(Elje f lo r t la n h (ß b s e ru e r September 24. 2003 PagcA5 C hilean Protest Ends V iolently Peruvian Rebel Lays Down Arms (A P ) — V iolence that toppled by Pinochet, were la ste d th ro u g h daw n in held peacefully, including one Santiago on the 30th anniver­ in which President Ricardo sary o f the military coup led Lagos called Allende a mar­ by Gen. Augusto Pinochet tyr. left 24 policemen wounded, Allendecommitted suicide ■ authonties said Friday. About in his presidential palace in 300 demonstrators were also tlames under air and ground detained. attack, rather than surrender The violence broke out to Pinochet’s soldiers. Thursday night in several T h e a n n iv e rsa ry w as w o rking class n e ig h b o r­ marked by appeals to unity hoods after a day in which at from all sectors, but the sepa­ least 32 ceremonies related to rate ceremonies and conflict­ the coup anniversary were Chilean workers sh o u t slo g a n s a n d hold ing speeches reflected the a portrait o f a d iss id e n t who w as killed held peacefully. deep divisions the coup still P o lic e d ire c to r G en. during th e dictatorship o f Gen. A u g u sto causes in the Chilean society, Alberto Cienfuegos said po­ Pinochet. (AP photo) especially for the painful lice moved in “to protect peaceful tors threw chains on power lines. legacy o f the human rights viola­ citizens threatened by violent pro­ Cienfuegos said two officers tions during Pinochet's 1973-90 testers,” whom he described as sustained bullet wounds, one o f reign. “mainly young troublemakers, even them in the face, and one suffered Some3,200 people were ki I led for common criminals," without real po­ bums caused by a Molotov cock­ political reasons under Pinochet, litical motivations. tail. including 1,200 who remain unac­ A number o f shops were looted The coup-related ceremonies, counted, according to an official and several city areas were still including remembrances for Salva­ report by the first post-Pinochet blacked out after the demonstra- dor Allende, the Marxist president civilian government. (A P )— The imprisoned leader In an interview published in a political fight, w ithin the fram e­ ofa Peruvian rebel group that was Peruvian newspaper, Victor Polay work o f dem ocracy,” said Polay. once involved in a lengthy hos­ acknow ledged that" the Tupac u sin g the g r o u p 's in itia ls in tage drama says his group has Amaru Revolutionary Movement Spanish. given up armed conflict and now has been defeated. He said he would likeauthonties w ants to become a political move­ "The m om ent has arrived for to grant amnesty to imprisoned ment. the MRTA to actively jo in the MRTA guerrillas. Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation A Présents Weyerhaeuser O R EG O N ZOO M E T R O Hispanics Keep Up Explosive Growth Most gains in South and West, including Oregon (AP) — The nation’s Hispanic “They are taking jobs that a lot o f Los Angeles County had the population is keeping up its explo­ Americans don’t want, like con­ largest population o f Hispanics sive growth o f the 1990s, led by struction, landscaping and in the among counties (4.5 million), and states in the South and West, in- service economy.” Webb County, Texas, on the U.S.- ■ eluding Oregon, the first detailed California still has the largest M exico border, which includes .Census Bureau estimates since the number o f Hispanics with I l.9m il- Laredo, was the county where H is­ 2000 national head count panics com prised the South sees surge in Hispanic growth show. highest proportion ofthe Analysts cited higher The Hispanic population grew 8.6 percent since 2000. Southern population (95 percent). states had the larqest increases with Georgia, Washington, birth rates for Hispanics D.C., and North Carolina leading the pack. H isp a n ics are the and a continued influx o f nation's largest minor­ Percentage change from 2000 to 2002 new immigrants looking West Virginia ity group. The Census S 8 It 16.8 had the for jobs - even during a Bureau released a report . smallest period when the U.S. UHfiPi increase at I in June that found the economy slowed - as key Latino population stood reasons for the increase. at 38.8 million, an in­ G eorgia topped the crease o f almost 9 per­ list o f states with the fast- cent in the two years e s t-g ro w in g L atin o ending July 2002. That p o p u la tio n s , ad d in g w as fo u r tim es the Georgia had the nearly 17 percent be­ growth rate for the U.S. largest tween July 2000 and July population overall and increase At 16.8 2002 to reach 5 16,(XX) resi­ about 14 times, greater percent. dents, according to Cen­ than the rate for non-His­ sus Bureau estimates be­ panic whites. ing released Thursday. SOURCE.: U .S . T he g o v ern m e n t B u re a u AP North C arolina’s His­ co n sid ers "H isp an ic” panic population grew The n a tio n s H ispanic population is ke ep in g up an ethnicity instead o f its ex p lo sive grow th o f th e 1 9 9 0 s , le d b y s ta te s by 16 percent, while Ne­ a race, so people o f H is- in th e S o u th a nd West, th e first d eta ile d C e n su s v ad a, K en tu c k y and panic ethnicity can be Bureau e s tim a te s sin c e th e 2 0 0 0 national h e a d SouthCarolinawerenext. o f any race. In 2000, the co u n t show . (APgraphic) “Hispanic immigrants C ensus Bureau for the are coming here forjobs and qual ity lion, about one-third o f its total first tim e allow ed people to iden­ o f life,” said University ofG eorgia population, followed by Texas, New tify them selves by m ore than one dem ographer Douglas Bachtel. York, Florida and Illinois. 5TH A N N U A L WORLD ANIMAL STIVAI. *'A \\ FEATURING THE ANIMALS AND CULTURES OF AFRICA! 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