Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 24, 2003, Page 9, Image 9

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A world-renowned
cheetah expert will
lecture at the Oregon
Z oo’s Cascade Crest
Banquet Center at
1 2:30 p.m. and 2 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 19. Lec­
turer Laurie Marker, director o f the Cheetah Conservation Fund, will be joined by Kamau and
Kgosi, two extremely rare cheetahs. Tickets are $8. For more information, call 503 226-
Rhythm and blues entertainer Bo Diddley records on a 125-year-old wax cylinder phonograph on
Capitol Hill. His backup band is, left to right, Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N. Y., Rep. Mary Bono, D-
Calif., John Conyers, D-Mich., and Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Calif. (AP photo)
Bo Diddley Jams with Congress
(AP) — Bo Diddley did what he
does best, singing and playing his
guitar. Five members ofC ongress
did the best they could, playing his
backup group.
Last W ednesday’s jam session
on Capitol Hill commemorated the
birth o f recorded sound 125 years
ago, when Thom as Edison in­
vented the phonograph.
In a green coat, gold shirt and
black hat, Diddley entered the room
in what he called his “wheelchair
Cadillac” that he sometimes uses
for a bad back.
“I’m kind o f in a good mood,” he
said as he fiddled with his guitar.
Phonograph collector Peter Di Ig
o f Baldwin, N.Y., set up the antique
recording system - an 1898 Edison
recorder with a zinc horn and a tin-
homed phonograph from around
1903 - and inserted the wax cylin­
ders that record sound.
The cylinders can handle about
two to four minutes, so the perfor­
mances were brief.
T he 7 4 -y e a r-o ld b lu esm an
stru m m ed his g u ita r as five
H ouse m em bers tried to keep
the beat, w ith varied levels o f
success. T apping their feet and
b o b b in g th e ir h ead s b eh in d
Diddley were Reps. Mary Bono,
R-Calif., John Conyers, D-Mich.,
Joseph C row ley, D-N .Y., Mel
W a tt, D -N .C ., a n d L in d a
Sanchez, D-Calif.
The wax cylinders will go into a
time capsule for the Edison Na­
tional Historic Site in West Or­
ange, N.J.
Radio Host, Gospel Singer Compete
Gospel singer
Kirk Franklin (right)
hooks up with
morning show host
Nelson during music
week on the
“Pyramid." The TV
broadcast is sched­
uled Friday, Sept. 26
on ABC affiliate
Channel 2 at 4 p.m.
Facepainting is one of
the ways kids will
learn about cultural
traditions at the World
Animal Festival at the
Oregon Zoo.
The Oregon Z oo’s World Ani­ event’s focus is on the animals and
mal Festival showcases how ani­ cultures o f Africa.
mals have been feared, revered and
Local cultural groups present
celebrated throughout the world. their version o f animal folklore
The event is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through storytelling, performing art
Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 20 and and live music. The Multicultural
21 and 27 and 28. This year, the Resource Center will provide infor-
Spike Lee Gets Serious
(A P)— Spike Lee, whose movies
often have a political edge, says
Americans need to think more about
important issues and lay off the fluff.
“We as a people are more con­
cerned with J.Lo and Ben Affleck
than these so-called weapons o f
mass destruction,” he told 750
people who gathered at the Univer­
sity o f Redlands.
mation about different cultures at
its exhibit.
The zoo’s African animals collec­
tion includes rhinos, giraffes, zebras,
meerkats, primates and many more.
For more information, call 503-
S ony P ictures
T elevision
Spike Lee
The director o f "Do the Right
Thing” and "Malcolm X” also criti­
cized the country’s intervention in
North Korea poses a greater
threat to the United States “but
they d o n 't have resources” the
country wants, he said. “W e’ve
got all the rice we need. We don’t
have oil.”
Sues Will Smith
(A P )— W ill and Jada P inkett
S m ith 's fo rm er h o u se k ee p er is
suing the c e le b rity co u p le for
a lle g e d ly fa ilin g to pay her
ab o u t 1,640 hou rs o f o v ertim e
pay and firing her after she com ­
p lain ed to them .
In a law su it filed Sept. 11 in
V entura S u p erio rC o u rt, M arilu
C o o ley said she w orked fo r the
S m iths and lived on th e ir e state
for 4 1/2 y ears. She said d uring
that tim e she often w orked m ore
than 40 h o u rs a w eek and re ­
ceived o v ertim e pay d u rin g her
first tw o y ea rs o f em p lo y m en t.
But starting in March 1999,
C o o le y a lle g e d th e S m ith s
stopped paying her overtim e and
instead prom ised to pay her a
$25,000 annual bonus.
Cooley said she never received
the bonus and, after she com ­
plained about it, the Sm iths fired
her in O ctober 2001.
H. & B. Too
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