Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 06, 2003, Page 4, Image 4

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(Fije ¡Jßortlanh (B b seru er
August 06. 2003
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E d i t o » - i n - e h i t r .P u i l i s h i i
Established 1970
4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.,
Portland, OR 97211
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Mark Washington
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I A lab am a Ju d ge Far
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B eyond M ainstream
N o m in ee’s
record in
hum an
rights is
on race, gender, age, and disability. He has
pushed his extrem ist agenda through and
in num erous public speeches.
W illiam Pryor is far beyond the m ain­
stream o f America. His w ords and abysm al
* record in protectingcivil,constitutional and
hum an rights dem onstrate that he is an
avow ed extrem ist and legal activist. His
ideological agenda o f limiting C ongress’
ability to pass laws aim ed at protecting
Bv W ade H enderson
T h e U .S . S e n a te
should reject the nom i-
nationofW illiam Pryor
to the U.S. C ircuitC ourt
o f A ppeals for the 1 1th
W hen i t com es to the
rights o f w om en, m i­ - Wade Henderaofl
norities, seniors, and
in d iv id u als w ith d is a b ilitie s, P ry o r’s
against discrim ination and inequalities
w retched reactionary record dem onstrates
should certainly disqualify him from a life­
a desire to return to A m erica as it w as
tim e appointm ent to the federal judiciary.
before C ongress enacted legislation p ro ­
In his role as o n e o f the architects o f the
tecting those rights.
so-called “states ’rights” m ovem ent, Pryor
A s A labam a attorney general, Pryor
not only challenged the co nstitutionality
w orked to turn back the clock on federal
o f the V iolence A gainst W om en A ct, but
protections against discrim ination based
has also argued that the Suprem e C ourt
Pryor has urged Congress to consider
eliminating a key provision o f the Voting
Rights Act, which protects the right to
vote fo r African-Americans and other
racial minorities,
should cut back on the protections o f the
A ge D iscrim ination in E m ploym ent Act,
the C ivil Rights A ct o f 1964, the A m eri­
cans w ith D isabilities A ct, and the Fam ily
and M edical Leave Act.
P ryor has urged C o n g ress to consider
elim inating a key provision o f the V oting
R ights A ct, w hich protects the right to
vote for A frican-A m ericans and other ra­
cial m inorities, stating that it is “an affront
to federalism and an expansive burden
that has far outlived its usefulness."
H e also criticized the Suprem e C o u rt’s
decision in United States v. Virginia, w hich
found unconstitutional the denial o f ad ­
m ission to w om en by the V irginia M ilitary
Institute, a public university.
O ver the course o f his career in the attor­
ney general’s office, Pryor has also been a
vocal opponent o f the rights o f criminal
defendants. In one infam ous case, he vigor­
ously defended A labam a’s practice ofhand-
cuffing prison inmates to hitching posts in
the hot sun if they refused to work on chain
gangs or otherwise disrupted them , arguing
that the practice did not violate the prisoner’s
right to be free from cruel and unusual
punishm ent. The Suprem e Court rejected
P ryor’s argum ents, citing the “obvious cru­
elty inherent in this practice.”
Wade Henderson is the executive
director o f the Leadership Conference
on Civil Rights.
In F u n d in g H ead S ta r t, F ir s t D o N o H a rm
Bv J im J ones
adm inistration's education reform - falls
In full disclosure, I adm it I am not privy
$6.1 billion short o fw hat was planned in the
to the conversations betw een the Senate
president’s education bill. Now, the presi­
m ajority leader and the president o f the
dent is explicably dism antling Head Start.
1 U nited States. N onetheless, it is clear that
The Head Start program begun 38 years
P r. Bill Frist has w y e f .- jq h Q p l^ p ^ s i^ p t^ , ,3§o as a prom ise to A m erica’s poor chil­
Bush in the physicians’ golden rule, “First, , dren, addressing thecom plex n atu reo f pov­
do no harm .”
erty and providing them with opportunity.
In tw o years, President Bush turned a
W hile there is no single pan acea for
$280 billion surplus intoarecord $455 billion
eradicating poverty and no one program
budget deficit. His unnecessary tax cut for to alleviate its d ebilitating effects. H ead
millionaires led to economic turmoil, leaving
Start represents the best o f w hat w e o ffer
the largest num ber o f youth w ithout sum ­ to o u r n atio n ’s poorest children.
m er jo b s since 1948. His superfluous divi­
Head Start serves only three out o f every
dend tax cut doesn't apply to 90 percent o f five eligible pre-school children and only
Latino children, and his fiscal policies con­ three out o f every 100 eligible infants and
tributed to record numbers ofblack children
toddlers. Instead o f providing m ore re­
living in poverty.
sources to truly expand the program , the
ln2000,he vowed that education w as his
A dm inistration proposed an “ increase”
priority, then proposing the sm allest in­ barely enough to cover inflation. It further
crease in seven years. This y ear's budget
proposed to devolve authority and funding
fo r T itle I - c e n te r p ie c e o f th e
mandates on ill-equipped states, themselves
facing budget deficits o f $70 billion - 85
billion for 2004. Nearly every state has a
deficit in the current fiscal year. As a result,
32 states havecut theircom m itm ent toearly
childhood services. The president w ants to
pass the buck w ithout passing the bucks.
States cannotduplicate H eadStart’sstan-
dards. There's no evidence that state-funded
program s are m ore successful than Head
Start in closing the "achievem ent gap” be­
tw een poor and higher-incom e children.
State pre-kindergarten initiatives fall far
short o f the federal standards.
N ow that the House, by a single vote, has
passed this block-granting schem e, per­
haps the Senate majority leader review the
basic philosophy o f his profession. And,
when the Senate considers Head Start in the
fall, Dr. Frist could start the debate by advis­
ing his colleagues to “First, do no harm .”
Jim Jones is vice president, programs
and policy, Children's Defense Fund.
G r e a te st H o n o r to S erv e
Dear Portlanders,
and funded until the L egislature acts.
O ne o f the greatest honors o f m y life
W ith these and other efforts since 1993,
is to se rv e y o u a sM a y o rsin c e 1993. Y our
Portland is safer; countyw ide per capita
civic interest and involvem ent inspires
incom e has grown; citizens rate the livabil­
m e to alw ays do my best. I hold sacred the
ity o f neighborhoods higher - results that
trust you place in m e to lead this com m u­ helped Money m agazine rate Portland as
nity. 1 seek to govern by setting an ex­ the m ost livable city in A m erica in 2000.
am ple o f hard w ork, innovation and ac­
H ave w e succeeded at everything we
tried? N o, but it is necessary to take som e
O ver the past 10 years, w e ’ve m ade
risks and face a few disappointm ents to
Portland a better place to live. I am o v er­ push P ortland’s progress forward. Have
w helm ed with gratitude when I think o f all
w e solved all problem s? O bviously not,
the people 1 w orked with w ho helped
for w ith each success is a set o f additional
com plete a list o f accom plishm ents that
challenges to w ork on. W e m ust reform
m akes Portland the envy o f m any other
our business taxes; protect our ratepayers
A m erican cities.
as PG E is sold; im plem ent the updated
I am proud o f projects such as the
econom ic developm ent strategy to p re­
extension o f lightrail lines to the airport
pare for our econom ic recovery and get
and Expo center; com pletion ofthe street­ m ore P ortlanders back to w ork; close the
car; expansion o f the O regon C onven­ student achievem ent gaps in low perform ­
tion C enter; creation o f new neighbor­
ing schools; com plete the transfer o f Ross
hoods in the R iver D istrict and South
Island to the city; decide the future o f
W aterfront; launch o fth e R iver R enais­
M em orial C oliseum ; launch the build out
sance; construction o f N orth A m erica’s
o f South W aterfront; finish the necessary
largest C hinese C lassical G arden and the
w ork to arrive at a final decision on b ase­
Eastbank E splanade; restoration o f our
ball; com plete acom prehensive review o f
historic C ity Hal I and the C ivic Stadi um;
policies and practices at the Portland P o­
and the rebirth o f O ldtow n/C hinatow n,
lice B ureau; and set plans to extend
N orth and N ortheast Portland neighbor­ L ightrail along the transit m a ll...ju st to
hoods — w ith the C entral E astside, St.
nam e a few tasks on m y “to do” list.
Johns, G atew ay and Lents on the way.
W ith the local and national recession
I am also proud o f groundbreaking
lingering, w hat Portland needs m ost over
policies and initiatives that reshaped city
the next year and a h a lf is a M ayor w ho is
services like the C ity ’s first com prehen­ com pletely dedicated to the jo b at hand.
sive econom ic developm ent strategy; sig­
A fter 32 years in elected office, w hat I
nificantly-increased funding for the arts;
w ant m ost a year and a h a lf from now is to
the Y outh G ang A nti-G un T ask Force
focus m y energies on new adventures and
that stopped a rapid escalation o f gun
challenges, and spend m ore tim e with
and gang violence in the m id -1990s; our
friends, m y son and m y grandson.
graffiti abatem ent and auto theft pro­
For these reasons, I w ill not seek re-
gram s; the annual R egulatory Im prove­ election as Mayor.
m ent W orkplans; the F air C ontracting
I haVe another year an d a h a lf as your
and E m p lo y m en t S trateg y to assist
m ayor to continue leading this city to a
w om en and m inority ow ned businesses;
m ore prosperous future, and I intend to do
m aintenance o f o u r triple A bond rating; ju s t that.
reduction o f adm inistrative costs that
W ith w arm regards,
saved m illions o f dollars; and the protec­
Vera Katz
tion o f our schools by keeping them open
N ot
W hat
W as
M ean t
A headline in a letter to the
editor in o u rJu ly 27 issu ed id not
covey the opinion o f the w riter
and w e regret the error.
Northeast Portland resident Linda
Kanzinger did not suggest another
community forum with police over
the Kendra James' shooting.
She proposed a forum w ith­
out the police, for the public at
large to hear the injustices suf­
fered by people o f color.
In Kanzinger's letter, she said
police andcityofficials at last month's
James forum were not interested in
hearing the public’s concerns.
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