September 03,2003 ________________________________ ÜTl|e ‘P ortland (ßhseruer Page A3 Community Leaders Tackle Social Issues Common concerns shared at Washington, D.C. summit by J a y h e e R. C v t i T he P o rtland O bserver H undreds o f A frican-A m erican leaders m et in W ashington, D.C. this sum m er to discuss to d ay ’s hot topics: jo b s and the econom y, ed u cation, health care and civil rights. U.S. Sen. Ron W yden, D-Ore., invited tw o com m unity representa tives, Roy Jay, president o f the African A m ericanC ham berofCom - m erce and Rev. W. G . Hardy Jr., pastor o f H ighland U nited Church o f C hrist, to the A frican A m erican Leadership Summit. T h e s u m m it b e g a n w ith roundtable discussions w ith C on gressional D em ocrats and A frican- A m erican leaders, follow ed by a panel discussion on the econom y m oderated by form er Secretary o f L abor A lexis H erm an. T he sum m it concluded with a tow n hall meeting with young, African-American lead ers, discussing priorities for new policy. S en ate D em o crats, C o n g re s sional Black C aucus m em bers and o v er2 5 0 A frican A m erican leaders as) B oston, C hicago and Rhode from around the country attended Island, because th e y 'v e already the sum m it. faced issu es that w e ’re facing, H ard y said he learn ed that it's affectively addressed issues that o ften n ec e ssa ry to seek ad v ice w e're currently struggling w ith,” from o u tsid e th e N o rth w est w hen (lardy said. a d d re ssin g p ro b le m s facin g O r He also distinguished betw een e g o n ia n s su ch as c u ltu ra lly re culturally responsive program s and sp o n s iv e p ro g ra m s, g an g v io diversity training. len ce , p a re n tin g , ed u c a tio n and “ By letting the dom inant culture civ ic le a d e rsh ip re c ru itm en t and define o ur issues, w e spend lots o f gro o m in g . m oney on diversity training rather “ W e face certain challenges in putting those resources into solv the Pacific N orthw est because the ing our problem s,” he said. "I d o n 't A frican-A m erican com m unity is think w e should fool ourselves into lim ited in its resources that it's n ec thinkingdiversity training isacu re- essary to go out o f o u r region to all because w e can learn about dif seek expertise from ( locations such ferent cu ltu res but we still d o n ’t Roy Jay know how to respond.” H ardy said he w ould like to see O regon host a future A frican Ameri can L eadership Sum m it to show case Portland and also connect area residents to A frican-A m erican pro fessionals m aking a difference in theircom m unities. King's Papers Appraised at $30 Million gunned dow n at a M em phis, Tenn., m otel nearly five years later. I f there is a centerpiece, it w ould be the draft o f K in g ’s m ost fam ous p u b lic a d d ress, the “ I H ave a D ream ” speech on A ug. 28, 1963. But that key passage is not in the text, w ritten the night before at W ashington’s W illard Hotel; it was added extem poraneously as King spoke to a huge throng at the Lin coln M em orial. Som e o f the m aterial w as previ ously housed at T he K ing C enter in A tlanta and is fam iliar to scholars. O ther item s have been in boxes at the hom e o f his w idow , C oretta Scott King. (A P) N ot only did he break The archive is replete with events dow n barriers o f race, lead by e x and crises o f the ci vil rights revolu am ple and inspire m illions to be tion led by K ing — sit-ins at the lieve in his dream , the Rev. M artin M agnolia tea room , the M ontgom Luther K ing Jr. apparently also ery bus boycott, the firebom bing o f never threw aw ay any scrap o f pa a B irm ingham church, the Selm a per. m arch, the m urder o f civil rights Instead, he saved every book, w orkers in M ississippi. notebook, serm on, letter, telegram , In all o f K in g 's w ritings, “you invitation, index card and church can see how im passioned he w as, financial statem ent, filling theblank im passioned by the cause," said spaces and m argins w ith his ow n Elizabeth M uller, a S otheby’s vice thoughts serious, com m itted, president w ho led a six-year inven single-m inded and utterly devoid tory o f the papers. -Elizabeth Muller, o f frivolity. The handw rittendraftofthe 1964 Sotheby Vice President These im pressions are readily Nobel Prize lecture, with its nota draw n front a collection o f K ing’s A ppraised by S otheby’s at $30 tions and inked-out revised pas papers that goes on public display m illion, the collection will be o f sages, “is as if the hand just cam e o ff last w eek at S o th eb y ’s auction fered for pri vate sa le after the show the paper; it is as close to the author house in M anhattan ahead o f a ing ends Sept. 8. S otheby’s vice as you can get,” M uller said. “These private sale later this month. president D avid Redden said “a w ords actually speak to us.” The 7,000 item s include early num ber” o f institutions, w hich he In one telegram from 1962, King collegeexam books,adraftofK ing’s deci ined to identify, have expressed u rg e s K e n n e d y to n o m in a te Nobel Prize lecture, the hand-cor interest. Ih u rg o o d M arshall and another rected p ro o f o f a Playboy magazine He said the papers w ould be kept black judge to the U.S. Suprem e interview , scribbled notes on the intact rather than sold o ff to indi Court. In another, boxer Muhammad 1963 assassination o f President vidual buyers. “ It m ust be kept to Ali expresses his hope that K ing in K ennedy, and papers found in gether to be useful to scholars,” he jail is “com fortable” and “not suf K in g ’s b rie fc a se a fte r he w as said. fering any physical pain.” Civil rights hero saved every scrap of his writings You can see how impassioned he was, impassioned by the cause. Democratic presidential hopeful the Rev. Al Sharpton (from left), marches in Atlanta Thursday with Evelyn Lowery, the Rev. Joseph Lowery, and Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga. to a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary o f M artin Luther King Jr. 's “ / Have a D ream " speech. (AP photo) Black Dear Abby Comes to The Portland Observer Tired o f reading tame, watered down advice columns that don 't embrace or apply to multicultural populations? Search ing for an advice column not afraid to use black terminology, address African American issues and is dedicated to being fearless and keeping it real? Look no further because Ask Deanna! the minority advice column that celebrates and embraces the African American experience is coming to The Portland Observer Newspaper. Deann^i is a syndicated col umnist and form er on-air personality Jrom Los Angeles. She enjoys giving advice on every subject under the sun and you can write to her at Ask Deanna! PO Box 8884 7, Los Angeles, CA 90009 or by email at askdeanna I@yahoo. com. We ! M l Real People, Real Advice Dear Deanna! Dear Hopeless, My four-Year Old Throws EmbarrassingTem- perTantrum s. I’m a 27 year old single parent with four children by three men. I’m not on welfare but I w ork tw ojobs because o f my limited skills. I still struggle to m ake ends meet. How do I find the fathers and get them to help m e? - Struggling Tim e to head back to B iology class. T he heart has nothing to do with love. The prim ary func tion o f the heart is to pum p blood throughout the body. Love is m ental and requires m aturity, em otional balance and -co m m o n sense. H e’s arrogant and full o fh im se lf to tel I you that you are infatuated. U nless you have tim e to w aste, get aw ay from this man and his sm oke screens and get on a train th a t's really going som ew here. Dear Struggling, I com m end your efforts to be independent. Y o u ’re a positive role m odel and a good ex am ple foryourchildren. G et the governm ent in volved. T he govern m ent ca n ’t find O sam a Bin L aden, or Saddam H ussein, but they have (FORM ERLYCHUCK HINTON'S) a good track record o f catching deadbeat dads. C ontact your local child su p p o rt e n fo rc e m e n t ur pecialty agency to start the p ro cess. D on’t feel guilty R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q about getting your child • Sandwiches • Salads su p p o rt e n title m e n ts. • C hicken • Pork Ribs T h in k o f th e p h ra se • Beef Ribs “ B aby N eed a N ew Pair o f S hoes.” CANNON'S RIB EXPRESS Catering & Take-Out O S : At home with Family. . Dear Deanna! I ’ve been d a tin g m y b o y fr ie n d fo r 8 m o n th s. I lo v e him b ecau se h e ’s a ttractiv e a n d p o p u la r a m o n g o th e rth in g s. H e h a sn ’t said he lo v es m e, b u t I tell him th at I love him a n d he re s p o n d s by te llin g m e I am in fa tu a te d w ith him an d m y h e a rt is ly in g to m e. W h at d o es th at m ean ? — Hopeless in Love HOURS M on.-Thurs. 11 am -9pm Fri.-Sat. I lam-IOpm Sun. 1 lam -8pm Check your local telephone directory tor the agent nearest you. 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