESSJOURNAL ft Covnw. OravM Portland C o m m u n it y C o lle g e OF FORTLAND HOSTED BY M ETRO MORlf MAC»» MBOCfe t * PACIFIC POWER Making it happen.