Page B5 (Elje JJnrtlanb ODbserucr Officers on the Front Lines Jk c o n tin u e d P h o to b \ M ark W ash in g to n / T ht P ok i i . a m » O bserver Volunteers from Portland's Friends o f the Children painted classrooms and offices at King Elementary School, to give back to the community and to Portland Public Schools. Friends o f the Children has mentored more than 3 0 King students in the last decade, by teaming mentors with some o f the m ost vulnerable children in the community. NBA Great to Become a Minister (A P ) - B a s k e tb a ll s ta r D a v id R obinson, w ho retired from the San A ntonio Spurs after leading them to this y e a r’s N -B -A cham pionship, will reportedly becom e a m inister at his longtim e church. The Rev. M ax L ucadotold w orship­ ers at O ak H ills C hurch in San Antonio that R obinson will becom e a"m in ister at large," adding that he and R obinson m ay teach a w eek ly B ible study together. fr o m M etro been convicted o f a crime'.’’ A xhelm also addresses problem s such as noise, yard clearing, adandoned vehicles and dom estic disputes. In addition, he w orks w ith the H ousing A uthority o f Portland and apartm ent com plex m anagers to reduce noise com plains and other issues. ( )ther crim e problem s include thefts o f personal possessions, bikes and cars. O ften, the stolen goods are taken by transients. “ W e can’t solve drug abuse, hom elessness and crim e, but if we can m ake one street safer for the people that live on it, that’s great," Axhelm said. N ortheast N eighborhood O ffice D eputy D is­ trict A ttorney Jim Hayden praised the SN O pro­ gram. “ I’ve alw ays been a fan. Y o u ’ve got a group o f police officers w ho w ork on investigating prob­ lem s in the com m unity. To have that resource available is very valuable to the Portland Police B ureau, the com m unity and to m e," H ayden said. He said local residents can provide SNO officers the necessary information to issue arrest w arrants to nuisance drug houses in their neighborhoods. T he w arrants are served w hen enough evi­ dence is accum ulated. Q uestions about the SN O program can be an­ sw ered by calling the N ortheast Precinct at 503- 823-5700 or dropping by the precinct at 449 N.E. Em erson St. A funeral w as held on Sept. 17 in K illingsw orth L ittle C hapel o f the DOMONIQUE'S / B U S IN E S S . C him es for M att W oods, w ho died Sept. 11 at age 90. Mr. W oods w as bom M arch 13, 1913, in Idabel, O kla. H e w as a • m echanic for W estern M otor Co. in Seagraves, T exas. He later m oved to • Portland in the early 1980s. 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 HAIR DESIGN Survivors include hisd au g h ters, L oyceT hom pson, B illie Dixon, Kay C allow ay and C laudette B ates; stepdaughter, D arlene Y ates; stepsons, 222 N. Killingsworth 97217 (Vancouver) *Teresa, Owner & Stylist *D eb o rah , Stylist *H o ra c e , Barber Tyrone Yates, Harold Y atesand Chris Yates; com panion, Mozell Adkison; 12 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren. Volunteer Dedicated to Helping d ir e c to r y WHERE THE HEAL TH OF YOL'R HAIR COMES FIRST! Betty Jean Duke Kemp 3 ,1 9 3 2 in B end to Stanton and Rozelia Kunnin^ Cafe D uke o f Portland. EAT^4N0 Betty Jean K em p w as bom on M arch She graduated from Lew is and Clark t/K E / r REGGIE'S BARBER SHOP Shop: 503-280-0222 Cell: 503 577-0404 M r. Reggie Brown Master Barber C ollege in 1953 and dedicated her p ro­ fessional life to helping others as a 3 2 1 3 NE M .L.King Jr. Blvd. - Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 soc ial w orker, lay m inister, and counse­ Between Cook & Fargo • Formerly: M USIC GALORE lor. A cherished experience w as at the fr C a ju n C u i s i n e W estern B ehavioral Sciences Institute, Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday - 10am to 7pm 4110 NF Frpmnnt. SÍI3-787-7118 w here she w orked on a project with noted psychologist Dr. C arl A Rogers. E xecutive T ravel In 1975, she started a m inistry for m others and th eir children at M aranatha C hurch and continued to lead the group for 21 years. She w as Michael E. Harper, Sr. a m em ber o f the church ch o ir for 30 years and also served on the board, Agent preached on occasion, and participated in Prison M inistries. • "‘ACCOMMODATING YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS'" S hirlene C arso n B etty received a m aster’s degree in education from P ortland State "A ir ‘ R aii "H otei "C ruise "C ar "G rout "P ayment P lans are A vailable ’ T ravel A gent U niversity and w as in the doctoral program in psychology at W estern C onservative B aptist Sem inary. D elta Sigm a T heta Sorority honored her 9045 SWBarbur. Suite 109 Portland. OR 97219 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503) 227-8757 w ith a W om en o f E xcellence A w ard in R eligion in 1983 and she w as Portland G eneral E lectric’s em ployee V olunteer to the Y ear in 1 9 9 1. T hroughout her life, she enjoyed m usic, cooking, fishing, fam ily and friends. Betty loved to travel and visited H aiti, S w itzerland, G erm any, STATE FARM INSURANCECOMPANIES HUME OEEICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS P O Box 3 0 7 9 1 P ortland , O R 9 7 2 9 4 O w e and F ax (5 0 3 )2 8 9 4 0 5 0 Tou F ree 1 - (8 0 0 )4 2 2 -7 8 6 0 E -M ah exeeb av@ ool co m 24 H our G ood N eighbor Service® M exico, and C anada. Each y ear she took a van o f single m others to Natlonald» Lifetime G uaraaU tt C anada for short, child-free vacation. K E Y S T O N E In 1977, she w rote “A M inistry to the Single M other,” recounting h er experienced w ith the m inistry through her church. A nd in 2002, the M O R T G A G • • • • E m em bers o f M arantha C hurch blessed B etty ’s heart by honoring her in a loving tribute. D onations m ay be m ade to the B etty D uke K em p Scholarship Fund, A r v i -. 1 1 l.o a n W EXHAUST BRAKES SHOCKS DIAGNOSTICS il s o n O f f ic e r through M aranatha C hurch or at any U.S. B ank, to help provide ed u ca­ Just Aik for tional scholarships for single m others and their children. 4110 Northeast 122nd Avenue. Suite 220. Portland, OR 97230 Cell: 503-32 0 9 6 8 7 Phone 503 408-1432 Fax 503 408 1433 Entail: Arvelltfqwrst net Survivors include a daughter, Lauri K em p o f Lake O sw ego; a stepfa­ ther, C arl Johnson o f M i lw aukee; a stepm other, Helen D uke o f Portland; K y a n S ilv e r Manager www ntcinckc com a brother, C larence D uke o f Santa Barbara; tw o sisters, C arlene Jackson o f M olalla and E velyn C ook o f T errebone; a stepsister. Penny M ila ro f OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 Portland; and tw o great aunts, Juanita Johnson and Lois Johnson o f FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 STATE FARM Portland. INSURANCECOMPANIES Advertise with diversity in HOME OFFICES:BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent a:i'c •¡LÍnrtlatth (Phseruer Special O rders Gladly Accepted! Paul Houge 1-887-860-0047 6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard call 503.288.0033 or email: ads(^ 8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 Suite A Phone: (803) 289-5418 Portland. OR 97217 CCS «42 10 2 • I8EW Local 4« J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance Church of the Living God C h ristia n w o rkers fo r f e llo w ­ s h ip 6401 N .E . 10th A venue A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! P ortland, O reg o n 97211 Call (503)970-5743 Services P astor a n d F irst L ady R oy G. M axie Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Weds Bible Study 10% off Moss Control 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. AFFORDABLE COM MERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Ed W ils o n , President 5 0 3 7 7 5 -5 3 1 1 AMPERE ELECTRIC 7 5 0 0 SE Division Portland. OR 9 7 2 0 « M flA C flIT T E FflILLA, D C. (Hitommc (in For more information please call (503) 284-5171 A Give us a call today. T T lock tJ tl& K E Y “ Where there is no vision, The People perish." Everyone's Welcome.... Conversion of fuse boxes to Circuit Breakers are our specialty. FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED 0UT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE. OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Chiropractic Clinic 425 N LU. 18th Avanue. Suite Î Portlond. OR 97209 Phone (SOS) 228 6140 Serving P o rtlan d /M etro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) ft I