Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 24, 2003, Page 12, Image 12

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    <EI|f |Jortlnnh (Observer
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Septem ber 2 4 . 2 0 0 3
S ports
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Running back helps
deliver baby, then
joins game
(A P )— Seattle Seahawks running back Shaun
A lexander w as late to the gam e against St. Louis
on Sunday. He had to take care o f som e fam ily
• 3 m onths o f P ager Service & Voicemail for only $19.00
A Catch Before Kickoff
A lexander m issed the first quarter o fS e a ttle 's
24-23 win overSt. Louis because his wife. Valeric,
delivered the c o u p le’s first child, a d au g h ter
nam ed H eaven, at 12:37 p.m.
“ I got to cut the cord and pull the baby out.
It w as my first catch o f day, huh?" A lex an d er
K ic k o ff w as at 1:05. R eserve M aurice M o r­
ris started at ru n n in g back and p lay ed th e first
qu arter.
“ W e have a good fam ily atm osphere w ith
our team and o u r coaches,” A lexander said.
"C oach (M ike) H olm gren said, 'W e ’ll w in the
gam e w hen you get h ere.’ and that w as the
attitude that everyone had. It m ade ev ery ­
thing go sm ooth.”
A fter doctors determ ined both the m other
and baby were healthy, Valerie told Alexander,
"O K . m ake sure you com e back undefeated."
A lexander ju m p ed in a car with a w aiting
police escort and rushed to Seahaw ks Sta­
dium , w here his team trailed 14-7.
A lexander stretched on the sideline before
taking the field for S eattle’s first series o f the
second quarter. He ran for gains o f 12 and 16
yards on his first tw o carries. ,
He finished w ith 58 yards rushing on 14
carries and also caught three passes for 8
Wallace Cited for No License, Insurance
Trail Blazers forward
Rasheed Wallace was ticketed
for driving with a suspended li­
cense and driving without insur­
ance after he was pulled over for
erratic driving.
Sgt. Brian Schmautz, a spokes­
man for the Portland police, said
W allace’s car was towed away
after the ticket was issued Sun­
day, as is required by state law.
Wallace agreed in March to
attend drug counseling, pay a $650
fine and stay out o f legal trouble
ssionati :.
Rasheed Wallace
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n a b is R eso u rce C e n te r. To be held at the U nitarian U niver­
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B ryant, 2 5,is charged with rap­
ing a 19-year-old em ployee o f the
Lodge and Spa at C ordillera near
E dw ards, Colo., on June 30. H e has
denied the charge.
Jefferson High School alumni, families, neighbors and friends
are invited to attend homecoming at the "School ofChampions,
School o f Pride” on Friday, Sept. 26.
Festivities begin in the Jefferson cafeteria at 5 p.m. with a
pre-game rally to include light food and non-alcoholic bever­
Alumni will be escorted to a special section for the gam e’s
7 p.m. kickoff against Franklin. Following the game, an after­
party with desserts, music and refreshments will take place at
the North Star Ball Room, one block west o f the Jefferson
football field.
The rally and party are fundraising events to benefit Jefferson
students and create an alumni association.
For more information, call the Jefferson PTA Hotline at 503-
PSU Stumbles Against Northern Arizona NAACP
■within yo u r 6udget
(A P) — A Sw iss bodybuilder is
accused o f offering to kill the al­
leged victim in the Kobe Bryant sex
assault case.
Patrick Graber, 31, a weight train­
ing coach w ith an ex pired visa, is
being held o n $ l million b ailafterhe
w as seized Thursday in El Segundo,
C alif., as he reached for a bag filled
w ith fake m oney, authorities said.
T h e alleg ed m u rd e r-fo r-h ire
schem e is not the first threat to
Bryant ’s accuser. Earlier this month,
a U niversity o f Iow a student w as
arrested for alleg ed ly leaving a
th r e a te n i n g m e s s a g e o n th e
w o m an ’s answ ering m achine in
July. A nd police records show her
father has cal led pol ice at least twice
to report suspicious threats.
$99 & up
Throw pillows $5 each
W hat a difference one w eek can
m ake. For the P ortland State foot­
ball te a m 's offense it w as too m uch
to o v e rc o m e , a s th e V ik in g s
dropped their Big Sky C onference
opener to N orthern A rizona, 23-0,
at PG EPark
Just one w eek previous, PSU
had scored 44 points and gained
Ducks Face
WSU after
Huge Win
nearly 500 yards o f offense against
the n atio n 's 20th-rankcd team. This
night, the V ikings w ere com pletely
shut dow n by an im pressive L um ­
berjack defense.
N orthern A rizona stifled the V i­
king running gam e in the first half.
PSU gained ju st six yards on six
plays in the first period, including
(A P ) — T he O regon D ucks, dis­
playing a nearly im penetrable rushing
defense, upset M ichigan 31-27 Satur­
As a result. ( )regon jum ped from No.
22 to 1 Oth in the rankings, w hile M ichi­
gan dropped from third to No. 11.
m inus-eight on theground. At half­
tim e, PSU had only 60 yards o f
offense, including m in u s-19 on the
PSU faces a difficult challenge
ah ead , p la y in g th e n ext th ree I
gam es on the road, and five o f the
nextsix. The V ikings travel to I-A
Fresno State Saturday.
D ucks coach M ike B e llo tti.w h o
c a lle d th e v ic to ry th e b ig g e s t
n o n -c o n fe re n c e w in o f h i s ca re e r,
said his team m u st now tu rn to ­
w ard next w e e k ’s P a c if ic - 10 C o n ­
feren ce o p p o n e n t. N o. 21 W a sh ­
in g to n S tate.
r ——————————————————
I 1 Cleaning Area
I Pre-Spray Traffic Area
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$119“ !
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Advertise with diversity in
for six months to have marijuana
charges against him dropped.
It was not immediately known if
the driving infractions affect that
W allace and team m ate Damon
Stoudam ire were passengers in a
v ehicle that was stopped for
speeding last Nov. 22 on a high­
way outside C hehalis, W ash.,
following a game against Seattle.
A search o f the vehicle turned up
a small am ount o f m arijuana, po­
lice said.
Come Home
Jefferson Alumni
Murder Plot Foiled
22785 N W Birch St.. Hillsboro, O regon, 97123
Holmgren said, "Clearly, the birth ofhis daugh­
ter is a special occasion, and he has to be there."
• www.uolconnect.com
Seattle Seahawks’ Shaun Alexander runs
to the 3-yard line as St. Louis Rams ’ Pisa
Tinoisamoa hangs on during the fourth
quarter in Seattle Sunday. The Seahawks
scored the winning touchdown as they
went on to win 24-23. (AP photo)
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Quick Trip has moved Io a New Location
Directly across the street at 5832 N.E. MLK
Same friendly faces with same excellent service.
Love you alt and appreciate your business.
Regional State
T he P ortland C hapter o f the N a­
tional A ssociation for the A dvance­
m ent o f C olored People (N A A C P )
will be hosting the Pacific N orth­
w est C onference; the participating
states are A lask a, O reg o n and
W ashington. T he P ortland C h ap ­
ter conference them e is “S aving
Fam ilies Save C hildren” w hich is in
accordance with the national them e
“H aving O ur S ay.” The conference
w ill convene Sept. 26,h at the C on­
vention C enter R ed Lion, 1021 N E
T he P ortland C h ap ter o f the
N A A C P established in 1914 is the
oldest continuing N A A C P chapter
w est o f the M ississippi. A s a ch ap ­
ter, w e prom ote service to the co m ­
m unity through generational rela­
tionships. The fam ily is our priority
and w c believe grounded fam ilies
are th e fu n d a m e n ta l b a sis fo r
healthy com m unities.
The Portland C hapter’s model for
the conference has excited the na­
tional N A A CP office and may be­
com e part o f the national program in
relationship to State conferences.
The conference highlights the intra­
dependence o f health, econom ics
and justice both nationally and lo­
cally through the use o f w orkshops,
forum s and speakers. The unique
design o f the conference model will
afford participants with skills to im ­
m ediately im plem ent strategies for
creating strong fam ilies, neighbor­
hoods and comm unities.
I hippy 21st Binhd.r
Biy.infiere Griffin
I o \c Mitni and Grandpa