Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 06, 2003, Page 12, Image 12

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(The ■jLìnrtlanh (Dbacrucr
August 06. 2003
P A R K IN G F A C IL IT Y O p e ra to r
Immediate full and part-time open­
ings. Seeking dependable, well-
groomed. positive individuals.
$ 8 .0 0 + S ta rtin g wage
O vertim e/advancem ent
M edical & Dental,
4 0 1 K avail.
Drug te st/B a ck g ro u n d Check
New hires m ust have acceptable
d o cu m e n ta tio n to confirm both
id e n tity and e lig ib ility to work.
Apply 1 2 :0 0 -1 2 :3 0 PM, Tues
& Thurs at
City Center Parking
1 3 0 SW S tark, P ortland
Distributed Learning
Instructional Designer
S a la ry is c o m p e titiv e a n d
depen d e n t upon q u a lifica tio n s
and experience
P le a se se n d r e s u m e /v ita to
Ja ckie M organ, In s tru c tio n &
Research Services, Portland State
University, P.0. Box 751, Portland
OR 97207. PSU is an affirm ative
a c tio n , e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity
institution and in keeping with the
P resident’s D iversity Initiative,
w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m
d iv e rs e c a n d id a te s and w ho
support diversity.
$ 2 5 0 to $ 5 0 0 a week
Will train to work at home
Helping the US Government
File HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
No experience necessary
Call 1 8 0 0 -7 7 8 -0 3 5 3
Slim Down
Oregon Department of
M aintenance
Management, Coordinator, and
Specialist Positions Available
Don’t Miss Out! Got On O D O r *
H irin g L is t.... Individuals with
roadway/highway maintenance,
leadership, teamwork a n d /o r
co nstruction s k ills sought for
upcoming openings In various
locations statewide. Our highway
m aintenance crews operate light
and heavy equipm ent, perform
manual labor and help m aintain,
repair and reconstruct roadways,
hig h w a ys, fre e w a y s , b rid g e s ,
signs, and landscape. Managers
and coordinators lead and direct
h ighw ay m a in te n a n c e cre w s,
a p p ly in g c ritic a l th in k in g and
excellent com m unications skills
daily. ODOT o ffe rs co m p e titive
s a la rie s , a s w e ll as h e a lth
in s u ra n c e , p a id le a v e s , and
re tire m e n t c o n trib u tio n s . V isit
h tt p y /www.odot.state.or.us/jobs
or call (503) 98 6 -4 0 3 0 (TTY 986-
385 4 for the hearing impaired) for
Announcement #0CDT35500 -
Management or Announcement
S p e c ia lis t /
C oordinators and PD 100 TM
A pplication
T h e se
announcem ents are open until
fu rth e r notice and will be used to
e s ta b lis h q u a lifie d c a n d id a te
pools to fill fu tu re va ca n cies.
ODOT is an AA/EEO Employer,
com m itted to building workforce
with new Herbal Diet Patch.
It'safe/easy. FREE SAMPLE
Reps wanted. 1 8 0 0 3 5 8 8524
Court No. 333910 Superior
Court of California
County of Stanislaus
In The M a tte r Of
N olan G. Anderson,
A Minor Person
You Are Hereby Cited to be and
appear in the Superior Court of
the State of California, in and for
th e County o f Stanislaus, in the
Courtroom to be announced, at
the Courthouse located at 8 0 0
Eleventh Street, Modesto, County
of Stanislaus, California, on 9 10-
2 0 0 3 at 8:30 a.m., then and there
show cause, if any you have, why
Nolan G. Anderson, should not be
declared free o f the custody and
control o f Theodore Brenton JR.,
his natural father. You Are Further
Advised th a t if you appear at the
above hearing and wish to have
legal counsel but are unable to
a ffo rd co u n se l, th e C ourt w ill
appoint counsel on your behalf.
Comcast Advertising Sales has an
Comcast Advertising Sales h as an
im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r a
Producer. Join th e P roduction
Team at Comcast in our Salem
office. We are seeking candidates
who w ill p e rfo rm a v a rie ty o f
d u tie s on pro d u ctio n projects.
Responsible fo r coordination &
production o f Video Advertising.
Includes the direction o f all talent
d u rin g th e p ro d u c tio n , fo r
s e le c tin g m u sic, and s p e cia l
e ffe cts fo r th e Video projects,
Operates all linear and nonlinear
editing equipm ent necessary to
com plete a ssignm ents.3 years
previous production experience
necessary. Interview required of
final candidates. To apply visit our
w e b site a t www.cQmcast.com
Job# 1576BR EOE. A Drug Screen
and Background Check w ill be
required of all final applicants.
o p e n in g fo r an A d v e rtis in g
A c c o u n t E x e c u tiv e . Jo in th e
A d v e rtis in g s a le s te a m a t
C om cast
R o se b u rg
re p re s e n tin g
C h a rte r
C om m unications. This position
will be responsible for sales in the
Roseburg Market. We are seeking
candidates with a strong work
ethic and experience in the areas
of sales, promotion, m arketing or
new b u s in e s s d e v e lo p m e n t.
Candidates will sell advertising on
such popular cable networks as
CNN. ESPN, TNT, USA and many
others. Interview required of final
ca n d ida te s. To a p p ly v is it our
website www.comcasLcom Job#
1 7 5 8 B R . A D rug S creen and
B a c k g ro u n d C heck w ill be
required o f all fin a l applicants.
Sub Bids/Supplier
Quotes Requested
Portland Community College
Cascade Campus
Northwest Parking Lot
D lvislons2&16
Voluntary Prebid at WWC Conference Rm.
10 AM August 1
Bids due 3 PM Wednesday, Aug. 1 3 ,2 0 0 3
Walsh Construction C0.-/OR
2 9 0 5 SW First Ave Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1
(5 0 3 ) 2 2 2 -4 3 7 5 FAX (5 0 3 ) 2 7 4 -7 6 7 6
Contact: Bob Forster or Don Geddes
A dministrative
ORCCB # 147267
Oregon Public Employees
Retirement System
Walsh Construction Co. is an equal opportunity employer and
requests sub-bids from Minority, women, disadvantaged and
emerging small business enterprises.
Administrative Specialist 1
PERS covers n e a rly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0
m e m b e rs a n d a d m in is te rs
re tire m e n t, d is a b ility b enefits,
health insurance and deferred
com pensation plans statewide.
Provide adm inistrative technical
s u p p o rt in th e d e v e lo p m e n t,
m aintenance, and archiving of
docum ents, both hardcopy and
e le c tro n ic , p e rta in in g to th e
Planning Policy and Legislative
Analysis Group. Salary range is
$ 2 ,0 1 9 - $2, 7 9 0 / month DOE.
#LE300568. To review the job
d escription, Including minimum
qualifications, obtain the appropriate
job announcement from your local
Employment Department field office,
state job website
www.oregonjobs.org, or by calling
PERS Human Resources at (503)
603-7552. Closing date is 5 :0 0
pm on August 15, 2 0 0 3 .
could be vours!
Portland Community College
Learn about job openings
available now.
Mandatory Prebid at PCC Peninsula Hall ( N. Kllllngsworth and Kerby Ave.)
a t 2 PM August 5,
Bids due 3 PM Tuesday, Aug. 1 2 ,2 0 0 3
2 9 0 5 SW First Ave Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1
(5 0 3 ) 2 2 2 -4 3 7 5 FAX (5 0 3 ) 2 7 4 -7 6 7 6
View current job openings and apply online: www.providence.org
Contact: Bob Forster or Scott Holstrom
Or visit the Providence Employment Center at 1235 NE 47th Avenue,
Suite 200 (Just off Halsey)
Providence Health System is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer. Pre employment drug and health screens are required
ORCCB # 147267
Walsh Construction Co. Is an equal opportunity employer and
requests sub-bids from Minority, women, disadvantaged and
emerging small business enterprises.
Providence Health System
A c a r in g d i f f e r e n c e y o u c a n f e e l
If It’s New or Informative,
You Probably Saw It In Cl|c J^ortlaith (Obscrncr
You are being sued.
The Portland Observer is Oregon s
Oldest and Largest Multi-Cultural Newspaper.
Demolition of Old Gym and Peninsula
Walsh Construction Co.-/OR
Summons -Family Law
You have 3 0 Calendar Days after
th is su m m o n s and P e titio n is
served on you to file a Response
(fo rm 1 2 8 2 ) a t th e c o u rt and
serve a copy on the petitioner. A
letter or phone call will not protect
you. If you do not file your response
on tim e , th e c o u rt m ay m ake
orders a ffe ctin g your marriage,
your property, and custody of your
children. You may be ordered to
pay support and attorney fees and
costs. If you cannot pay the filing
fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver
form . If you w ant legal advice,
contact a lawyer immediately.
NOTICE: The restraining orders on
th e back are e ffe c tiv e a gainst
both husband and wife until the
petition is dismissed, a judgm ent
is entered, or the co u rt makes
fu rth e r orders. These orders are
e n fo rc e a b le
a n y w h e re
California by any law enforcement
officer who has received or seen
a copy o f them . The nam e and
address o f the court is:
Kern County M unicipal Court
1415 Truxtun Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 9 3 3 0 1
The n a m e , a d d re s s , a n d
te le p h o n e num ber p e titio n e r’s
attorney, or petitioner w ithout an
attorney, is:
Darlene Haskins
2 1 2 2 Foxglove CT.
Bakersfield, CA 9 3 3 0 4
(661) 397 8 9 1 0
Date June 25, 2 0 0 3
Sub Bids/Supplier
Quotes Requested
A Better Career
Z ë & v 1 «<
The Portland ( Ibserver’s distribution o f nearly 40,000
papers encom passes a wide cross-section o f
residential and state readership, as well as a large
’ percentage o f the local business community.
Become a part of our community.
Read the Portland Observer News.
The City o f Portland proposes to amend its Consolidated Plan
Action Plan for FY 2 0 0 3 -2 0 0 4 as follows:
In the Action Plan FY 2 0 0 3 -2 0 0 4 , $1 .9 1 m illion in CDBG funds
are allocated to street improvements. The Action Plan narrative
specifies th a t som e portion o f these funds w ill be used fo r
infrastructure redevelopm ent in connection with the HOPE VI
project, New Columbia, a t Columbia Villa In North Portland. This
am endm ent would allow $ 1 .2 9 m illion o f those CDBG funds to
be used for site dem olition a n d /o r infrastructure developm ent in
connection with the HOPE VI project, New Columbia, at Columbia
Villa in North Portland.
For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n or to c o m m e n t on th is p roposed
am endm ent, contact Trell Anderson by mail, phone or email at
Bureau of Housing and Community Development, 4 2 1 SW 6th,
S u ite 1 1 0 0 , P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 4 , 5 0 3 - 8 2 3 - 2 3 8 8 ,
trellanderson@cl.portland.or.us by September 1 ,2 0 0 3 .
E mployment
1 Year $60.00
Make cheek payable to tlx: Portkuxl ( lbscn er News orpay by Visa or Master (. aid
2 Years $ 100.00
Renew al $60.00
Address _
S ta te
Z ip C o d e
These are just a few of the current job openings available with
the State of Oregon A more complete announcement listing,
application forms, and additional job information are available at:
a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon
jobs page at: www.oregonjobs org The State of Oregon and all its
divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers
Company Name
G ift su b s c rip tio n s a re a lso a v a ila b le fo r h a lf p ric e w ith y o u r renew al.
• Cultural Resource Specialist
Salary $ 3 ,1 6 0 S 4,5 25 /m o n th
Announcement »OCDT3197 Salem. Bend.
Roseburg or La Grande
ODOT supports a vast range of innovative
Z ip C o d e
transportation products and services, touching
the life of every Oregonian every day.
To apply, you m ust obtain a copy of the
frp fd re our variety o t rewarding occupations
^ o rtla n h ODbserucr
P.O. Box 3137 Portland, OR 97208
503.288.0033 or Fax 503.288.0015
• Biologist
Salary $ 3 .1 6 0
$ 4 ,5 2 5 /m o n th
Announcement # 0C D T3198
Salem of Bend
• W etland Specialist
Salary $ 3 .1 6 0 $ 4 .5 2 5 /m o n th
Announcement »OCDT3199
aporoonate announcem ent number, which
provides full details. Qualifications requirements
and now to apply instructions. Call (5 0 3 )
9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 0 3) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the heanng
impaired), or visit www odot.state or us/jobs As
an AA/EEO employer ODOT is committed to
integrating the promotion and management of
workforce diversity and affirmative action into
every facet of our business
r p
• Technical Support M anager
Salary $ 4 4 ,6 4 0 $ 7 2 ,4 1 5 /y e a r
Announcement HOCDT3612 Portland
l o