Page B4 (Elje ^ n rtla n h (Bbserner » Diverse Business Move continued This Joy that I have from Metro w ith the authorities back hom e, and that ifh e returned, “ I w ould be slaughtered.” E gyptian authorities offered him the chance to em igrate to one o f three countries that w ould ac­ cept him: A ustralia, C anada o rth e United States. H eselected the U.S., he says, because there w ere m ore black people here. Reflecting that heritage, Y ousuf describes the Hom o f A frica’s food as “very different from any other restau ran t.” Y ou can enjoy a variety o f menu items for lunch from 11 a.m .to2:30 p.m . M onday through Friday or fordinner from 5 p.m. to lO p.m .any day o f the week. AdvertisO with diversity September 17, 2003 in '** Portland Observer call 503.288.0033 emailads@portlandob$ E thei J. B ates for the P ortland O bserver b \ A few days ago I ran into an acquain­ tance and w hen he saw m e he broke into a big sm ile and exclaim ed as we em braced, “Y o u 're h appy!” T his w as com pletely un­ expected, so for a m om ent I w as lost for w ords, but as I regained m y com posure, I said, "W ell yes, I am happy,” and the Holy Spirit gave w itness o f that jo y through this person as he entered m y space! W hat is the basis for this jo y ? W hen we hum ble ourselves by offering praises to G od w e will experience that “ inexpressible jo y ” that (1 Pet. 1:8) speaks of. This jo y is the direct result o f offering praises to G od through the storm s, valleys, and hard places, broken relationships and life changing ex­ periences. T his jo y that I have, the w orld d id n ’t give to m e and the w orld ca n ’t take it aw ay! A s the secular saying goes, “Y ou can ’ t touch th is! ” G od the Holy Spirit knows that 1 boast not o f m yself, but my boast is in th e L o rd (P s. 34:2). G od knew that there w as a great storm on the horizon and in 1996 gave m e this w on­ derful song o f praise that still o v erflow s my soul. By setting up my praise account, in the tim e o f trouble, w hen I needed som e heavy- duty artillery, the Holy Spirit activated the prophecy and released the prom ise and “ By H is strips I am healed (Isa. 53:5)! C onsequently, this is the season o f “ in­ expressible” jo y for me. O n Sept. 15,1998,1 underw ent extensive surgery for a rare stom ­ ach cancer and w as given six m onths to live. A fter the surgery, 1 w as told that m y sur­ geon had had the sam e operation. H e too w as given six m onths to live, yet, at that time w as a five-year survivor. A lso, had any oth er d octor been in charge, he w ould have term inated the procedure based on the find­ ings, but this doctor kept cutting, nipping and stitching aggressively. N ot only that, o f the tw o doctors o f choice, this doctor w ould not be in tow n for tw o w eeks, delay­ ing the surgery, but the Holy Spirit said wait. M onday, Sept. 15, 2003 m arked the fifth anniversary o f my surgery. It looks like a m iracle to me. T h at’s a reason for joy! W hen w e offer sacrificial praises to G od and line up o u r lifestyles w ith His will for us. He w ill do things in o u r circum stances and situations that will leave us exhausted and defeated in o u r quest to explain it! When man had done all that He could do, the m aster surgeon stepped in and praise God, 1 m ade it! M an m akes plans and G od laughs at him. 1 learned ju s t a few m onths ago, that al­ though I w as still being given chem o and radiation therapy, m y files w ere already in the “dead ” draw ! 1 have learned that the aw esom eness o f G od goes beyond hum an understanding. H ow, a m an asked, can she survive the loss o f 85 percent o f her stom ­ ach, having it rebuilt w ith the intestine hooked to w h a t’s left o f her esophagus so she can sw allow ? T oday, I am on no m edi­ cations. It is by H im , w ith H im , to H im , and for H im , that I tenaciously render praises. H e is the reason for m y joy! EtheLJ. Bates is a m inisterfor the Allen Temple CME Church in Portland. DOMONIQUE'S / B U S IN E S S d ir e c to r y 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 HAIR DESIGN 222 N. Killingsworth 97217 (Vancouver) *Teresa, Owner & Stylist *Deborah, Stylist *Horace, Barber eat IT AND U nion G ospel M ission kicks o ff its annual clothing drive. O peration O vercoat, co llect­ ing w inter clothing for m en, w om en and chil­ dren. D onations o f coats, sw eaters, shirts, pants and w inter clothing o f all kinds are needed. C lothing d ro p -o ff donation barrels are at six Portland-area Christian Supply stores including the Lloyd C enter M all at 908 Lloyd Center. O n Saturday, Sept. 27, N orthw est T hird A venue in front o f the m ission w ill be closed to m ake room for a m assive distribution o f clothing to P ortland’s hom eless and needy. The event will include a barbeque meal; music and C hristian outreach and N orthw est M edi­ cal Team s m obile dental van will also be at the event to provide free dental services. M ore than 2,000 people w ere served at last y e a r’s “O peration O vercoat.” Schools, businesses, churches o r civic groups w illing to collect clothing can contact U nion G ospel M ission at 503-274-4483. Long Time Resident Remembered Floyd W. Bruce A mem orial service w as held Thursday, Sept. 11,2003, in Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the C him es for Floyd W. Bruce, w ho died Sept. 8 at age 90. Mr. B ruce w as bom June 11, 1913, in H artford, S.D ., and m oved to Portland in about 1923. D uring W orld W ar II, he served in the C oast WHERE THE HEAL TH O F YOUR HAIR COM ES FIRST! ■S'Cool Kunnin^ Cafe"0- ‘Operation Overcoat’ Kicks Off REGGIE'S BARBER S H O P Shop: Mr. Reggie Brown 503-280-0222 like it Cell: Master Barber 503-577-0404 3213 NF M L King Jr. Blvd- Portland, OR 97211 B elween Cook A Fargo • Formerly MUSIC GALORE Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday • 10am to 7pm G uard. He w as an upholsterer for 40 years, prim arily for P eticia and C am ese. In 1939, he m arried K athryn M . Porter; she died in 1986. Survivors include his daughter, Barbara H ildebrandt; son, Law erance; sister, Inice Bell; one grandchild; and one great-grandchild. Army Veteran Dies at 87 Cleveland Daniel McCord Sr. S ervices w ere held T uesday, July 22 at K illingsw orth Little C hapel o f C a ju n C u is in e the C him es for C leveland D aniel M cC ord Sr., w ho died July 15 at age 87. J11()hlFFr«nnnt. MMtMHIl Mr. M cC ord w as bom Nov. 5, 1915, in U riah, A la. H e served in the A rm y during W orld W ar II and m oved to Portland in the early 1940s. He fir E xecutive T ravel Michael E. Harper, Sr. A gent •“ ACCOMMODATING YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS“ ’ STATE F ARM INSLlRANtTXTJMPANIHS HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS Survivors include his sons, C leveland Jr. and H arold; daughters, N orm a J. B row n and D oris M cC ord; stepdaughters, M elva H olm es and S hirley A lexander; 24 grandchildren; 42 great-grandchildren; and tw o S hirlene C arson "A m ’ R ah "H o ra ’ C ruise ’ C ar ’ G roup ’ P ayment P lans are A v a il a íií ’ T ravel A gent 9045 SWBarbur, Suite 109 Portland, OR 97219 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503)227-8757 w as a n u rse’s aide for the V ancouver V eterans A ffairs H ospital. great-great-grandchildren. Native American Elder Dies P O . Box 3 0 7 9 1 P ortland , O R 9 7 2 9 4 O m e t a n d F a x : ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 9 - 4 0 5 0 Tou Fite 1 (8 0 0 ) 4 2 2 - 7 8 6 0 IE -M a ii exectrav® ool com Zelmarine 'Ribsy' Galloway A dinner w ill be held at 5 p.m . Friday, Sept. 19, 2003, in the N ative 24 H our G ood N eighbor Service® A m erican Youth A ssociation building in Portland for Z elm arine “R ibsy” G allow ay, w ho died Sept. 9 at age 74. KEYSTONE 4 M O R T G A G H a t le a a in L i i t t i * « S a ira a t« « » meineke • • • • E R ig h t S e rv ic e , R ig h t P ric e A rvei i. W ilson EXHAUST BRAKES SHOCKS DIAGNOSTICS Lfidu O fficer Z elm arine L ang w as bom Sept. 3 ,1 9 2 9 , in W illits, C alif. She w as an enrolled m em ber o f the K lam ath Tribes. She m oved in about 1959 to Portland and w as a bartender for Jolly T im e Tavern. In about 1973, she m arried Jerom e; he died in 2000. Survivors include her sons, D elford “S onny” L ang and Jam es “Jam s” Lang; sister, T eresa W hiteshield; and tw o grandchildren. A rrangem ents by K illingsw orth L ittle C hapel o f the C him es. Just Ask for. 4110 Northeaat 122nd Avenue. Suite 220. Portland. O R 9 7 2 3 0 Cell: 5 0 3 3 2 0 9 6 8 7 Phone 5 0 3 -4 0 8 1432 Fax 5 0 3 4 0 8 1433 Entail: Ryan Silver Manager wmeineke com VA Hospital Worker Remembered Johnny Louis Howard Sr. A funeral w as held on Sept. 8, inC aldw ell ’sC olonial C hapel for Johnny L ouis H ow ard Sr., w ho died Aug. 31 at age 83. OFF.: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 STATE FARM FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 Mr. How ard w as bom Dec. 1 2 ,1919,inC ollinston, La. He served in the INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICESzBLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent A rm y. He m oved in about 1940 to Portland, and w as a laundry w orker, Special O rd ers G lad ly A ccepted! In 1943, he m arried B ezelle Lynch. Paul Houge Survivors include his w ife; daughters, W illie F. B irm ingham , Bertha 1-887-860-0047 Lovincey, Rita H ow ard, June H ow ard and Lisha H ow ard; sons, Sam uel, 8 2 3 8 N D e n v e r A v e n u e , P o rtlan d , O r. 97217 great-grandchildren. His sons Johnny Jr., M elvin, Fredrick and R oland R ichard and R. C raig; grandchildren; great-grandchildren; and great- 6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 died earlier. P h o n e: (603) 289-5418 Bonded ■ CCB , 8 2 1 0 2 • IB EW Local 4 8 J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance Conversion of fuse boxes to Circuit Breakers are out specialty. A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! Call (503)970-5743 10% o ff Moss C o n tro l a patient driver and later a security guard fo rth e V eterans A dm inistration. Give iis a call today. i Portland Native Dead at 75 Robert Knauer R obert “ B ob” K nauer died Aug. 14, at age 75. K nauer w as bom June 17,1928, in Portland, w here he lived all his life. He served in the A rm y. He w as a truck driver for Fred M eyer for 20 years. In 1947, he m arried M ildred A. Brow n. Survivors include his w ife; and son, Steve. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Ed W ils o n , President 5 0 3 7 7 5 -5 3 1 1 A M P E R E E L E C T R IC 7 5 0 0 SE Division Portland. OR 9720G R em em brances to the Salvation A rm y. A rrangem ents w ere under the direction o f the St. Johns Funeral Home. Long Time Resident Dead at 86 AFFORDABLE Sophia Marie DuPree T T LO CK J J < KEY Funeral services w ere held Aug. 20 at H oly C ross C atholic C hurch for S ophia M arie D uPree w ho died Aug. 14, at age 86. S ophia M arie B urtzel w as bom M ay 2 2 ,1 9 1 7 , in Seaforth, M inn. She m oved in about 1955 to Portland and w as adietitian for Em anuel Hospital. FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS In 1937, she m arried Lester; he died in 1998. LOCKED OUT?-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Survivors include her daughters, Jane Link, D onna G reen, Patricia B ender, K arren H arrison and Linda Peter; 19 grandchildren; 45 g reat­ Portland 5 03 .2 8 4 .9 5 8 2 • Oregon City 5 0 3 .6 5 6 .2 1 1 6 grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. S ervin g P o rtla n d /M e tro a re a (N, NE, SE, SW A NW ) R em em brances to the Society o f the L ittle F low er in D arien, III. I I