Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 03, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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    (The JJnrtlanb (Dbscruer
Page A6
September 03. 2003
Rapper Accused of
Avoiding Lawyer Bill
Missy Elliott s
‘Work It’ Honored
( A P )— A law firm has su ed im p riso n ed rap
ipogul M arion “ S u g e” K night, alle g in g he sold
Jaw s drop w ith M adonna,
Spears and A guilera kisses
o r g av e aw ay p ro p erty to av o id p a y in g m ore
th an $ 1 4 0 ,0 0 0 in c o u rt-o rd ered a tto rn ey fees.
’ T h e law suit K n ig h t h a sn ’t p aid the deb t and
h as sold o r tran sferred at least fo u r p ro p erties
in the L os A n g eles area fo r little o r n o co m p e n ­
satio n to friends to “ h in d er, d e la y o r d e frau d "
Marion “Suge"
h is creditors.
Bonded * CCB » «2 10 2 • IBEW Local 4«
Missy Elliott accepts the MTV Video o f the Year 4ward for “ Work
It" during the MTV Awards at New York's Radio City Music Hall
Thursday, August 28, 2003. She is surrounded by people who
collaborated on the video. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Conversion of (use boxes
to Circuit Breakers
are our specialty.
(A P) - M issy E llio tt’s “ W ork It”
A s usual, the m ost m em orable
w on tw o aw ards, including video m om ents had nothing to do with
ofthe year, while Justin Timberlake, the m oonm en trophies.
Tw enty years after the first M T V
C oldplay and B eyonce had three
apiece at the M TV V ideo Music V ideo M usic A w ards, not much
A w ards.
has changed - M adonna still m akes
The 71-year-old Johnny Cash, jaw s drop and cheeks blush. Just
nom inated seven tim es for “ H urt,” like her first tim e, the superstar
w on once.
upstaged everyone at the 20th an-
Give us a caH today.
Electrical C ontractor*
Ed Wilson, President
5 0 3 7 7 5 -5 3 1 1
7 5 0 0 SE Division
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 6
*Teresa, Owner & Stylist
*Deborah, Stylist
*Horace, Barber
2 8 6 -3 7 5 8
222 N. Killingsworth
97217 (Vancouver)
S alm i F estival limes
Special glasses help a
group see native salmon
swim upstream at Oxbow
Regional Park. The
salmon tours will take
place during the 20"‘
annual Salmon Festival
on Saturday and Sunday,
Oct. 11 and 1 2 from
1 0 :3 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. at
the park east o f Portland.
The cost is $7 per
vehicle. The festival
celebrates the return o f
Sandy River Chinook
salmon, inspiring people
to value and protect
native salmon and their
habitat. Festival high­
lights include guided
salmon viewings, environ­
m ental exhibits, a rts and
crafts, music and a
salmon barbecue.
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Commercial and Residencial Services
| CARPET CLEANING ($25 each area) |
• 2 A reas o r m o re, Sm all H all F ree, P re-S p ray T raffic A reas
• S ta ir s ...........................$ 1 .5 0 e a c h
• Sectional
$99 & up
• T h ro w p illo w s $5 each
I 1 Cleaning Area
Pre-Spray Traffic Area $35“ !
(Hall not included)
r 1
I Sofa (under 6 ft.) C 1 1 Q00
j Loveseat & Chair J 1 1 7
( A l l I O R A P PO IN TM EN TS
5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9
an openm outhed kiss with both
A g u ilera and S pears. T h e tw o
sm ooches rivaled the Michael Jaek-
son-L isa M arie Presley kiss at the
aw ards in 1994 on the shock m eter.
It w as all in a n ig h t’s w ork for
M T V ’s annual extravaganza. B e­
sides the bum p-and-grind num ber
by M adonna, Spears and A guilera,
there w as 50 C en t’s perform ance o f
“ P .I.M .P .” - and a bevy o f half-
naked w om en.
“T oday is the anniversary o f
M artin L uther K ing’s ‘I H ave a
D ream ’ speech - isn ’t it nice to see
that his dream has finally com e
true?” cracked host C hris Rock af­
ter 50 and com pany left the stage.
• S o fa (u n d e r 6 ft.) $69
• L o v eseat
nual event, only she had help T hurs­
day night from the latest genera­
tion o f video divas, Britney Spears
and C hristina A guilera.
Pro v ing they’v eco m ealo n g w ay
from their M ouseketeer days, the
young pop tarts gave a gyrating,
w rithing tribute to M adonna to
open the show . D ressed in the sam e
kind o f w hite bustier w edding dress
M adonna w ore w hile perform ing
“ Likea Virgin’’during M T V ’s inau­
gural aw ards broadcast in 1984,
Spears and A guilera sang a cover
o f the not-so-innocent tune.
Then, w hile M adonna sang her
new “ H ollyw ood” in a m asculine,
all-black gro o m ’s outfit, she shared
Bobby Brown and council LaTisha Dear listen to
charges during a court probation hearing. The singer
was ordered to undergo another drug assessm ent and
sentenced to 14 days in ja il. (AP photo)
Whitney to Brown:
‘Stay Strong Baby’
(A P) — B obby B row n w as ordered to serve tw o w eeks in
jail w ith credit for the five days h e ’s already spent behind bars,
after being arrested for allegedly violating his probation from
an earlier drunken driving conviction.
“ I apologize for being back in your court and taking your
tim e. I have no reason, I am a hum an being,” B row n told the
sentencing ju d g e last w eek in D ecatur, Ga.
His w ife, W hitney H ouston, arrived halfw ay through the
hearing and sat tw o row s behind Brown. A fterw ard, the
G ram m y-w inning singer and actress told reporters that she
told Brown to "stay strong, baby.”
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Shirts come o ff during a scene from the smash Broadway
musical comedy “ The Full M onty" coming to Portland's
Keller Auditorium from Sept. 9 through 14. Tickets are
available through Ticketmaster or by calling 503-790-ARTS.
10005 SE Stark St
Portland Oregon 97216
Become a community *
radio hero!
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3 24 0 N. Williams Ava
@ Cook Street
Donate some o f your
Valuable time
The level o f
commitment is up
to you.
Volunteers are
needed to
answer phones
October 23—28
Call 503-792-7607
Wally Tesfa
Salsa Star has Baby Boy Jazz Legend
Performs at
$ Service
Nortfiwnt Proporti**
Northwest Properties
1730 NE IOth Ave.
Portland, OR 97212
CELL 503 267-7586
An Independently owned and
operated member ot The Prudential
Real Estate Affiliates. Inc.
Singer Marc Anthony and his
wife, Dayanara Torres, have
another boy in the family.
(A P) Singer M arc A nthony and
his w ife D ayanara M uniz are new
M uniz, gave birth to Ryan A n­
thony Aug. 16 in N ew York.
The couple have a 2-year-old
son, C ristian, and A nthony has a 9-
year-old daughter, A rianna, from a
previous relationship.
A nthony, w hose real nam e is
M arco A ntonio M uniz, m arried
D ayanara T orres, a form er M iss
U niverse, in a Las V egas civil cer­
em ony on M ay 10,2000. They were
briefly separated in 2002, but in
D ecem ber they renew ed their vow s
in a lavish cerem ony at O ld San
Ju an 's Roman C atholic cathedral in
Puerto Rico.
M uniz, 28, is a native o f Puerto
Rico. A nthony, a salsa and pop
singer w hose hits include “ I Need
to K now ," w as bom in N ew York
C ity to Puerto R ican parents. The
34-year-old also has acted in sev­
eral film s, including “ B ringingO ut
the D ead."
G ram m y nom inatedjazz vocal­
ist, M ark M urphy will be provid­
ing an evening o f outstanding
m usic at the Mt. Hood C om m unity
C ollege Theatre on Sept. 26.
M urphy has enjoyed a prolific
40-year recording career. He w as
discovered by Sam m y D avis Jr.
and has com posed and sung lyr­
ics w ith such legendary artists as
M iles D avis, C harlie Parker and
Herbie Hancock. Rex Reed declares
M urphy to be “the best m ale ja z z
singer in the business."
G eneral adm ission tickets are
$12 and student tickets are $6.
School groups o f 10 or m ore are $5
each. T o reserve tickets, call 503-