Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 01, 2003, Page 3, Image 3

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    (Tlje ^ o rtla n h (Obscrucr
October 01. 2003
Is this really the
right time to raise
property taxes?
Before you vote on a government takeover of Pacific Power and PGE,
stop and consider how much it would cost you.
New Property Taxes
Higher Rates?
This fall, we'll be asked to vote on forming a new
How high would electric rates go? No one knows.
layer of government to take over the reliable electric
However, the Oregon Office of Energy concluded
service we've already got. And this new government
that there is no way this new government owned
utility is already asking for new property taxes.
utility can guarantee lower rates than what customers
According to Multnomah County, a yes vote may
cause property taxes to increase more than 3 percent.
are already paying.
Less Reliable Power
And who knows how much they'll ask for in the future.
The boundary lines of this new government owned
We’d Pay More than $1 Billion
This new government owned utility would have
to pay more than $ l billion to take over the poles, wires
and substations of PGE and Pacific Power. Where would
utility are poorly thought out and make no sense.
They would cut the existing service territory to pieces.
The new service territory could be full ol holes.
It would cost millions of extra dollars to serve this
they get the money? From us —the ratepayers. We'd all
fractured territory—with less reliability. Why pay more
pay for it through higher electric rates.
for lower quality service?
The answ er is clear: Vote NO NO
on both Measures 26-51 & 52.
Stop the Costly Government Takeover.
Citizens Against the Government Takeover
PO. Box 40261 • Portland, OR 97240-0261 • 503-552-5015 • www.CitizensAgainstTheGovemmentTakcover.com
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