®J|e ^portlanb (Bbseruer September 03. 2003 Page A7 BUSINESS directory R eligion meat & S p ec ia l O rd e rs G la d ly A c c e p te d ! P au l H o u g e 1-887-860-0047 6236 N D enver Avenue, Portland. O r. 97217 Phone (803) 289-8418 m p- w ®u.®® I®«® ÎÎÏ. &’® WS AFFORDABLE LOCK & KEY 1 I FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS 1 LOCKED 0UT7-W E MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 $ t»„ a t te s a «JOB Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) “77171518 M ic h ae l E. Harper, Sr. Agent photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver The Yahweh Drill Mime and Sign for Jesus team pauses during a performance at the Humboldt Back to School celebration at the Cascade Campus of Portland Community College. Yahweh is composed of kids aged five to 12th grade. For more information, call 503-422-6987. 9045 S W Baibur, Suite 109 Portland, OR 97219 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503)227-8757 STATE FARM INSURANCE tT1MPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINO IS 24 H our G ood N eighbor Service® fo r Jesus ^dKifpöüicfc’s 7 /fife (Ifv/ .. I w K í Wfí HNM M M NNM M OM f (O b itu a r ie s The Ten Com­ mandments monument is moved from the rotunda o f the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery, Ala. (AP photo) BPA Technician Remembered Thomas James Moore Funeral services w ere held Saturday, A ug. 2, 2003, in V ancouver A venue First B aptist C hurch in Portland for T hom as Jam es M oore, w ho died July 25 at age 67. Mr. M oore w as b o m Jan. 2 ,1 9 3 6 , in M er R ouge, La. H e served in the A rm y. He m oved in the 1960s to the Portland area and w as an electronics technician forthe Bonneville Pow er A dm inistration. In 1963, he m arried M argarette W ilson. V . U ÒK - 1 F flífwr. SO9 2ftfifiS6Û • 77?« Í W ¿ W Æ9VG1 . !• f . ÍZrr?« • ArZAuuZ 9720 ■^Cooí Running Cafe"0- £4T2 ^ u « , T)(¡ Elnora Brown A funeral w as held Aug. 29, in C ald w ell’s C olonial C hapel for Elnora B row n, w ho died A ug. 25 at age 79. E lnora B lackshear w as b o m A pril 28, 1924, in Jasper, Texas. She m oved in 1963 to Portland, w here she w as a ho usekeeper for Em anuel Hospital. She w as a cafeteria w orker for A lam eda C ounty Publ ic Schools andlived in O akland, C alif.,before returning in 1998 to Portland. In 1943, she m arried E.L.; they separated. Voices Raised in Memory The C olum bia C horale o f O regon honors the victim s and survi­ vors o f the Sept. 11,2001 terrorist attacks w ith a com m unity tribute concert at Peace Lutheran Church, 2201 N. Portland Blvd, at 7:30p.m . Saturday, Sept. 6. All proceeds w ill benefit the N ational Law E nforcem ent O fficer M em orial Fund and the local non-profit m usic education group E thos, Inc. T he concert is free, but d onations o f an y am ount are appreciated. T he centerpiece perform ance is M ozart’s R equiem , perform ed by the C olum bia C horale ofO reg o n , jo in ed by T he Ryan H eller Singers, w ith a vocal w orks program that co m p lim en ts M o zart’s creation. Monument Removed from Public Rotunda (A P)— A 2 1/2-ton granite m onu­ m ent o f the Ten C om m andm ents that becam e a lightning rod in a legal storm o v er church and state w as w heeled from the rotunda o f the A labam a Suprem e C ourt bui Id- ing as p rotesters knelt, prayed and chanted, “ Put it b ack !” Suspended A labam a C h ie f Ju s­ tice Roy M oore, w ho installed the engraved set o f tablets tw o years ago and risked his career to keep it there a ftera federal ju d g e ordered it rem oved, said he w ould take his fight to the U.S. Suprem e C ourt. “ It is a sad day in o ur country S ports Capriati Advances Jennifer Capriati o f the United States, reacts after beating Elena Dementieva o f Russia, 6-2, 7-5, at the U.S. Open tennis tournament Monday in New York. Rain post­ poned matches on Tuesday and officials said the tournament might not finish on time. (AP photo) Big Weekend for Youth Football InnerCity Players host a football tour­ 7th and 8lh grade brackets on Saturday nam ent this w eekend for fifth, sixth, sev­ m atch W hitaker against R idgefield at 5 enth and eighth graders at Roosevelt p.m . w ith IC P vs. W ilson at 7 p.m. Roughrider Stadium,6941N.Central.The O n Sunday, the 5h and 6th grade adm ission is $5 with children under 10 bracket features a third place gam e at free. 10:30 a.m . and the cham pionship cam e at S aturday’s gam es begin w ith the 5th 12:3 0 p .m . In the 7“' and 8'*1 grade bracket and 6 th g ra d e b ra c k e ts m a tc h in g Sunday, a third place gam e begins at 2:30 W hitaker against G rant at 1 p.m ., fol­ p.m. w ith the cham pionship gam e at 4:30 lowed by ICP vs. Roosevelt at 3 p.m. The p.m. PSU Faces Old Rival Thursday ^ a r lle t e e a r * fr C a ju n C u is in e The Portland State V ikings will open the 2003 season on T hursday, Sept. 4 at PG E Park, hosting an old D ivision II rival, T exas A & M -K ingsville. K ick o ff for the gam e is scheduled for 7:05 p.m . The V ikings and the Javelinas met 13 tim es betw een 1988 and 1995, w ith five o f those m eet­ ings com ing in the N C A A II playoffs. .4110 MF Fremont W -ttM Illl OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 STATEFARM w hen the m oral foundation o f our laws and the acknow ledgm ent o f G od has to be hidden from public view to ap p ease a federal ju d g e ,” he said. To the dism ay o f scores o f sup­ porters w ho had held a w eeklong vigil outside the front doors, the 5,280-pound m onum ent w asjacked up by a w ork crew and taken aw ay to a back room w ith a heavy-duty hydraulic hand truck. Bui Iding officials did not immedi­ ately say where the monument would be stored or whether the publ ic would ever be allow ed to see it. <503)286-1146 INSURANCE COMPANIES c n HOME OFFICES:BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! Call (503)970-5743 Stoudamire Fights Marijuana Charge (A P ) — P ortland Trail B lazers guard Damon Stoudam ire may stand trial Sept. 29 in T ucson, A riz. on drug charges, depending on th e outcom e o f argum ents that day over a m otion to suppress evidence. D efense attorney M ichael Piccarreta w ill seek to co nvince a ju d g e to throw out e v i­ dence stem m ing from a search o f Stoudam ire on July 3 at T ucson International A irport. Stoudam ire w as stopped as he prepared to board a flight after setting o ff an airport m etal detector. H e placed rolling papers and a substance w rapped in alum inum foil, w hich authorities determ ined to be alm ost 1.5ounces o f m arijuana, in a plastic security bin. Stoudam ire told officers that the drug w as m arijuana — and w as his. He w as charged with m isdem eanor counts o f possession o f m arijuana and possession o f drug paraphernalia, and w as released on his ow n recognizance. FAX: 10% o ff M oss C ontrol <1 M í ilit’fZlfl f’.. II .1(1 »¿•Wbl lit® I) ill Schedule Shows Expos in Montreal (A P ) — A n early draft o f M ajor League B aseb all’s schedule has the M ontreal Expos playing all 81 hom e gam es in M ontreal. B ut baseball fans trying to lure the team to Portland should not despair, O regon Stadium C am paign leader D avid Kahn says his tim e­ table for bringing the team to Portland re­ m ains unchanged. ir- W ' 6p»r Ç T fltcqol RR Hi Pu Ihisjpt t i , I Aklhis \(SSllsî Kk