3TI|e Jlortlanb (ßbseruer A ugust 27, 2003 Page AS L PiflfiTin to Peofoofì ( it Lora G r h im (A P )— Ricky Martin, Alexandre P ires w ith K elly C larkson, Thalia, B acilos and M olotov w ill perform at the fourth annual Latin G ram m y A w ards on W ednesday, Sept. 3 in Miami. T he aw ards w ill be broadcast at 9 p.m . from the A m ericanA irlines A rena on C BS. C o m ed ian -acto r G eorge Lopez will be aw ards show . Lopez, a long­ tim e stand-up com edian, is co -cre­ ator, w riter, producer and star o f the A B C sitcom "G eo rg e L opez.” T he Latin G ram m y s feature 40 aw ard categories, including record o f the year, album o f the year, song o f the y ear and best new artist. P r o d u c e r - c o m p o s e r S e rg io George, w ho wrote the hit “Mi Primer M i 1 Ion” for the group Bac i los, leads t the nom inations with six; C olom bia singer-songw riter Juanes has five. G eorge is nom inated for record o f the year, song o f the y ear and S te v e Kelton, hands shown at right, instructs Vicente Ramirez how water from a fire hose can be used to filter smoke during a session at a fire training camp near Salem. Over the past five years, Hispan­ ics have flooded the ranks of contract firefighting crews in Oregon and Washington. (AP photo) Hispanics Flood Firefighting Ranks Ricky Martin (right) and George Lopez will star in the fourth annual Latin Gammy Awards on CBS. o th er honors for the B acilo s’ hit song, as w ell as for album o f the y ear for p ro d u cin g th e g ro u p ’s “C araluna.” Juanes earned nom inations for record and song o f the year for “ Es Por T i,” album o f the y ear and best rock solo album for “U n Dia N or­ m al," and best rock song for "M ala G ente.” MOM Hispanic Men, Low Wages Linked (A P )— M en tended to earn less search C en ter study found that men in blue-collar and service jo b s if both native and established im ­ they w orked alongside new ly ar­ m igrants— earned an average o f 11 rived H ispanic im m igrants because percent less than others in sim ilar the new com ers w ere paid less, driv­ service and m anual laborjobs when ing dow n the w ages for all, acco rd ­ they w orked w ith new ly arrived ing to a U C L A study that analyzed H ispanics. C ensus data from 1990. M inority w orkers in those jo b s T he U C L A C hicano Studies Re­ earned an average o f 14 percent less. A nd the h igher the proportion o f new ly arrived H ispanic m en on the jo b , the less m oney the other w orkers tended to m ake, the study said. The study recom m ends exp an d ­ ing w orker protections forthe im m i­ grants, enforcing m inim um w age standards and extending am nesty. communicate. Eventually, someone w ho could translate w as found and no one w as hurt. "T h a t’s a dangerous situation," said Ed D aniels, training m anager for the O regon D epartm ent o f For­ estry, w ho investigated the ac­ count. "K nock on w ood that no one has died ” yet because o f lan­ guage barriers. (A P) — A s they fought a rag­ The case illustrates a grow ing ing w ildfire last year in southern language barrier on the front lines O regon, a fire crew got w ord that o f the n atio n 's w ildfires as m ore the blaze w as approaching rap­ H ispanic m igrant w orkers rush to idly and all w orkers needed to tirefighting jo b s around the W est. evacuate. In O reg o n and W ash in g to n , T hey yelled the directions to a contractors w ho em ploy the m ajor­ H ispanic crew digging a fire line, ity o f crew s fighting forest fires in but none o f them understood En­ the N orthw est estim ate that H is­ glish. T hey stood, confused. panics m ake up m ore than 60 per­ M em bers o f the English-speak­ cent o f their crew s. M any o f those ing crew ran tow ard the w orkers, w orkers cannot speak o r under­ w aving their arm s in an attem pt to stand English. C h a n g in g d e m o g ra p h ic s b rin g lan g u ag e b a rrie rs to the fro n t lines HMM MMHHMMMMHMHMHi M e x ic a n s L iv in g in U .S . A s k T h e ir G o v ’ t fo r S u p p o rt (A P ) — M exicans living in the U nited States want their hom e coun­ try to arrange cross-b o rd er health insurance, deno u n ce an ti-im m i­ g rant groups and helping identify the bodies o f m igrants, according to su g g e s tio n s p u b lish e d b y a fledgling m igrant advisory counci I. Since taking office in D ecem ber 2000, President V icente Fox made the rights o f M exicans living abroad a priority. He appointed the advisory council in D ecem ber2002. and asked for suggestion on how M exico can help the estim ated 8 million M exi­ cans in the United States. The council’s suggestions, taken from minutes o f the two-day meeting in M arch, ran the gam ut from pro­ m oting access to higher education for M exicans in the United States to providing tim ely information about the U.S. death penalty, drivers li­ censes and the Mexican consular identification cards. O ther suggestions included a bi-national forum on allowing M exi­ cans to vote from abroad in M exico’s national elections. The council also called fo racam - paign to fortify cultural identity and the use o f Spanish am ong M exican living abroad, as wel I as a cam paign about o p portunities to close the education gap betw een M exicans and o th er U.S. citizens. The council includes 100 people from M exican com m unities in the U nited S tates and reports to the governm ent’s Institute o f M exicans Living A broad, the office that re­ placed F o x ’s m igrant affairs office. The prevalence o f Spanish spo­ ken on tire lines has prom pted a safety debate am ong contractors. D espite the influx o f H ispanics, the Pacific Northwest W ildtireC oordi- nation G roup, w hich oversees na­ tional contract crew s, has strength­ ened language req u irem en ts to ensure m ore firefighters speak En­ glish. O n any 20-person crew , the boss and the three assistants m ust speak English fluently. All tire com m uni­ cation on the radio m ust be in En­ glish. A nd firefighting officials are m aking greater efforts to m ake sure those hired on crew s meet the m ini­ m um English requirem ents. Som e contractors say they p re­ fer to hire H ispanics - regardless o f language barriers - because they are hard w orkers despite the low wages. School Nam ed in Honor o f Celia Cruz New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has named a new high school in memory of “Queen of Salsa" Celia Cruz, shown in, in this Sept. 17, 2002 photo. (AP photo) (A P ) - N ew Y ork M ayor M ichael B loom berg announced a new high school nam ed in m em ory oP 'Q ueen o fS a lsa ” C eliaC ruz. T h e D e W itt C lin to n H ig h School-Lehm anC ollegeC eliaC 'ruz B ronx H igh School o f M usic is scheduled to open in Septem ber. The 90 students enrolled this year will take academ ic classes at DeW itt and th eir m usic classes at Lehman C ollege, w here the m usic school will be located. "It is a great honor to her and a w ay to rem em ber the contribution she m ade to the com m unity and gives al I those w ho hold her in their hearts the feeling that she lives on an d th a t s h e ’s a p a rt o f u s ,” B loom berg said. 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