__ (Eljc JîorHanh (Bbeerüer % Page B2 August 20, 2003 Focus Queen o f Hip-Hop to Perform at MTV Music Awards (AP) — Mary J. Blige is among the latest stars lined up to perform at the MTV Video Music Awards. The queen o f hip-hop soul joins previously announced performers 50 Cent, Coldplay, Chris­ tina Aguilera and Good Charlotte. MTV also said last week that the original five members o f Duran Duran will be presenters at the ceremony, along with Drew Barrymore, Avril Lavigne, Ben Stiller, Nelly and Pamela Anderson. The 20th annual awards show is scheduled to air live at 8 p.m. EDT Thursday, Aug. 28 from Mary J. Blige Radio City Music Hall. Chris Rock is the host. performs during the Missy Elliott has the most nominations - eight VH1 Divas Duets - for her “ Work It” video. She’s competing for show in Las Vegas. video o f the year honors against Justin (AP photo) Timberlake, who has seven nominations; Johnny Cash, who has six nominations for his cover o f the Nine Inch Nails song “Hurt”; and 50 Cent and Eminem, who each have five. Free C oncert! Dai Nhac Hôi Mién Phi! C o n c ie rto s gratis! OREGON SYM PHONY IN THE N E IG H B O R H O O D S A L T E R N O O N E V E N T S 3 6 5 0 P.M Inst»undent.petting zoo. aits & crafts, music A dance Entei tamment by lo c a l, perfocmeiA Pun foe all ages! OREG ON SYMPHONY CONCERT 7 P M Robert Moody, conductor ' i Iway tunes & B>g Bancj classics Perfect rnustc fo ra summer evening1- Rap Industry Insider Cuts Plea Deal F O O D A N D B EVERAGES W IL L BE A V A IL A B L E FOB PU R C H A SE. (A P ) — A rap industry insider has q uietly cut a plea d eal with au th o rities in vestigating alleged ties betw een a m usic label and New Y ork C ity ’s violent drug trade. Court papers show that Jon Ragin - a con v icted drug dealer w ho co ­ produced a recent film m arketed by fm!02 M urder Inc. records - pleaded guilty to fed eral c o n sp ira c y ch arg es. A nother man arrested w ith Ragin earlier this year, Derek H ayes, has also agreed to a plea bargain with prosecutors in B rooklyn. P ro s e c u to rs h a v e d e s c rib e d R agin as a close associate o f K en­ Two Men Sue ‘P. Diddy’ over Attacks Snoop Dogg Sued by Teens for Racy Video KQAl CWMAS CASCADE F6 « n FANDANGO *430 ntOALCMRMS CINEMA 99 WOIFANOANOO 4431 AFGAl ONEMAS A(ljAi CMMAS EVERGREEN PARKWAY 13 MOVIES ON TV BOO) FANDANGO «315 flOO) FANDANGO «31« Af ,*, CHEMAS STARK STREET ...................... BOOl F4N0ANG0 «314 Mariah Linden Broker Cellular 503 309-8778 Office 503 254-0100 Fax 503 252-6366 10005 SE Stark St Portland Oregon 97216 neth “S uprem e” M cG riff, a con­ R ecords, a division o f U niversal victed drug kingpin suspected o f M usic G roup, w hich is ow ned by secretly bankrolling M urder Inc., V ivendi, according to docum ents h o m e to m u ltip la tin u m a rtists filed in an unrelated case. A shanti and Ja Rule. McGriff, Gotti and Vi vendi 'scorn- M urder Inc. is a 50-50jo in t ven­ pan ies have not been charged in the ture betw een M c G riff s longtim e ongoing investigation. M cG riffand friend, Irv Gotti, and Island-D efJam Gotti deny any wrongdoing. (A P ) — R ap artist-acto r Snoop D ogg is b eing sued by tw o L ouisi­ ana w om en w ho say they w ere o f­ fered drugs during M ardi G ras 2002 to flash th eir breasts for pictures that later appeared on a co v er o f the video series “G irls G one W ild.” Snoop Dogg T he suit by Jaim e C apdeboscq, w ho w as 17 at the tim e o fth e alleged w ith a video. H ow ever, w hen the incident, and W hitni C'andiotto, video— known as “Girls Gone Wild w ho w as 18, also nam es Joseph R. D oggy S tyle” — cam e out, the Francis, the ow ner o f M antra Films w om en found their pictures on the Inc., w hich has produced the series cover, the suit alleges. o f m ail-o rd er videos that feature A ttorneys for Francis and Snoop nudity and sexual activity. D ogg— w hose real nam e is C alvin T he w om en claim that Francis B roadus and w ho w as host o f the broke a prom ise that the picture video have both denied the alle­ w ould not be used in connection gations in court filings. (A P) — T w o m en have sued Sean “ P. D iddy” Combs» for $25 m illion each, claim ing that a secu­ rity team at the rap m o g u l's record­ ing studio attacked them for no reason. L aw suits filed M onday in M an­ hattan on b eh alf o f T hom as G uest and Damon Jackson allege thatthey w ere assaulted in A ugust 2002 at the D addy’s H ouse studio on W est 44th Street. C o m b s’ spokesw om an, Susan M akarichev, said the law suits w ere “totally baseless” and “the allega­ tions are ridiculous.” G uest and Jackson w ere trying to visit C om bs, a friend o f G uest, w hen one o f the security guards “confronted plaintiff, threatened him and thereafter physically as­ saulted him , causing serious physi­ cal injuries and rendering him un­ conscious,” the law suit said. ‘ W hen Jackson w ent to G u e st's aid, he also w as assaulted, a sepa­ rate law suit said. Heavy D is Heavy on Lyrics, Light on Scale H eavy D isn 't so heavy an y ­ more. T he rap p er-tu m ed -acto r says h e ’s dropped 135 pounds in the last year. A lthough he d id n 't say whal he previously w eighed - o r how he lost the w eight - H eavy D, w hose real nam e is Dwight M yers, said the loss w asn 't prom pted by health concerns. “ I w ent on a couple auditions and one director was kind enough to say, ‘Look, you w ould’ve had this part but y o u ’re not fitting, y o u ’re stifling yourself,” he told the Television Critics Association last week. H eavy D plays a m echanic in “T he T racy M organ Show ,” a pro­ posed show starring the form er “ S aturday N ight Live” com ic. It’s not yet on N B C ’s fall schedule. H eavy D com posed and perform s the sh o w ’s title them e. T he 36-ycar-old has no plans to lose the m oniker h e ’s used since he broke into the m usic business. H eavy D and the Boy z earned three G ram m y nom inations and scored a hit w ith “W e G ot O ur O w n T hang.” “T here’s a lot o fchecks involved w ith ‘ Heavy D, ’ so that nam e stays,” he said. H. & B. Too Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. IIIH ¿ llllti l l i l l ■ IÍIIIIH I 2 blocks south of Alberta rOLUHRli' Weekdays til 6 p.m. - Saturdays til 4 p.m. Free Parking - State Controlled Rates - Se Habla Espanol Sightseeing (j Brunch - Dinner h www.hbloan.com Oregon Family Business for over 50 years Lie. #306 I i EgjBL -tfT- COLUMBIA GORGE æ3* 1-800-643-1354 IlIß ^E xit #44glCascade Locks, OR www.sternwheeter.com