August 06. 2003 E mployment C lassifieds R eligion Trainperson UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Union Pacific nas openings for the position of Train Service Personnel near OR Page B7 ^Jortlanh (Observer I Openly Gay Bishop Elected A tram service employee is responsible for the safe movement of freight trains and switching of cars in the yards. This is not a typical 4 0 hour a w eek opportunity; the position consists of variable and irregular work hour*. Tram service employees work weekends and holidays on an 'on call' basis. 24 hours a day. seven days a week. Personnel must be available to (AP) — The Episcopal Church voted Tuesday to approve the election o f their first openly gay bishop, a decision that risks splitting their denomination and shat tering ties with their sister churches worldwide. After a delay caused by an allegation that he inappro priately touched another man and was affiliated with a Web site that had a link to pom, the Episcopal General Convention approved the Rev. V. Gene Robinson as bishop o f the Diocese o f New Hampshire. Robinson had been cleared o f the accusations a few hours before the vote was taken. Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold said the bishops voted 62-45 to confirm Robinson’s election. Two bish ops abstained from voting, but their ballots under church rules were counted as “no" votes. American conservatives and like-minded overseas bishops who represent mi I lions o f parishioners have said confirming Robinson would force them toconsider break ing away from the church. The Episcopal Church, with 2.3 million members, is the U.S. branch o f the 77 million-member global Anglican Communion, which has been debating the role o f gay s for decades. A win by Robinson was expected to build momentum for other policy changes that would be favor Rev. V. Gene Robinson listens Tuesday as the Episcopal Church House o f able to homosexuals. Bishops was taking up his confirmation as the first openly gay bishop. report to work 9 0 minutes after notification. Work is constantly performed out of doors, involving exposure to all weather conditions Travel is required and the employ ee may be away from the home terminal several days at a bme. Applicants must be a minimum of 18 years of age. have 2 years of full-time work experience after leaving high school, or have an associate's degree. Must be able to read and comprehend regulabons and instructions in English, as well as possess good oral communication skills. Candidates must be able to discriminate between colors, and must successfully pass a reading comprehension exam, a physical ability test, a physical examination (which includes drug testing) and a background investi gation. Please apply for the ONE Tram Service location in which you are most interested. Applicants may not attend more than one interview session for Tram Service Personnel. Apply by visiting our web site at no later than August 31. 2 0 0 3 . When applying, click on ’ Jobs at UP", then View Positions, and select the job for which you want to apply. For additional information call our Employment Line at 1 8 0 0 8 7 7 5634. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD "BUILDING AMERICA" EEO/AA Emptoyr C o m c a s t A d v e rtis in g S a le s h a s a n C o m c a s t A d v e rtis in g S a le s h a s a n opening for an A d ve rtisin g Account E xecutive. Join the A d ve rtisin g Sales team at Com cast in our M cM innville O ffice. This position w ill be responsible for sales in our M cM innville Market. We are seeking candidates with strong work ethic and experience in the areas of sales, prom otions, m arketing or new business development. Candidates will sell advertising on such popular cable networks as CNN, ESPN, TNT, USA and m any others. Interview required of final candidates. To apply vis it our w ebsite a Drug Screens and Background Check will be required of all final applicants. EOE. o pening for an Ad ve rtisin g Account Executive. Join the A d ve rtisin g sales team at Comcast in Coos Bay representing Charter Communications. This position will be responsible for sales in the Coos Bay Market. We are seeking candidates with a strong work ethic and experience in the areas of sales, promotions, m arketing or new Business development. Candidates will sell advertising on such popular cable networks as CNN, ESPN, TNT, USA and many others. Interview required of final candidates. To apply vis it our website w w w .cQ m casLcom Job# (A P ) — W eek afte r w eek. 1759BR. Drug Screen and Background Check w ill be Bishop Fred C aldw ell o f grew required of all final applicants. tired o f seeing so few w hite faces in h is p r e d o m in a n tly b la c k EOE Church Offers to Pay Whites to Attend Louisiana Bishop says God wants a rainbow church church. So now he is offering to pay w hites $5 an hour, out o f his own pocket, to attend Sunday services and $10 an hour for Thursday night services. The idea hit him during a re cent serm on, he said. “T his idea is born o f God. God w ants a rainbow in his ch u rch ,” said C aldw ell, bishop at G reen w ood A cres Full G ospel Baptist B lack history photo Exhibit “A photo history of the Original Black Panther Party” Photographs of Black Panther Movement and Programs a »pn r e~ Lecture: By Bill Jenning, editor of “It’s About Time" Black Panther Party Alumni Newspaper. When: Tuesday, August 12, & Wednesday, 13,2003 6:30 pm until 9:00pm Where: Interstate Fire House Cultural Center 5340 N Interstate Avenue Portland, OR 97217 For further information, please call (503) 287-0261 Senior Pastor: Dr. LeRoy Haynes, Jr. Church of the Living God — B is h o p Fred C a ld w e ll they will attend his services for in any way I can. free. Caldw ell said he believes the O ne w as Ron W ard, w ho said country is too segregated in all he and his w ife are the only white areas, but m ost o f all in its m em bers o f a church in a nearby churches. town. W ard said he becam e frus- “The m ost segregated hour in Alberta Park (on the corner of 22nd & Killingsworth) Saturday August 16,2003 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Christian workers fo r fellow ship 6401 N.E. 10th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 FREE Services Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Weds Bible Study 9:45A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. For transportation or additional information call (503) 287-9567 Email HighlandTL( W.G. Hardy, Jr., Sr. Pastor “Where there is no vision, The People perish. ” Food Haircuts Entertainment Activities This event is open to the public; with entertainment for the entire family. An opportunity to take on e’s mind off the seriousness facing today's society. A time o f healing for our community. For more information please call (503) 284-5171 (rated after failing to persuade his w hite friends to join. “ It’s tim e for people to stop being separated from each other,” W ard said. “ I w anted to come down here and help this m inister The most segregated hour in America is Sunday morning at l l o ’clock. The Lord is tired o f it, and I 'm certainly tired o f it. Highland U.C.C. presents Love In Action VI Sponsored by: Allen Temple Commission on Social Justice Pastor and First Ladv Roy G. Maxie C hurch in Shreveport, La., with a congregation o f about 5,000. C aldw ell said he has gotten mainly positive responses from his parishioners and from whites, a num ber ofw h o m have told him America is Sunday m orning at 11 o 'clock. The Lord is tired o f it, and I'm certainly tired o f it,” he said. “T his is not right.” The b ish o p ’s plan has becom e the talk o f Shreveport, a city o f about 200,000, almost equally di vided betw een black and w hite residents. In bars, restaurants and coffee shops, residents debated the idea o f paying people to at te n d c h u rc h . Som e w o n d ered w h eth er the b ish o p ’s reg u lar congregation w o u ld fe e l n e g le c te d . But many black congregants said they approved o f the project and e v e n d o n a te d to th e ca u se . "T his is not ju st som ebody pay ing w hite folks,” said Loretha B radley, a b lack m em b er o f C ald w ell's church. “It’s the idea behind it th a t’s im portant.” O b itu a r ie s Longtime Resident Rem em bered Sam Sloan Sr. Funeral services were held Monday. Aug. 5,2003 at St. Paul’s Church ofGod in Christ for Sam Sloan Jr. who died July 29. Arrange ments were under the direc tion ofCox Funeral Home. He was bom Nov. 26, 1939 in Birmingham, Ala., the son of Rev. Mary and Rev. Sam Sloan Sr. All was good for Sam in his younger years; he was a happy boy who lived life with a smile. His par ents and sister, Gloria relocated to Portland and the Vanport commu nity in 1944. You see Oregon had plenty o f jobs in the shipyard in dustry and mom and dad wanted the best for their family. By 1947, mom had a vision from God to move from Vanport. A week later the tragic Vanport flood occurred wiping out the entire com munity. Rev. Mary put things in G od’s hands and the family relocated in the nearby community o f St. Johns. Sam attended Sitton Elementary and Roosevelt High School. He served in the Army from 1955-1957 where he fought in the Korean War. He is survived by three sons, Damon, Gayland and Vernon; a daughter, Jam ie; special friend Caroline Mohan; two brothers. Tommy and Larry; tour sisters, Linda, Mary. Patricia and Helen; several nieces and nephews, a host o f ex tended family and many friends. His parents, a brother Ronald, and sister, Gloria, preceded him in death. Everyone s Welcome.... Ä / totuh... "tteaiitifNi ln ß a o iw s q ^ qui tu at qua 1d Annual ^onfnuna. Contact: Patricia Peek (503) 287-7774 Saturday August 16, 2003 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at Bethesda Christian Church 109 N Emerson Ave.., Portland, Oregon Zÿnthia Moore Patricia Peek >yce 4 Barbara Bailey » I Suggested donation $3 per visitor No pets please For program information and directions, please call the Oregon Historical Society at 503-306-5198 or click on "Bybee House at www ohs org/education/ 1