(Etjc ^ Jo rtlan h (Dboeruer Septem ber 03, 2003 Page AS Buggy Butterflies Draw Crowd Summer exhibit extended by popular demand T h e O reg o n Z o o has d ec id e d to g iv e v isito rs ex a c tly w hat they w ant m ore b u tterflies! T he zoo has e x te n d e d a su m m er b u tte rfly ex h ib it th ro u g h S ept. 14. “ V isitors are really enjoying the butterflies, calling it the m ost interactive exhibit th e y ’ve visited," said T ony V ecchio, O regon Z oo director. "S ince atten­ dance has been strong and S eptem ber is historically a good w eather m onth, we thought w e should leave it open for tw o m ore weeks. In m id-July the zoo added ten new sp e c ie so f vibrant exotic butterflies, the first exotics to visit the zoo in its 116-year history. W inged W onders, sponsored by M eier & Frank, already contained m ore than 20 N orth A m erican species. S om e o f the new butterflies include the glittering blue M orpho from N icaragua, the orange-polka-dotted G recian S hoem aker from southern Brazil, and the bril­ liant Royal Blue from M exico. O ther butterflies are native to C osta Rica, Ecuador, C olum bia, and the A m azon Basin. “T he n ew butterflies are larger and even m ore vi­ brant than the N orth A m erican varieties!" said Tony V ecchio, zoo director. “V isitors are alw ays surprised Jenny Jantarasri to be com pletely im m ersed in butterflies; it is a w on­ derful experience.” E xhibit designers created W inged W onders to be appealing to both butterflies and hum ans. B enches are scattered around the lush gardens for those w ho w ant to rest and perhaps experience becom ing a b utterfly’s chosen perch. An interactive display w ithin the exhibit describes the life cycle o f these w ild butterflies and then ex ­ plains w hat the zoo is doing to raise these rare creatures in captivity. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Volunteer Cited for Community Service Nickle Increase Begins on TriMet Monday began a new nickel The all-zone fare is now $ 1.60. increase for most fares on The small increase also im­ TriMet. pacts students. A monthly pass The cost o f one and two- for youth fares increases by $ 1. zone bus fares increases from Single youth fares cost $ 1, with $1.25 to $1.30, while most books o f 10 tickets costing $9.50. monthly passes are $2 higher. A school pass increases 50 cents to $16.50. The added costs are needed to help keep pace with infla­ tion, officials with the public transit agency said. Honored citizen and LIFT fares did not change. Uncovering Northwest Style co n tin u ed s a y s s h e w a n ts to h e lp a ll P ortlanders break out o f the haunts and h o ods they usu ally frequent, and ex p lo re oth er parts o f the city. “W e w ant to be a resource for w h a t’s going on in Portland. I f th e y ’re used to g o in g to the Pearl, get them to A lberta. If th e y 'v e usu­ ally on A lberta, go to H aw thorne,” she said. G ray is hardly new to the local m edia biz. She has assisted her mother, Lanita Duke, in making non­ p rofit videos about gangs, d o m es­ tic vio len ce and g entrification in Portland. D uke, a com m unity activist and fr o m M etro radar. F or the thrifty, G ray p lan s to feature a segm ent cal led T he Look For Less, tipping the view er o ff on copying runw ay fare and assem ­ bling recycled clothing in a fash­ ionable w ay. “ W h at’s old is new now ,” she said. “W e w ant to provide a shop­ ping directory, educating them on how to shop vintage.” G ray says that diversity plays a role in P ortland’s unique style. As the first A frican A m erican televi­ sion show host and producer, G ray video producer, funds and edits “ P ortland S tyle.” G ray w ants her show to reach people w ho could benefit from her legwork, investigating the m ost chic picks that the city has to offer, and to h elp o u tsid ers and P o rtlan d new bies get an introduction to how hip the city already is. She said, “ Portlanders w ill see a palate o f d ifferent style, and from that palate, they are going to be able to choose w hat they w ant to incorporate into their style.” G ray w ould like to h ear from the c ity ’s diverse talents. For in fo rm a­ tion, call 50 3 -3 10-1017. V olunteers o f A m erica O regon has selected Sho D ozono as the 2004 recipient o f the DePreist Award for Excellence. “T he aw ard w as created to rec­ ognize individuals w ho exceed ex ­ p ectations and w hose leadership has helped to build our com m unity, leaving a legacy for our city,” said K ay Toran V olunteers o f A m erica O regon president and c h ie f execu­ tive officer. A sp e c ia l trib u te d in n e r is planned for Jan. 29 at the O regon C o nvention C enter. “ His com m unity leadership re­ flects the sam e values as those that form the foundation o f V olunteers o f A m erica O regon - building vi­ brant, com passionate com m unities, changing lives and leaving an in­ spiring legacy,” said Toran. D ozono is a past president o f the Portland O regon V isitors A ssocia­ tion as well as past chair o f the Japan A m erica Society o f O regon. In his capacity as board m em ber o f the Portland Schools Foundation, D ozono spearheaded the m obi I iza- tion o f 30,0()0citizens to participate in the M arch for our S chools w hich succeeded in raising m ore than $ 11 m illion to save teaching positions in the public schools. Sho Dozono taEMMraMMMMMmMMMMMMaNaNMNMaHMMIaMMBWflNMMnNwmMKMill The Trouble With Toothbrushing W hen the dentist told Tina V alek that her gum s w ere eroding near her back teeth, the new s cam e as a surprise to the 33 year-old. A fter a lifetim e o f perfect dental checkups w ith o u t a sin g le c a v ity , T in a thought she w as doing all the right things. So w hat w as the problem ? She w as overbrushing applying too m uch pressure and brushing longer than necessary. “ Y ou ’re not doing your teeth and gum s any favors by brushing too hardortoo long,” said Scott Navarro, an oral health advisor for Delta Den­ tal Plans Association. “O ver time, improper brush i ng can dam age gums and w ear down teeth." B rushing too vigorously erodes tooth structure and causes gum s to recede, leading to sensitive teeth and exposure o f the root area. Se­ verely receded gum lines m ay re­ quire gum grafts or other proce­ dures to repair dam age caused by long-term overbrushing. “T alk to your dentist or hygien­ ist, especially if you begin to expe­ rience any pain or tooth sensitiv­ ity,” said Dr. N avarro. “ H e o r she can check out your technique and let you know if y o u ’re applying the right am ount o f pressure.” V) SAFEWAY i our best Proud to be a Sponsor of the 2003 Safeway Classic! Attention Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Chuck 7-Bone or Blade Steak SENIORS Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! . _ V I7 In tro d u c in g a g re a t n e w se rv ice fo r ■! I I / 001 Bone-in. 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