(Elje ^ortlanb ©bseruer September 03, 2003 PageA9 The ABCs of Good Health CLASSIFIEDS STOW, Nobody bakes It better Warehouse Foreman Max of $19.35 an hour with $15.48 during training Franz Bakery is looking for an xperienced motivated foreman for the shipping team. Reqs: 3 years prior warehouse supervisory experience, in food industry a plus, know ledge of W indows, databases (Citrix a plus), ability to work in a fast paced environment, in temperatures exceeding a 100 degrees, available for any shifts with split days off. Union with excellent benefits. Apply with N. Portland Em ploym ent O ffice at 30 N. Webster or at Franz Bakery office 340 NE l l ,h Ave. EEO/AAP Librarian Multnomah County Library is seeking applicants for Librarian positions. This position will provide reference and reader's advisory service on public reference desks. Locate materials and sources of information. Plan and implement programs and training sessions for adults, young adults, children, and fam ilies. No experience is required; however, two years of professional librarian experience is desirable. All applicants must have or be within 3 months of receivin g an ALA accredited Master's Degree in Library science or equivalent. Salary; $20.63 to $25.38 per hour (please see job announcement for further salary in form ation) A p p ly b y: September 12, 2003. For more information, please refer to the website at www.multcojobs.org. Community Counselor/ Coordinator Flexible independent contractor position in your area. Recruit and interview potential host families for year-long cultural/child care experience. Advice and coordinate a c tiv itie s for international au pairs. Flexible hours. Work from home. Excellent opportunity for computer literate person with excellent people sk ills or experience with intern ation al cultu ral work. Subm it letter and resum e describing qualifications to Maria, Au Pair in America fax (203) 399- 5592 or mking@alfs.com. Residential Treatment Counselor Awake Overnight position in a residential treatment facility for youth. This position is perfect for those who need to earn an income and still have time to study, work on projects, or write the next great novel. Experience working with children required. Ap plican ts please subm it a resum e to the Recruitm ent C oordinator PO Box 368 Maarylhurst, Oregon 97036. The C h ristie School is an equal opportunity employer. WASHINGTON COUNTY Vitamin World participated in Lloyd Center 's back to school event by teaching kids about nutrition. Johanna Pemble reads a story to children about how learning about vitamins is as easy as learning the alphabet, starting with the vitamins a, b and c. OCCUPANCY SPECIALIST $2,686 - $3,264 / month Closes September 26, 2003 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w ebsite: www.co.washington.or.us. County application and supplemental application form s required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Youth Librarían Multnomah County Library is seeking applicants for Youth Librarian positions. This position w ill work on public service reference desks conducting reference and reader's advisory interviews. Locating materials and sources of inform ation. Maintaining an active working relationship with the educational com m unity, social service agencies and recreational institutions serving children within the region. No experience is required; however, two years of professional liurarian experience is desirable. All applicants must have or be within 3 months of receiving an ALA accredited Master’s Degree in Library science or equivalent. Salary: $20.63 to $25.38 per hour (please see job announcement for further salary A p p ly b y: in form ation) September 12, 2003. For more information, please refer to the website at www.multcojobs.org. R esidential T reatm ent Counselor needed to work with children in treatm en t facility. Requires Bachelors degree in human services field and experience working with children. Forward resum e to Recruitm ent Coordinator. The Christie School PO Box 368 Marylhurst, Oregon 97036 Email Jobs@christiesschool.orfi EOE 1979 Lincoln Continental Town Car very clean- low mile 2 owners $12.000 Call Pat at 360-750-8679 Admin. Asst. / Bookkeeper Community arts nonprofit seeks AA for bookkeeping, database management,office organization, and program/events support. $833/mo.; 20/hrs./wk„ w/opp. to add hrs. in 6 mos. Send cov. Itr. + resume by Sept. 19 to IFCC, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., Portland, OR 97217 or F: 503.823.2061. M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver photo by Musical Legend Coped with Daily Indignities A F R IC A N P o r tla n d ’s w o rld -re n o w n e d M aestro Jam es D ePriest once said o f his aunt, "It m ust have required all o f M arian A nderson’s religious faith and secular stoicism to cope w ith the daily indignities encoun­ tered in the pursuit o f h er career in the U nited States during the 30s, 40s and 50s.’’ M arian A n d erso n ’s deep reli­ gious com m itm ent cam e to her from her m other. She started singing as a sm all girl in a church choir, later becom ing fam ous throughout the world. H erhum blebeginningsw ere rooted in Philadelphia around 1900, a c h ild o f John Berkeley, aco al and ice p eddler and A nna D. A nderson, a laundress. A t the age o f six, A nderson w as accepted into the ju n io r choir o f a U nion B aptist Church. W ithoutany m oney for lessons, she taught her­ se lf the piano. W hen she w as eight, church m em bers called her “ Baby C ontralto.” A c h ild p ro d ig y , A n d e rso n jo in ed the adult choir at 13 and began singing professionally while still in high school. By the tim e she had graduated from the South Philadelphia School for G irls, A nderson had earned A M E R IC A N S \ Marian Anderson is greeted by Harold L. Ickes, Secretary o f the Interior, at the Lincoln Memorial during a 1939 concert that drew 75,000 people. She sang the hymns “America, ” “Ave Maria" and three Negro spirituals. enough m oney to help her fam ily eral black organizations, she began buy a hom e, a n ear im possible feat touring Europe, singing hundreds for a young black girl in the early o f songs in various languages. 20th century. A s a teenager, A nder­ W hile her international popular­ son w as blessed w ith the opportu­ ity soared, A nderson still faced nity to sing before thousands at the prejudice at home. In 1939, the N ational B aptist C onvention in D aughters o f the R evolution re­ A tlantic City, Ga. T hough she w as fused to al low her to sing in C onsti­ turned aw ay from a prestigious tution Hall in W ashington. In re­ m usic school in Philadelphia due to sponse, E lean o r R o o sev elt, re ­ her race, church m em bers helped signed from the organization and h e r g e t p r iv a te le s s o n s fro m persuaded H arold H ickes, Secre­ G uisuppe B oghetti, a w ell-know n tary o fth e Interior, to invite A nder­ vocal teacher. S upported by sev- son tosing at the Lincoln M em orial H. & B. Too Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. 2 blocks south of Alberta Weekdays til 6 p.m. - Saturdays til 4 p.m. Free Parking - State Controlled Rates - Se Habla Espanol www.hbloan.com Oregon Family Business for over 50 years ■H Lie. #306 • . iiilLL IK M *5*1 m u n i i n i n , | i m i ■ iim w ii! Sightseeing 7 Brunch - Dinner * -2 tS2Sîr COLUMBIA GORGE '800-6431354 |l;8z3Exit'#4ZiSICascade Locks, OR www.sternwheeler.com 1 wj bv Ron W eber on Easter Sunday, A pril 9, 1939. M ore than 75,000 people show ed up to hear her sing in w hat w as referred to as "one o f the most significant concerts in A m erican m usic history.” In 1943, at the ag e o f 43, she m a rrie d a rc h ite c t O rp h e u s H. F ish e r and settled on a farm in C o n n e c tic u t. A tier W orld W ar 11, she resum ed to u rs an d d e b u te d on th e Ed Sullivan Show in 1952. Follow ing this, she toured K orea, Japan, and South A m erica. A nderson becam e the first black singer to sing at the M etropolitan O pera, singing the role ofU lrica in V erdi’s Un Ballo in M aschera. A nderson faced brutal racism in America. Often she w as not allowed to eat o r sleep in fam ous establish­ m ents w here she perform ed and w as required to enter buildings through back doors. She sa n g at P re s id e n t Eisenhow er’s inauguration and later th e in a u g u ra tio n o f P re s id e n t Kennedy. She also w as presented withaCongressionalgoldmedal from President Jimmy Carter. In 1963 Presi­ dent Johnson presented her with the Medal ofFreedom. After givingmore than 50 farewel I concerts in 1964and 1965, Anderson retired. H er nephew , Jam es D ePriest, conducted herfinal concert in Phila­ delphia. O n April 8,1993, w hiie recover­ ing from a stroke in D ePriest’shom e in Portland, A nderson died o f con­ gestive heart failure. H er long legacy o f perform ing left an indelible mark on Am erican history. Her bravery in leading the w ay for other A frican-A m erican perform ers will not be forgotten. Hispanic Group Criticizes Arnold Schwarzenegger (A P )— The nation’so ld est H is­ panic civil rights group called on A rnold S chw arzenegger to step dow n from the advisory board o f U.S. English, a group that seeks to m ake Engl ish the official language o f the U nited States. T he L eague o f U nited Latin A m erican C itizens said the A us­ trian-born acto r’s position brings into question his com m itm ent to Hispanics. “ It ju s t seem s like all the issues th a t w e su p p o rt he d o e s n ’t,” G abriela Lemus, the league’s direc­ tor o f policy and legislation, said Thursday. The league said it is not taking a position on w hether Gov. G ray D avis should be recalled and will not endorse a replacem ent can ­ didate. S c h w a rz e n e g g e r sp o k e sm a n Sean W alsh said the actor agrees with U.S. English’sattcm ptstom ake English the official language. “A rnold Schw arze-neggercam e to this country with a few dollars in his pocket and not speaking the English language, and he realized the im portance o fleam in g to speak English as quickly as possible to achieve your A m erican dream s,” W alsh said. “So m any o f us support bilin­ gualism and bilingual education and m aintaining our culture and he’s essentially saying it’s not valid by being part o f this board that has got this w holeanti-im m igrant, underly­ ing racist m entality," L em us said.