Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 17, 2003, Page 5, Image 5

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    (Tljc Jlortlauò (Dbseruer
September 17. 2003
Page A5
Asylum for Nigerian Woman
(A P) - B razilian officials said it w as w illing to grant
asylum to a w om an in N igeria w ho w as sentenced to
death by stoning for having sex outside o f marriage.
Amina Lawai is appealing the Islamic court sentence.
If she is successful and eventually released she could
take advantage o f the asylum offer if she feels in danger
remaining in Nigeria, said Vera Rota,a spokesw oman for
the country’s federal w om en’s rights agency.
R ota said B razil w ould grant Lawai and the child
"safe haven” on hum anitarian grounds.
An Islamic court in northern N igeria convicted Lawai
arch 2002 following the birth o fh er baby, more than
Amina Lawai, holds her child inside a court of
after her divorce.
appeals in Katsina, Nigeria. Brazil is willing to
Judges ordered her buried up to her neck in sand
grant asylum to the woman who was sen­
tenced to death by stoning for having sex
and stoned. T he alleged father o f the baby denied
outside o f marriage. (AP Photo)
responsibility and w as acquitted.
Minority Group Supports Francesconi
City Commissioner Jim Francesconi gets a big boost in his race for mayor with a $25,000 dona­
tion for his 2004 campaign from the Korean Society of Oregon. Pictured with Francesconi (center)
are former Sen. John Lim (from left), Brian Chung of the Korean small business advisory commit­
tee, Charles Washington, publisher of The Portland Observer, Jack Chung, Northeast business
owner and entrepreneur; and Dave Kim. member o f the Korean Society board of directors.
Mentors School Mothers in Basics
S o m e m o th e r s n e e d e x tr a
h e lp to le a r n th e b a s i c s o f
p a re n tin g . " B a c k to b a s ic s ” h as
c r itic a l m e a n in g fo r a m o th e r
w h o h a d little o p p o rtu n ity to
le a rn a b o u t g o o d p a re n tin g in
h e r o w n c h ild h o o d b e c a u s e o f
a d d ic tio n , d o m e s tic v io le n c e ,
p o v e rty , h o m e le s s n e s s o r a ll o f
th e a b o v e . O fte n , a m o th e r in
c h a lle n g in g c ir c u m s ta n c e s ca n
u se a p e rs o n a l g u id e to h e lp h e r
c a tc h u p o n th e b a s ic s o f le a d ­
in g a fa m ily .
E c u m e n ic a l M i n i s t r i e s o f
O re g o n ’s P arent M en to r P ro g ram
assig n s v o lu n te e r m e n to rs as a
re so u rce to h elp m o th ers learn
p aren tin g attitu d e s an d sk ills that
th e y m isse d w h e n th e y w e re
g ro w in g up.
N o w in to its se v e n th y ear, the
p ro g ra m h as p ro v id e d p a re n t
m e n to rs to a b o u t 191 w o m en
w ith resp o n sib ility fo r a p p ro x i­
m a te ly 3 8 8 c h ild re n . M e n to rs
assist m o th ers in d e v e lo p in g c o n ­
trol o v e r th eir o w n lives an d the
liv es o f th e ir c h ild ren th ro u g h
v isits, w alk s, h e a rt-to -h e a rt talks
an d o th e r a c tiv ities
F o r h elp and in fo rm atio n , call
P atti C lo th ie r at 5 0 3 -2 3 1 -3 5 7 1 .
Ex-Police Chief Brings Tour to Portland
from Front
T h e re le a se ca p s n in e m o n th s
o f c o n tr o v e rs y a b o u t w h e th e r
M oose co u ld ev en w rite the book.
M o n tg o m e ry ’s eth ic s panel ruled
he c o u ld n ’t p ro fit from h is jo b as
p o lic e ch ief. H e filed law su its to
o v e rtu rn th e d e c is io n , b u t en d ed
up q u ittin g in Ju n e , c o n c lu d in g
he c o u ld n ’t keep his jo b an d w rite
th e book.
A lthough prosecutors and d e­
fe n s e attorneys for sniper suspects
Lee B oyd M alvo and John A llen
M uham m ad have expressed con-
It s the story o f
how I went from
being lionized for
helping bring the
snipers to justice to
being vilified for
writing a book
about it.
— Former Portland and Montgomery
County, Md. Police Chief Charles
cem about M oose’s book being
released before th eir trials this fall.
M oose believes his story w o n 't
sw ay potential ju ro rs.
H e w rites he h as m ix ed fe e l­
in g s
M a lv o
M u h am m ad facing the death p en ­
alty. B oth are black, a racial group
th at faces d eath sen te n c e s in d is ­
p ro p o rtio n a te n u m b ers. M oose
w rites.
“ 1 d o n ’t th in k th ere w as a lot o f
c h e e rin g in the black co m m u n ity
th at th ese g u y s w ere g o in g to go
on tria l in a d eath p en a lty sta te ,”
he said.
Dear Deanna!
A sa w orking m other, I use d aycare for m y kids. M y
children have told m e the babysitter tells my son sh e 's
going to slap him w hen he sasses her. I talked with the
babysitter and told her I d o n ’t appreciate her threaten­
ing m y child. 1 c a n 't afford another b abysitter and I
w ant to know w hat to do if she hits m y son. —Daycare
Thousands of people watch fire­
works above the Presidential Palace
during Independence Day celebra­
tions in Mexico City Monday. Presi­
dent Vicente Fox kicked o ff the
annual commemoration of Mexico's
break with Spain. (AP photo)
‘ ;
WTO Protesters Gather in Cancún
(A P )— Anti-globalization pro­
testers stripped out o f their clothes
and spelled out the words "N o
W T O " with theirnaked bodies, the
first o f several actions against the
W orld Trade O rganization m eet­
ing in this C aribbean resort.
A mix o f radical activists, farm ­
ers and labor rights prom oters have
planned a week o f protests to show
the harmful effects o f free trade and
grow ing corporate dom ination.
Demonstrators say Cancún, whose
miles o f w hite-sand beaches are
mostly hidden behind high-rise
hotels, is a good exam ple o f in­
Nude anti-globalization protesters lie down to spell “No A La
creasing private control.
OMC ’ (No To The WTO) during a protest against the WTO
“T his is a rejection o f the W TO
meeting in Cancún, Mexico. (AP Photo)
... and the sym bolic reclaim ing o f
A policem an scanned the pro­
our beaches, using the only w eap­ ganized the protest. He identified
ons w e have left, our bodies,” h im self only as A braham , and re­ test through binoculars, but d id n ’t
said a m em ber o f the D irect A c­ fused to give his last nam e because try to stop it. Indecent exposure is
banned on C an eu n ’s beaches.
tion N etw ork, the group that o r­ he feared reprisals.
(A P) — The w hole idea o f than to expect sim ple paintings o f
"M exico Illum inated" w as to bring deserts, cactuses and sm iling field
together artists o f M exican d e ­ hands sporting som breros.
scent to tout H ispanic heritage in
R am irez caused a stir w hen he
Reading, Penn., and show how ch o se to ex p ress his view s on
the U nited States is perceived by America with a bi I Iboard-sized piece
its neighbor to the south.
depicting a green road sign with the
A rtist M arcos Ram irez says distances from R eading to foreign
people should have know n better cities the United States m ilitary has
bom bed, including H iroshim a, Ja­
pan, in 1945, Baghdad, Iraq, in 2003
and K abul, A fghanistan, in 2001.
“ 1 wanted som ehow to confront
the p eo p le w ith h isto ry ," said
Rami rez, one o f over 60 artists taking
part in the show. “It’s an expression
o f what could be a very widespread
opinion outside o f this country.”
Real People, Real Advice
straight up and let h er know her breath stinks. D o n ’t
beat around the bush. She needs to run not walk
to the nearest dental hygienist to get assistance with
this problem . Until it’s corrected, keep talking with
her on the phone and double check y o u rself to m ake
sure it’s not y o u r breath kicking like V an D am m e.
Drama; Newark, NJ
A rtist Responds to US Bombings
Black Dear Abby Comes
to The Portland Observer
Tired o f reading lame, watered down advice columns that d o n ’t
embrace or apply to multicultural populations? Searching fo r an
advice column not afraid to use black terminology’, address African-
American issues and is dedicated to beingfearless and keeping it real?
Look no further because Ask Deanna! the minority advice column
that celebrates and embraces the African-American experience is now
part o f The Portland Observer newspaper.
Deanna is a syndicated columnist and form er on-air personality
from Los Angeles. She enjoys giving advice on every subject under the
sun and you can write to her at Ask Deanna! PO Box 88847, Los
Angeles, CA 901)09 or by e-mail at askdeannal@yahoo.com.
Fl&M [(LOTiilTES
te a M e
M ost A warded
M inority P ublication
Dear Deanna!
Dear Daycare:
It d o e sn 't take a rocket scientist to tell you to find
an affordable, but safer daycare. Until you get your
children m oved, teach yo u r son som e m anners and
docum ent everything that d o e sn 't seem right. If she
assaults y o u r son, let her know that you already
w arned her and th ere’s going to be trouble. Then, do
w hat you have to do, and report her to the authorities
even if it m eans she loses her license, h er business and
her m oney.
Dear Deanna!
I have a friend with tart b reath . I love her like a sister
but 1 d o n 't talk to her often because she d o esn ’t realize
the problem and no one will tell her. I get sick to my
stom ach w hen I talk to her. H ow can I address her
breath w ithout hurting her feelings? —Smelly Breath
Friend; Phoenix. AZ
Dear Friend:
I f m ints, gum , m outhw ash and a tongue scrap er—
all at the sam e tim e d o e s n ’t w ork, yo u r friend may
have a chronic breath disorder. Be sym pathetic but
by THE
My husband had an affair and left m e for an e x ­
prostitute. He said he left because 1 lost m y excite­
m ent and sex appeal. 1 adm it. I let m y self go and I
gained a little w eight. He never ju d g ed his new
w om an w ith her past because he felt she changed for
the better. Then he caught her in bed w ith another
man and now h e 's begging to com e back because he
said he m ade a m istake. —ConfusedSpouse; Chicago,
W est C oast B lack
P ublishers A ssociation
The grass isn ’t g reen er on the o th er side. Y our
husband needed to w ater the grass he had with
acceptance and fertilize it w ith love and he w o u ld n ’t
have m ade this stupid m istake. Im m ediately get
tested for H IV, and o th er S T D ’s, and then head to
professional m arriage counseling. Oh yeah, the other
w om an. T hink o f her as a pet and yo u r husband
should be m ore convinced that you can ' t teach an old
dog new tricks.
T he H ighest S tandard of
J ournalism and P ublishing
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask
Deanna! Email: askdeanna l@yahoo.com or write:
Deanna M. P.O. Box 88847, Los Angeles. CA 90009