Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 13, 2003, Page 10, Image 10

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    August 13, 2 0 0 3
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^Cool Runnings Cafe
EAT'T ano like
D iversity ,^ W orkplace
ir C a j u n C u i s i n e
Executive Achievers
'41WNFFfPmnnt S<n.?8?.?1t8 George Fox
( 5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3
( 5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6
alumni, student
T hree high-achieving graduates
are putting the spotlight on G eorge
Fox U niversity.
T he school, ranked by U.S. News
& W o rld R ep o rt as a to p -tie r
m a s te r’s-level u n iv ersity in the
652 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard
Suite A
Portland, OR 97217
Break free from what’s
holding you back.
If you’re tired of a career that seems to be going no­
W est, offers b ach elo r’s degrees in
m o re th a n 30 m a jo rs, d eg ree-
co m pletion program s for w orking
adults, a sem inary, and 14 m aster’s
and doctoral degrees. C ourses o f
study are available on the college
cam pus in N ew berg and also in
G e o rg e F ox g ra d u a te P erry
G rubera w as recently nam ed one o f
P o rtlan d ’s 40 m ost influential e x ­
ecutives under 40-years-old by The
B u sin e s s Jo u rn a l o f P o rtla n d .
G ru b er is com m unity affairs m an­
ag er for Intel O regon.
B renda Dizer, a G eorge Fox U ni­
versity M B.A. student, received
an “ach iev er” aw ard from A stra
S ociety International, a nonprofit
agency that prom otes w om en in
business. She previously has been
honored by the N orthw est M inor­
ity B usiness C ouncil w ith their
M inority B usiness A dvocate Lead­
ership A w ard.
Brenda Dizer
Yolanda Karp
Perry Gruber
She also has received the C orpo-
rate A w ard from the O regon A sso­
ciation o f M inority E ntrepreneurs
for outstanding service and co m ­
m itm ent to O reg o n ’sm inority busi­
ness com m unity. D izer is m anager
o f the supplier di versity program at
Y olanda K arp, a G eorge Fox
U niversity M BA student and 2001
m anagem ent and organizational
leadership graduate, w as nam ed a
2003 finalist for W om an E ntrepre­
neur o f the Y ear by the B usiness
A M exico C ity-native, K arp is
C E O and president o f H acienda
C om m unity C redit U nion, w hich
she founded last year to provide
financial serv ices fo r low - and
m iddle-incom e H ispanics in the
Portland area. H acienda is one o f a
handful o f H ispanic credit unions
in the U.S. and the first credit union
created in O regon since 1980.
Inform ation about the college is
available at w w w .georgefox.edu or
call 503-538-8383.
where and a salary that depends more on the whim of
your boss than on the work you do, American Express
Army, NASCAR Launch Diversity Outreach
can help. When you join us as a financial advisor,
N A SCA R and the U.S. A rm y recently
launched a diversity outreach program designed
to introduce inner city teenagers to the broad
rangeofopportunitiesavailable in motorsports.
The program will reach out to young adults
through special events, at-track tours and dis­
cussions with NASCAR and Army representa­
“ N A SC A R is w orking d irectly w ith our
entire industry to broaden our sports appeal
and to help create m eaningful op p o rtu n ities
for the m any diverse com m unities throughout
you’ll soon see you’ll have a long-term career growth
and your rewards match your efforts. The more you
grow your practice, the more you’ll grow your income.
You’ll also have control over how you start your career
and expand your practice.
To find out how to use your skills in a new way and
our co u n try ,” said D ora T ay lo r, head o f
N A SC A R ’sdiversity affair’s departm ent. “We
are calling on all m em bers o f the m otorsports
industry to prom ote diversity in every facet o f
their operations.”
Existing NASCAR diversity outreach pro­
grams include a 10-week, full-time paid summer
internships designed to introduce di verse youth to
the many exciting career opportunities available
throughout the m otorsports industry. For more
information, visit www.diversityintemships.com
or www.goanny.com.
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Printed schedules are still available at PCC campuses
and at most libraries and Hollywood Video stores in
the PCC district.
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