®l|e îportlanb (Observer Page B3 ' - A Stomp Odyssey The smash hit “Stomp " transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary by giving everyday life a rhythm. The international sensation uses lighters, brooms, pipes and garbage lids, anything but conventional per­ cussion instruments, to fill the stage with compelling and infectious rhythms, suitable for the whole family. Stomp is making its second stop in Portland as part of Keller Auditorium’s Broadway in Portland series with perfor- L mances Tuesday, Aug. 12 through Sun­ day, Aug. 17. For more information, call 503-248-4335. Z 4 __ > ............ .............. ■M M M M M M M M M M M M K » Revolutionary On Display Pioneer feminist explored at North Portland Library The nationally acclaimed tour­ ing exhibit, “This is w om an’s h our.. .’’— The Life o f Mary Baker Eddy, will be on display at the North Portland branch o f the Multnomah County Library from Friday, Aug. 8 through Sept. 10. A reception on opening night will include a brief talk on Eddy’s life and transforming ideas. The lib ra ry is lo c ate d at 512 N. Killingsworth St. Admission is free and the public is invited to attend. The multimedia exhibit high­ lights the compelling story o f Mary Baker Eddy, a 19lh century reformer Mars Stars at 0msi Mars is the star o f the show, in a special sky watch party sponsored by the Oregon Museum o f Science and Industry. OMSI will join the Rose City Astronomers and Vancouver Side­ walk Astronomers for a special Mars Viewing Party, Saturday, Aug. 23 from 8:30p.m . tomidnight. Mars will not only be in direct alignment with the sun and Earth, an occurrence referred to as the Martian Opposition, but it will also be closer to Earth than humankind has ever seen. “T hat’s because o f the planets’ elliptical orbits,” said Jim Todd, OMSI Murdock Planetarium man- ager. “They do not orbit in perfect circles, so it takes 60,000 years for Earth and Mars to meet up at their closest possible point,” he said. Forinformation call503-797-4610. O N E @ M USIC, INC. Artist Gets Political Simmons faces subpoena after challenging mandatory drug tests Mary Baker Eddy who rose above personal battles with illness and society's restric­ tions on women to become a noted author, healer, teacher and pub­ lisher, founding the Christian Sci­ ence M onitor at age 87. Her best-selling work. Science and Health with Key to the Scrip­ tures, discusses healing and the relationship between spirituality and health. The book has sold more than 10 million copies. For more information, go to w w w.m ultcolib.org or call the North Portland Library at 503-988- 5394. G IA N T (AP) — Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons faces an Aug. 20 deadline to comply with a state subpoena into whether he violated lobbying laws while trying to reform the state’s mandatory dmg sentencing statutes. Simmons and former NAAC'P leader Benjamin Chavis had sought a temporary restraining order in fed­ eral court in Manhattan to put a hold on a state lobbying commission in­ vestigating the civic leaders. State law requires lobbyists to register and document their spend­ ing to reveal the pressure and influ­ ence on state lawmakers and offi­ cials. Simmons and Chavis said they STORE WIDE A . ■ . IT S I ▼ BUY ANY 2 NEW OR USED CLOSE-OUT CD’S, GET ONE FOR FREE!! USED VHS TAPES 3 FOR $15!! USED DVDS 2 FOR $20!! FREE JAZZ PEAK PERFORMANCES CD (off the Hook) 5924 se 47th & W oodstock 5 0 3 -7 7 7 -3 9 0 0 were exercising their constitu­ tional right to petition govern­ ment and were unaware o f the State Lobbying Act requirements. The two men and the Coalition o f Fairness had sought reform or repeal o f the Rockefeller-era drug laws that mandate long sentences even for possessing and selling small amounts o f illegal drugs. Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, faces an Aug. 20 deadline to comply with d sfate subpoena into whether he violated lobbying. (AP photo) PIZZA A G O GO Alberta Gallery Anniversary Talisman Gallery at 1476 N.E. Alberta St., will feature all o f its artists during a second anniver­ sary show through Aug. 24. An artists’ reception was held on Thursday, July 31, the opening night o f the exhibit. The featured artists are Serena B a rto n , B u c k B ra d e n ,D a n Bronson. M ichael de Forest, Fran Hepp, Inanna M cGraw, Marvella M cPartland, Rob Ramage, C hris­ tina R iccetti, Allen Schm ertzler, G ail Jordan, M iriam Badyrka, R oger F riedel, D ean S hapiro, D a v id C o d d in g to n , Ju e rg e n E c k s te in , R a in a Im ig , Jo h n M cA nulty, Pattie Palm er-B aker and Julie Ann Smith. Talisman Gallery is an artist owned cooperative dedicated to creating a dynamic and diverse community o f artists. We Deliver! A go going to North Portland, Swan Island, The Pearl, NW, and Downtown... When you want it HOT + You gotta have it NOW! @ C ook S tr e e t G R A N D O P E N IN G Interstate Bar & Grill Party in the Parking Lot Live Music Barbeque Beer on Tap Kirk Green Band 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM, 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM T.B. E n t e r p r is e s P r e s e n t s T he I s l e y B rothers Saturday August 16,h, 2003 #1 Selling Album "Body Kiss" Time: 12:00 PM - 2:00 AM T O P T E N L IS T COOL BREEZE Busta Rhymes - "It Aint Safe No More" Bone Crusher - "Attenchun" Friday August 22nd, 2003 Whitney Houston - "Just Whitney" WC - "Ghetto Heisman" I e r r r tt H raittltm s H,irlwrsl>i>l> a n ti a n y tic k e tm a s te r s i Time: 9:00 PM - 2:00 AM Toni Braxton - "More Than A Woman" 4234 N Interstate (cross street at Skidmore) Solange - "Solo Star" Eric Sermon -- "React" TLC3D "Friday After Next SndTrk" Formerly Shamrock Restaurant Under New Management by Jack Chung The Isley Brothers 1615 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97211 503/284-2435 503/289-8906 FAX fot mote information check www btandonbatbetthop.com Ny*- Ä» t t«M N -wwt in I •»! I h l I 3 ROSAI II h i II K O I I I I R s I \ . Ml (I,.,,, Phone 503-287-9740