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Sept. 6,h, 8:00 am. • Obi Hill o f Reflections Mirror Image Bookstore will display books available on health and wellness. 503-288-9003 Sponsored by the African American Chamber of Commerce, Health and Awareness Committee. 503-244-5794. Walk The Path O f Health Break free from what’s holding you back. If you’re tired of a career that seems to be going nowhere and a salary that de­ pends more on the whim of your boss than on the work you do, American Express can help. When you join us as a financial advisor, you’ll soon see you’ll have a long­ term career growth and your rewards match your efforts. The more you grow your practice, the more you’ll grow your income. You'll also have control over how you start your career and expand your practice. To find out how to use your skills in a new way and become part of a group of financial advisors that's almost 10,000 strong, visit us at: americanexpress.com/ advisorcareers or contact: Ron A sch off - R ecruiter A lexandra R ikker American Express Financial Advisors Assistant to the Field Vice President IDS Life Insuraneei 'ompanv American Express Financial Advisors 1499SE Tech Center Place, Suite 220 IDS life InsuranceCompanv Mtncouver.WA98683 Phone:(360)882-7488 ext 241 10200 Grcenburg Road, Suite 110 Fax:(360)882-7507 Portland, OR 97223 email: n u jschoflfo aexp.cim Fax:(503)452-5855 Equal Employment Opportunity Employer TTY: 1 -800-766-2979 American Express Financial Advisors Inc. Member NASD. American Express Company is separate from American Express Financial Advisors Inc. and is not a broker-dealer. © 2002 American Express Financial Corporation. All rights reserved. 9/02 I August 27. 2003 W hen you think about prisons, preschoolers d o n ’t usually com e to m ind. B ut a grow ing num ber o f children o f all ages are finding that prison has becom e part o f their everyday w orld. T h a t’s because the num ber o f children w ith parents in correctional facilities is grow ing at an alarm ing rate. T he U.S. D epartm ent o f Justice reports thatclose to 1.5m illion chil­ dren had a parent in state or federal prison in 1999, a 6 0 percent increase since 1991. H ispanic children w ere three tim es and Black children were nine tim es m ore likely than W hite children to have a parent in prison. T he grow ing num bers o f chil­ dren w ith m others in prison is espe­ cially troubling. Betw een 1991 and 1999, the num ber o f children w ith a m other in prison nearly doubled to over 125,000. N early three-fourths o f the m others in federal prisons are there for drug offenses. M others are also m ore likely than fathers to have experienced hom elessness or unem ploym ent shortly before go­ ing to prison. Since the m ajority o f incarcer­ ated m others lived w ith their chil­ dren before being sent to prison, m any o f th eir children had already been ex p eriencing instability at hom e before this m ajor upheaval. B oth m o th ers an d fath ers say th ey try to k eep up c o m m u n ic a ­ tio n w ith th e ir c h ild re n w h ile in p ris o n b u t c ir c u m s ta n c e s can m a k e th is d iffic u lt. O v e r 6 0 p e r­ c e n t o f p a re n ts in state p riso n s an d n e a rly 85 p e rc e n t o f p are n ts in fed eral p riso n s are b e in g h eld o v e r 100 m ile s a w a y from th e ir last re sid e n c e . A s a re su lt, m o re th an h a lf o f p a re n ts in p riso n say th e y h av e n e v e r h ad a p e rso n al v is it from th e ir ch ild ren . W hile adults are in prison b e­ cause th e y ’ve m ade m istakes, chil­ dren end up suffering too. In response to this grow ing cri­ sis, som e com m unities and correc- There is a role fo r all o f us in reaching out to these children. tional facilities are creating innova­ tive program s that help parents in prison m aintain closer contact w ith th e ir c h ild re n an d learn b e tte r parenting skills. S om e facilities offer parenting and child developm ent classes and other life skills training to help p ar­ ents get back on th eir feet. Som e pro m o te literacy for both inm ates and th eir children by tape-record­ ing parents reading bedtim e stories and giving the tapes and books to th eir children. O thers have dev el­ oped special child-friendly visiting areas w ithin prisons w here ch il­ dren can visit th eir parents, som e­ tim es even overnight. T hese program s serve both gen­ erations. Parents w ho are able to feel connected to theirchildren and have been taught specific w ays to be better parents have a very strong incentive to continue these posi­ tive behaviors and avoid old be­ haviors that m ight send them back to prison. A nd children are able to feel m ore secure and reassured that theirparents still love and care about them. T here is a role for all o f us in reaching o u t to th ese children. Faith-based and other com m unity organizations can offer m entoring and other supports for children o f incarcerated parents and sponsor activities that w ill prom ote parent- child interaction and strengthen p a r e n t - c h i ld r e l a ti o n s h ip s , parenting supports, and life skills training. T h e c h i l d r e n ’s s u r r o g a te caregivers also need help and sup­ port. A nd w e can push for alterna­ tives to incarceration for parents convicted o f non-violent offenses that encourage parent-child inter­ action. H aving a parent in prison is not a ch ild ’s fault but som etim es chil­ dren end up feeling like they are being punished too. Marian Wright Edelman is presi­ dent and founder o f the Children's Defense Fund. Thurmond Memorial is Insulting Honor not deserving for man who promoted bigotry by K wf . isi M fume and H ilary O. S helton T he late Strom T hurm ond, R- S.C ., w ho passed aw ay earlier this year served in the U.S. Senate longer than any o th er m em ber. U nfortu­ nately, his 48 years in the Senate w ere m arked by a bigoted and seg­ regationist p hilosophy that drove alm ost all he did. D u rin g h is te n u r e , S tro m T hurm ond w as w ell know n for giv­ ing exclusive representation to his w hite constituents, often at the expense o fh is constituents ofcolor. Furtherm ore, Sen. Thurm ond holds the dubious record for the longest filibuster in C ongressional history, Salary Outrageous The M ultnom ah C ounty C om ­ m issioners C harter gives authority to the chair to fill director positions. W e rely on her to m ake prudent decisions based on recom m enda­ tions from a salary review com m is­ sion. H ow ever, in light o f the recent plea to M ultnom ah C ounty voters to approve a 1.2 percent tax in­ crease on th eir ow n salaries to pro­ vide critical services and the im ple­ m entation o f a 2 percent cut in cost o f living increases for non-repre- sented county em ployees in fiscal year 2004, it seem s unconscionable to increase the L ibrary D irector’s salary b y 27 percent. Lonnie Roberts, Multnomah County Commissioner I 24 hours and 18 m inutes, in his attem pt to derail passage o f the 1957 C ivil R ights A ct. In 1948, then-Presidential candi­ date T hurm ond, ran on a platform o f sta te s’ rights to preserve the “prerogatives o f the people o f a sovereign state to deal exclusively w ith dom estic problem s” such as “voting, qualifications for voting, segregation, law enforcem ent and private em ploym ent.” It w as during this cam paign that he to ld a g ro u p o f su p p o rte rs “th e re ’s not enough troops in the A rm y to force the southern people to b reak dow n segregation and adm it the nigger race into o u r th e­ aters, into our sw im m ing pools, into o u r hom es, and into our churches.” U nfortunately, there is currently a m ovem ent in C ongress to nam e the planned V isito r’s C enter in the U .S. C apitol, w hich m ay cost as m uch as $400 m illion to construct, for the late Strom T hurm ond. A bill has been introduced in the H ouse o f R epresentatives (H.R. 2661) by C ongressm an G ersham Barrett, R-S.C., and one is expected soon in the Senate to be introduced by Sen. L indsey G raham , R-S.C. The N A A C P opposes the be­ stow ing o f this high honor upon a m an o f such low character, and led by the South Carolina N A A CP State C onference o fb ran ch es is w orking hard to see that neither the H ouse o r Senate bill becom e law. T he U nited S tates C apitol is m eant to be a building o f the people, all the people o f the U nited States, and to nam e its visitors cen ter after a m an w ho fought so hard for exclu­ sion and division is insulting to A m erican citizens as w ell as the building itself. Kweisi M fume is NAACP presi­ dent and c h ie f executive ojficer. Hilary O. Shelton serves as direc­ tor o f the N A A C P W ashington Bureau. Bush on My Street I live at 9115 N . P ortsm outh. I got hom e late last night from a trip to M oscow , Idaho and craw led into bed. T his m orning I w oke up to find m y c ar has vanished w ithout a trace. A t first I thought it w as stolen, but then as 1 w alked around looking for it I noticed an a-fram e sign one block dow n from m y house that read “no parking.” I tried to rem em ber w hether they w ere planning construc­ tion on the street o r not w hen I suddenly realized B ush w as com ing today. M y neighbors began com ing out o f their hom es to go to w ork ju st as 1 had to find their cars m issing as w ell. I still d o n ’t know w here my car is, nor how m uch it is going to cost m e to get it back. Suffice to say m any o f the people on this street, m y self included are quite irate. T o top it all o ffB u sh isn ’t even here on som e im portant m atter that I should b e concerned about. H e is here to raise m oney for his ow n political cam paign. W ith all the stu ff he has gotten us involved in I d o n ’t understand how h e h a sth e tim e to g o g a lliv a n tin g around mak i ng even m ore m oney for him self. W e are irritated that sim ply because Bush w ants to have a lunch for his ow n private gains we now have to find a w ay to get to w ork w ithout our cars and most likely pay close to $ 100 each ju st to get them back. Don Elliott, North Portland A