Loiiiiiiiltcil Io I tilltii.il Diversity n\\u.|xiilkiiulobsei\ei to u t A n e lis i I IG. .’ I MI » (Thi? ^Rortlanh (Dbsrrur r C >TIOM in in u n i t y ¿1 I e n d a r d There Goes the Neighborhood Reacquaint yo u rse lfw ith the blos­ som ing, diverse co m m u n ity sur­ rounding Interstate A venue at P hotos by T ony W ashington /T he P ort ™ n d O bserver the Inaugural Interstate Avenue Portland boxer Steve Forbes (above) put on his mentor's hat to work with stu­ dents at the Successful Choices program in northeast Portland. Fair from 9a .m .to5 p.m . Saturday A ug. 16and noon to 4 p .m .,S u n day, A ug. 17. Weighty Words Race for the Cure The Susan G. K om en Breast Cancer Foundation O regon and S o u th w e s t W a s h in g to n cel Champion boxer encourages local kids to fight for their dreams ebrates the Kom en Portland Race fo r the Cure on Sunday, Sept. 14 at W aterfron t Park I f yo u w o u ld lik e to volun te er fo r the event, v is it w w j a c e f o r th e c u re pdx.org o r call 503-553-3676. by J aym ee R. C uti T he P ortland O bserver T w o Pound isn ’t the m ost in tim id a tin g Living Legend L iv in g legend Don H o perform s island sounds at the O regon Z oo Friday, A ug. 8 at 7 p.m . T ickets are $ 16. For more inform ation, cal I 5 0 3 -2 2 6 -1 5 6 1 o r v is it ww w.orcgonzoo. org. Wild Oats Health Workshops He lo st that title last A u g u st a fte r m onths m entors and guys I looked up to ," said professional career. The audience pawed o fin a c tiv ity . “ I ’ ve got the fastest hands in the whole Forbes, nam ing M uham m ad A li and Sugar Ray Leonard. eagerly at his gold cham pionship belts. A fte r his discussion, m any kids fo llo w e d nickname fo r a boxer, but Steve Forbes w o n ’t let som ething as tin y as a name break his focus. d iv is io n . I ’ ve beaten guys be tte r than Forbes, 26, is a Portland native. (Fernandez),” said a confident Forbes, about his upcom ing fight. “ H e’ s a role model in the com m u nity and Forbes, c a lle d T w o Pound a fte r his b irth w e ig h t, w i ll a ttem p t to re c la im his B ut last week, Forbes traded his game face fo r a m entor’ s cap, m eeting w ith kids at title . Jun io r L ig h tw e ig h t W o rld C ham pion, in a b ra w l against C a rlos Fernandez at the northeast Portland. Staples C e nter in Los A ng eles in O ctober. Successful Choices sum m er program in "W h e n I was g ro w in g up, I had a lot o f we want him to talk to the kids about acareer in b o x in g ," said LeV on Van, program direc­ to r fo r Successful Choices. Forbes intrigued his n in e -to -14-year-old audience by discussing determ ination, dis­ cipline, and his record o f six knockouts in his Forbes to the M att Dishm an C o m m u n ity Center in northeast Portland to check out his po w e rfu l punch and sparring moves. S uccessful C h oice s has a fte r school and sum m e r pro gra m s, te a c h in g k id s th ro u g h ba ske tb a ll c lin ic s , B ib le study, anger m anagem ent, A m e rica n h is to ry and more. W ild Oats W ellness C enter pre­ sents free workshops at 3535 N.E. 15,h A ve. (at F rem on t) in upstairs studio 1. The benefits o f clo th diapering takes place Saturday, A ug. 9 at 3 p.m . A lecture on healing from depression and anxi­ ety is A ug . 13 at 7:30 p.m . and a lecture on integrating y o u r heart in yo u r w o rk is Aug. 20 at 7:30 p.m . A lecture on de toxin g is at 5 p.m . on A ug . 24, and a session on developing self-esteem isat 7:30 p.m. A ug. 27. P re-registerat 503- Neighborhood Grocer Expands Business Interests Interstate Bar and Grill serves multicultural clientele came w ith a salad fu ll o f crisp vegetables for o n ly $7. B oth were delicious. Eggs benedict by S ean P. N elson T he P ortland O bserver on the breakfast menu features an English m u ffin topped w ith ham, poached egg and 281-3262. Custom ers at the Interstate Bar and G rill, located at 4234 N. Interstate w ill fin d it a Wellness Within Reach W ellness W ith in R E A C H W a lk pleasant place to eat, d rin k and relax under the new ow nership o f K orean-A m erican w ill d ra w m ore than 500 people businessman Jack Chung. to the streets o f no rtheast P o rt­ A long -tim e com m u nity leader, Chung is la n d at 8 a .m . S aturday, Sept. 6. already a fam i I iar face to northeast residents The fu n d ra ise r organized by the A fric a n A m e ric a n H e a lth C o a­ fo r his A lb e rta Street M arket. He was one o f the developers o f H arry Jackson Plaza on litio n encourages yo u to re g is ­ A lb erta and M a rtin Lu ther K in g Jr. B ou le­ te r b y sen ding a S I 5 che ck to vard where A didas sited a store, and serves 2800 N. V a n c o u v e r A v e , Ste. 100.F or m ore in fo rm a tio n , c a ll in the Korean A m erican G rocery A ssocia­ tion o f O regon as w e ll as other organiza­ 503-413-1850. tions. previous owners used to use a lo t o f frozen food but w e make everything from scratch,” Chung said. Lunch item s include a French d ip sand­ w ich made w ith prim e rib on a hoagie ro ll served w ith horseradish sauce and au jus. It This corner has always been a negative corner. Now it s going to be a positive corner. -Jack Chung, ownerof the Interstate Bar and Grill hollandaise. It is served w ith choice o f fried One o f the hallm arks o f a successful res­ taurant is the location. Chung thinks the red potatoes o r grits fo r $6.75. Dinner menu features include champagne T ri-m e t introduces pubic art at Interstate Bar and G rill w ill th rive w ith the chicken breast or prim e chicken breast baked the IFC C G allery between Aug. 8 opening o f T riM e t's lig h t ra il system, the w ith champagne and topped w ith saut6ed and Sept. 25. In te rs e c tio n s : prox im ity to Kaiser Permanente and the Swan Island shipyards, where m any people w ork. m ushroom s and parmesan cheese. Entrees such as this are served w ith a steamed vegetable, bread, a choice o f soup o r salad be showcased at a sum m er festi­ Prices are reasonable and the restaurant is open 7 days a week. val in Patton Park from 9 a.m. to 5 “ A ll the food is made from scratch. The Transportation with Style T riM e t Interstate M A X L ig h t Rail C o m m u n ity H isto ry Project w ill continued on page B4 photo by M ark W ashincton /T he P ortland O bserver North and northeast Portland entrepreneur Jack Chung expands his business interests by opening the Interstate Bar and Grill, formerly the Shamrock Restau­ rant on North Interstate and Skidmore. p.m . Saturday, A ug. 16 and Sun­ day, A ug . 17. D'FeetALS Disease The W a lk to D ’ Feet A L S (L o u G e h rig ’ s Disease) be gins at 10 a.m . S unday, Sept. 7. F o r de­ ta ils , v is it w w w .a b a -o r.o rg o r call 503-238-5559. Scaley Friends at 0MSI O M S I prepares fo r the 19,b A n ­ nual Reptileand Am phibian Show fro m A ug. 30 through Sept. 1. The largest educational reptile B r a in s a n d B r a w n U n ite a t S c h o la r s B o w l Upward Bound program gets results by keeping an eye on the prize lege preparatory program that o ffe rs assis­ tance to lo w incom e and firs t generation high school students. It provides year- round tutoring, career exploration, a six week sum m er session and other academic and recreational activities. The program has proved to be a produc­ tive and rewarding. Since 1980,98 percent o f by D amarcus R edeal and M ark P imentel T he P ortland O bserver include a 14-foot long Burmese Free ju n k food, a dance and sports com ­ participants graduate from high school; 90 percent o f the students also enter college after high school. A n d 80 percent o f a ll the python, on-site experts and a petitions sound like a Saturday w e ll spent fo r any high-schooler. But participants in high school graduates from U pw ard Bound since 1995 are s till in college. U pw ard Bound kno w that a little fun goes a Results fro m the six-w e e k s um m e r ses­ sion, saw a team fro m P o rtla n d State ta k ­ in g firs t place in the kno w le dg e b o w l co m ­ gathering in the N orthw est w ill K id ’ s Zone. The show is free w ith paid O M S I adm ission. 1945 S.E. W ater Ave. 503-797-4588. Hop Aboard Streetcar Party long w ay to keeping kids in school and focusing the ir attention on higher educa­ tion. p e titio n , d e fe a tin g a team fro m the U n i­ B rid ge port B re w in g C o is all A b o u t 500 students from Portland and hopped up fo rth e inaugural Rails ond A n n iv e rs a ry C e le b ra tio n the entire N orthw est, recently m ixed sum ­ mer fun w ith learning at the annual U pw ard Bound Scholars B o w l com p etitio n at the form noon to 8 p.m ., A ug . 16 at Portland State Campus. and Ales: Portland streetcar Sec­ Jamison Square Park. 810 N .W . C om petitions were held in speech, general I I * A ve. Free. The event w ill knowledge, chess, math, art. science, com ­ puter technology, spoken poetry and written benefit the O regon Food Bank day. Non-perishable food dona­ poetry. A thle tic events included, basketball, ping pong, volleyball. 100 meter dash, m ile run tions are welcom ed. and water balloon toss. and Start M a k in g A Reader T o ­ 4 v e rs ity o f W a sh in g to n by one p o in t. S tu ­ d e n ts re p r e s e n tin g E v e rg re e n S ta te ba ttled against tw o -tim e d e fe n d in g ch a m ­ pio n P ortla nd State in b a ske tb a ll. The photo by T eahry R ounds A group of local high school students mix summer fun with learning at the annual Scholars Bowl competition on the Portland State University campus. "Students participated fu lly and dis­ played spirit. I believe this was one o f the best and ce rta in ly the largest Scholars Bow l I fin a l game was d e cid ed in o v e rtim e . A f t e r a ll e ve n ts w e re o v e r, th e s tu ­ de nts g a th e re d f o r an aw a rd s b a n q u e t. in the past 12 years," said Inez Freeman, T o c o n c lu d e th e n ig h t, ra d io s ta tio n 9 5 .5 h o sted a d a n ce , w h e re stu d e n ts organizer o f the event. c o n c lu d e d t h e ir su m m e r cou rse o f s tu d y U pw ard Bound is a fed erally-fund ed col- w ith lo ts o f s m ile s . i