Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 27, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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    __ Jïortlanh (Dbaeruer
Page B2
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p.m . Sunday, Aug. 31.
Tickets are $ 4 0 and can
be purchased a t the
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Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Commercial and Residencial Services
(A P ) — It d id n ’t take long for
C lark A tlanta U niversity freshmen
to learn an im portant first lesson:
Expect the unexpected. Atlanta rap­
per L udacris gave approxim ately
1,000 freshm en a surprise last week
w ith an unannounced concert.
T he perform ance w as not a se­
cret to M TV , w hich recorded the
perform ance to air in Septem ber as
part o f its show “Jam m ed.”
W ithout notice, an orientation
session w as interrupted w hen the
lights dim m ed, a thum ping bass
b a c k g ro u n d b e g a n s o u n d in g
through the speakers and Ludacris
| CARPET CLEANING ($25 each area) |
• 2 A reas o r m o re. S m all H all F ree, P re-S p ray T raffic A reas
• S ta ir s ........................... $ 1 .5 0 e a c h
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$ 9 9 & up
• T h ro w p illo w s $5 each
P — — — — — — — — - — —
— — — — — n
I 1 Cleaning Area
J Pre-Spray Traffic Area J) 3
I (Hall not included)
L — ——
suddenly took the stage.
Ludacris, from the A tlanta sub­
urb o f C ollege Park, w as jo in ed
onstage by another hip-hop star,
Jermaine Dupri, forthe performance
o f “W elcom e to A tlanta.”
E x cited stu d e n ts ru sh ed the
stage w hile others ran outside the
arena to spread the good news.
“O h m y G od, Ludacris is at my
school,” 18-year-old C rystal Harris
o fC h arlo tte scream ed into her cell
“The next tim e we call a m anda­
tory meet i ng, youcan be sure they ’ 11
all show up,” said the university’s
associate dean, Rick Robinson.
Shooting of Rapper’s
Kin Provokes Inquiry
(A P) — Police reportedly are
investigating w hether there could
be a connection betw een the fatal
shooting o f rap legend Jam M as­
ter Jay and the w ounding m onths
later o f the rap p er’s nephew .
Karl Jordan, 20, w as arrested
on Aug. 8 on charges o f attem pted
m urder in the shooting o f Rodney
Jones, w ho w as hit in the leg by
gunfire in the H ollis section o f
Take a Trip
Q ueens on M ay 14, authorities said.
Jones, a rapper know n as Little
D ee, is the nephew o f Jam M aster
Jay, w hose real nam e w as Jason
Mizell. M izell was killed on Oct. 30
by a m asked gunm an in the lounge
o f his recording studio in Q ueens.
Jo n es id e n tifie d Jo rd an as the
g u n m a n , th e D aily N ew s and
N ew sd ay re p o rte d last W e d n e s­
d ay.
Get Involved!
T ake a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry,
hip hop and soul influencing Portland W ednesdays at
the Ohm . $7 cover. 31 N W 1 “ Ave.
Local Notes at McCalls
T he Portland G ay M en ’s C horus is currently ac­
► cepting
new m em bers! T his energetic group needs
people w illing to m ake a com m itm ent to the organization,
w hether on or o ff the stage. For m ore inform ation, call 503-226-2588 o re-
mail jointiupdxgm c.org.
------------------- 1
I Sofa (under 6 ft.) (T il QOO 1
j Loveseat & Chair
1 1 V j
B lack n o tes w ill p erfo rm from 9 p.m . to 1 a.m . on S ept. 7 at M c C a ll’s
o n W a te rfro n t, at A rn a d a ’s C afé in V an co u v er, from 9 p.m . to 1 a.m .
on S ep t. 13 and from 8:30 p.m . to 1 a.m . on Sept. 19 at B illy R e e d ’s in
n o rth e a st P o rtlan d . T h e ir first C D , “ L end U s Y o u r E ar,” is co m in g
so o n !
K ru g er’s Farm on S auvie Island debuts a T hursday m usic series w ith
LingonberryJam on Aug. 28. All.shows are from 5:30p.m . to9:30p.m . Free.
F orm ore inform ation, call 503-621 -3 4 8 9 .17 100 N .W. Sauvie Island Rd.
k — — — — — — — — — — —
Hip-Hop Showcase
Pioneer Square Concerts
M u sicF est N W H ip -H o p J u m p o ffS h o w c a se featu res B lack alicio u s,
M y stic, O n ry O zzb o rn e, S ire n ’s E cho, DJ W icked and o th e rs at
th e C ry stal B allro o m at 7:30 p.m . T h u rsd ay , S ept. 4. 1332 W.
B u rn sid e.
P ioneer C ourthouse Square is the place to be for free sum m er concerts
from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m . each W ednesday this m onth. I & I will m ove you
w ith reggae sounds on Aug. 27.
—— j
5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9
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Lie. #306
The rap group Run DMC, from left. Joseph “Run" Simmons,
Darryl “DMC“ McDaniels, and Jason Mizell “Jam Master Jay. ’
(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
2 8 6 -3 7 5 8
222 N. Killingsworth
97217 (Vancouver)
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August 27. 2 0 0 3
Farmland Music Series Debuts
Coco Performs at Roseland
T om m y C astro and C oco M ontoya perform at the R oseland T heater at
7:30 p.m. Sept. 25. $ 16 in advance. For more information, cal1503-224-8499.
Concerts at Dawson Park
Sum m er concerts in the park are free, fam ily friendly and begin at 6:30 p.m.
W ednesdays at D aw son Park on N orth Stanton betw een W illiam s and
V ancouver. F or m ore in fo rm atio n , call 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -P L A Y o r visit
w w w .portlandparks.org.
Reparations Thursdays
D avid P ark’s band, The R eparations, w ill play T hursdays at 9 p.m. w ith
DJ C hill and special guest perform ers and DJs at The R ed Sea, 318 S. W.
T hird Ave. A dm ission for those 21 and older is $5.