Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 03, 2003, Page 2, Image 2

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(Elje “P ortlanh (Observer
September 03. 2003
P olice
Officer Suspended in
Kendra James Shooting
Killer Expects Reward in Heaven
from Front
w ere tactically unsound.
T he police union president im ­
m ediately pledged to appeal the
p u n ish m en t, d efen d ed M cC oll-
is te r's actio n s and assailed the
c h ie f s decision.
The c h ie f identified M cC oll-
ister’s lack o f tactical planning in
deciding how to get Jam es out o f
the car, his entering the car, the
unholstering o f his firearm inside
th e c a ra n d h is failure to operate his
pepper spray effectively as factors
that led to his discipline.
“ I don’t think O fficer McCollister
m eant harm to K endra Jam es, or I
would have recom m ended term ina­
tion,” K roeker said. “ I think the
tactical considerations that led up
to this on his b eh alf w ere im proper,
and they constitute m isconduct.”
In late May, a Multnomah County
grandjury found no criminal w rong­
doing by McCollister. He told inves­
tigators he shot Jam es, 2 1, because
he feared for his life when Jam es tried
to drive aw ay from a traffic stop on
North Skidm ore Street. M cCollister
said 80 percent ofhis body was in the
car as he tried to get her out when she
put the car into drive.
The police union characterized
th e le n g th y su s p e n sio n as th e
harshest discipline ever m eted out
by the bureau aside from a term ina­
tion. T he union said it w ould cause
the officer “financial d evastation.”
R obert King, president o f the
Portland Police A ssociation, called
it “at the very least confusing, and
Kendra James
at the very w orst dangerous, to
the police officers risking their lives
every day on the streets o f Port­
“ R ank-and-file police officers
honestly d o not understand what
it w as that O fficer M cC ollister is
alleged to have done incorrectly,”
K ing said.
C om m unity leaders had m ixed
The Rev. Roy Tate, p resid en to f
the A lbina Ministerial Alliance and
a vocal critic o f the shooting, called
it a “pretty healthy suspension,”
but said, “ W e’re not ju m p in g up
and dow n.”
Ken W alker, the Portland attor­
ney representing K enneth Jam es,
K endra Ja m e s' father, said he ex ­
pects to file a w rongful-death law­
suit next m onth against the city
and the police. He said Jam es’
father is not satisfied w ith the sus­
(A P )— An unrepentant Paul Hill boasted
T uesday on the eve o fh is execution for the
shotgun slaying o f an abortion doctor: “ I
expect a great rew ard in heaven.”
B arring an un lik ely lasd-m inute stay, the
4 9 -y e a r-o ld fo rm er m in ister w ill be p u t to
d e a th b y le th a l in je c tio n W e d n e s d a y
ev en in g fo r the 19 9 4 m u rd ers in P en saco la
o f Dr. Jo h n B ritto n an d his esco rt. H e w ill
be the first p erso n ex ecu ted in the U n ited
S tates fo r a n ti-a b o rtio n v io len ce.
In a ja ilh o u s e in terv iew , H ill su g g e ste d
the state w ill be m aking a m arty r out o f him .
“The sooner I am e x e c u te d ... the so o n er I
am going to heaven,” he said. “I am looking
forw ard to glory. I d o n ’t feel rem orse.”
A bortion-rights groups w orry that H ill’s
execution will trigger reprisals by those w ho
share his steadfast b elief that violence to
stop abortion is justified. Several Florida
officials connected to the case received
threatening letters last w eek, accom panied
by rifle bullets.
D eath p e n a lty o p p o n e n ts h av e a lso
pointed to the prospect o f violence as a
reason to stop this execution in particular.
Paul Hill talks to the media Tuesday as prison officials look on. Hill is scheduled to be
executed Wednesday for the 1994 murders o f Dr. John Britton and his escort James
Barrett outside an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Fla. (AP Photo/Peter Cosgrove)
Congressman Faces Manslaughter Charge
(A P) — U .S. Rep. Bill
Janklow was charged Friday
with second-degree manslaugh­
ter in the death o f a motorcyclist
in crash at a rural intersection
earlier this month.
Janklow was driving an esti­
mated 70 to 75 mph when his
Cadillac went through a stop
sign at the intersection, accord­
ing to a Highway Patrol report.
The m o to rcy c le hit the U.S. Rep. Bill Janklow
congressm an’s car, and the
rider, Randolph E. Scott, 55,
was killed.
Moody County State’s At­
torney Bill Ellingson also filed
three m isdem eanor charges:
failure to stop at a stop sign,
speeding and reckless driving.
Ellingson said he ruled out the
stronger charge o f vehicular ho­
micide, which requires the driver
to be under the influence o f
alcohol or drugs.
If convicted o f second-de­
gree m anslaughter, Janklow
could face up to 10 years in
prison and a $ 10,000 fine.
Janklow, a Republican, is one
ofSouth Dakota’smost powerful
politicians. He was elected to the
state’s only U.S. House seat last
year and previously served 16
years as governor and four years
as state attorney general.
Laurelhurst Pipe Bomber Guilty
(A P ) ■— A m an w ho planted a
pipe bom b that seriously injured a
m an o u ts id e h is h o m e in th e
Laurelhurst neighborhood will face
12 years in prison. Tim othy Michael
G off, 44, o f Port O rchard, W ash.,
School Zone Safety Urged by Officials
pleaded guilty to attem pted aggra­
vated m urder in the 2000 bom bing
that m aim ed Barry H ornstein. In
S eptem ber 2001, G o ff w as sen­
tenced in B enton C ounty, W ash.,
to tw o m onths in jail fo rch ild rape.
A s back-to-school tim e arrive^,
transportation officials are rem ind­
ing m otorists to be alert for chi Idren
w alking and riding bikes to and
from schools and bus stops.
“Y ou have the responsibility to
be alert and avoid injuring chil­
dren,” said R ick W aring o f the O r­
D e p a rtm e n t
T ran sp o rtation’s Safety D ivision.
The best w ay to avoid a tragedy
is sim ple: Slow dow n and be alert.
O bey the posted speed in school
zones w h enever children m ight be
present. E xtracurricular activities
m ean that children will be traveling
in school zones from early m orning
to w ell into the evening hours,
“T his is not about avoiding a
ticket. T his is about avoiding trag­
edy. A s drivers, w e need to rem em ­
ber that w e are the adults driving
the 3,000-pound steel m achines.
W e are responsible,” W aring said.
M otorists also should expect
children to occasionally w alk or
pedal into unsafe areas.
“C hildren are not little adults.
T hey are still developing their sen­
sory and cognitive skills, so adults
need to be especially cautious when
driving in areas frequented by kids,”
W aring said.
Deputy Wins Discrimination Lawsuit
(A P ) — The first black deputy
hired by the C lackam as C ounty
s h e r iff s office has w on an appeal
ofhisdiscrim ination lawsuit against
the county after a ju d g e reduced a
$ 1.4 million ju ry award.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court o f Ap­
peals ruled that dam ages aw arded to
Carmichell “Carl” Bell must be recon­
sidered and can be increased.
U.S. District Judge John Jelderks
inA pril2001 had reduced the puni­
tive dam ages from $617,122 to
$70,000, ruling the am ount awarded
by a ju ry w as excessive.
Jelderks let stand the separate
aw ard o f $750,000 in com pensatory
d a m a g e s, and h e o rd e re d
C lackam as C ounty to pay all o f
B ell’s legal costs.
Bell claimed he was fired from the
s h e r iff s office in 1998 because he
com plained o f racial profiling and
discrim ination.
Police Dog Bites Vancouver Baby
(A P ) — A p o lic e d o g s e a rc h ­
ing fo r a 4 2 -y e a r-o ld m an b it the
su s p e c t’s 1 -y e a r-o ld b ab y on the
back o f the head, but the ch ild
w a s n ’t s e r i o u s l y
in ju re d ,
V a n co u v er p o lic e said .
M ich ael E. S ch n o o r, 42, w as
ly in g o n h is b ack in tall g rass,
hiding from officers, w ith his baby
on h is c h e st w h en the d o g fo u n d
th em S unday.
T h e c h ild w a s b a n d a g e d at
S o u th w e st W ash in g to n M edical
C e n te r and sen t hom e.
S c h n o o r w as a rre ste d on su s ­
picion o f first-degree crim inal m is­
tre a tm e n t and tw o co u n ts o f se c ­
o n d -d e g re e p o ssessio n o f sto len
p r o p e r ty , b o th f e lo n ie s , a n d
fo u rth -d e g re e d o m e stic v io len ce
a ssa u lt, a m isd em ean o r.
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