Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 06, 2003, Page 14, Image 14

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August 06. 2003
S ports
Win Hall of
Fame Game
Beaver Game
Abused Dogs
T h e P o r tla n d
B e a v e rs a n ­
nounced that the team and its fans
raised $2,500 to help w ith on-going
m edical care fo r abused anim als,
in clu d in g expenses incurred as a
result o f the recent string o f dog
(A P ) — Priest H olm es looked fine in a
b rie f appearance, and so d id Brett Favre as
the Kansas C ity C hiefs beat the Green Bay
Packers 9-0 in the Pro Football H all ofFam e
game, shortened M onday night by lig h t­
nin g and torren tial rain.
poisonings at Laurelhurst Park in
southeast Portland.
The Beavers announced they
w o u ld donate a p o rtion o f ticke t
The e xh ib itio n opener fo r both teams
also had a sobering m om ent when Chiefs
offensive tackle W illie Jones sustained a
proceeds fo r Sunday’ s “ Bark in the
Park," a prom otion that invites fans
head in ju ry late in the second quarter.
A C hiefs spokesman said Jones sus­
to b rin g their dogs to the baseball
game at PGE Park.
tained a head traum a and was being evalu­
ated at A u ltm a n Hospital.
Kansas C ity had ju s t taken a 9-0 lead on
Sunday’s game against Fresno
attracted 7,906 humans and 493
a 27-yard field goal by Jose C ortez w ith 5 :55
canines. Dogs took part in between-
le ft in the th ird quarter when several lig h t­
ning bolts h it near Fawcett Stadium.
innings contests on the fie ld and
received free Frisbees as they en­
Play was halted fo r nearly one-hal f hour
before N F L com m issioner Paul Tagliabue
decided to cancel the rem ainder o f the
game w ith 5:49 rem aining in the third.
tered the gates before the game.
Estimated medical biIIs as a result
o f the recent animal poisonings have
soared to more than $30,000.
Green Bay Packers' Brett Favre throws a 24 yard completion to Javon Walker past Kansas City Chiefs' Dexter McCleon in
the first quarter during the Pro Football Hall of Fame game at Fawcett Stadium Monday in Canton, Ohio. (AP photo)
Media Descend on Eagle, Colo. Portland State Players Back on Field
The Portland State football team
w ill begin the 2003 season w ith its
A network televi­
sion crew sets up
a tent across from
the Eagle County
Courthouse in
Eagle, Colo, for
coverage of Kobe
Bryant's prosecu­
tion In a sexual
assault complaint.
Media from
around the world
have converged
on the small
town. Bryant
makes his first
court appearance
on Wednesday,
Aug. 6. (AP photo)
2631 NE Alberta Street
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 528-2933
Shop at Annie Maes Unique Gifts & Apparel
Wally Tesfa
M u lti-M illio n
S Service
S ummer R erun
W ednesdays
8:00-9:00 pm
firs t practice on M onday, A ug. 11
his 11 th season at Portland State
w h ich to w ork.
at Stott C o m m u n ity Field on the
PSUcampus. The V ikings w ill prac­
tice d a ily as they prepare fo ra Sept.
and has led the V ik in g s to four
postseason appearances w h ile on
the Park Blocks. The V iking s are 29-
16 the past fo u r seasons.
Reynard Carrie w ill lead a talented
and deepdefensive backfield. Junior
4 opener against o ld riv a l Texas
A & M -K in g s v ille a tP G E Park.
M o rth w as t P*opart>as
Northwest Properties
linebacker T olo Tuitele and senior
defensive end Josh R a tliff should be
Head Coach T im W alsh, the
heading in to the 2003 cam paign as
the em otional and physical leaders
w in n in g e s t and longest-tenured
coach in V ik in g history, welcomes
ju s t nine fu ll-tim e starters return.
o f a big-play defense that forced 28
But a revita lize d offen sive line and
turnovers last season.
Free Martial Arts Weekend Hoop It-Up Tour Holds Court
One W ith Heart w ill have an open house from 9 a.m.
The N B A H o o p -It-U p T o u r presents the 8,h annual
to 6 p.m . Saturday, Aug. 23 and Sunday, Aug. 24 at
4231 S.E. H aw thorne B lvd . Classes are free fo r kids
Portland tournam ent on Saturday, A ug. 23 and Sun­
and adults.
One W ith Heart has served the Portland c om m u­
day, A ug. 24 at L lo y d Center
The event features a basketball extravaganza w ith
n ity fo r over 20 years by o ffe rin g s e lf defense, Indo­
m ore than 1,200 area basketball players v y in g to w in
th e ir tournam ent d ivisio n.
nesian m artial arts and wellness classes, in clu d in g
Y oga, Tai C hi, Q i G ong, cardio k ickb o xin g and be lly
players ages eight and up. Players m ust register by
dance. The fitness center also recently added a com ­
M onday, A u g 18.
plete w e ig h t tra in in g fa c ility to its H aw thorne studio
Register online at w w w .nbahoopitup.com , visit Foot
Locker for a discounted entry form , or call 800-643-2699
The com p etitio n offers 3-on-3 basketball action fo r
F or m ore in fo rm a tio n o r fo r a schedule o f classes,
fo r m ore inform ation. Entry fee o f $ 120 per team, $ 185
visit ww w.onewithheart.com o r call 503-231 -1999.
fo r T op G un d ivisio n. Spectator adm ission is free.
Ducks to Get New Arena
U n iv e rs ity o f O rego n D u cks P reside nt D a ve
F ro h n m a ye r has g iv e n the go-ahead to b u ild a
new sports arena fo r O rego n a th le tic s .
and tailback, Southern C alifornia was picked to w in the
The proposed arena w o u ld becom e hom e to
P acific-10 Conference championship by a narrow margin
m e n ’ s and w o m e n ’ s b a ske tb a ll, v o lle y b a ll and
over A rizona State in the annual preseason media poll.
Oregon State was fourth w ith the rem aining tw o first-
place votes and 172 points.
w re s tlin g .
P r e lim in a r y p la n s c a ll f o r a c c o m m o d a tin g
13,000 to 15,000 p e o p le fo r gam es and events,
Oregon finished fifth w ith 139 points, fo llo w e d by
U C L A w ith 138, defending cham pion W ashington State
w ith ab o u t 1,000 c lu b seats, 2 ,5 0 0 d o n o r seats
and 20 suites. T h e $ 9 0 m illio n to $ 130 m illio n
w ith 107, C aliforn ia w ith 68, Stanford w ith 57 and Arizona
p r o je c t w i l l be fu n d e d fro m p r iv a te sou rces.
w ith 46.
The media p o ll has selected the conference cham pion­
“ Its goal is to tra n s fo rm the u n iv e rs ity ,”
F ro h n m a ye r says. “ T ra n s fo rm a tio n requires at­
ship 20 o f 42 tim es in clu d in g the last three years, when
W ashington, O regon and W ashington State were picked.
tra c tin g the best people and p ro v id in g fa c ilitie s
th a t fo s te r th e ir e ffo rts .”
Portland World
Cup Matches Set
_ =
P o rtla n d 's sche du le f o r the
2003 W o m e n 's W o rld C up was
re c e n tly announced b y F IF A , the
w o r ld ’ s g o v e rn in g b o d y fo r soc­
1730 NE 10th Ave.
Portland. OR 97212
Defensively, senior comerback
Portland State w ill be unranked
(A P )— Despite having lim ited experience at quarterback
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Join globe-trotting jazz
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featuring conversations with
musicians working in today's
jazz world. Each installment
brings you an interview with a
noted jazz musician as her
guest, taped on location
anywhere from Portland to
Switzerland, plus excerpts
from the guest's
representative recordings
quarterback Joe W iser a lo t w ith
Beavers Rated 4th,
Ducks 5th in PaclO
Tuesday - Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
w ide receiver corps w ill give new
back 34 letter-winners from h is2002
squad, w h ich was 6-5. W alsh is in
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operated member of The Prudential
Real Estate Affiliates. Inc.
C h in a , Russia, A u s tra lia and
G hana w ill p la y at PGE Park on
Sept. 28. G erm an y, Canada and
Ja p a n h i g h lig h t a p o t e n t ia l
q u a rte rfin a l m a tch -u p on O ct. 2.
D e fe n d in g C h a m p io n U S A w i ll
appear in an O ct. 5 s e m ifin a ls
sh o u ld the y advance that far.
S occer fans w i ll rem em ber the
I f You:
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Chinese team from th e ir epic battle
in the last W o m e n 's W o rld C u p
fin a l m atch against the A m e r i­
th ro n in g the h ig h -p o w e re d U.S.
Fish Sandwich — $8°° &
Fish Dinner — $10°° SATURDAY
p e a tin g th e ir ch a m p io n s h ip run.
A ll tic k e t packages are be in g
* * * N i w Loe \ i i o \ * * *
5 4 1 0 N.E. 3 3 rd
5 0 3 -2 8 8 -3 8 3 6
W o m e n ’ s N a tio n a l Team fro m re­
so ld as a series that co n sist o f a ll
six m atches scheduled at PGE
Park. Packages can be purchased
o n lin e throu gh fifa w o rld c u p .c o m
o r o v e r the phone b y c a llin g 1-