(Elir ^Lìartlaxiò (Observer Page B2 Myriad of Talent Roseland Theater welcomes Lucky Dube with I & I andO . B. Addy at 8 p.m., Saturday.Oct. 4;Twiztid with Woltpac, the R.O.C. and Society O ne atXp.m. Nov. 5; L essT hanJak ew ith F allD u tB o y atX p .m . Nov. !2 ;an d B .B . King at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 23. Tickets are on sale now by calling 503-224-84X9. Blues Sensation Jonny Lang perform s with special guests at X p.m . O ct. 30 at C hiles Center. Fortickets, call 503-244-X499. Rock Legend S antana w ill perform with special guests at the Rose G arden A rena, T heateroftheC loud sat7 :3 0 p .m . Nov. l6.T ick etsare$ 5 5 .5 0 .F o rtick ets, call 5( »3-224-4400. Don't be a Hater C ool N utz prepares for the release o f his latest album I H ate C ool Nutz w ith aH ip H o p all-ag essh o w atth eA lad d in T h eater.3 0 l7 S .fi. M ilwaukie Ave., on Tuesday, Oct. 7. Tickets are $ 16 in advance. For tickets, call 503- 227-1975. Roll in the Hay Roll in the hay at a hay ride at K ruger's Farm on Sauvie Island in O ctober. D elight in the autum n w ith a day o f hay rides, pum pkin picking, a com m aze w ith carm el apples, pum kin pie and hot cider. $3. For m ore information, call 503-621 -34X9. Cirque Extravaganza C irque Du Soleil presents acclaim ed Alegría under the white G rand Chapiteau on Southwest Moody Avenue through Oct. 26. Tickets start at S45.Formoreinf0nnation.callX00-67X-5440orvisitwww.ciiquedusoleil.com. Take a Trip Take a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip hop and soul influencing Portland W ednesdays at theO hm . $7 cover. 3 1 N. W. First Ave. Fairy Forest G et a quick glim pse o f fairy life, build fairy houses and sing and dance to fairy songs at a Fairies in the Forest party at the Hoyt A rboretum from 1 to 3:30 p.m . Sunday, O ct. 5. C ost is $ 10 p erch ild , free forparents. For registration, call 503-823-3601. Trees Have Friends Friends o f Trees hosts a C om m uniT ree festival from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m ., Sunday, Oct. 5 at 3 117 N.E. MLK Blvd. The celebration includes fun tips for identifying trees, a naturescape garden tour, paperm aking and other show cases. Form ore inform ation, call 503-282-8846. October 01. 2003 Focus Musicians Launch ‘Smack the Vote’ Entertainers push fans to voting booth (A P )— The body-slamming pro­ m oters o f professional w restling and the m avens o f hip-hop music are team ing up to bring their fans to w hat may be an unfamiI iar place — the voting booth. The unlikely partnership between W orld W restling Entertainment and the H ip-H op Summ it Action Net­ work called “Sm ackdow n Your Vote!” — wants to get 2 million more 18- to 30-year-olds to register and east their votes in the 2004 presiden­ tial election than did in 2000. “ W ow. The W W E and hip hop together — there goes the neigh­ b orhood, h u h ?" q u ip p ed W W E chairm an Vince M cM ahon at a news conference. He w as jo in ed by Rev. Run, aka Joseph Sim m ons, o f the hip-hopgroupR un-D M C and w res­ tling stars B radshaw and M aven, am ong others. Known more for promot ing bone- jarring w restling spectacles than for his political savvy, M cM ahon said the tw o groups are forming a “tag Russell Simmons (right) and Rev. Run o f Run DMC announce a voter team cham pionship com bination to drive called “Smackdown Your Vote," a partnership o f the Hip Hop go out and find these new people, Sum m it Action Network and World W restling Entertainm ent, sign them up and get them to vote.” The groups w ill register voters and create public service announce­ inform young people w hy voting is! at hip-hop concerts and w restling m ents to prom ote voter registra­ im portant,” said Benjam in Chavis,* events around the country, hold tion and voting. C E O and president o f the action rallies at colleges and high schools “ W e’re going to w ork hard and network. Smithsonian CultureFest A rich and scholarly partner in culture com es to O regon as Sm ithsonian m agazine hosts C ulture Fest 2003. T he celebration, on Nov. 8. features an assortm ent o f p erfo r­ m ances, lectures and program s. Smithsonian Scholars will explore topics rang­ ing from live insects to musical instrum ents at venues such as the O regon Zoo and C hildren’s M useum, O regon M useum o f Science and In­ dustry and Portland C om m unity College. F o r in fo rm a tio n call 1 -8 0 0 -7 7 4 -5 0 2 0 Belafonte Leads Voter Drive i (A P) H arry B elafonte, lectur­ M ade fam ous by his 1957 “ Ba­ ing atacom m unity organizing work­ nana Boat S ong," B elafonte has' shop, told participants the only way been active in the ci vi I rights m ove­ out o f poverty is through the vot­ m ent since the 1950s. ing booth. “ I’m responding to the o utreach “ V oting is the m ost powerful by citizens in this com m unity to w eapon poor people have,” the 76- help them achieve their hopes and year-old actor, singer and political desire o f getting out from under the activist said. “There are a lot more oppressive condition o f poverty,” poor people than rich people. So if he said. “T hat struggle has been they’d all vote, w e’d win every time.” going on here for a long tim e.” • Harry Belafonte w ww. c u lturefest.com. Wild Party Zookeeper for a Day Excite your child with a birthday party in the w oods, m eadow o r n ear a pond, hosted by Portland Parks and R ecreation staff. T hem es include forest fairies, Indian legends, Lewis and C lark exploration, anim al tracking, cam ouflage critters and “w h at’s in a w aterdrop.“ Parties begin at $ 100 for 10 children, including gam es, activities and favors. For m ore information, call 503-823-3601. Encounters gets participants behind the scenes Heading Out Bookies Sports Bar and Lounge offers entertainm ent Thursdays through Saturdays in O ctober. M utha Funk Jam plays T hursdays, DJ "T L u v ’ jam s on Friday, Oct. 3, Black N otes perform s Saturday, Oct. 4 and O cean 503 perform s Friday and Saturday, Oct. 10 and 11. Become a community “ radio hero! Donate some o f your valuable time The level o f commitment is up to you. Volunteers are needed to answer phones October 23—28 Elete provides a sexy line o f fashion-forward sportswear for women. Sexy Jerseys Hit Stores Get involved... Call 505-^91-7607 CANNON'S RIB EXPRESS = z _ (FORM ERLYCHUCKHINTON'S) A thletically chic dressers have a new option with a sexy line o f fash- ion-forw ard sporty w ear, from run­ ning shoes to casm ere leisure suits to denim and tee shirts. Elete, a pioneer in the sport culture arena, m akes its w o m en ’s line available in O cto b er at M acy’s and through www.vletecouture.com. T he c o m p an y has u n v eiled a strik in g ad c am p a ig n a p p e a rin g in E ssen ce, In S ty le and H oney m ag azin es. E lc te ’s sp o k esp eo p le in clu d e T e n n e sse e T itan s run- n in g b ack E ddie G e o rg e, P itts­ b u rg h S te e le r s ru n n in g b a c k Jero m e B ettis and M arcelle Larcie o f B lack E n tertain m en t T e le v i­ sio n . “ W e'v e recognized that m any w om en have difficulty ftn d in g jer- seys that com plim ent their figures. O ur research has show n that m any o f them purchase child jersey s or buy bugger jersey s and alter them ,” said resp ected sp o rts ag e n t C. Lam ont Sm ith, w ho leads the Elete all-pro team. G et a o n e -o f-a - k in d i n s i d e r ’s glim pse into anim al life th a t o n ly zo o k eep ers e x p eri­ ence w ith the O regon Z o o ’s B e h in d th e S cen es E nco u n ters running through the fall. Z o o e d u c a to r s and keepers fam iliar­ ize participants with the a n im als’ enclo­ sures, feedings, hab­ its and m ore. Som e to u r s e v e n h a v e hands on encounters w ith the anim als. “ T h e s e e x p e r i­ ences are m em orable for both people and the a n im a ls ,” said A pril Y oder, senior Zoo visitors go behind the normal viewing e le p h a n t k e e p e r. areas to g et up close and personal with "M any o f the anim als the elephants. at the zoo, esp ecially the e l­ tour o f the hospital led by V eteri­ ephants, need mental stim ulation. narian Lisa H arrenstein, G iraffe T hese tours are great for keeping E ncounters on N ov. 15, and El­ theanim alsthinking.T hey’realso ephant E ncounters on Dec. 6. great for the public because they T ickets are S I00 and registra­ get to see how intelligent the ani­ tion is required. m als really are.” T w o Paw T ours include a Pri­ T he O regon Z oo offers a vari­ m ate E ncounter on O ct. 18, an ety o f different tours for every Endangered Species Encounter on interest level. T he fall tours are O ct. 19 a B ear E ncounter on Nov. broken into tw o categories: 1 and an E lephant E nrichm ent T hree Paw Tours give the pub­ Encounteron Nov. 23, for$40each. lic the m ost intim ate access to the T o reserve a space, call 503- anim als and include H ospital En­ 2 2 0 -2 7 8 1. For m ore inform ation, counters on Sunday, O ct.5, for a call 503-226-15 6 1. QTCflDN PO R T L A N D P R E M IE R E OF SINGERS Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • San d w ich es • Salads • C hicken • Pork Rihs • B eef Rihs lusic is th e m o st in t thing >e ev e r do ne or am lik e ly to do. c a n say o u t loud to all th e w o rld h a t I’ve b een saying to m y s e lf for years HOIRS Mon.-Thurs. 1 lam -9pm Fri.-Sat. 11 am-10pm Sun. I lant-Xpm i m y k n e e s .” Duke E llington’s sacred Gp^certs se E llin gton presented by: FRIDAY & SATURDAY with Seattle Repertoiy lazz Orchestra www.oregonrepsingcrs.org O ctober 4. 8pm • October 5. 2pm • October 5. 7pm all concerts at First United Methodist Church • I8J5 SW (clferson SI. * * * N ew L ocation * * * « Commercial Realtor M u lti-M illio n $ Service Prudential Northwest Properties Northwest Properties 1730 NE I Oth Ave. Portland, OR 97212 O regon R ep ertory Sin gers 5410 N.E. 33 rd Q ant Residential & CELL 503 267-7586 CATERING EVENTS LARGE AND SMALL Fish Sandwich — $8°° Fish Dinner — $10°° j|L Wally Tesfa Tickets start at $15 • TicketsWest 5O 3.224.TIXX 503-288-3836 wtesfafu pm -nw.com pru-nw.com tsJ An independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. Inc. Advertise w ith d iv e llity in "“ Portland O bset ve r c a ll 5 Ö 3 .2 8 8 .C X 3 3 email ads» portlandobsersercom I <