Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 10, 2003, Page 14, Image 14

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(L ije J l o r t l a n h © b s e r u e r
B ids / C lassifieds
Job Opportunity
Police Officer - Recruit
$2981/m onth
Position will
perform all a sp ects of police
duties, such as: patrol, report
writing, radar operation, traffic
stops and court appearances.
Must have ability to communicate
effectively and with authority both
orally and in writing, and the ability
to work assigned shifts. Prior law
enforcem ent experience as a
reserve or military police officer
p referred.
R equires a valid
Oregon driver's license (or ability
to obtain prior to appointment)
with good driving record and a high
school diploma or GED certificate,
(an A s s o c ia te 's D egree is
desirable). Must be 21 years of
age and a U.S. citizen. Prior to
appointment.__ successful
September 10. 2003
S ports
Secretary of State
Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking Hearing
Legendary Charles Remembered
Departm ent of Agriculture Natural
Resource« Division
Nobody bakes It better
Adm inistrative Rules Chapter
Number 603
Maintenance Engineer
Franz Bakery has an immediate
p e n in g
fo r
Jo u rn e y
Rules Coordinators Sherry Kudna
(503) 986-4619
a m inim um of th re e years
635 Capital St. NE Salem, OR e xp e rie n ce in an autom ated
m a n u fa ctu rin g environm ent.
Electrical & Refrigeration license
Hearing Date 9/30/2003
differential, LME & CFC preferred.
Must be available for all days &
Hearing Time: 7:00 pm
s h ifts . U nio n p o sitio n with
M ultnom ah Building, 501 SE excellent benefits. Apply at the
Hawthorn Ave.
Franz Sales Office, 340 NE l l " 1
or the North Portland
Board Conf. Rm. 112, Portland,
Office, Job Ref #
OR 97214
1112254, EEO/AAP Employer.
Hearing Officer Jim Johnson
ca nd id a te m ust p a ss testing
process and pre-em ploym ent
scre e n in g . A p p lica tio n s are
available at West Linn City Hall,
22500 Salamo Road, West Linn,
OR 97068, (503) 722-3427
(voice mail) (503) 657-7845 TDD.
(T h is is a c o n tin u o u s , open
re c ru itm e n t.)
C o m p le ted
applications received at West Linn
City Hall by 4:00 PM, September
26, 2003, will be reviewed for
consideration in the next testing
p ro c e s s to be held ea rly
November, 2003. EEO
OAR Chapter 603 Division 90
Child Care
Peninsula Children’s Center, a
non-profit child care center in
North Portland, seeks substitutes
for Infant through School-age
programs. 6 months center-based
e x p e rie n c e
p re fe rre d .
Com petitive wages. Call 280-
Rule Summary
Crime Prevention Program
Rulemaking Action
Adopt: Secure approval of rule
numbers with the administrative
Rules upon prior to filing
603-095-3700, 603-095-3720,
603-095-3740, 603-095-3760
Amend and Renumber: 561.190,
561.191, 561.400, 5 68 .9 00 -
Th e ru le s e ffe ctu a te th e
im plem entation of the Lower
W illam ette Agricultural W ater
Quality Management Area Plan
d e ve lo p e d p u rsu a n t to OR S
568.900 et. Seq.
The O ffic e of N e igh b o rh o o d
Involvement is recruiting to fill 8
Administrators positions. These
positions represent the City to the
community on specialized crime
prevention issues. Individuals
with exp erience coordinating
community based public safety
councils and/or other advisory
committees encouraged to apply.
Monthly Range $3,096 at entry -
$4,028 after 3 years
To find out detailed information
call our job hotline 503/823-
457 3 ,
w ebsite
www5.ci.Portland.or.us/jobs or
visit our Application Center at
1120 SW 5,h Ave, 1” flo o r.
Application deadline Is 4:30pm
Monday, September 22,2003.
The City of Portland is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.
W om en and m in o ritie s are
encouraged to apply.
Friends, family
pay tribute to
UP coach
(A P)— They called him a "living
legend," a role model and a gener­
ous friend.
Friends and family eulogized
University o f Portland soccer coach
Clive Charles on Monday with
prayer, songs and praise for a pro­
lific career that also raised the
college’sprofile with winning men's
and w om en’s soccer teams.
Charles, who died Aug. 26 at age
51 from prostate cancer, led the
Portland w om en’s team to last
year’s national championship as
he battled the cancer.
University officials, students and
others called Charles a loving, de­
termined and devoted man who
cared as much about his players as
he did about winning.
Charles taught his teams about
life as well as soccer, players said.
London neighborhood, began his
soccer career as a teenager with
West Ham United. He played as a
defender for the Portland Timbers,
Pittsburgh Spirit and Los Angeles
In 1986, Charles became coach
o f Portland’s m en’s team, and took
over the w om en's team three years
Charles led the university to 13
conference titles, 20 NCAA tour­
nament berths and seven Final Four
appearances. He was one o f five
NCAA coaches to win more than
Clive Charles
400 college soccer games. Charles
also coached the U.S. men’s team in
He was a stickler for details, Port­ the 2000 Olympics.
land soccer player I man i Dorsey said,
N ike P resident Phil K night
demanding that players tuck in their praised Charles as “a fabu lous man,
jerseys and polish their shoes.
coach and teacher.”
But the energetic Englishman
Knight said Nike will help funda
also had a lively sense o f humor, new University o f Portland soccer
and would make outrageous bets, complex honoring Charles. The
D orsey said. “ He w as n ev er school plans to build practice fields
ashamed to sucker someone into and a larger stadium for spectators
losing his money,” she said.
around the existing Harry A. Merlo
Charles, who grew up in a poor soccer field.
Kobe’s Lawyers
Want Accuser to Testify V
(AP) — Kobe Bryant’s attorneys want his accuser to
testi fy at next m onth’s hearing that wil I determine whether
the NBA superstar will stand trial on a sexual assault
Bryant, 25, is charged with assaulting the woman, who
worked at the mountain resort lodge where he stayed June
30. The Los Angeles Lakers guard has said the two had
consensual sex.
Defense attorneys Pamela Mackey and Hal Haddon
issued a subpoena to the 19-year-old woman to have her
appear at the Oct. 9 preliminary hearing, prosecution
spokeswoman Krista Flannigan said Tuesday.
She said prosecutors were discussing whether to ask
the judge to throw out that subpoena. Such a request
would not be unusual, she said. “If it were to happen, it
would be pretty quickly,” Flannigan said.
Strong Season
Opener for PSU
Portland State football holds its second
straight home game at 6 p.m. Saturday, when
the Vikings battle20,h-ranked Nicholls State.
The Vikings are coming o ff an impres­
sive 34-21 winoverTexasA&M-Kingsvillex
New starting quarterback Joe W iser was
responsible for four touchdowns, throwing’
for three and running for one. Sophomore
linebacker Joey King earned Big Sky Con­
ference Defensive Player o f the Week
honors after making 17 tackles, three for
loss, and one sack.
T i ' alatin ÎÎÂV ali . hy
Call) This position will fill in during
staff vacations and absences.
R e sp o n sib le fo r fro n t o ffice
c le ric a l, a n sw e rin g p h o n e s,
g re e tin g c lie n ts and filin g .
Requires previous front office
experience preferably in a medical
setting. Pay is $8.00-9.00/hr.
Sub B id s / Supplier Quotes Requested
Portland Community Collage
Technology Building
545 N. Killingsworth Ave.
Portland, OR 97217
All Divisions Except Demolition
Voluntary Prebid at Walsh Construction Co. Conference Room
6 PM September 11
Bids due on Friday, September 26 At 3 P.M.
Walsh Construction Co./Orsgon
2905 SW First Ave Portland, OR 97201
(503) 222-4375 FAX (503) 274-7676
Contact Eric Stevens or Scott Holstrom
ORCCB #147267
W ilsii ConitiucOon Ca./0r«gan Is an squal opportunity employer and requests tub-bldo
from Minority, women, dltodvontogod and emerging im all bu tlneu enterprlm .
Proposals are requested from qualified companies to provide
special inspections, geotechnical engineering observations and
testing services for all phases of the New Columbia project.
The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) will accept
proposals until 4 PM Pacific Tims, September 19,2003.
The RFP Is available from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday
through Friday, beginning Friday, 9eptembsr 8, 2003, at
the HAP office located at 138 SW Aah St., Portland, OR
97204, fourth floor.
HAP encourages participation of disadvantaged, minority-owned,
women-owned and emerging small businesses in this and all HAP
Located in NE P o rtla nd th is
p o sitio n is re sp o n sib le for
assessment, treatment planning,
p ro visio n
su p p o rtive
counseling and coordination of
m ultiple service providers for
proportionate client caseload for
adults with severe mental illness.
Must be able to keep accurate,
timely records to support work.
LCSW required and experience
with adults with severe mental
illn e ss p re fe rre d . B ilin gu a l
(English/Spanish) preferred.
COUNSELOR (On-call) Location:
Varies Provides coverage for
a ssessm en ts, individu a l and
group therapy during vacations/
illness. Must have CADC and
p re vio u s e x p e rie n ce with
Interested applicants may fax
resum es to 503-690-9605 or
mail to: TVC, 14600 NW Cornell
Rd, Portland, OR 97229 Attn:
Hum an R e so u rce s.
include in your cover letter the
p ositio n fo r w hich you are
applying. To learn more about
Tualatin Valley Centers please
v isit
w e b site
P hoto by M ark W ashington ZT he P ortland O bserver
Dr. Cheryl Neal brings h er m e s s a g e a b o u t kid n ey health to th e H um boldt N eighborhood B ack to
Sch o o l Party w here s h e can reach yo u n g p eople. “The (Multicultural Integrated Kidney Education)
program e x p o s e s yo u th a t a tim e w hen their h e a r ts a n d m in d s are op en . ” s h e said.
Message About Kidney Health
from Metro
the im portance o f physical activ ­
ity. They shadow students, take
tours o f health facilities, includ­
ing Oregon H ealth and Science
U niversity’s kidney and dialysis
units, and observe kidney d is­
The program is m ostly co m ­
posed o f m inority students, and
all presentations have been in
north and northeast Portland.
A group o f graduates from the
12-week program from Youth O p­
portunities C enter developed a
skit to educate their peers and
com m unity about kidney health.
intem shiporclasscreditforpartici-
Neal says her “learn by doing”
approach is the best way to ac­
complish the lofty goals o f chang­
ing p eo p le’s behavior.
“This is about integrating a
pattern o f behavior and chang­
ing the background o f society
and that requires m ore than ju st
Equal Opportunity Employer
appealing to passive learning,”
OLD VINYL 45's? Will pay cash or she said.
Participants learn about k id ­
trade work for your old 7-inch
by studying nutrition and
singles. Not a dealer, just a hard­
working music lover who wants to
"Spell-binding...theatrical event of the year"
— tho Daily Tsltgraph
help you clean your attic of old
vinyl. Call Dan ® 503-997-7139.
$250 to $500 a week
Will train to work at home
Helping the US Government
File HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
No experience necessary
Call 1 800-778-0353
a nunoi^er
RFP contact Elaine Holt, Purchasing Manager, 503-802-8509,
or Jackie Blyn, Procurement Specialist, 503-802-8533.
503.231.9581 OR TICKETSWEST 503.224.8499
and Benson High S chool’s health
careers students developed a kid­
ney model w ith a presentation to
H osford M iddle S ch o o l’s p h y si­
cal ed u c a tio n c lasse s. T h ese
projects expanded into video pro­
ductions and poster projects by
M cCoy A cadem y students and
the Urban League.
The MIKE program meets cur­
riculum standards for I l 'h grade
health classes, and Neal w ould
like to expand the program into
classroom s.
“T h ere’s a genuine need for
the youth to develop tools that
will raise aw areness and help pre­
vent kidney disease If the m edi­
cal com m unity had good teach­
ing tools, we w ou ld n ’t have this
problem ." she said.
MIKE participants are accept­
ing applications for volunteers
that have experience working with
youth in a group education set­
ting or with a connection to k id­
ney disease. For more inform a­
tion, visit w w w jnikeprogram .org
ore-m ail info(ttm ikeprogram .org.