September 10. 2003 Page A4 O pinion rtie Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer Portland Observer E O IT O K ] ____________ USPS 9 5 9 6 8 0 ___________ Established 1970 4 7 4 7 NE M a rtin L u th e r King. Jr. Blvd., P ortland. OR 9 7 2 1 1 -I N - C H I S f , P l C I I IS H t I D 11 t e r n P aul N eufeldt i i i i i i c C harles H W ashington O ffic i M i m t i i K athy L in d er t D i r o a M ich a el L eighton O i s t t c r o s T IK Ja ym e e R. C u ti r > 1 1 c r i o s II i > i l . i i M ark W ashington PosnuAsrca: Send address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 3 1 3 7 , Portland. OR 9 7 2 0 8 __________P e rio d ic a l Postage paid In P o rtla n d , OR i S u b scriptio n s are $ 6 0 .0 0 per year__________ 5 0 3 -2 8 8 0 0 3 3 • FAX5 0 3 -2 8 8 0 0 1 5 • EMAIL: You Probably Saw It In il!‘JJo rtlan b (li)bserver The Portland Observer is Oregon s Oldest and Largest Multi-Cultural Newspaper. T he P o rtlan d O b s e rv e r’s d istrib u tio n o f n early 4 0 ,(XX) p a p e r s e n c o m p a s s e s a w id e c r o s s - s e c t i o n o f re s id e n tia l a n d sta te re a d e rsh ip , a s w e ll a s a larg e p e rc e n ta g e o f th e lo cal b u sin e ss c o m m u n ity . Become a p a rt o f o u r co m m u n ity. Read the P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r News. 1 Year $60.00 Make cheek payable to the Port land Observer News or pay by Visa or Master C ’a n t ( inline subscriptions ate also available at subseriptiotUiqvilJandobseiv er.cum. Renewal $60.00 The Portland Observer—Oregon's Oldest Multicultural Publication—i» a member of the National Newspaper Association-Pounded in 1885. and The National Advertising Repre­ sentative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New Y ork, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. Derrick Foxworth: Start with Candor If It’s New or Informative, 2 Years $ 100.00 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned ifaccompamed by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER AL1. RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLEOR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. The fo llo w in g is an editorial o f the P o rtla n d O bserver: O n S atu rd ay , leaders o f the A lbina M inistrial A lliance spoke plainly about problem s they un­ covered in the shooting death o f K endra Jam es, the unarm ed A fri­ can-A m erican w om an killed by po­ lice in a traffic stop last May. The A frican-Am erican ministers and a panel o fcitizens did not mince w ords in finding fault with police in Jam es’ death and the official inves­ tigations that follow ed, including th e rev iew by th e M ultnom ah C ounty D istrict A ttorney. From the start, it seem s the num ­ ber one objective o f police has been to protect their ow n and discredit Jam es. A frican A m erican leaders are B iship A. A. W ells, w ho chaired A M A ’scitizen-led investigation o f calling for better officer training to the shooting, said police officers de-escalate tense situations and have an “us vs. them ” m entality asking for new restrictions on the use o f deadly force. that builds distrust. O ne suggestion is to give rookie O ur hope is that incom ing Police C h ie f D errick Foxw orth can help cops extended training w ith a m en­ change that attitude and speak with tor officer for one year after b egin­ candor to the problem s in the ranks. ning active duty. A nother is to end Scott M cCollister, the rookie of­ to the practice o f police shooting ficer w ho shot Jam es w as repri­ into m oving vehicles unless offic­ m anded for putting him self in the ers are under fire. It’s a sad fact th at m ost o f position o f having to draw his ser- vicepistol. But ittookapublic records P ortland’s police officers d o n ’t live request to City Hall to get details in the city, let alone the neighbor­ behind the suspension m ade public. hoods they patrol. T he bureau and law enforcem ent com m unity can F oxw orth can do better. He has m et w ith the A M A and do m ore to connect these officers pledged to m eet again in the com ing w ith the m ulti-ethnic populations they serve. days to discuss bureau changes. Welcome Police Chief Foxworth Name A d d re ss __________________________________________________________________________ ________ ______ State_._______________ Zip C ode_______________ City P h o n e ____________________________________ Fax --------------------------------------------------------------------- Company N am e_______________________________________ _______________________________ G ift subscriptions are also available for h a lf price w ith y o u r renew al. Name A d d ress C i t y _____ Phone S ta te _______________ Z ip C o d e _______ _________ ______________________ __ __________ F a x ....................................................................................................... Œ 1?e JJorthtnb (Dhscruer P.O. B ox 3 1 3 7 P o rtlan d , O R 9 7 2 0 8 ; 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .0 0 3 3 o r Fax 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .0 0 1 5 ; p o rtlan d o b serv m As m ayor, I m ust do w hatever 1 can person for this tim e in the b u reau ’s to focus discussion on w hat w e do history. O n T hursday, the C ity C ouncil and how w e do it. I have nam ed A ssistant C h ie f heard a report from the Police A c­ D errick F oxw orth to take the helm tion R esource C enter that review ed o f the Police B ureau and becom e its police shootings and in-custody deaths. T he PA R C R eport w as ini­ by V era K atz , M ayor of P ortland nextC hiefofPolice. ChiefFoxw orth W hen 1 m ade the announcem ent w as bom here, w ent to school here tiated by the C ity and is an im por­ in July that I w ould not seek a fourth and his hom e is P ortland and the tant piece o f our effort to m aintain accountability in the Portland Po­ term as M ayor, I said at that tim e Portland Police B ureau. C h ie f F oxw orth jo in ed the b u ­ lice Bureau. The recom m endations that one o f m y priorities for the rem ainder o f my adm inistration reau right after graduating from the identified in the report w ill enable w ould be to strengthen the police U niversity o f Portland 22 years ago. the bureau to continue im proving H e served as a street officer, as a its adm inistrative practices and pro­ bureau organization. It w as very clear to m e that I had G ang E nforcem ent T eam m em ber cedures follow ingofficer-involved to do three things before the end o f and as a D rug and V ice O fficer, as sh o o tin g s. I am com m itted to ensuring that next year: R ecom m it the bureau to C hiefT om Potter’s Public Inform a­ com m unity policing. Review the tion O fficer, N ortheast Precinct the issues identified in the report b u reau ’s adm inistrative, investiga­ C om m ander, and last year began w ill be addressed, and in fact the bureau has already im plem ented 28 tive, discipline and training poli­ serving as A ssistant Chief. C hiefF oxw orth is respected and o f the recom m endations. W orking cies, and m ake changes w here ap­ propriate and m ake them now. A nd highly regarded m the com m unity with the Chief, w e will prioritize the rebuild the trust betw een the bu­ and w ithin the police organization. rem ainder o f the recom m endations reau, its officers and the com m u­ He is a focused individual w ho is and start im m ediately on the ones very hands on and is very com m it­ that are the utm ost critical in nature. nity. My hope is that even in the next T h o u g h o u r c rim e ra te has ted to com m unity policing. I h a v e w o rk e d w ith C h ie f couple o f m onths w e can bring dropped, issues related to law en­ forcem ent over the last few years Foxw orth over these m any years many o f the recom m endations back have dram atically polarized the city. and feel strongly that he is the right for im plem entation. Change needed to strengthen police accountability ' Cz? l/ic (Süditor, Time to Rebuild Schools O regon schools narrow ly es­ caped a crippling financial blow this legislative session. T im e to breathe a sigh o f re lie f and go back to business as usual? D efinitely not. N o w ’s the tim e to rebuild, not ju st O reg o n 's education system , but also the pride and involvem ent O regonians have traditionally had in th eir school system - prior to D oonesbury, shorter school years, and uncertain funding. It’s tim e to look beyond how budgets, gov­ ernm ent and teachers are singu­ larly im pacting the education pro­ cess and figure out how best to -S e a ttle Post-Intelligencer OPENS OCTOBER 2 To find out how to use your skills in a new way and become part of a group of financial advisors that's almost 10,000 strong, visit us at: advisorcareers or contact; Get your tickets today! 1800 678-5440 LIMITED ENGAGEMENT ONLY! under the Grand Chapiteau on SW Moody Avenue (south of the Marquant Bridge) s s A S m s x POWER r Bravo A le x a n d r a R i k k e r American Express Financial Advisors Assistant to the Field Vice President ID S U fe Insurance Company American Express Financial Advisors 1499 SE Tech Center Place. Suite 220 IDS life InsuranceL ompany Vancouver. 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