Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 10, 2003, Image 7

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C om m itted to C ultural D iversity
<Hl|c F o rtia n i» (Oh
Black Artists
Promoted on
o m m u n it y
a I e 11 d a r
Breeder's Choice
A Breeder’s Choice Therapy Dog
Recruitment, will be held in con­
junction with the SusanG. Komen
Breast Cancer Foundation’s Race
for the Cure on Sept. 13. Bring
your dogs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
for a screening to evaluate dog’s
obedience and tem peram ent.
1265A Cornell Road. For more
information, call 800-255-4286 or
Georgeena Warren featured her
artworks at the Black United Fund
offices during the m ost recent Last
Thursday on Alberta Street event.
Effort aimed at bridging gap
between diverse populations
Salmon Fest Northwest
m L ee P erlman
The Salmon Festival at Oxbow
Regional Park is on Oct. 11 and
12. The festival features a Wy-
Kan-Ush-Pum vi I lage, the Salmon
Nation Welcome Center, guided
salmon viewings, crafts, music
and more. For more information,
call 503-979-1850.
T he P or i land O bserver
Northeast Alberta Street’s Last Thursday events are a case
o f ‘‘culture shock” for many African Americans. People flock
to this monthly showcase o f artists along the street, but both
participants and visitors are overwhelmingly white.
The Black United Fund is trying to make the event more
This month, the non-profit group at 2828 N.E. Alberta featured
still-life photographs by black artist Georgeena Warren. The
office also gives home-based craftspeople a space to show their
In turn, The Black United Fund gives visitors a tour o f their
facilities, which include a library and computer lab geared to
the needs o f other local non-profits.
”We see this as an opportunity for African-American
artists in the community to showcase their work,” Chris­
tina Baldwin, the fund’s donor relations manager, told the
Taking Out Alzheimer's
Y ou can help the A lzheim er’s
A sso c iatio n create a w orld
w ithout the disease by partici­
pating in the 12"' A nnual P ort­
land M em orial Walk at Pioneer
C ourthouse Square on Sunday,
Sept. 28. The 5K w alk raises
m oney for national research.
For m ore inform ation or regis­
tration, call 503-413-6850 or
visit w w w .alz.org/oregon.
Job Skills Workshop
Multnomah County Libraries will
host a free Job Seekers W ork­
shop to help develop job skills.
The workshop is from 6 to 8 p. m.
Thursday, Oct. 23 at the North
P o rtla n d L ib ra ry , 512 N.
Killingsworth St. To register, call
Stroke Forum
Providence Stroke Center and the
A merican Stroke Association
hold a community forum from 9
a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept.
27 at the Doubletree Lloyd Cen­
ter, 1000NE Multnomah. Forreg-
istration, call 503-233-0100.
City of Bridges
The Eastside Bridge Club teaches
the fascinating and fun-filled
game in a friendly environment at
Easybridge Class, from 7 to 9 p. m.
Thursday, Sept. 11. Classes are
$5 and refreshments are included.
1435 NE 81 *' Ave. For more infor­
mation, call 503-252-1318.
Get In Shape
Providence Health Systems of­
fers W estside fitness classes at
4015 SW Mercantile Dr., Lake
Oswego. Classes include step,
ball and bar, cardio mix, cardio
step, gentle-paced fitness, group
strength training and Tai chi, to
name a few. For a full schedule,
call 5 0 3 -5 7 4 -6 5 9 5 or v isit
Bowling for Recovery
Help raise funds and aw are­
ness at a Bow ling for Recovery
event from 1 to 4 p.m ., S atur­
day, Sept. 20, at the Kellogg
Bowl in M ilw aukie. The event
is sponsored by ASAP T reat­
ment Services and Oregon Part­
nership. To sign up, call 503-
244-5211 ext. 236.
Prostate Awareness Month
Legacy Health System will screen
for prostate cancer, the second
leading cause o f cancer death
among American men. from 8 a.m.
to 1 p.m.. Sept. 20, at the Legacy
Clinic Northeast Medical Plaza
Building, 300 N. Graham St..Ste.
200. African American men over
the age o f 45 are encouraged to
attend. There is a $25 fee and
appointments are required. To
register, call 503-335-3500.
on page B2
Neighborhood Celebrates with Street Fair
features art, food
and entertainment
A m ulticultural celebration on S at­
urday, Sept. 13 will turn N ortheast
A lberta Street, from M artin Luther
K ing Jr. B oulevard to N ortheast 31”
A venue, into party central as young
and old em brace a variety o f tastes and
The sixth A nnual A lberta Street Fair
prom ises once again to celebrate the
neighborhood in a unique way.
In the spirit o f creativity, the fair
will offer a w ide range o f entertain­
m ent on three stages for people o f all
ages. The lineup o f talented m usi­
cians includes the G ypsy Caravan,
the Shoehorn T rio and C antaloupe. A
horse draw n trolley w ill offer free
rides and a parade will be held, com ­
plete with decorated bicycles, cos­
tum ed pets and all m anner o f mobile
C hildren are encouraged to par­
ticipate in art activities, such as paint­
ing and clay working, at the Chi Idren ’s
C enter located at N ortheast 14lh Place.
A face painter will be on hand.
H o ld in g g r o u n d as o n e o f
P o rtla n d ’s lo n g e st-ru n n in g street
fairs, this y ea r’s event will continue
to host several vendor m arketplace
lo catio n s o ffe rin g d istin ctiv e arts,
crafts and non-profit organizations
A lberta Street m erchants will be
participating w ith special sales, activi­
ties and on-site entertainm ent. G reat
eats will be offered at the m any restau­
rants (with a range from Thai and
M exican to Southern cooking) along
the street or by stopping by the booths
o f various food vendors.
For those unfam iliar w ith A lberta,
the street is considered a jew el for its
multicultural and revitalized shops. The
street offers a unique variety o f ser­
vices, shops, gal leries and restaurants.
Admission to the Alberta Street Fair
is free for all. For information or to
volunteer: www.albertastreetfair.com
Dishing up a plate o f ribs is one o f the many
great foods o f all tastes and cultures offered
each year at the Alberta Street Fair. The annual
multicultural celebration takes place Saturday.
Spreading the Message About Kidney Health
program raises
awareness with kids
bv J ay mee R. Cirri
T he P ortland O bserver
Add kidney disease to the list o f illnesses
disproportionately affecting African Ameri­
cans. While kidney failure strikes 400,000
Americans, people o f color are nearly five
times more likely to require dialysis or a
kidney transplant than Caucasians.
Yet, to the distress o f a local doctor, many
do not know what their kidneys do or even
that they have two.
Inspired by the work o f her late husband,
kidney specialist Dr. Michael Hartnet, Dr.
Cheryl Neal took on the weighty retirement
project o f educating the public about kidney
health. She chose students as the best way
to spread the message.
“The program exposes youth at a time
when their hearts and minds are open to
what role they will play in society. The
program supports the youth as they de­
velop career choices and as they can see
them selves participating in appropriate
medical care,” said N eal.
Neal developed the Multicultural Inte­
grated K idney Education (MIKE) program,
with the help o f her husband's colleagues at
the Northwest Renal Clinic and National
P iiotobv M ark W ashington /T he P o rixand O bserver
Trinity Mayes, Dr. Cheryl Neal. Azelin Howard and Eva Vega, celebrate the success o f a skit teaching kidney disease prevention.
Kidney Foundation o f Oregon and W ash­
ington. The program team is composed of
adult volunteers that lead and educate stu­
dents about kidney function and health.
Student teams, aged 14 through 2 1, develop
creative projects to present and share with
the community.
“We like to model real-life situations and
sim ulate job skills,” Neal said.
The project strengthens participants'
skills in reading, math, research, technol­
ogy. health, public speaking, marketing and
personal management. Many students get
'y f
on page HX