Page A2 August 13. 2003 P olice Intel Engineer Guilty of Helping Taliban Radical Tre Arrow Eludes Authorities Environmental fugitive on the run one year after indictment (AP) The FBI has followed up on more than 20 sightings o f fugi­ tive environmental activist Tre A r­ row in the year since a federal grand jury indicted him for firebombing logging and cement trucks. While three o f A rrow 's friends haveadm ittedtheirrolesintheJune 2001 fires, the former congressional candidate remains a fugitive. Last week, police searched for Arrow in woods near Washington Square Mall after someone report­ edly saw him. The sighting turned up nothing. “It’s almost like Elvis,” said Su­ pervisory Special A gent Julie Thornton, who heads the Oregon bureau’s domestic terrorism squad. Tre Arrow, who was bom Michael J. Scarpitti, was indicted Aug. 13, 2002. One of seven suspects negotiates plea on terrorism charge Credible sightings have been reported in Florida and Pennsylva­ nia, where Arrow has family. "H e could be anywhere. He could be out o f the country," Thornton said. Arrow and his three co-defen­ dants Jacob D.B. Sherman, An­ gela M. C’esario and Jeremy D. Rosenbloom, all in their 20s were accused o f setting fire to three log­ ging trucks to protest the contro­ versial Eagle C’reek federal timber sale near Mount Hood. Cesario and Rosenbloom pleaded guilty last month to their roles in the fires and await sentencing. Authorities also charged Arrow and Sherman with the Easter 2001 arson o f three concrete-m ixing trucks in Portland, a fire that caused $ 2 10,000damage. The Earth Libera­ tion Front, which the FBI classifies as one o f the nation's most prolific domestic terrorist groups, claimed responsibility. Sherman pleaded guilty in De­ cember to his role in the tires. He is Tre Arrow, the environmental activist who scaled a downtown expected to be sentenced next building to protest logging in old growth forests, is wanted for firebombing logging and cement trucks. month to 41 months in prison. Bank Robberies Suspect Arrested FBI agents and Portland police have arrested Timothy K. Dawson, 39, in connection with two bank robberies in the Portland area. H e’s accused o f robbing the W ashington Mutual Bank at4333 N.E. Sandy Blvd. wherea man told a bank teller that he had a gun wrapped in material in his hand, but no weapon was seen. The other robbery occurred in Raleigh Hills. Dawson was captured near the Ban field Motel on Northeast 37"1 Avenue shortly after a police chase sent officers looking for him inside Lloyd Center Mall. Investigators said they found a handgun and money in Dawson’s motel room. Alleged Ringleader Caught (AP) — Police have old Jessica Kate Williams, arrested an 18-year-old whose body was discov­ member o f a “street fam­ ered beside railroad tracks ily” o f homeless youths near Portland's Eastbank accused in the May beat­ Esplanade ing death o f a mentally Investigators say she was disabled woman who had beaten, stabbed, doused in befriended the group. lighter fluid and burned. Carl Richard Alsup, Police allege that Williams sought on aggravated was killed because she vio­ murder charges, was ar­ lated the street family’s code rested in Seattle, police of conduct. Rebecca Will­ Carl Richard Al^up said. iams, her mother, said she He was one o f several group mem­ hopes all the suspects are prosecuted to bers indicted in the death o f 22-year- the full extent o f the law. (A P )—- M aher Hawash, one o f seven Portland-area suspects ac­ cused o f plotting to wage war against U.S. troops in Afghani­ stan, accepted a plea deal last week that will send him to prison in exchange for testifying against other suspects. Hawash, a software engineer who worked for Intel, pleaded guilty to conspiring to provide services to the Taliban, the ousted government in Afghanistan that’s accused o f giving comfort to the masterminds in the Sept. 11,2001 terrorist attacks. He will serve at least seven years in federal prison. In e x c h a n g e , p ro se c u to rs agreed to drop charges o f conspir­ ing to levy war against the United States and conspiring to provide material support for terrorism. Federal judge Robert E. Jones said Hawash. as part o f the plea agreement, had confessed to plot­ ting with the other suspects to travel to A fghanistan to fight against U.S. soldiers there in the Maher Hawash fallof200l. “You and the others in the group were prepared to take up arms and die as martyrs if necessary, to de­ fend theTaliban. Is this true?" Jones asked Hawash during the hearing. “Yes, your honor,” Hawash re­ plied. Hawash'sattomey Steven Houze said his client had faced more than 20 years in prison, and perhaps a sentence that would put him be­ hind bars for life. In exchange for the reduced sen­ tence, Hawash agreed to testify in federal court, before grand juries and before any potential military tribunals. He also agreed, if called upon, to cooperate with foreign governments to aid in their terror­ ism probes and to assist intelli­ gence agencies. Roofers Cause School Fire A four-alarm fire gutted the roof and auditorium o f Binnsmead Middle School at 2225 S.E. 87"’ Avenue early Monday evening. Portland Fire and Rescue de­ termined that a roofing company started the blaze by accidentally overheating the area while attach­ ing flashing to the roof. Damage was estimated at $ 1.5 million to the building and $300.000 to the contents. The fire comes on the heels o f several other school fires in the Portland area that were intention­ ally set by arsonists this summer. In vestigators are o fferin g a $5,000 reward in hopes o f finding the arsonist responsible for a fire at Lent E lem entary School, lo­ cated near S outheast 9 7 lh and H olgate, w hich is only a block aw ay from Binnsm ead M iddle School. Fannie Mae Announces New $15 Billion Affordable Housing Investment Strategy for Oregon PORTLAND, O R - In an effort to increase homeowner- focusing attention and resources on expanding communities plan for and accommodate anticipated growth ship for underserved populations and help spark economic homeownership and rental housing opportunities for in population and housing demands as well as harness and community development in Oregon, representatives minority populations, first-time home buyers, and working efficient land use strategies. Specifically, Fannie Mae will from Fannie Mae (FNM/NYSE), the nation's largest source families. This includes providing lender partners with support resource-efficient initiatives that promote the o f financing for home mortgages, today announced the affordable mortgage financing solutions, such as mortgages expansion o f affordable housing across Oregon, including: American Dream Commitment® for Oregon, a $15 billion with low down payment requirements and flexible the Smart CommuteTM Initiative, which provides investment strategy that will help provide affordable home- qualification criteria, and offering valuable resources to incentives for families to reduce transportation costs and ownership and rental opportunities for more than 150,000 local nonprofit groups to help more working families apply the resulting savings toward the purchase o f a home; low-, moderate-, and middle-income families over the next become homeowners. and the Portland General Electric's Efficiency Services five years. Fannie Mae's Oregon Partnership Office will implement the new $15 billion affordable housing strategy through targeted investments in community development and neighborhood revitalization, and by working with Group MORETM energy-saving pilot, which enables Specific areas of focus that will help Fannie Mae implement the $15 billion affordable housing strategy include: homeowners in Portland, Salem, and Vancouver to finance up to $4,000 in resource-efficient improvements to their homes. lenders, housing leaders, and city and state officials to identify the state's housing needs. Community Development & Neighborhood Revitalization. Business Community & Housing. Employer assisted Fannie Mae's American Communities FundTM invests housing (EAH) benefits are an effective recruitment and equity and funds debt to help leverage financial investments retention tool for employers, and can be customized to offer downtown West End area. Joining Governor Ted that bring new and restored economic life to neighborhoods, a variety o f assistance, including home-buyer education, or Kulongoski were community leaders Molly Bordonero, making them places families truly want to call home. Recent a loan or grant to help fund down payments, closing costs, member o f the Fannie Mae Board o f Directors; Vanessa examples o f such investments include: The mixed-use/ or interest rate buy-downs. Fannie Mae is working with the Gaston, president and CEO o f the Urban League of mixed-income Museum Place development that features a Portland Business Alliance, and businesses and Portland; and Doug Obletz o f Shiels, Obletz, and Johnsen, Safeway grocery store, rental housing, and condominiums; municipalities statewide to offer free technical assistance to developer o f Museum Place. and a revolving community development loan to the Oregon employers interested in providing these valuable housing Housing and Community Services Department (OHCSD) to benefits to their employees. Today's announcement was held at the site o f Museum Place, a three-block retail and housing development in the Fannie Mae's new investment strategy follows the successful completion o f the $10 billion investment strategy provide pre-development financing for the new construction announced in 1998 that served more than 97,000 o f affordable housing across the state. "The Urban League o f Portland is eager to work with Oregonians. "The housing industry remains the economy's strongest Fannie Mae and other partners to find better ways to Reaching Out to Underserved Communities. While effectively serve the homeownership needs o f African homeownership rates have reached record levels, the rate Americans, because the current methods do not appear to economic development, and affordable homeownership for for minority households lag the general population. In be working for our communities o f color," said Vanessa working families," said Governor Kulongoski. "Fannie Oregon, the overall homeownership rate is 64 percent Gaston, president and CEO o f the Urban League of Mae's new $15 billion investment strategy is welcome news compared to 37 percent for African Americans and 36 Portland. "The Urban League can participate in this for Oregon that will go a long way to address the unique percent for Hispanics. In the Portland MSA, the overall rate effort by being a catalyst to help change this. The focus housing needs o f our market." is 55 percent compared to 38 percent for African Americans and goal must be on closing the gap in homeownership." foundation, providing new construction job opportunities, "This five-year affordable housing strategy will focus on and 31 percent for Hispanics. Fannie Mae will continue For more information on Fannie Mae's American Dream community development and neighborhood revitalization, working to address barriers to homeownership for minority Commitment for Oregon, which includes information on smart growth initiatives, and increasing minority home- families through partnerships with the Urban League of Fannie Mae's affordable mortgage products and a list o f ownership," said Dick Anderson, director o f Fannie Mae's Portland and other community partners, and technology and local lenders, consumers may call Fannie Mae's Consumer Oregon Partnership Office. "We look forward to working training for real estate brokers and nonprofit housing Resource Center at 1-8OO-7FANNIE (1-800-732-6643), with Governor Kulongoski and the state housing agencies counseling agencies. Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. PT. to make homeownership a reality for more Oregonians." Over the next five years, Fannie Mae's Oregon Housing, Transportation <8 Environment. Fannie Mae is a Partnership Office will work with housing industry partners. leading advocate for local housing solutions to help » 4 I