O cto b er OI, 2 0 0 3 (Elje rt lattò ©bßertir t'r Page B3 Focus Cirque du Soleil is Joy o f Spectacle Portland welcomes international cast of performers Following the success o f Saltimbanco and Dralion, Cirque du Soleil presents Alegria under its Grand Chapiteau, a dazzling white, state-of-the-art big top. on Southwest Moody Avenue from Thursday, Oct. 2 through Oct. 26. A Spanish word for elation, joy and jubilation, Alegria features an international east o f 56 performers and musi­ cians from 13 countries. Alegria has a baroque and oper­ atic style with flamboyant costumes, extraordinary light­ ing and an elaborate set design enhancing an astonishing spectacle o f athleticism and artistry. The result is an impressive mix o f skill, strength and speed combined with elegant, almost ethereal performances. The 2!6 hour spectacle showcases breathtaking acro­ batics including the dramatically sensuous Synchro Tra­ peze and the hi-speed. hi-energy Aerial High Bars where daring aerialists tly to catchers swinging more than 40 feet in the air. Imagine twoagile performers who bring alive the Mongolian art o f contortion and an artist manipulating (laming knives around his body in a rhythmic and danger­ ous Fire Knife Dance. Tickets range from $45 to $65 and are available by calling800-678-5440oronlineatcirquedusoleil.com . ■MMttRM MMM Chuck D Slams Gangsters (AP) — Rapper Chuck D, w ho helped pioneer political rap music with his group Public Enemy, urged black college students to forgo hip-hop’s gangster style and hit the books, not the streets. “There is no such thing as a college thug,” the 43-year-old told several hundred students crammed into an auditorium at Albany State University last week. “It’s either the blo ck ... or you become the sm art­ est (expletive) around.” He criticized rappers who use racially of­ fensive slurs as common slang, and said too often so-called street credibility is valued over true knowledge among young blacks. “This is your world, but it w on’t be your world ifyou’re not mentally prepared for it,” he said. Naomi Campbell Touts Political Fashion Katharine Hamnett to marry her 20- year career as one o f the country’s leading designers with her strong political views. Hamnett said Campbell's appear­ (AP) — Another day at Lon­ ance was designed to draw public don Fashion Week, another dis­ attention to the AIDS epidemic in play o f beauty, sexy clothes and a Africa and to promote safe sex. celebrity on the catwalk. But the “ It was about breaking a major a p p e a ra n c e o f s e m i-re tire d taboo, and Naomi is the perfect supermodel Naomi Campbell on person to do that because she is a the runway wearing a skimpy, huge icon in South Africa," the sparkling bikini came with a twist designer said backstage after her - emblazoned across herchest was show in a south London nightclub. the slogan, “Use a Condom.” “AIDS awareness was bigin the The stunt was the latest o f sev­ 1980s when there were several cam­ eral attempts by British designer paigns, but the new generation Appearance draws attention to AIDS epidemic hasn’t benefited from that aware­ ness. They don’t understand how serious the situation is in Africa, that a whole continent could be wiped out.” More than 30 million people in Africa, or 70 percent of the world total, carry the Hl V virus that causes AIDS. Campbe 11 was the centerpiece o f a show that also cut short the dis­ play o f Hamnett’s new collection - cream dresses and layered chiffon skirts - to parade models in oversize white T-shirts bearing the black slogans “Save Africa" and "Make British designer Katherine Hamnett (left) holds up the Trade Fair." arm of model Naomi Campbell. (AP photo) PIZZA A G O GO We Deliver! A go going to North Portland, Swan Island, The Pearl, NW, and Downtown... W hen you w a n t it HOT + You g o tta have It NOW! 5 03»335*0300 3 2 4 0 N. Williams Ave @ Cook Street • C om e c e le b ra te o u r c o n n e c tio n to s a lm o n a n d n a tu re • Directed by Franco Dragone in a; I Salmon ° ' FESTIVAL w (0 c at 8] X u Metro's Oxbow Regional Park c 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 11 and 12 at (J at E o at § c 0 20 th annual Don't he afraid o f a cloudy day - that’s perfect for salmon viewing. o Festival admission: $7 per vehicle “ Cirque du S o leil is back, as / spectacular and sensational as ever.” -Seattle Post-Intelligencer • • • 1^* • OPENS OCTOBER 2 Sponsors • Metro • Oregon Trout • Mt. Hood National Forest • Portland Water Bureau • Columbia River Inter-Tribal Get your tickets today! cirquedusoleil.com 1800 678-5440 Fish Commission • • • • • Ecotrust Portland ( »ener.il Electric Bureau of l and Management Portland Family Magazine (. olumbia Sportswear L IM IT E D EN G A G EM EN T ONLY! under the Grand Chapiteau on 5W Moody Avenue (south of the Marquam Bridge) • 105.9FM The River For m ore in fo rm a tio n , call M étro at (503) 797-1850 or visit w w w.m etro-region.org fo r Preferred Seating ask fo r th e TAPIS ROUGE N a tiv e A m erican v illa g e • V IP experience Group sales and ¿ u 1800 450-1480 CD available on Cirque du Soleil Musique/RCA Victor. M ETRO Help protect wildlife by leaving your pets at home. ///