£Efye JInrtlanh (Observer Page A6 Help us Prevent cancer : women to take part in a breast cancer lb find exit if you or someone you know may qualify call: H ealth research study using an 503-216-6267 800-677-6752 w v r w need investigational medication to find out its effectiveness and w (x-66267) www.cropor.org safety in the prevention o f is supported by the National Cancer Institute. We Need Your Help! Prbgrtm GOODS FOR GUNS 10 th annual L aaaaaaaaaaaaw I GUN TURN-IN Stamp Educates About Sickle Cell NO QUESTIONS ASKED NE PORTLAND HILLSBORO LutheranCenterforChristlan Tuallty Healthcare Ministries Human Resources Parking Lot 4219N EM LK B Ivd 2 3 2 S E 8 “ Avenue SE PORTLAND BEAVERTON MediaBlasters Parking Lot Tualitln Valley Fire & Rescue Station 6 3 3 2 SE82"*Ave, 1 3 8 1 0 SW Farmington Rd 6 blocks south of Foster Rd. at Menlo SW PORTLAND GRESIIAM Portland Fire Station #16 Gresham Fire Station #4 1 715 SW Skyline #16 NE 1 9 2 M and Halsey Off Hwy 2 6 at Sylvan exit SATURDAY OCTOBER 4 , 2 0 0 3 10 AM - 2 PM CeaseFire Oregon Education Foundation 503-220-1669 Come Early. Certificates are Limited. Doctor is Out for Health Plan Patients (AP) — Pinched by high costs and low reim bursement rates, fewer than one-half o f primary care doctors are accepting new patients from the Oregon Health Plan, according to a study by a state medical association. “What we are seeing is a limit on how much free care doctors are willing to provide,” said Colin R. Cave, director o f the Oregon Medical Association. The association surveyed 4,746 doctors in Oregon, or nearly half o f all practicing physicians in the state. The association said the post-menopausal breast cancer. This important study A new U.S. postage stamp pro­ motes testing for sickle cell disease. The U.S. Postal Service unveiled the Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Commemorative stamp on Thurs­ day at the 31st annual convention o f Sickle Cell Disease Association o f America Inc. in Los Angeles. Stamp illustrator and designer James Gurney o f Rhinebeck, New York, created a tender image o f a mother holding her baby. Featur­ ing the inscription “Test for Sickle Cell,” the design conveys the im­ portance o f early testing. It is estimated that more than 70,000 Americans have sickle cell disease and more than two million Americans have sickle cell trait, meaning they carry one copy of the gene for the disease. There is pres­ ently no universal cure for the dis­ ease, though many persons, given proper treatment, can lead fairly normal lives into their40s and even beyond. Researchers continue to look for a cure and for new, more effective treatments. “We believe this stamp will go a long way in helping to educate the public about this painful and devas­ tating disease, “said Henry Pankey, vice president for delivery and retai I services for the Postal Service. October 01.2003 survey accurate lyre fleeted the prac­ tices o f all 10,050doctors in Oregon. Cave said the survey, obtained by The Associated Press, showed an alarmingly high number o f phy­ sicians who are turning their back on government-subsidized health care in Oregon as a money-losing proposition. The state had long been consid­ ered a leader in providing health care for the poor. But last year’s budget crisis hampered the state governm ent’s ability to pay doc­ tors and hospitals for the care they provide. Most doctors who stopped see­ ing Oregon Health Plan patients did so in the last two years, the survey showed. Primary care physicians led doc­ tors in refusing or limiting care. More than 25 percent o f these doctors now refuse outright to see new plan patients, while 35 percent say they I imit the number or type o f patients they see. Specialist doctors, such as pedia­ tricians or internists, were less likely to turn patients away: only about 5 percent refuse to see plan patients outright, according to the survey. Ask Deanna! Is an advice column known fo r it s fearless approach to reality based subjects. Real People, Real Advice Dear Deanna! My homeboy just told me h e’s gay. I’m tripping and can’t deal with this information. H e’s hand­ some and 1 always thought he was a stud. He seemed comfortable when we were out play ing the field and running games on women. How can he snuggle up with a man? — Very Straight; Dallas, TX Dear Straight: Dear Deanna! s h e ’s a h o o ch ie g old digger. My husband is such a good man I’m very clo se to m y dad but he that h e’s sickening. He works ev­ loves her and p u ts h er on a ery day, cooks dinner, cleans the p ed e sta l so I ju s t keep quiet. house and is great with the kids. He T h e o th e r d ay I sto p p e d in for remembers holidays, birthdays and a su rp rise v isit and saw my special occasions and always gets ste p m o th e r g ettin g busy on the everything right. My mama even co u ch w ith a guy from aro u n d thinks he’sgreat. 1 know I’m treated th e w ay. S ho u ld I tell my like a queen, but I can ’t take it fath e r ab o u t th is and if so, how anymore and 1 want a change o f do I break it to him ? — Daddy s pace. My friends tell me I need to Girl; M ilwaukee, W! shut up and stop complaining. Dear Daddy’s Girl: — C. V.M.; New Orleans, LA G irl you b etter tell your Daddy! DearC.V.M: Ju st com e o ut w ith it. T e llh im Listen to your friends on this one. ex a ctly w hat you saw in c lu d ­ Look at the blessings you have and ing th e ju ic y d etails. I f y o u ’re be grateful. Do you know how c lo se , you w o n ’t allo w y o u r many women can’t get their mates father to be played like a sucker to take out the trash much less do by his w ife and no one else. He the things your husband does? has to d ec id e w h at to do w ith H ere’s something for that change th e in fo rm atio n . From th is o f pace you want. Imagine how p o in t fo rw ard , keep y o u r c a m ­ your life would be if you had O.J. era h an d y in ca se you catch Simpson, Scott Peterson or Robert T in k e rb e ll d o in g h o riz o n ta l Blake fora husband. Definitely no p u sh u p s ag ain . more complaining. Y o u ’re not the only one w ho doesn’t understand why two big, hairy, ashy men with rough feet w ant to play footsies together. H owever it’s no ones business to question anybody’s love life regardless o f gender and w ho they fall in love with. If h e ’s Dear Deanna! content, celebrate his happiness. M y p are n ts are d iv o rce d and By the way, you think h e’s hand­ my fath e r w h o ’s 56, m arried a som e— you sure you d o n ’t have w om an th a t’s 22 y e a rs old. I a little sugar in your tank, too? d o n ’t lik e th is w om an becau se Ask Deanna is whiten by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna 1 @yahoo.com or P. O. Box 88847, Los Angeles, CA 90009 Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health A program of the African American Health Coalition Inc Sponsored by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Hear two dynamic .experts on W om en’s Health. Wellness W ith in REACH: M in d , Body, and Soul Activity Calendar A ll c la s s e s a re fre e o f charge! M on Nati Disino. H N E b o tt /dOMHOMn y:30-6:20pm :i:30-fr20pu 6:30-7J0poi and 63 0 -7 JOpm and 6:30-7 30pm Nickerson Nickerson Nicket sim Aerobos Aerobics Aerobics Awnb.cs Aerobics 6:00-740am 640-740pm 6:00-7:0flan 6 4 0 -7 40pm 6 4 0 -7 40am Pierre Keil« Pierre Keller Pierre Wt. Management Wl Management Wl. Management ( ondihonnif (•mkhnoing II ( nodrtxKtiflg 9 4 0 lODOan 640 -74 0am 9 4 0 1040am Haian Hasan Hasan ‘ Must be 21 or older to participate Please check with AAHC before showing up to the first class 503-413-1850 Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class 1021 N E G ra n d A v e . Seating Limited! Registration $5 Register early by phone with credit card o r at the door, open 6:15pm. P resented by L loyd C enter P harmacy 503-281-4161 b /■' •Ww African American Health Coalition, Inc. 2800 N. Vancouver Ave . Suite 100 • Portland. OR 97227 • Phone:503-413-1850 E-mail kdempsey@aahc-portland org • Web www aahc-portland org