top™___________________________ Œlje Jlortlanb OObaeWer____________________ September io, 2003 R eligion © b itu a r ie s Retired Veteran Dies E rnest H oard w as bom Feb. 27, 1928 in D ayton, O hio, the son o f Robert Ross H oard and C orrine A nderson-H oard. He served three years in the Navy from 1943-1945 and then joined the A rm y serving until he retired in 1965. During his service to his coun try, he received m any aw ards for his leadership skills, along with num erous m edals for his athletic abi I ity as a soccer play er and m ara thon runner. R eleased to civilian life, he was em ployed by W estern School S up ply and later w orked as operations manager for the Memorial Coliseum. He w as thrilled to experience one B lazer cham pionship during his years o f service and enjoyed m any conversations w ith all celebrities, co-w orkers and guests to the vari ous events. He m ost recently served as an inventory control specialist for the G resham Liquor store. Ernest never sm oked, nor w as he ever sick a day in his life. He was diagnosed with colon cancer and had surgery to rem ove it. H ecouldn’t stand to be so sick during chem o treatments. T h ecancertookoverhis torso, he fought a hard fight; truly a dedicated soldier to the end. Survivors include his w ife, Jeri A nn W illiam s, w ho he m arried on Jan. 14,1950 in V ancouver, in front o fth e Justice o f the Peace, ju st prior P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Brianna (left) and Brittany Sabb take the stage at the Fourth Annual Block Party at Northeast 27th Avenue and Sumner Street. The celebration, sponsored by St. Luke's Memorial Church of God in Christ, featured music, food and carnival games. The party was dedicated to the memory o f Brianna and Brittany's grandmother, Brenda Piearson, who helped to establish the community event. A n annual scholarship program for disadvantaged kids is on hold for this year because o f a strug gling local econom y and lack o f contributions, according to a local business ow ner. A lbert H olmes, ow ner o f Sir A l’s B eauty Salon at 1639 N .E. A lberta St., said that he c o u ld n ’t rally enough sponsors behind the schol arship benefiting kids w ho com e from troubled hom es but have great potential for college careers. H olm es plans to carry o v er the m oney collected to a scholarship in 2004. “ W e w ish to thank everyone w ho has supported the foundation KEYSTONE m o r t g a g e ‘Operation Overcoat’ in Portland Observer A rveli W ilson call 503 .28 8 .00 3 3 L o a n O f f ic e r 4 1 IO Northeast 122nd Avenue. Suite 220. Portland. OR 97230 Cell: 503 320 96 87 Phone: 503-406 1432 Pax: 503 408 1433 Entail: Arvrlh&qwrst net OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 STATE FARM FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES:BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 B U S IN E S S d i r e c t o r DOMONIQUE’S / HAIR DESIGN *Teresa, Owner & Stylist *Deborah, Stylist *Horace, Barber 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 222 N. Killingsworth 97217 (Vancouver) WHERE THE HEAL TH OE YOUR HAIR COMES EIRST! J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance ■Ö’ C öo I (tunning Cafe £AT IT and -Ö- Call (503)970-5743 10% off Moss Control Bonded • CCB « 8 2 1 0 2 • IBEW Local 48 LIKE it A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! S Conversion of fuse boxes to Circuit Breakers are our specialty. Give os a c a ll today. Electrical Contractor« \ A M P E R E E L E C T R IC Ed Wilson, President 5 0 3 7 7 5 -5 3 1 1 JllQNFFrpmnnt Sfíl-7R7-711« 7SOO SE Division Portland. OR 9 7 2 0 6 ^ H » lEAT^ Michael E. Harper, Sr. T T LOCK J J & KEY Mr COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL J ^ a r if e f e e a n fr C a j u n C u i s i n e AFFORDABLE • L a w s o n A n d e rso n w a s b o rn in T enaha, Texas on June 10, 1924 to Carl and R osaline A nderson. He w as one o f seven children bom o f this union and w as preceded in death by tw o brothers. Lawson A nderson, affectionately known as “L .C .” w as a devoted father to his five children and a beacon o f light to his many nieces, nephew s and fam ily m em bers. H e served our country in both W orld W ar II and the K orean W ar. H e w as w ounded in com bat during the K orean W ar and aw arded the Purple H eart. A nderson w as honorably discharged from the U.S. A rm ed Forces in 1953. A fter returning to Portland, A nderson w orked as a m aintenance * U nion G ospel M ission kicks o ff its annual clothing drive. O peration O ver coat, collecting w inter clothing for men, w om en and children. D onations o f coats, sw eaters, shirts, pants and w in ter clothing o f all kinds are needed. C lothing d ro p -o ff donation barrels are m echanic for Frank C hevrolet. In 1970 he began w orking for the U nited at six Portland-area C hristian Supply States Postal Service and retired in 1984. His favorite pastim e w as taking stores including the L loyd C enter Mall long drives dow n the W est C oast and occasionally across country. He at 908 Lloyd Center. also enjoyed reading and w atching sports on television. O n S aturday, Sept. 27, N orthw est A nderson w as a m em ber o f N ew H ope B aptist C hurch for over 40 Third A venue in front o f the m ission j w ill be closed to m ake room for a m as- | years. H e w as a caring person and deeply spiritual man w ho never met a stranger. W hen friends had problem s he w as alw ays there to share his s iv e d is tr i b u ti o n o f c lo th in g to w isdom and assist them through tough situations. P o rtlan d ’s hom eless and needy. T here w ill be a m em orial service for Law son C. A nderson at noon on C ontact U nion G ospel M ission at j Saturday, Sept. 13 at N ew H ope B aptist C hurch on N orth G antenbein 503-274-4483. A venue. Friends and fam ily are w elcom e to attend. in the past and look forw ard to your continued con trib u tions in the future,” H olm es said. Since he began the schol arships four years ago, the program has helped six kids through college. Five o f the six are still students. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n about the scholarship pro gram, call 503-288-6677. \d\ertisc with divct'il\ to going overseas. From this union issued forth six children; V onLisa H oard-B ennett, M obile, Alabam a; K arla A nn H o a rd -R ic h a rd so n , H illsboro, O re.; and SueZet Hoard, Eric Johann Hoard, and Stefan Paul Hoard, all ofG resham , O regon. His first son, Ernest V an H o ard o fG er- m any and a brother, R obert Ross H oard preceded him in death. He also leaves behind a sister, Erm a Jean Sanders ofD ayton, O hio and a brother W alter Earl H oard o f Boston, M ass., a host o f nieces, nephew s, 11 grandchildren, 4 great g ra n d c h ild re n an d m an y d e a r friends. W edeeply love and w e’ll dearly m isshim . Homegoing Celebration Of Lawson C. Anderson Keeping Grandmother s Memory Alive Scholarship Fund Comes up Short Ernest Hoard . r Agent Special Orders Gladly Accepted I Paul H ouge FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED 0UT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving P o rtlan d /M etro area (N, NE, SE, SW A NW) 9045 SW Babur. Suite 109 Portlaid. OR 97219 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503) 227-8757 1 -8 8 7-860-0047 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS 8 2 3 8 N D e n v e r A v e n u e , P o r tla n d , O r . 9 7 2 17 24 H our G ood N eighbor Service® I P hone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 9 -5 4 1 8 I » y