Diversity on Alberta Artists of color promoted to make street more inclusive Beacons of Hope Convention Center once again to shine beams in memory of 9-11 S ee stori , M etro section , inside See story, Page A2 ortlanh ‘City of Roses’ Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXIII • Number 37 _Week... in "Review Bush Requests $87B for Aid In Iraq The Bush administration tried to reassure Americans about its larger-than-expected S87 billion request for Iraq and Afghani­ stan, saying the war against ter­ rorism is the nation’s highest priority and won ’ t wreck the fed­ eral budget. Memorial Service for Final Fallen Firefighter A vial holding the blood o f a firefighter was placed in a coffin alongside his uniform Monday, marking the final memorial ser- viceforthe343 firefighters killed at the World Trade Center. The family o f Michael Paul Ragusa, 29, had put off any funeral for two years in the hope that his remains might be identified. But they never were. , Govt. Dawdles To Right Mistreatment of Foreigners The government is not moving quickly enough to address prob­ lems revealed in a report docu­ menting mistreatment o f some o f the hundreds o f foreigners detained after the 2001 terror attacks, according to Justice Department investigators. Explosion in Central Israel Kills 7 A suicide bomber blew him self up at a bus stop crowded with soldiers at rush hour Tuesday. At least six other people were killed, a television report said. The blast wounded at least 30 people, 15 o f them seriously, rescue service workers said. Endurance Artist Blaine Begins Starvation Stunt David Blaine, the American illu­ sionist and street magician, be­ gan his latest feat o f endurance in a blaze o f publicity, entering a plastic box where he will attempt to live without food for more than six weeks. Wednesday • September 10. 2003 AMA Report'. Police Officer Lied Leaders fault police, allege cover up BY JAYMEE R . C U T I T he P ortland O bserver Portland Police C h ief M ark K roeker’s resignation and the appointm ent o f Police C hief Derrick Foxworth, an African Ameri­ can native o f Portland, h asn ’t quieted public cries for ju stice and a distrust o f the police bureau. The outrage over police shootings, par­ ticularly in the case o f K endra Jam es, an unarm ed black m otorist killed in a traffic stop last May, erupted again Saturday w hen the A lbina M inisterial A lliance re­ leased its own investigation im plicating the bureau in a cover-up and accusing one o fficer o f lying. The group o f esteem ed religious lead­ ers suggested 34 changes w ithin the bu­ reau, and then passed the torch to a newly form ed com m ittee, the A lliance for Police and Com m unity A ccountability. The new com m ittee, headed by form er State Rep. Jo Ann Bowman, was created to make sure the bureau follow s through with reform s. M ore th an 2 0 0 p e o p le fille d the M aranatha C hurch o f God in northeast Portland to hear the AMA report. James, a 21 -year-old mother o f two chil­ dren, w as shot by rookie officer Scott M cC ollister when she tried to drive away from a traffic stop on the 1-5 overpass on N orth Skidm ore Street. Rev. W .G. Hardy Jr., speaking for the alliance, said M cC ollister lied about d e­ tails regarding the shooting, and the bu­ reau covered up his lies by ignoring w it­ ness statem ents and physical evidence. “Something deep within the culture o f the Portland Police Bureau needs to be changed,” said Bishop A. A. Wells, chairman o f the A M A ’s investigation committee. The committee scrutinized material about the shooting, including a 600-page report o f witness testimony, officer statements, and reports from the forensics team and medical photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Rev. Roy Tate, president o f the Albina Ministerial Alliance and other community leaders gather at Maranatha Church of God in northeast Portland to address an AMA report finding police misconduct in the May 5 shooting death of Kendra James. " Something deep within the culture o f the Portland Police Bureau needs to be changed. -Bishop A A Wells examiner. The team also reenacted the shoot­ ing. From the videotaped reenactment, wit­ ness testimony and the trajectory o f the bullet, the team concluded — contrary to M cCollister's story — that he was not at risk ofbeing dragged along with the car as James began to drive away. “W e w ere able to m aster this inform a­ tion and found a num ber o f discrepancies relative to the officer and the investiga­ tion itself," said Wells. Some, including City Com m issioner Randy Leonard, questioned the objectiv­ ity o f the report. Leonard said he was concerned that no responsibility was laid on Jam es for refusing to cooperate with police. “The advantage o f this report is we used their inform ation,” W ells said, d e­ fending the rep o rt’s balance. The inves­ tigation, he said, is based on material provided by the district attorney and police bureau. Alliance members met with M ayor Vera Katz and Foxworth last w eek, and said their response to the report was “posi­ tiv e .” The group plans to m eet with Foxworth again in the com ing days to discuss bureau changes. O f those changes, alliance m em bers suggest extended training with a m entor officer for one year after a rookie begins active duty, practice in “de-escalating” tense situations, training to provide em er­ gency m edical care for suspects follow ­ ing a shooting and an end to the practice o f police shooting into m oving vehicles unless officers are under fire. New Seasons Doubles Coverage Locally-owned grocery chain to build on Interstate Promising Athlete Pitches Fitness Program Top-draft pick LeBron James o f th e C le v e la n d C a v a lie rs launched a youth fitness pro­ gram . Jam es and N ike an ­ nounced the PE2GO program to encourage physical education im p ro v e m e n ts in sc h o o ls through teacher training, spe­ cial gym classes and equipment donations. The program will begin in Akron, Ohio, and ex­ pand to Portland, Chicago, Los Angeles, Memphis, New York and Washington. Walking for Wellness The African American Health Coalition ener­ gized Portlanders on Saturday morning during a four-mile Wellness Walk, raising money to help bridge the health disparity for people of color. The walk through scenic north and northeast neighborhoods began and ended in Dawson Park with games, music and food. photo by * www.portlandobserver.com M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver A Kent Hoddick, president o f the Ar­ bor Lodge Neighborhood Associa­ tion shares Rohter’s excitement say­ ing, “We welcome New Seasons Mar­ ket with open arms and are looking forward to the new store.” The site is a former Safeway loca­ tion, now occupied by a private busi­ ness. The current tenant previously announced their intention to relocate. Rohter believes in the need for neighborhood-focused stores. “W e’re Portland people. Our own­ essential groceries for everyday living and will feature organic produce, natu­ ral meats and chicken, fresh seafood, imported olives and cheeses, and an extensive wine and beer selection. New Seasons Market is an active and com ­ mitted supporter o f the regional food economy and is dedicated to purchas­ ing from small local farms, ranches, dairies and fisheries. The north Portland New Seasons wi 11 have a hot wok and ful 1-service del i with an in-store dining area, a certified N ew Seasons M arket has a n ­ nounced plans to build a second store serving north and northeast Portland when it opens an outlet at the com er o f North Interstate Avenue and Portland Boulevard in 2005. It’s the second major economic development for the new Interstate Max corridor in the past few weeks. Fred Meyer will completely rebuild its store at Interstate and Lombard in 2004. The latest New Seasons store will create approximately 140 new jobs, provide grocery services to area resi­ dents and support local vendors from the region, officials o f the locally- owned grocery chain said. New Sea­ sons opened a much-needed grocery in the Concordia neighborhood o f northeast Portland just a couple o f years ago. It has other markets in Ra­ leigh Hills, Sellwood and Orenco Sta­ photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver tion in Hillsboro. New Seasons Market will open its second store serving north and “O ver the past few years, every northeast Portland when it transforms property along side the future week w e’ve received e-mails, calls and Max light rail station at North Interstate and Portland Boulevard into a letters asking us to open a store in new store. The locally-owned grocery chain plans to have the store north Portland," says Brian Rohter, operating in 2005. president o f New Seasons Market. “W e’re excited to have found such a ers live here and our team includes organic bakery featuring artisan breads, great spot and are proud to be part o f experienced veterans o f the Portland and a store chef available to provide the new Interstate Corridor. The prop­ grocery business. As much as pos­ great menu ideas or help customers erty is at a well traveled intersection sible we'll hire neighborhood residents turn an everyday meal into something and the Interstate MAX will stop right for positions in this store,” Rohter spectacular. For specialized custom er outside our front door, making grocery said. nutritional needs, a nutritionist will be shopping very convenient for local Like al I New Seasons Market stores, continued y f on page A3 residents.” the north Portland location will carry I