August b . 2003___________________________ ®If e ÿ lo r t Í a tth (ß b seru er Page as Focus Talented Artists Coming to Alberta Gallery THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SUPPORTED US! The work o f artists Serena Barton and Raina Im ig w ill open at the Talisman Gallery on Northeast Alberta Street after a reception on Thursday, Aug. 28 from 5:30 p.m. to9p.m . Serena Barton’ s “ A Joyful Frenzy” offers a dy­ namic collaboration between the past and present while Raina lm ig paints watercolor mandalas in “ Mandala Yantra #8,” inspired by traditional floor Left: One o f the dynamic oil painting by Serena Barton coming to the Talisman art. O ur B iggest S ale Ever Recycled A rt Show D em on strations Live Music / R a ffle M unchies G am es Fun ar Gallery on Alberta Street. Right: Raina Imig's “Mandala Yantra # 8 “ evokes the For information, visit sacred circle in Sanskrit. Advertise w ith diversity in nON-SAT > 6 SUH »-5 O» RsBuikling Cantar 3625 N. Missitiippi Ave. For information call: 503.331.1877 ‘S.W.A.T.’ Delivers Intense Action ‘El!r |J n r t l a n b (O b srrlirr I call 503.288.0033 ^ n rtla n ù (©bserlier Samuel L. Jackson (above), Colin Farrell and L.L. Cool J star in the summer action movie “S. IV A. T." L.L. Cool J stars in high-impact stunts Rap legend/ actor L. L . Cool J takes a “ swat” at bei ng acop in his new film . James Todd Smith aka L.L. Cool J stars in S.W .A.T., the summer’ s most intense action film from Columbia Pictures. In­ spired by the popular ‘ 70s television series, the film also stars Samuel L. Jackson and C olin Farrell. Smith plays Deacon “ Deke” Kaye, a dedi­ cated police office r who is among several top- notch officers selected for a new S.W. A.T. team by commander Hondo (Jackson). Deke(Smith) is the type o f officer that staunchly believes in his occupation and the m orality it entails. He aggressively sets out to protect the innocent and keep people out o f harms way. Deke is very tenacious and focused. He gets to do a lot o f cool things like ju m p over cars and shoot out o f limousines; all o f my childhood fantasies came to fruition in film in g this movie,” says Smith. Also on the team is Jim Street (Farrell), an L. A. P.D. officer desperate for another chance to wear the privileged S.W .A.T. uniform . A fte r weeks ofdemanding physical training, their new S.W .A.T. team is q uickly thrown into action when a notorious drug lord Alex Montel (O livie r Martinez), boldly offers a $ 100 m illio n bounty to anyone who can free him from police custody. As they escort the kingpin out o f Los Angeles and into the hands o f the Feds, they are pursued by a ruthless and well-armed band o f mercenar­ ies. According to Smith, S.W .A.T. is not fille d w ith fictional flu ff. To make the stunts as au­ thentic as possible, he and the rest o f the cast trudged through weeks o f grueling S.W .A.T. training. The crew learned how to properly enter a room as w ell as how to handle and fire various guns correctly. “ W e’ re really capturing the lifestyle and the realism ofS. W. A.T. A t the end o f the day, I think people want to be entertained. They don’ t want to go to the movies and be bored,” says Smith. g W N W U I — IHFNWWTWHAMB W IN A FORD F-150 X'.T SUPERCAB. OVER S 5.000.000 IN PRIZES. f IS 3 rtmhtW hadwnwk owned ft kenud by Mnto. Cumiwny Uwu« «Ms MV » ib ? Mml hr M 10 puirtMui w redeem flu 4 pfiyw rùitn» »tn* tomi PfnMwn frmUHny HulWi'w 1 MO -M7-ÍKÜ I * Back to School 5av/ngsi Attention Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Round Steak SENIORS Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! White or Yellow Corn Northwest grown. Favorite barbeque addition. Card pnee: 16< ea SAVE up to $ 2 .0 4 on 6 Introducing « great new service for Boneless. Full cut. Any size package. 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